Socialism, starts out stealing other people's money, ends with people dying on the street.

Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
Are you gullible enough to believe the corporate propaganda about Venezuela?

Do you know what percentage of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands?

Does the state or private, for-profit corporations control the supply of toilet paper?

Venezuela – Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

"Though the current coup in Venezuela has roots going back to 2002 (when President Chavez was kidnapped and nearly killed by the U.S. backed 'opposition'), long before any economic crisis was even on the horizon, giddy triumphalists of American Empire stridently declare that the Venezuelan crisis proves nothing more than the 'failure of socialism.'

"Ignoring the deliberate U.S. policy of sowing economic chaos, they denounce the Bolivarian Revolution as a sham on the grounds that its supposed beneficiaries are now allegedly suffering mass starvation due to lunatic Marxist policies run amok.

"Except that there is no mass starvation, the mass Chavista base remains intact, and the Venezuelan economy is overwhelmingly in private hands."
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism advocates for the social, as opposed to private, ownership of the means of production, starting from the workplace. That game has yet to get started because capitalists fear authentic competition more than almost anything else except anti-corruption laws.

Trump’s transition looks an awful lot like crony capitalism

Democratic socialism - Wikipedia

"Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[1]with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of decentralized planned socialist economy.[2]"
Capitalists only fear the end results of Socialism and that is Communism, for that always ends up in the end. Then the killings start and usually it is lazy dumbasses that go, because Socialist Elites dont want people around that do nothing, but bitch and moan...I know you cant help being stupid, that was your public education(indoctrination) at work...
Capitalists only fear the end results of Socialism and that is Communism, for that always ends up in the end. Then the killings start and usually it is lazy dumbasses that go, because Socialist Elites dont want people around that do nothing, but bitch and moan...I know you cant help being stupid, that was your public education(indoctrination) at work...
Were you home-schooled? I only ask because you seem unable to grasp the simple concept we are still living in the age of terminal stage capitalism.

When socialists take control of governments and international agents like the IMF and World Bank, that is when we will find out if public ownership of the means of production works or not.

Historical materialism - Wikipedia

"According to historical materialism, nations arose at the time of the appearance of capitalism on the basis of community of economic life, territory, language, certain features of psychology, traditions of everyday life and culture.

"In the Manifesto of the Communist Party Marx and Engels explained that the coming into existence of nations was the result of class struggle, specifically of the capitalist class's attempts to overthrow the institutions of the former ruling class. Prior to capitalism, nations did not exist.[37]

"The Marxist theory of the national question was developed further and concretized by Lenin.[38]

"According to him, there are two opposite tendencies in the development of nations under capitalism.

"One of them is expressed in the activization of national life and national movements against the oppressors.

"The other is expressed in the expansion of links among nations, the breaking down of barriers between them, the establishment of a unified economy and of a world market.[3"
Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
Are you gullible enough to believe the corporate propaganda about Venezuela?

Do you know what percentage of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands?

Does the state or private, for-profit corporations control the supply of toilet paper?

Venezuela – Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

"Though the current coup in Venezuela has roots going back to 2002 (when President Chavez was kidnapped and nearly killed by the U.S. backed 'opposition'), long before any economic crisis was even on the horizon, giddy triumphalists of American Empire stridently declare that the Venezuelan crisis proves nothing more than the 'failure of socialism.'

"Ignoring the deliberate U.S. policy of sowing economic chaos, they denounce the Bolivarian Revolution as a sham on the grounds that its supposed beneficiaries are now allegedly suffering mass starvation due to lunatic Marxist policies run amok.

"Except that there is no mass starvation, the mass Chavista base remains intact, and the Venezuelan economy is overwhelmingly in private hands."
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism advocates for the social, as opposed to private, ownership of the means of production, starting from the workplace. That game has yet to get started because capitalists fear authentic competition more than almost anything else except anti-corruption laws.

Trump’s transition looks an awful lot like crony capitalism

Democratic socialism - Wikipedia

"Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[1]with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of decentralized planned socialist economy.[2]"
Capitalists only fear the end results of Socialism and that is Communism, for that always ends up in the end. Then the killings start and usually it is lazy dumbasses that go, because Socialist Elites dont want people around that do nothing, but bitch and moan...I know you cant help being stupid, that was your public education(indoctrination) at work...
Capitalists only fear the end results of Socialism and that is Communism, for that always ends up in the end. Then the killings start and usually it is lazy dumbasses that go, because Socialist Elites dont want people around that do nothing, but bitch and moan...I know you cant help being stupid, that was your public education(indoctrination) at work...
Were you home-schooled? I only ask because you seem unable to grasp the simple concept we are still living in the age of terminal stage capitalism.

When socialists take control of governments and international agents like the IMF and World Bank, that is when we will find out if public ownership of the means of production works or not.

