Socialism, starts out stealing other people's money, ends with people dying on the street.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service
The protests in Venezuela demanding an end to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro in the last 10 days of January, whose soundtrack was the sound of banging on pots and pans in working-class neighbourhoods, had a high human cost: more than 40 deaths, dozens wounded and about a thousand detainees, including 100 women and 90 children under 18.
In Catia, a working-class neighbourhood west of Caracas, a number of young people were shot dead between Jan. 21-25, while National Police and military National Guard commandos demolished improvised roadblocks and barricades made with trash, managing to quash the protests.
You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
Socialism is a cancer. It starts off small and seemingly benign but left untreated, it eventually destroys the host it feeds on.

We will never be a socialist country. No matter what some crusty old curmudgeon from Vermont or some foul loud-mouthed slut from New York believes.
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Gladly we don't have an ounce of it here
We are at 49% of the people who have to have government welfare to keep them alive, or they will be stealing it from the rest of US. At the 50% mark, when more people arent working to support the others, the others will stop working, and in despair also go onto the government welfare, because they will feel like "why the fuck should I work when others dont", and at that point, the country will turn into the 3rd world shithole that Obama so much wanted to Fundamentally Transform....
Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service
The protests in Venezuela demanding an end to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro in the last 10 days of January, whose soundtrack was the sound of banging on pots and pans in working-class neighbourhoods, had a high human cost: more than 40 deaths, dozens wounded and about a thousand detainees, including 100 women and 90 children under 18.
In Catia, a working-class neighbourhood west of Caracas, a number of young people were shot dead between Jan. 21-25, while National Police and military National Guard commandos demolished improvised roadblocks and barricades made with trash, managing to quash the protests.
You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
Are you gullible enough to believe the corporate propaganda about Venezuela?

Do you know what percentage of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands?

Does the state or private, for-profit corporations control the supply of toilet paper?

Venezuela – Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

"Though the current coup in Venezuela has roots going back to 2002 (when President Chavez was kidnapped and nearly killed by the U.S. backed 'opposition'), long before any economic crisis was even on the horizon, giddy triumphalists of American Empire stridently declare that the Venezuelan crisis proves nothing more than the 'failure of socialism.'

"Ignoring the deliberate U.S. policy of sowing economic chaos, they denounce the Bolivarian Revolution as a sham on the grounds that its supposed beneficiaries are now allegedly suffering mass starvation due to lunatic Marxist policies run amok.

"Except that there is no mass starvation, the mass Chavista base remains intact, and the Venezuelan economy is overwhelmingly in private hands."
Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service
The protests in Venezuela demanding an end to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro in the last 10 days of January, whose soundtrack was the sound of banging on pots and pans in working-class neighbourhoods, had a high human cost: more than 40 deaths, dozens wounded and about a thousand detainees, including 100 women and 90 children under 18.
In Catia, a working-class neighbourhood west of Caracas, a number of young people were shot dead between Jan. 21-25, while National Police and military National Guard commandos demolished improvised roadblocks and barricades made with trash, managing to quash the protests.
You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
Are you gullible enough to believe the corporate propaganda about Venezuela?

Do you know what percentage of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands?

Does the state or private, for-profit corporations control the supply of toilet paper?

Venezuela – Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

"Though the current coup in Venezuela has roots going back to 2002 (when President Chavez was kidnapped and nearly killed by the U.S. backed 'opposition'), long before any economic crisis was even on the horizon, giddy triumphalists of American Empire stridently declare that the Venezuelan crisis proves nothing more than the 'failure of socialism.'

"Ignoring the deliberate U.S. policy of sowing economic chaos, they denounce the Bolivarian Revolution as a sham on the grounds that its supposed beneficiaries are now allegedly suffering mass starvation due to lunatic Marxist policies run amok.

"Except that there is no mass starvation, the mass Chavista base remains intact, and the Venezuelan economy is overwhelmingly in private hands."
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Unemployment is the 49 percent not working?
49%, was it meant to suggest all those who are receiving some type of benefits from government in which is paid to them by the working class taxpayers ??

The number seems high, but not sure what all or who all the number is actually representing.

