Socialism ready to save red state rubes from hurricane Dorian.

There was no plan. The vote was to overturn Obamacare. That was the excuse McCain used. He wasn't going to vote against something without something to replace it.
An excuse indeed. There are six significant ways in which Trump would have changed Obama Care. You claim that's not a plan. That's bullshit.

Why didn’t he?
Nobody has gained access under Trump. No one loves his "plan". Not even the GOP
My understanding is that the House passed Trump health care reforms but the Senate along strict partisan lines did not. So how does that negate the reform plans put forward?

It doesn't. It means the Senate would rather block reform and keep Americans locked in the Obama Care box than let citizens chose their own path.
If not for vindictive prick John McCain giving a big FU to his own constituents our health care landscape would be utterly different.
They didn’t have the Republican vote
It failed
Republicans threw together “Trumps Healthcare Plan” in three weeks with no input and demanded an immediate vote

Even Republicans didn’t vote for it
Republicans like McCain or Dukakis or Snowe you mean? Aside from hundreds of millions of dollars spent to promote Obama Care and the months of secret preparation by ideological minions like Jonathan Gruber how is Trump's health care plans different from Obama's (in terms of what you have mentioned)?
It is different in six principle ways. I have linked to it.

I regret there were some gutless republicans who were afraid to take "free" stuff away from their constituents just like I regret a Supreme Court justice who politicized his position in order to interpret the law in such a way that made it, Obama Care, legal when, on it's face, it was not.
Nope.....that's just Trump winging it. Still waiting on that great plan he had ready to go that everyone was going to love.
You can call it what you want in order to diminish what Trump has done. Unless you have visited and analyzed the Trump Care site and plan then you are really just spouting anti Trump nonsense without anything to support your biases.
You fail to take even the most minimal steps. Six Ways Trumpcare Will Differ from Obamacare | CareCentrix
So why should anyone pay attention to you?
Hope you realize that was the plan that crashed and burned in 2017?

It wasn't even a plan.
Republicans threw together “Trumps Healthcare Plan” in three weeks with no input and demanded an immediate vote

Even Republicans didn’t vote for it
Its more simple than that.
I have to say, I'm a Regan conservative, however, I recognize that today's insurance industry is a mess. And that both sides politicians pander in some sort of 'free pizza Thursdays ' platform that is just childish for votes. We have two trains on the same path, just one is going slower. So, with that in mind, Republicans should beat Democrats to the punch, drop the pretense and put forth a real plan for universal health insurance and be done with it.

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