Historical materialism - Wikipedia

"According to historical materialism, nations arose at the time of the appearance of capitalism on the basis of community of economic life, territory, language, certain features of psychology, traditions of everyday life and culture.

"In the Manifesto of the Communist Party Marx and Engels explained that the coming into existence of nations was the result of class struggle, specifically of the capitalist class's attempts to overthrow the institutions of the former ruling class. Prior to capitalism, nations did not exist.[37]

"The Marxist theory of the national question was developed further and concretized by Lenin.[38]

"According to him, there are two opposite tendencies in the development of nations under capitalism.

"One of them is expressed in the activization of national life and national movements against the oppressors.

"The other is expressed in the expansion of links among nations, the breaking down of barriers between them, the establishment of a unified economy and of a world market.[3"

Nice looking Meme. Too bad it's full of shit. When Marx and Lenin came up with their theories of Communism, there was no such things as "capitalism" or "socialism"., so they could not possibly have come up with that line of progression.

Europe was ruled by class-conscious monarchies and other royal lines. France was the only Republic. So it would have been impossible for Marx and Lenin to formulate a governmental progress chart based on forms of government that did not exist at the time.

But nice try at total fakery.
Are you gullible enough to believe the corporate propaganda about Venezuela?

Do you know what percentage of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands?

Does the state or private, for-profit corporations control the supply of toilet paper?

Venezuela – Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

"Though the current coup in Venezuela has roots going back to 2002 (when President Chavez was kidnapped and nearly killed by the U.S. backed 'opposition'), long before any economic crisis was even on the horizon, giddy triumphalists of American Empire stridently declare that the Venezuelan crisis proves nothing more than the 'failure of socialism.'

"Ignoring the deliberate U.S. policy of sowing economic chaos, they denounce the Bolivarian Revolution as a sham on the grounds that its supposed beneficiaries are now allegedly suffering mass starvation due to lunatic Marxist policies run amok.

"Except that there is no mass starvation, the mass Chavista base remains intact, and the Venezuelan economy is overwhelmingly in private hands."
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism advocates for the social, as opposed to private, ownership of the means of production, starting from the workplace. That game has yet to get started because capitalists fear authentic competition more than almost anything else except anti-corruption laws.

Trump’s transition looks an awful lot like crony capitalism

Democratic socialism - Wikipedia

"Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[1]with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of decentralized planned socialist economy.[2]"
Capitalists only fear the end results of Socialism and that is Communism, for that always ends up in the end. Then the killings start and usually it is lazy dumbasses that go, because Socialist Elites dont want people around that do nothing, but bitch and moan...I know you cant help being stupid, that was your public education(indoctrination) at work...
Capitalists only fear the end results of Socialism and that is Communism, for that always ends up in the end. Then the killings start and usually it is lazy dumbasses that go, because Socialist Elites dont want people around that do nothing, but bitch and moan...I know you cant help being stupid, that was your public education(indoctrination) at work...
Were you home-schooled? I only ask because you seem unable to grasp the simple concept we are still living in the age of terminal stage capitalism.

When socialists take control of governments and international agents like the IMF and World Bank, that is when we will find out if public ownership of the means of production works or not.

Historical materialism - Wikipedia

"According to historical materialism, nations arose at the time of the appearance of capitalism on the basis of community of economic life, territory, language, certain features of psychology, traditions of everyday life and culture.

"In the Manifesto of the Communist Party Marx and Engels explained that the coming into existence of nations was the result of class struggle, specifically of the capitalist class's attempts to overthrow the institutions of the former ruling class. Prior to capitalism, nations did not exist.[37]

"The Marxist theory of the national question was developed further and concretized by Lenin.[38]

"According to him, there are two opposite tendencies in the development of nations under capitalism.

"One of them is expressed in the activization of national life and national movements against the oppressors.

"The other is expressed in the expansion of links among nations, the breaking down of barriers between them, the establishment of a unified economy and of a world market.[3"
Are you gullible enough to believe the corporate propaganda about Venezuela?

Do you know what percentage of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands?

Does the state or private, for-profit corporations control the supply of toilet paper?

Venezuela – Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

"Though the current coup in Venezuela has roots going back to 2002 (when President Chavez was kidnapped and nearly killed by the U.S. backed 'opposition'), long before any economic crisis was even on the horizon, giddy triumphalists of American Empire stridently declare that the Venezuelan crisis proves nothing more than the 'failure of socialism.'

"Ignoring the deliberate U.S. policy of sowing economic chaos, they denounce the Bolivarian Revolution as a sham on the grounds that its supposed beneficiaries are now allegedly suffering mass starvation due to lunatic Marxist policies run amok.

"Except that there is no mass starvation, the mass Chavista base remains intact, and the Venezuelan economy is overwhelmingly in private hands."
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism advocates for the social, as opposed to private, ownership of the means of production, starting from the workplace. That game has yet to get started because capitalists fear authentic competition more than almost anything else except anti-corruption laws.

