Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

its clear youre to ignorant to know thats not socialism,,,so theres nothing I can do to help but only to mock your ignorance,,,

Got it. You have no example of a capitalist solution to Corona virus.

BTW: What do you mean by solution.

Capitalism and socialism have no solution for cancer either.

What are you talking about.

I'm asking for a capitalist solution to deal with our virus problem.

And I've asked about three times, what represents a solution ?

No deaths
1% dead
Stock market at a certain level

What are the characteristics in a path forward that you look at say....I'd call that "solution" ?

There is no single solution. There are a wide range of things that could be partial solutions. Of course, a cure would be at the top of the list, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Being able to identify and track the disease, providing equipment and supplies to treat the victims, and steps to relieve the massive financial burden caused by lost wages and business would all be great partial solutions.

You are getting closer.

But absent a cure....there are still solutions ?

How about something quantifiable. Can you do that ?

What do you mean identify the disease ? I think that's been done.

Track it ? Do you mean testing ?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
Do you think Trump could have done a better job without Mueller and a 5yr Russian hoax and a 6 month fake impeachment on his ass 24/7.

Think maybe he would have started to change the medical supply chain earlier. He was talking about it from day 1. You don't remember that.

Be honest in this answer now. Your integrity depends on the answer?

Trump had credible information from experts that showed the inevitability of where we are now back in January, but he chose to lie to shield the stock market from losses instead of preparing for the onslaught we have now.
My integrity doesn't depend on one answer to any question. It depends on me using honest and fair data to make my decisions, and my willingness to admit it when I'm shown to be wrong.
He was being impeached in January, you don't remember a whole month sitting on the articles. You were calling him racist when he did close China. We'd be in a state of emergency now if he listened to you.

He worried about our med supply chain from day 1. Would he have been better off addressing this without Mueller and this Russian hoax...STILL on his ass 5 yrs later?

We have to wonder huh??

Someone qualified to be president doesn't ignore his job to cover his ass. It's part of that walking and chewing bubble gum thing.
Horseshit. He would no longer be President if he followed your advice. It's funny how Dims are always expecting Republican presidents to immolate themselves, but never Democrat presidents.

Why do you suppose that is?

Because ABC told them to do it.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

This isn't philosophy. It's government.

Do you understand the difference ?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

More Capitalist businesses stepping up to help...

Distilleries Take Action To Help Americans In COVID-19 Crisis; Trump Cheers

Distilleries in Pennsylvania, Vermont and North Carolina are temporarily converting their operations to produce a much-needed product amid the plague of panic-buying: hand sanitizer.

In a report promoted by President Trump on Thursday, NBC News tells the story of multiple local distillery owners responding to the exploding demand for hand sanitizer, which has largely disappeared from shelves and is one of the more price-gouged items during the crisis.

“America’s Private Sector is stepping up to help us be STRONG!” Trump tweeted Thursday in reference to NBC’s report. “Many of the Nation’s distillers, large and small, are producing and donating hand sanitizer to help fight [COVID-19]. THANK YOU!”

How is profit involved in the transaction. Profit is the required goal of any capitalist endeavor. What we have here is a normally capitalist company engaging in a purely socialist endeavor. Good for them.
Hmmmm . . . . wrong. I just pointed out that profit isn't required by an enterprise under capitalism.

Don't be silly. Just because you said something doesn't make it true.
You are seriously telling that poster not to be silly? "Silly" is when it is at its best; mostly it is trash ideas and trash talk.
Says the dumbass who defends communism.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Timmeeeey!!! Did you watch the press conference? It was explicitly stated that without help of private businesses like Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, etc. the Govt would be screwed fighting this plague.

What !? Gov and private working together!! It’s the democrat way!

Yes it is.

Glad you admit it.

You've always loved big business and they've always loved you.

They use government to stay big by creating barriers to entry.

And government uses them to stay in power.

It's like a brother and sister having sex.
Got it. You have no example of a capitalist solution to Corona virus.

BTW: What do you mean by solution.

Capitalism and socialism have no solution for cancer either.

What are you talking about.

I'm asking for a capitalist solution to deal with our virus problem.

And I've asked about three times, what represents a solution ?

No deaths
1% dead
Stock market at a certain level

What are the characteristics in a path forward that you look at say....I'd call that "solution" ?

