Socialist Democrats Doing Things To Try And Make It Legal, Sick!!!

Continuing to prosecute those in possession of marijuana is the epitome of right wing idiocy.

Yo, if the LAW changes, then fine! The Democrats controlled Government and didn`t change the LAW?

View attachment 47065

They did change the law in Colorado, Washington, Alaska, and Oregon and next year we will be changing it here in Nevada.

Yo, that is all nice, but when we get someone in there that will obey the Federal Laws, unlike Obama, kiss your high goodbye, unless you can muster enough people to get them to change the Federal Law?

View attachment 47082

The bush boy didn't obey federal laws either.

Medical marijuana has been legal in my state since 1998.

The bush boy did nothing to prevent my state from having legal medical marijuana. It was as legal in my state when the bush boy was president as it is now that Obama is president.

Don't you believe in state's rights? The far right screams about it all the time. Obama and the bush boy were just respecting state's rights and the right for people to actually vote and create law.

They only believe in small government when it is helping their bilionaires out. Otherwise, fuck you poor sucker!!!

Legalize pot and release the prisionors....Billions in less taxes!!!
That is minor league, this is the face of Progressivism ...notice these articles are left wing sites

I just thought I should mention that these other articles were published very recently:

“Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime” in The New York Times

“Is Incest Wrong?” in Big Think

“Is Necrophilia Wrong?” in Big Think

“‘Genetic sexual attraction is normal, and very real': A woman describes the reality of parent-child incest in Salon

“It’s time to reconsider how we treat pedophiles” in The Daily Dot

“5 Ways We Misunderstand Pedophilia (That Makes it Worse)” in Cracked

Now, on to the feminist blog, Vice, who is condoning bestiality.

Page 2 don't want to discuss you decided to post a list of bullshit charges against "the left".

Yo, hold your horses, a Republican President will follow LAW BY THE BOOK, like it should be, but we have a renegade in the White House right now, who by the way, should be locked up for not going by the Constitution, Ted Cruz will!!!

SO it is socialist to allow people the right NOT to be told not to do something by the government??? hahahahahhahaha1!!!!!

The op is socialist for wanting a huge police force and a iron boot that destroys tens of thousands of American lives!!!!! With years of prison.
That is minor league, this is the face of Progressivism ...notice these articles are left wing sites

I just thought I should mention that these other articles were published very recently:

“Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime” in The New York Times

“Is Incest Wrong?” in Big Think

“Is Necrophilia Wrong?” in Big Think

“‘Genetic sexual attraction is normal, and very real': A woman describes the reality of parent-child incest in Salon

“It’s time to reconsider how we treat pedophiles” in The Daily Dot

“5 Ways We Misunderstand Pedophilia (That Makes it Worse)” in Cracked

Now, on to the feminist blog, Vice, who is condoning bestiality.

Page 2

Cracked is a spoof site similar to the Onion. I'm not familiar with Big Think of Daily Dot. You are getting dumber by the day.
I guess she never read that Magazine in the 1970's..I preferred MAD magazine...

I also liked MAD :)
Did you ever read the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers?
That was great too.

The FFF bros ROCK.
Fat Freddy's cat FOREVER!!!
Continuing to prosecute those in possession of marijuana is the epitome of right wing idiocy.

Yo, if the LAW changes, then fine! The Democrats controlled Government and didn`t change the LAW?

View attachment 47065

They did change the law in Colorado, Washington, Alaska, and Oregon and next year we will be changing it here in Nevada.

Yo, that is all nice, but when we get someone in there that will obey the Federal Laws, unlike Obama, kiss your high goodbye, unless you can muster enough people to get them to change the Federal Law?

View attachment 47082

The bush boy didn't obey federal laws either.

Medical marijuana has been legal in my state since 1998.

The bush boy did nothing to prevent my state from having legal medical marijuana. It was as legal in my state when the bush boy was president as it is now that Obama is president.

Don't you believe in state's rights? The far right screams about it all the time. Obama and the bush boy were just respecting state's rights and the right for people to actually vote and create law.

Yo, read your post? Legal Medical Marijuana?

The money made by our government from keeping it illegal is more than they would make in taxes if it were legal.

Yo, not sure about that, taxes would be sky high, the Socialist Democrat Party would love to blow that money!


WTF? You are an idiot. Republicans are the Big Government, Big Spenders & Budget Busters. Democrats are much more fiscally sane. "GTP"

Yo, where have you been "Rip Van Winkle" it`s not 20 years later? It`s been a lifetime, and we True Americans know who the "Big Spenders" are, you are such a fool! Your teachers must have been all Democrats, lie, lie, lie!!!