Trump’s transition looks an awful lot like crony capitalism

Democratic socialism - Wikipedia

"Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[1]with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of decentralized planned socialist economy.[2]"
Capitalists only fear the end results of Socialism and that is Communism, for that always ends up in the end. Then the killings start and usually it is lazy dumbasses that go, because Socialist Elites dont want people around that do nothing, but bitch and moan...I know you cant help being stupid, that was your public education(indoctrination) at work...
Capitalists only fear the end results of Socialism and that is Communism, for that always ends up in the end. Then the killings start and usually it is lazy dumbasses that go, because Socialist Elites dont want people around that do nothing, but bitch and moan...I know you cant help being stupid, that was your public education(indoctrination) at work...
Were you home-schooled? I only ask because you seem unable to grasp the simple concept we are still living in the age of terminal stage capitalism.

When socialists take control of governments and international agents like the IMF and World Bank, that is when we will find out if public ownership of the means of production works or not.

Historical materialism - Wikipedia

"According to historical materialism, nations arose at the time of the appearance of capitalism on the basis of community of economic life, territory, language, certain features of psychology, traditions of everyday life and culture.

"In the Manifesto of the Communist Party Marx and Engels explained that the coming into existence of nations was the result of class struggle, specifically of the capitalist class's attempts to overthrow the institutions of the former ruling class. Prior to capitalism, nations did not exist.[37]

"The Marxist theory of the national question was developed further and concretized by Lenin.[38]

"According to him, there are two opposite tendencies in the development of nations under capitalism.

"One of them is expressed in the activization of national life and national movements against the oppressors.

"The other is expressed in the expansion of links among nations, the breaking down of barriers between them, the establishment of a unified economy and of a world market.[3"

Nice looking Meme. Too bad it's full of shit. When Marx and Lenin came up with their theories of Communism, there was no such things as "capitalism" or "socialism"., so they could not possibly have come up with that line of progression.

Europe was ruled by class-conscious monarchies and other royal lines. France was the only Republic. So it would have been impossible for Marx and Lenin to formulate a governmental progress chart based on forms of government that did not exist at the time.

But nice try at total fakery.
there was no such things as "capitalism" or "socialism".,
You really are a dumb Kuuunt..

Are you gullible enough to believe the corporate propaganda about Venezuela?

Do you know what percentage of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands?

Does the state or private, for-profit corporations control the supply of toilet paper?

Venezuela – Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

"Though the current coup in Venezuela has roots going back to 2002 (when President Chavez was kidnapped and nearly killed by the U.S. backed 'opposition'), long before any economic crisis was even on the horizon, giddy triumphalists of American Empire stridently declare that the Venezuelan crisis proves nothing more than the 'failure of socialism.'

"Ignoring the deliberate U.S. policy of sowing economic chaos, they denounce the Bolivarian Revolution as a sham on the grounds that its supposed beneficiaries are now allegedly suffering mass starvation due to lunatic Marxist policies run amok.

"Except that there is no mass starvation, the mass Chavista base remains intact, and the Venezuelan economy is overwhelmingly in private hands."
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism advocates for the social, as opposed to private, ownership of the means of production, starting from the workplace. That game has yet to get started because capitalists fear authentic competition more than almost anything else except anti-corruption laws.

Trump’s transition looks an awful lot like crony capitalism

Democratic socialism - Wikipedia

"Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[1]with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of decentralized planned socialist economy.[2]"
Capitalists only fear the end results of Socialism and that is Communism, for that always ends up in the end. Then the killings start and usually it is lazy dumbasses that go, because Socialist Elites dont want people around that do nothing, but bitch and moan...I know you cant help being stupid, that was your public education(indoctrination) at work...
Capitalists only fear the end results of Socialism and that is Communism, for that always ends up in the end. Then the killings start and usually it is lazy dumbasses that go, because Socialist Elites dont want people around that do nothing, but bitch and moan...I know you cant help being stupid, that was your public education(indoctrination) at work...
Were you home-schooled? I only ask because you seem unable to grasp the simple concept we are still living in the age of terminal stage capitalism.

When socialists take control of governments and international agents like the IMF and World Bank, that is when we will find out if public ownership of the means of production works or not.

Historical materialism - Wikipedia

"According to historical materialism, nations arose at the time of the appearance of capitalism on the basis of community of economic life, territory, language, certain features of psychology, traditions of everyday life and culture.

"In the Manifesto of the Communist Party Marx and Engels explained that the coming into existence of nations was the result of class struggle, specifically of the capitalist class's attempts to overthrow the institutions of the former ruling class. Prior to capitalism, nations did not exist.[37]

"The Marxist theory of the national question was developed further and concretized by Lenin.[38]

"According to him, there are two opposite tendencies in the development of nations under capitalism.