There is no single solution. There are a wide range of things that could be partial solutions. Of course, a cure would be at the top of the list, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Being able to identify and track the disease, providing equipment and supplies to treat the victims, and steps to relieve the massive financial burden caused by lost wages and business would all be great partial solutions.

You are getting closer.

But absent a cure....there are still solutions ?

How about something quantifiable. Can you do that ?

What do you mean identify the disease ? I think that's been done.

Track it ? Do you mean testing ?
What this imbecile doesn't seem to know is that there has never been a cure for viruses.
Sounds more like Fascism.

It should it's what ewe voted for and defend every day on this board. Wallow in it.
Ewe voted for his fascism. Wallow in it.
I would not assume gipper voted for Trump. Or Clinton.

His unvarnished defense of his Orange God/King says different.
Okay, I take back what I said: I voted today...

...for Trump primarily because the oligarchy, media, and the two parties hate him...and his plan to control the border and illegal immigration.

Yeah...yeah...I know he sucks in many ways, but when did a candidate for president not suck? Sadly, they all suck...some a lot more than others.
God dammit. I've been asking for 3 days with my finger in my ASS THESE QUESTIONS.

Was a 5 yr Mueller/Putin hoax worth it to you right now?????

Pelosi sat on her ass for a month with those articles. Fake impeachment. Worth it now? VIRUS SPREADING.

Why can't I get the answers I seek????????

Obama would be a fetal position under his desk sucking his pecker now if he had to put up with 5 yrs of this absolute bullshit.

Last edited:
ast private fortunes for a few.......and an ever increasing and expanding income and quality of life for everyone else
Do you mean for those of us lucky enough to have been born in the US? Our relatively privileged lifestyles are paid for with the misery you see today in places like Syria and Iraq and Iran.

Satellite images show mass graves dug in Iran for coronavirus victims | Metro News
Sounds more like Fascism.

It should it's what ewe voted for and defend every day on this board. Wallow in it.
Ewe voted for his fascism. Wallow in it.
I would not assume gipper voted for Trump. Or Clinton.

His unvarnished defense of his Orange God/King says different.
LOL. You have me confused with someone else.
It should it's what ewe voted for and defend every day on this board. Wallow in it.
Ewe voted for his fascism. Wallow in it.
I would not assume gipper voted for Trump. Or Clinton.

His unvarnished defense of his Orange God/King says different.
LOL. You have me confused with someone else.
I have to agree. While you did vote for Trump, I would not consider you one of the Trump-can-do-no-wrong crowd.
There is going to be one helluva record-breaking deficit, especially since Trump already had us in a trillion dollar hole to begin with.

Decreased revenues, astronomically increased spending.
Ewe voted for his fascism. Wallow in it.
I would not assume gipper voted for Trump. Or Clinton.

His unvarnished defense of his Orange God/King says different.
LOL. You have me confused with someone else.
I have to agree. While you did vote for Trump, I would not consider you one of the Trump-can-do-no-wrong crowd.
I did vote for the asshole, but only because he was the lesser evil. Not sure he still is, which has me thinking I won’t bother voting again. If it’s Biden v Trump in November, I definitely won’t vote. Very little difference between them, though Biden clearly is senile.
Ewe voted for his fascism. Wallow in it.
I would not assume gipper voted for Trump. Or Clinton.

His unvarnished defense of his Orange God/King says different.
LOL. You have me confused with someone else.
I have to agree. While you did vote for Trump, I would not consider you one of the Trump-can-do-no-wrong crowd.
I did vote for the asshole, but only because he was the lesser evil. Not sure he still is, which has me thinking I won’t bother voting again. If it’s Biden v Trump in November, I definitely won’t vote. Very little difference between them, though Biden clearly is senile.
I am a fiscal conservative, and somewhat socially moderate, with a strong libertarian streak.

I feel my vote has to be earned. I refuse to vote for the "lesser of two evils" because it has resulted in more and more evil choices. A downward spiral.

Also, "lesser of two EVILS" means voting for EVIL. Fuck that.

So I vote for Snoopy or Pat Paulsen or anyone but the evil assholes the tard herd keeps falling for.

I can't even vote Libertarian because they are whackadoos.
It says what you say. Its communist propaganda..not just a scary looking picture. It attacks both religion and you do. Its a cunning poster in that the script imitates the script of Orthodox Icons.
I suppose this is why you people want to undermine history teaching. Thi isnt a "scary picture". This is a weapon of war used against free societies...and you parrot the dictators.