The idea behind it makes sense by what we are or have been seeing, even if the numbers are off maybe.
Gladly we don't have an ounce of it here
We are at 49% of the people who have to have government welfare to keep them alive, or they will be stealing it from the rest of US. At the 50% mark, when more people arent working to support the others, the others will stop working, and in despair also go onto the government welfare, because they will feel like "why the fuck should I work when others dont", and at that point, the country will turn into the 3rd world shithole that Obama so much wanted to Fundamentally Transform....
Part of that 49% are retired dipshit..Housewives, supposedly rich bitches like you-Ha!
Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service
The protests in Venezuela demanding an end to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro in the last 10 days of January, whose soundtrack was the sound of banging on pots and pans in working-class neighbourhoods, had a high human cost: more than 40 deaths, dozens wounded and about a thousand detainees, including 100 women and 90 children under 18.
In Catia, a working-class neighbourhood west of Caracas, a number of young people were shot dead between Jan. 21-25, while National Police and military National Guard commandos demolished improvised roadblocks and barricades made with trash, managing to quash the protests.
You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
The inevitable lefty loons response "That's not true Socialism".
Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service
The protests in Venezuela demanding an end to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro in the last 10 days of January, whose soundtrack was the sound of banging on pots and pans in working-class neighbourhoods, had a high human cost: more than 40 deaths, dozens wounded and about a thousand detainees, including 100 women and 90 children under 18.
In Catia, a working-class neighbourhood west of Caracas, a number of young people were shot dead between Jan. 21-25, while National Police and military National Guard commandos demolished improvised roadblocks and barricades made with trash, managing to quash the protests.
You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
Are you gullible enough to believe the corporate propaganda about Venezuela?

Do you know what percentage of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands?

Does the state or private, for-profit corporations control the supply of toilet paper?

Venezuela – Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

"Though the current coup in Venezuela has roots going back to 2002 (when President Chavez was kidnapped and nearly killed by the U.S. backed 'opposition'), long before any economic crisis was even on the horizon, giddy triumphalists of American Empire stridently declare that the Venezuelan crisis proves nothing more than the 'failure of socialism.'

"Ignoring the deliberate U.S. policy of sowing economic chaos, they denounce the Bolivarian Revolution as a sham on the grounds that its supposed beneficiaries are now allegedly suffering mass starvation due to lunatic Marxist policies run amok.

"Except that there is no mass starvation, the mass Chavista base remains intact, and the Venezuelan economy is overwhelmingly in private hands."
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism advocates for the social, as opposed to private, ownership of the means of production, starting from the workplace. That game has yet to get started because capitalists fear authentic competition more than almost anything else except anti-corruption laws.

Trump’s transition looks an awful lot like crony capitalism

Democratic socialism - Wikipedia

"Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[1]with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of decentralized planned socialist economy.[2]"
Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service
The protests in Venezuela demanding an end to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro in the last 10 days of January, whose soundtrack was the sound of banging on pots and pans in working-class neighbourhoods, had a high human cost: more than 40 deaths, dozens wounded and about a thousand detainees, including 100 women and 90 children under 18.
In Catia, a working-class neighbourhood west of Caracas, a number of young people were shot dead between Jan. 21-25, while National Police and military National Guard commandos demolished improvised roadblocks and barricades made with trash, managing to quash the protests.
You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
You are the freakin idiot here. No one is wanting to be like Venezuela. The democratic socialists are looking at specific policy similar to what very successful western countries have used. It's in no way shape or form a Venezuela vs. Reaganist utopia extreme dichotomy.

Many things are straight up broken in America and the progressives and democratic socialists are looking at successful policy as possible solutions to those broken constructs. They di this because capitalism and fake free markets cant or wont address the problems.

Get a grip, loser.
Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service
The protests in Venezuela demanding an end to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro in the last 10 days of January, whose soundtrack was the sound of banging on pots and pans in working-class neighbourhoods, had a high human cost: more than 40 deaths, dozens wounded and about a thousand detainees, including 100 women and 90 children under 18.
In Catia, a working-class neighbourhood west of Caracas, a number of young people were shot dead between Jan. 21-25, while National Police and military National Guard commandos demolished improvised roadblocks and barricades made with trash, managing to quash the protests.
You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
Venezuela is a federal republic. Lousy right wing management does that. Thank Goodness, FDR was a left winger.
Socialism is a cancer. It starts off small and seemingly benign but left untreated, it eventually destroys the host it feeds on.