"One of them is expressed in the activization of national life and national movements against the oppressors.

"The other is expressed in the expansion of links among nations, the breaking down of barriers between them, the establishment of a unified economy and of a world market.[3"
Are you gullible enough to believe the corporate propaganda about Venezuela?

Do you know what percentage of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands?

Does the state or private, for-profit corporations control the supply of toilet paper?

Venezuela – Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

"Though the current coup in Venezuela has roots going back to 2002 (when President Chavez was kidnapped and nearly killed by the U.S. backed 'opposition'), long before any economic crisis was even on the horizon, giddy triumphalists of American Empire stridently declare that the Venezuelan crisis proves nothing more than the 'failure of socialism.'

"Ignoring the deliberate U.S. policy of sowing economic chaos, they denounce the Bolivarian Revolution as a sham on the grounds that its supposed beneficiaries are now allegedly suffering mass starvation due to lunatic Marxist policies run amok.

"Except that there is no mass starvation, the mass Chavista base remains intact, and the Venezuelan economy is overwhelmingly in private hands."
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism/communism/Marxism etc are huge scams played out on the people by those who are huge crooks playing the gullible in their societies to the max. Once game over, it's over, and chaos insues afterwards. Proven time and time again in the world. All above is easily hidden from the naked eye but for so long, and then comes the colapse and/or the failure.
Socialism advocates for the social, as opposed to private, ownership of the means of production, starting from the workplace. That game has yet to get started because capitalists fear authentic competition more than almost anything else except anti-corruption laws.

Trump’s transition looks an awful lot like crony capitalism

Democratic socialism - Wikipedia

"Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[1]with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of decentralized planned socialist economy.[2]"
Capitalists only fear the end results of Socialism and that is Communism, for that always ends up in the end. Then the killings start and usually it is lazy dumbasses that go, because Socialist Elites dont want people around that do nothing, but bitch and moan...I know you cant help being stupid, that was your public education(indoctrination) at work...
Capitalists only fear the end results of Socialism and that is Communism, for that always ends up in the end. Then the killings start and usually it is lazy dumbasses that go, because Socialist Elites dont want people around that do nothing, but bitch and moan...I know you cant help being stupid, that was your public education(indoctrination) at work...
Were you home-schooled? I only ask because you seem unable to grasp the simple concept we are still living in the age of terminal stage capitalism.

When socialists take control of governments and international agents like the IMF and World Bank, that is when we will find out if public ownership of the means of production works or not.

Historical materialism - Wikipedia

"According to historical materialism, nations arose at the time of the appearance of capitalism on the basis of community of economic life, territory, language, certain features of psychology, traditions of everyday life and culture.

"In the Manifesto of the Communist Party Marx and Engels explained that the coming into existence of nations was the result of class struggle, specifically of the capitalist class's attempts to overthrow the institutions of the former ruling class. Prior to capitalism, nations did not exist.[37]

"The Marxist theory of the national question was developed further and concretized by Lenin.[38]

"According to him, there are two opposite tendencies in the development of nations under capitalism.

"One of them is expressed in the activization of national life and national movements against the oppressors.

"The other is expressed in the expansion of links among nations, the breaking down of barriers between them, the establishment of a unified economy and of a world market.[3"

Nice looking Meme. Too bad it's full of shit. When Marx and Lenin came up with their theories of Communism, there was no such things as "capitalism" or "socialism"., so they could not possibly have come up with that line of progression.

Europe was ruled by class-conscious monarchies and other royal lines. France was the only Republic. So it would have been impossible for Marx and Lenin to formulate a governmental progress chart based on forms of government that did not exist at the time.

But nice try at total fakery.
That is not true. There was rudimentary capitalism in manufacturing and factories in the most advanced nations. Britain led the way. But Britain also had rudimentary socialism also. And no other nation did. In the 19th century, the United States had tremendous growth while Britain averaged a couple of per cent a year. We overtook them by the beginning of the 20th century economically. This with a gold standard! We did not use our power to become the world's most dominant nation in economics and military ways including being the planet's policeman. That did not occur until WW 2. You are also not including the banksters and financial people who interfered in peoples lives including indentured humans and slaves with their fiat currencies. And they love their wars.
For those in favor of socialism, are you really ready to move to a system that doesnt reward you for hard work? Are you really wanting to move to a system where the guy who works in a gift shop has the same standard of living as a firefighter who puts his life on the line, or a construction worker who spends his days doing back breaking labor in the heat of the sun?
Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service
The protests in Venezuela demanding an end to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro in the last 10 days of January, whose soundtrack was the sound of banging on pots and pans in working-class neighbourhoods, had a high human cost: more than 40 deaths, dozens wounded and about a thousand detainees, including 100 women and 90 children under 18.
In Catia, a working-class neighbourhood west of Caracas, a number of young people were shot dead between Jan. 21-25, while National Police and military National Guard commandos demolished improvised roadblocks and barricades made with trash, managing to quash the protests.
You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
Are you gullible enough to believe the corporate propaganda about Venezuela?

