Socialism Rising: Dems take House pushing massive government expansion, as party lurches left

The growing socialist wing of the Democratic Party will flex its muscle Thursday with the seating of the new Congress, as more self-described Democratic Socialists join the ranks and dozens of sitting and incoming members – including likely 2020 hopefuls – embrace a massive government expansion that would make FDR look like a penny pincher.
There's no "socialist wing" of the Democratic Party. It's ALL socialist. Has been since the turn of the century.

Oh stop, everyone knows that in america socialism is only for the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class.
The DemonRAT donor class, that is!
Who do you consider to be "the bad guys"?
Anyone who is for bigger government.

Like Trump and his fellow Democrats.

And the Republican Congress.
Is that why you always side with the left, because you want smaller government?
I do not side with the left. I side with facts and the truth. I can't help it if you tards think honesty and integrity are leftist. That's on you, and reveals much about you.
Thanks for confirming. You side with the left because you think they represent honesty and integrity. You still side with the party that represents big government, TARD.

Trump wants 5 trillion $$ from taxpayers

the Dems say no

now, remind the class who the hell represents BIG GOVERNMENT
What an asshole....

This is the point where all the willfully blind pseudocons who have been ignoring Trump's record high spending will suddenly begin noticing there is a lot of spending going on.

"Those darned Dems!"
Damn that Pelosi for saying the House will enforce Paygo.
This is the point where all the willfully blind pseudocons who have been ignoring Trump's record high spending will suddenly begin noticing there is a lot of spending going on.

"Those darned Dems!"
Damn that Pelosi for saying the House will enforce Paygo.
‘Economics major’ Ocasio-Cortez will vote NO on House rules requiring ‘pay as you go’....along with a dozen othets!.....ROTFLMFAO!!!

Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Wednesday via Twitter she will vote no on House rules that contain a provision requiring all spending programs to be offset with revenue earnings.

“The ‘pay as you go’ rule, commonly known as PAYGO, requires that any increase in entitlement spending be offset by cuts in other entitlement programs, or by new revenue raisers, in order to prevent the deficit from increasing,” CBS News reported.

The package of rules containing PAYGO are supported by likely incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., pitting the young Democratic Socialist from New York against her very early in the new Congress.


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