It says...

Top Caption: Priests help the capitalists and hinder the worker.
Bottom Caption "get out of the way (or "off you go")

On the right it says: "In the name of the Lord God:
submit, obey, do not kill"

On the left the priest are saying "In the name of the Lord God:
pacify slaves, make them submissive,"

And the top hat the repulsively bloody and fat leader is wearing? It is labeled "CAPITAL"

And BULLDOG moans "oh be still my heart..."

Any more questions?

Just . one. Why would you post such a dump picture when you know no one could read the captions, dumb ass?

Don’t say “nobody” when you are speaking of your own ignorance. The reason I posted it, and the other, was to demonstrate your communist leanings. You aren’t saying anything the Bolsheviks didn’t say. In fact you parrot Soviet and Chinese Propaganda almost verbatim.
The poster is recognized by anyone with a reasonable education as Soviet propaganda aimed at capitalism. Both posters use the standard Communist tropes, stereotypes and caricatures that were used against America during the entire Cold War.
In fact you aren’t upset you didn’t recognize them. You are upset how obviously they demonstrate where your communist heart is. Americans put up with the same attacks you use today for the entire duration of the Cold War.

You really are a windbag, aren't you?

does that mean “articulate and produces posts that expose you”?

By definition, Capitalism is an economic system where there is competition and the goal is to make profit. Name one example where there is competition to solve the Virus problem and that competition is driven by a goal of profit. Other than a few examples of price gouging, I haven't seen that anywhere Nobody in this thread has shown that either. Why not?
You are still a simpleton Dimsocialist hack troll.

You have been owned several times in your own abortion of a thread, Moron
I would not assume gipper voted for Trump. Or Clinton.

His unvarnished defense of his Orange God/King says different.
LOL. You have me confused with someone else.
I have to agree. While you did vote for Trump, I would not consider you one of the Trump-can-do-no-wrong crowd.
I did vote for the asshole, but only because he was the lesser evil. Not sure he still is, which has me thinking I won’t bother voting again. If it’s Biden v Trump in November, I definitely won’t vote. Very little difference between them, though Biden clearly is senile.
I am a fiscal conservative, and somewhat socially moderate, with a strong libertarian streak.

I feel my vote has to be earned. I refuse to vote for the "lesser of two evils" because it has resulted in more and more evil choices. A downward spiral.

Also, "lesser of two EVILS" means voting for EVIL. Fuck that.

So I vote for Snoopy or Pat Paulsen or anyone but the evil assholes the tard herd keeps falling for.

I can't even vote Libertarian because they are whackadoos.
The system is purposely set up to limit our choice to two assholes the Oligarchy wants. Voting third party or anyone else, is wasting your time.

We should not vote. Once the vast majority don’t vote, the assholes in the Imperial capitol on the Potomac aren’t legitimate. They certainly don’t have the consent of the governed. Though this might mean nothing to them.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
Damn near 60 years of turning people into socialists has given us prog solutions through quotas, political correctness, many more people qualified by law for employment but less in ability and so much more. Prisoners and felons galore and we are even releasing some of them now for economic reasons. Look at the comedy you are creating. You have ended the social life of people. 10 to a group. 6 feet apart. Stay in your house. And on and on. You are only a couple of steps away from opening concentration camps. We know your answers. Those who studied real history knows it. When it gets here, you may not like the new pecking order. Either way, for those screwed over this is vengeance and vendetta. If surveillance can destroy individuals by those with an ax to grind then this disease can do the same for those with the will to get even as both are stealth and insidious.

I'm sure it is confusing for you to see that everything Trump has chosen to do in this situation is a socialist program. That's why I started this thread, to see what capitalist steps you might think would work in this situation. Speak up now. Trump has gone the socialist rout without all your excellent capitalist ideas.
You are still a simpleton Dimsocialist hack troll.

You have been owned several times in your own abortion of a thread, Moron
'Capitalism' doesn't provide solutions, it provides financial profit. It is not an ideology, faith or doctrine. It is just one approach to economics, and it has historically shown its limitations as to its effects on general welfare.

'Capitalism' doesn't provide solutions, it provides financial profit.

There is no profit if your product/service doesn't provide a solution.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
Capitalism brings innovation. Nobody in history has ever said "man I can't wait for (insert socialist country here) to put out that new (insert literally anything here) ".

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