Do you know what percentage of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands?

Does the state or private, for-profit corporations control the supply of toilet paper?

Venezuela – Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

"Though the current coup in Venezuela has roots going back to 2002 (when President Chavez was kidnapped and nearly killed by the U.S. backed 'opposition'), long before any economic crisis was even on the horizon, giddy triumphalists of American Empire stridently declare that the Venezuelan crisis proves nothing more than the 'failure of socialism.'

"Ignoring the deliberate U.S. policy of sowing economic chaos, they denounce the Bolivarian Revolution as a sham on the grounds that its supposed beneficiaries are now allegedly suffering mass starvation due to lunatic Marxist policies run amok.

"Except that there is no mass starvation, the mass Chavista base remains intact, and the Venezuelan economy is overwhelmingly in private hands."
"Published July 18, 2010
Last Update November 17, 2014
What socialism? Private sector still dominates Venezuelan economy despite Chavez crusade"

What socialism? Private sector still dominates Venezuelan economy despite Chavez crusade

"In fact, the private sector still controls two-thirds of Venezuela's economy — the same as when Chavez was elected in 1998, according to estimates by the Central Bank."
For those in favor of socialism, are you really ready to move to a system that doesnt reward you for hard work? Are you really wanting to move to a system where the guy who works in a gift shop has the same standard of living as a firefighter who puts his life on the line, or a construction worker who spends his days doing back breaking labor in the heat of the sun?
The gift shop worker and firefighter are both engaged in productive labor producing an earned income. By contrast, Wall Street speculators amass unearned fortunes that often come at the expense of the real economy. What's your opinion of this prospective tax plan:

The moral—and economic—case for progressive taxation

"If you want to run for Congress, the implication is clear: Cut taxes on all but the top 1%, raise them enormously on the top 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, and leave the 1% the same.

"People will feel that you’ve made the taxes more fair, and you’ve also raised more revenue. In other words, make the tax system more progressive."
For those in favor of socialism, are you really ready to move to a system that doesnt reward you for hard work? Are you really wanting to move to a system where the guy who works in a gift shop has the same standard of living as a firefighter who puts his life on the line, or a construction worker who spends his days doing back breaking labor in the heat of the sun?

That's communism, not socialism. People earn their standard of living in democratic socialist countries. We have rich, poor, and those in-between, based on your education, experience and work ethic.

Try again.
For those in favor of socialism, are you really ready to move to a system that doesnt reward you for hard work? Are you really wanting to move to a system where the guy who works in a gift shop has the same standard of living as a firefighter who puts his life on the line, or a construction worker who spends his days doing back breaking labor in the heat of the sun?

That's communism, not socialism. People earn their standard of living in democratic socialist countries. We have rich, poor, and those in-between, based on your education, experience and work ethic.

Try again.
In other words...
Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service
The protests in Venezuela demanding an end to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro in the last 10 days of January, whose soundtrack was the sound of banging on pots and pans in working-class neighbourhoods, had a high human cost: more than 40 deaths, dozens wounded and about a thousand detainees, including 100 women and 90 children under 18.
In Catia, a working-class neighbourhood west of Caracas, a number of young people were shot dead between Jan. 21-25, while National Police and military National Guard commandos demolished improvised roadblocks and barricades made with trash, managing to quash the protests.
You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
Are you gullible enough to believe the corporate propaganda about Venezuela?

Do you know what percentage of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands?

Does the state or private, for-profit corporations control the supply of toilet paper?

Venezuela – Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

"Though the current coup in Venezuela has roots going back to 2002 (when President Chavez was kidnapped and nearly killed by the U.S. backed 'opposition'), long before any economic crisis was even on the horizon, giddy triumphalists of American Empire stridently declare that the Venezuelan crisis proves nothing more than the 'failure of socialism.'

"Ignoring the deliberate U.S. policy of sowing economic chaos, they denounce the Bolivarian Revolution as a sham on the grounds that its supposed beneficiaries are now allegedly suffering mass starvation due to lunatic Marxist policies run amok.

"Except that there is no mass starvation, the mass Chavista base remains intact, and the Venezuelan economy is overwhelmingly in private hands."
Having a private business is meaningless when the government prevents you from selling what you produce at a price that allows you to stay in business. That's why they don't have any toilet paper. The government set the price below the cost of producing it. Morons like you are too fucking stupid to understand that the government cannot arbitrarily set prices.
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For those in favor of socialism, are you really ready to move to a system that doesnt reward you for hard work? Are you really wanting to move to a system where the guy who works in a gift shop has the same standard of living as a firefighter who puts his life on the line, or a construction worker who spends his days doing back breaking labor in the heat of the sun?