We will never be a socialist country. No matter what some crusty old curmudgeon from Vermont or some foul loud-mouthed slut from New York believes.

Now if you can just get Trump to quit redistributing our wealth to the farmers. They got 32 billion dollars redistributed to them last year...we need to end this socialism!
Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service
The protests in Venezuela demanding an end to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro in the last 10 days of January, whose soundtrack was the sound of banging on pots and pans in working-class neighbourhoods, had a high human cost: more than 40 deaths, dozens wounded and about a thousand detainees, including 100 women and 90 children under 18.
In Catia, a working-class neighbourhood west of Caracas, a number of young people were shot dead between Jan. 21-25, while National Police and military National Guard commandos demolished improvised roadblocks and barricades made with trash, managing to quash the protests.
You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
You are the freakin idiot here. No one is wanting to be like Venezuela. The democratic socialists are looking at specific policy similar to what very successful western countries have used. It's in no way shape or form a Venezuela vs. Reaganist utopia extreme dichotomy.

Many things are straight up broken in America and the progressives and democratic socialists are looking at successful policy as possible solutions to those broken constructs. They di this because capitalism and fake free markets cant or wont address the problems.

Get a grip, loser.

No one WANTS to end up like Venezuela, but it seems to be the end result when trying to implement socialistic policies.

And the Nordic model is the welfare state model, not a socialist model.
Socialism is a cancer. It starts off small and seemingly benign but left untreated, it eventually destroys the host it feeds on.

We will never be a socialist country. No matter what some crusty old curmudgeon from Vermont or some foul loud-mouthed slut from New York believes.

Now if you can just get Trump to quit redistributing our wealth to the farmers. They got 32 billion dollars redistributed to them last year...we need to end this socialism!
Do you know as the Federal Income tax was written, we are supposed to pay our federal taxes every quarter. The government conveniently takes out their cut from our checks as a "favor". This was supposedly brought to court a few times at least. But the judges like your extremist ones kept the way they are doing it now. Do you want to know why? Because if people really knew how much they were paying they would not mail their taxes every quarter.
Socialism is a cancer. It starts off small and seemingly benign but left untreated, it eventually destroys the host it feeds on.

We will never be a socialist country. No matter what some crusty old curmudgeon from Vermont or some foul loud-mouthed slut from New York believes.

Now if you can just get Trump to quit redistributing our wealth to the farmers. They got 32 billion dollars redistributed to them last year...we need to end this socialism!
Do you know as the Federal Income tax was written, we are supposed to pay our federal taxes every quarter. The government conveniently takes out their cut from our checks as a "favor". This was supposedly brought to court a few times at least. But the judges like your extremist ones kept the way they are doing it now. Do you want to know why? Because if people really knew how much they were paying they would not mail their taxes every quarter.

You mean the extremist judges like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh that I fully supported and praised Trump for choosing...are those my extremist judges that you are talking about?

As for the taxes, I think you vastly overrate your fellow American. More than 80% of the country gets a refund at the end of the year, they are stupid enough to pay too much and think they are getting money from the government when they are just getting their own money they loaned to the government. Hell, most people brag about how much they get back.

So, what does taxes being paid have to do with 32 billion dollars worth of wealth distribution to the farmers of this country?
Socialism is a cancer. It starts off small and seemingly benign but left untreated, it eventually destroys the host it feeds on.

We will never be a socialist country. No matter what some crusty old curmudgeon from Vermont or some foul loud-mouthed slut from New York believes.

Now if you can just get Trump to quit redistributing our wealth to the farmers. They got 32 billion dollars redistributed to them last year...we need to end this socialism!
Do you know as the Federal Income tax was written, we are supposed to pay our federal taxes every quarter. The government conveniently takes out their cut from our checks as a "favor". This was supposedly brought to court a few times at least. But the judges like your extremist ones kept the way they are doing it now. Do you want to know why? Because if people really knew how much they were paying they would not mail their taxes every quarter.
yet, Spending means nothing to right wing.

Why are they not the Party of cutting Spending on non-enumerated and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror? They should be the Party of capitalism not socialism on a national basis.

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