That's communism, not socialism. People earn their standard of living in democratic socialist countries. We have rich, poor, and those in-between, based on your education, experience and work ethic.

Try again.
What the fuck does "they earn their standard of living" mean? Socialism and communism are the same damn thing. About the only difference is in how serious the supporters of each are in imposing their idiocies on the country.
For those in favor of socialism, are you really ready to move to a system that doesnt reward you for hard work? Are you really wanting to move to a system where the guy who works in a gift shop has the same standard of living as a firefighter who puts his life on the line, or a construction worker who spends his days doing back breaking labor in the heat of the sun?

That's communism, not socialism. People earn their standard of living in democratic socialist countries. We have rich, poor, and those in-between, based on your education, experience and work ethic.

Try again.
What the fuck does "they earn their standard of living" mean? Socialism and communism are the same damn thing. About the only difference is in how serious the supporters of each are in imposing their idiocies on the country.
you can believe anything you want, if you resort to fallacy.

In the real world, economics matter.
Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service
The protests in Venezuela demanding an end to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro in the last 10 days of January, whose soundtrack was the sound of banging on pots and pans in working-class neighbourhoods, had a high human cost: more than 40 deaths, dozens wounded and about a thousand detainees, including 100 women and 90 children under 18.
In Catia, a working-class neighbourhood west of Caracas, a number of young people were shot dead between Jan. 21-25, while National Police and military National Guard commandos demolished improvised roadblocks and barricades made with trash, managing to quash the protests.
You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
Are you gullible enough to believe the corporate propaganda about Venezuela?

Do you know what percentage of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands?

Does the state or private, for-profit corporations control the supply of toilet paper?

Venezuela – Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

"Though the current coup in Venezuela has roots going back to 2002 (when President Chavez was kidnapped and nearly killed by the U.S. backed 'opposition'), long before any economic crisis was even on the horizon, giddy triumphalists of American Empire stridently declare that the Venezuelan crisis proves nothing more than the 'failure of socialism.'

"Ignoring the deliberate U.S. policy of sowing economic chaos, they denounce the Bolivarian Revolution as a sham on the grounds that its supposed beneficiaries are now allegedly suffering mass starvation due to lunatic Marxist policies run amok.

"Except that there is no mass starvation, the mass Chavista base remains intact, and the Venezuelan economy is overwhelmingly in private hands."
Having a private business is meaningless when the government prevents you from selling what you produce at a price that allows you to stay in business. That's why they don't have any toilet paper. The government set the price below the cost of producing it. Morons like you are too fucking stupid that understand that the government cannot arbitrarily set prices.
Having a private business is meaningless when the government prevents you from selling what you produce at a price that allows you to stay in business. That's why they don't have any toilet paper. The government set the price below the cost of producing it. Morons like you are too fucking stupid that understand that the government cannot arbitrarily set prices.
What price did the government of Venezuela set for toilet paper? What prices did the government set for other paper products like napkins?

Venezuela crisis: I flew to U.S. to buy toilet paper

"Mendoza has spent the past month in New York with her daughter and realizes she's lost a sense of what normalcy means. In Venezuela, she lived without toilet paper for a month in July, using paper napkins instead."

In 2009 the government of Venezuela nationalized seven banks accounting for around 12% of that nation's bank deposit. A year later, more banks were taken over. Chavez arrested 16 bankers and issued over 40 corruption related arrest warrants for capitalists who had fled the country. Two years later, Chavez passed legislation defining the banking industry as one of public service.

That's when the US and Venezuelan capitalists decided to make Venezuela's economy scream.

Recently Maduro sealed the deal when he announced Venezuela would not be trading oil in US dollars in response to Trump's illegal sanctions.

The Venezuela Myth Keeping Us From Transforming Our Economy
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Bullets Against Pots and Pans in the Crackdown on Venezuela's Protests | Inter Press Service
The protests in Venezuela demanding an end to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro in the last 10 days of January, whose soundtrack was the sound of banging on pots and pans in working-class neighbourhoods, had a high human cost: more than 40 deaths, dozens wounded and about a thousand detainees, including 100 women and 90 children under 18.
In Catia, a working-class neighbourhood west of Caracas, a number of young people were shot dead between Jan. 21-25, while National Police and military National Guard commandos demolished improvised roadblocks and barricades made with trash, managing to quash the protests.
You idiots on the left who think Socialism is the end all , may get your wish. Your young, dumb and ugly, and have been fooled into thinking our Socialists can do it better, yet every time it has been tried, it ends up this way. First the money must be stolen from those that work. Then it demoralizes people who then dont want to work. Then people start to starve. Then people riot against the very government they elected in, and in the end, the armed government thugs shoot and kill you.
Are you gullible enough to believe the corporate propaganda about Venezuela?

Do you know what percentage of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands?

Does the state or private, for-profit corporations control the supply of toilet paper?

Venezuela – Capitalist Success, Not Socialist Failure

"Though the current coup in Venezuela has roots going back to 2002 (when President Chavez was kidnapped and nearly killed by the U.S. backed 'opposition'), long before any economic crisis was even on the horizon, giddy triumphalists of American Empire stridently declare that the Venezuelan crisis proves nothing more than the 'failure of socialism.'

"Ignoring the deliberate U.S. policy of sowing economic chaos, they denounce the Bolivarian Revolution as a sham on the grounds that its supposed beneficiaries are now allegedly suffering mass starvation due to lunatic Marxist policies run amok.

"Except that there is no mass starvation, the mass Chavista base remains intact, and the Venezuelan economy is overwhelmingly in private hands."
Having a private business is meaningless when the government prevents you from selling what you produce at a price that allows you to stay in business. That's why they don't have any toilet paper. The government set the price below the cost of producing it. Morons like you are too fucking stupid that understand that the government cannot arbitrarily set prices.
Having a private business is meaningless when the government prevents you from selling what you produce at a price that allows you to stay in business. That's why they don't have any toilet paper. The government set the price below the cost of producing it. Morons like you are too fucking stupid that understand that the government cannot arbitrarily set prices.
What price did the government of Venezuela set for toilet paper? What prices did the government set for other paper products like napkins?

Venezuela crisis: I flew to U.S. to buy toilet paper

"Mendoza has spent the past month in New York with her daughter and realizes she's lost a sense of what normalcy means. In Venezuela, she lived without toilet paper for a month in July, using paper napkins instead."

In 2009 the government of Venezuela nationalized seven banks accounting for around 12% of that nation's bank deposit. A year later, more banks were taken over. Chavez arrested 16 bankers and issued over 40 corruption related arrest warrants for capitalists who had fled the country. Two years later, Chavez passed legislation defining the banking industry as one of public service.

That's when the US and Venezuelan capitalists decided to make Venezuela's economy scream.

Recently Maduro sealed the deal when he announced Venezuela would not be trading oil in US dollars in response to Trump's illegal sanctions.

The Venezuela Myth Keeping Us From Transforming Our Economy
You appear to be defending outright theft. All leftwingers are thugs, at bottom. You're also regurgitating Venezuelan government propaganda as if it was undisputed truth.

The price the government set for toilet paper was below the cost of production. That's all you need to know. Why would the manufacturer stop producing it if he could still make a profit on it?
For those in favor of socialism, are you really ready to move to a system that doesnt reward you for hard work? Are you really wanting to move to a system where the guy who works in a gift shop has the same standard of living as a firefighter who puts his life on the line, or a construction worker who spends his days doing back breaking labor in the heat of the sun?

That's communism, not socialism. People earn their standard of living in democratic socialist countries. We have rich, poor, and those in-between, based on your education, experience and work ethic.

Try again.
What the fuck does "they earn their standard of living" mean? Socialism and communism are the same damn thing. About the only difference is in how serious the supporters of each are in imposing their idiocies on the country.
you can believe anything you want, if you resort to fallacy.

In the real world, economics matter.
you can believe anything you want, if you resort to fallacy.

In the real world, economics matter.
In the real world forces and relations of production determine most of what happens in society:

Base and superstructure - Wikipedia

"In Marxist theory, capitalist society consists of two parts: the base (or substructure) and superstructure.

"The base comprises the forces and relations of production (e.g. employer–employee work conditions, the technical division of labour, and property relations) into which people enter to produce the necessities and amenities of life.

"The base determines society's other relationships and ideas to comprise its superstructure, including its culture, institutions, political power structures, roles, rituals, and state.

"While the relation of the two parts is not strictly unidirectional, as the superstructure often affects the base, the influence of the base is predominant.

"Marx and Engels warned against such economic determinism.[1]"
The price the government set for toilet paper was below the cost of production. That's all you need to know. Why would the manufacturer stop producing it if he could still make a profit on it?
The price did not include a profit margin in the cost of production.

Maybe the problem comes from the expectation of earning a profit on toilet paper instead of making the product available to society at a cost everyone could afford?

You still haven't answered the question of why Venezuelan capitalists were able to provide all other paper products except toilet paper, nor have you provided any actual evidence to support your claim the government set prices of toilet paper in Venezuela below the cost of production. It is far more likely, capitalists in Venezuela deliberately withheld the product from the market in order to impress gullible trolls like you.
The price the government set for toilet paper was below the cost of production. That's all you need to know. Why would the manufacturer stop producing it if he could still make a profit on it?
The price did not include a profit margin in the cost of production.

How would you know that when you don't even know what the price was?

Not only that, but it didn't cover the cost of production.

Maybe the problem comes from the expectation of earning a profit on toilet paper instead of making the product available to society at a cost everyone could afford?

Most firms earn around 5% profit. Why would anyone stay in business so they can earn no profit? Businesses aren't charities, you fucking moron. People don't work 12 hours a day so they can receive nothing.

You still haven't answered the question of why Venezuelan capitalists were able to provide all other paper products except toilet paper, nor have you provided any actual evidence to support your claim the government set prices of toilet paper in Venezuela below the cost of production. It is far more likely, capitalists in Venezuela deliberately withheld the product from the market in order to impress gullible trolls like you.

I don't know that your claim is true, therefore, I won't comment on it. I doubt it is true since the shelves in the grocery stores were totally devoid of products.

The proof that the Venezuelan government set the price below the cost of production is the fact that it disappeared from the market. Price controls never work. they never have, and they never will.
For those in favor of socialism, are you really ready to move to a system that doesnt reward you for hard work? Are you really wanting to move to a system where the guy who works in a gift shop has the same standard of living as a firefighter who puts his life on the line, or a construction worker who spends his days doing back breaking labor in the heat of the sun?

That's communism, not socialism. People earn their standard of living in democratic socialist countries. We have rich, poor, and those in-between, based on your education, experience and work ethic.

Try again.
What the fuck does "they earn their standard of living" mean? Socialism and communism are the same damn thing. About the only difference is in how serious the supporters of each are in imposing their idiocies on the country.
you can believe anything you want, if you resort to fallacy.

In the real world, economics matter.
you can believe anything you want, if you resort to fallacy.

In the real world, economics matter.
In the real world forces and relations of production determine most of what happens in society:

Base and superstructure - Wikipedia

"In Marxist theory, capitalist society consists of two parts: the base (or substructure) and superstructure.

"The base comprises the forces and relations of production (e.g. employer–employee work conditions, the technical division of labour, and property relations) into which people enter to produce the necessities and amenities of life.

"The base determines society's other relationships and ideas to comprise its superstructure, including its culture, institutions, political power structures, roles, rituals, and state.

"While the relation of the two parts is not strictly unidirectional, as the superstructure often affects the base, the influence of the base is predominant.

"Marx and Engels warned against such economic determinism.[1]"
Communist propaganda.
For those in favor of socialism, are you really ready to move to a system that doesnt reward you for hard work? Are you really wanting to move to a system where the guy who works in a gift shop has the same standard of living as a firefighter who puts his life on the line, or a construction worker who spends his days doing back breaking labor in the heat of the sun?

That's communism, not socialism. People earn their standard of living in democratic socialist countries. We have rich, poor, and those in-between, based on your education, experience and work ethic.

Try again.
What the fuck does "they earn their standard of living" mean? Socialism and communism are the same damn thing. About the only difference is in how serious the supporters of each are in imposing their idiocies on the country.
you can believe anything you want, if you resort to fallacy.

In the real world, economics matter.
you can believe anything you want, if you resort to fallacy.

In the real world, economics matter.
In the real world forces and relations of production determine most of what happens in society:

Base and superstructure - Wikipedia

"In Marxist theory, capitalist society consists of two parts: the base (or substructure) and superstructure.

"The base comprises the forces and relations of production (e.g. employer–employee work conditions, the technical division of labour, and property relations) into which people enter to produce the necessities and amenities of life.

"The base determines society's other relationships and ideas to comprise its superstructure, including its culture, institutions, political power structures, roles, rituals, and state.

"While the relation of the two parts is not strictly unidirectional, as the superstructure often affects the base, the influence of the base is predominant.

"Marx and Engels warned against such economic determinism.[1]"
We have a Congress, for a reason.

Command economics is not supposed to be about politics.
The price the government set for toilet paper was below the cost of production. That's all you need to know. Why would the manufacturer stop producing it if he could still make a profit on it?
The price did not include a profit margin in the cost of production.

How would you know that when you don't even know what the price was?

Not only that, but it didn't cover the cost of production.

Maybe the problem comes from the expectation of earning a profit on toilet paper instead of making the product available to society at a cost everyone could afford?

Most firms earn around 5% profit. Why would anyone stay in business so they can earn no profit? Businesses aren't charities, you fucking moron. People don't work 12 hours a day so they can receive nothing.

You still haven't answered the question of why Venezuelan capitalists were able to provide all other paper products except toilet paper, nor have you provided any actual evidence to support your claim the government set prices of toilet paper in Venezuela below the cost of production. It is far more likely, capitalists in Venezuela deliberately withheld the product from the market in order to impress gullible trolls like you.

I don't know that your claim is true, therefore, I won't comment on it. I doubt it is true since the shelves in the grocery stores were totally devoid of products.

The proof that the Venezuelan government set the price below the cost of production is the fact that it disappeared from the market. Price controls never work. they never have, and they never will.
I am still waiting for the teachers to give up their paychecks so the children can get FREE schooling.....

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