View attachment 47084
True Americans ..the irony is so thick you need a plasma cutter to get through it

Yo, love it, it means people who believe in the Constitution!!! Not You FOOL!

View attachment 47093
"When you believe in things that you don't understand then you suffer "your ignorance ain't the way.
(Sorry Mr wonder)
Yo, the extent that the Socialist Democrats will go, to make things the way they see them, sick!!! Hell, I think I`ll apply for a job with the Socialist Democrat Party, as a BIG LIAR!!!

To Smoke Or Not To Smoke: Scientist Says William Shakespeare Used Marijuana

August 10, 2015 2:03 PM
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A South African researcher says traces of cannabis were found in fragments of clay pipes discovered in William Shakespeare’s garden. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Related Tags:
marijuana, Shakespeare, cannabis

LONDON (CBSDC) – The man who wrote Hamlet and MacBeth may have been enjoying some Midsummer Night’s Dreams.

South African researchers examined some 17th-Century clay tobacco pipe fragments found in William Shakespeare’s home town of Stratford-upon-Avon, reports Time Magazine.

They examined 24 fragments, including some had been excavated from the site of the Bard’s personal garden.

Using advanced gas chromatography methods, they detected cannabis on eight of the fragments, including four that were confirmed to dome from the garden.

“Literary analyses and chemical science can be mutually beneficial, bringing the arts and the sciences together in an effort to better understand Shakespeare and his contemporaries,” said lead researcher Francis Thackeray.

Other Shakespeare scholars have dismissed the study, saying there is no evidence William Shakespeare used drugs. They say hemp was commonly grown in England in Shakespeare’s day.

Food for thought if you’re planning to see the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s production of Midsummer Night’s Dream.

The study is published in the South African Journal of Science.

View attachment 47061

What is your problem? Just because someone found traces of pot in that pipe doesn't mean what you claim.

For your information medical marijuana is keeping me alive. If I couldn't use it I would be dead from cancer right now.

So if you don't want to smoke pot then don't. But for heaven's sake stop lying about those who do.

Yo, Marijuana does not keep you alive? It`s "Will Power," it will help you cope with life, but your days are numbered!!! Sorry, but I`m not PC!!!

View attachment 47095


I had a very deadly form of breast cancer. The same breast cancer that killed 3 of my relatives. The same cancer that's killed millions of women.

I have to take medication everyday so that the cancer won't kill me. Do you understand proven FDA medication that's developed to keep people alive who have a very deadly form of breast cancer?

That medication makes just about everything I eat not stay in my stomach. I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The only thing that does work to keep food in me is medical marijuana. If I couldn't have medical marijuana to keep food in me I wouldn't be able to take that medication that's keeping me alive.

Do you understand what Carcinoma is? Look it up. That's what I'm fighting.

So when you have to look cancer and your possible death in the face come tell me you won't do anything and everything in your power to stay alive.

Meanwhile you have absolutely no right to tell me what I can or can't put in my body to stay alive. Especially since it's perfectly legal in my state along with many other states.

If you don't want to smoke it fine. No one is making you. You don't have a medical condition that would qualify you for a prescription. I do and so do millions of people just like me.

Stop lying about this subject and about me. If you have to lie, how valid is your point and why should anyone pay any attention to you or anything you say?
Yo, hold your horses, a Republican President will follow LAW BY THE BOOK, like it should be, but we have a renegade in the White House right now, who by the way, should be locked up for not going by the Constitution, Ted Cruz will!!!

View attachment 47096


The last republican president didn't.

The bush boy didn't do anything to prevent medical marijuana in my state or any other state. So your claim so far is a lie.

Medical marijuana was perfectly legal in my state and many others for the entire 8 years of the bush boy's presidency. He did nothing.

So for you to whine about Obama and not the bush boy is just more hypocrisy and shows that you believe anything is just fine for a republican but the same things aren't just fine for anyone who isn't a republican.

You're nothing but a lying partisan hack.
Yo, the extent that the Socialist Democrats will go, to make things the way they see them, sick!!! Hell, I think I`ll apply for a job with the Socialist Democrat Party, as a BIG LIAR!!!

To Smoke Or Not To Smoke: Scientist Says William Shakespeare Used Marijuana

August 10, 2015 2:03 PM
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A South African researcher says traces of cannabis were found in fragments of clay pipes discovered in William Shakespeare’s garden. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Related Tags:
marijuana, Shakespeare, cannabis

LONDON (CBSDC) – The man who wrote Hamlet and MacBeth may have been enjoying some Midsummer Night’s Dreams.

South African researchers examined some 17th-Century clay tobacco pipe fragments found in William Shakespeare’s home town of Stratford-upon-Avon, reports Time Magazine.

They examined 24 fragments, including some had been excavated from the site of the Bard’s personal garden.

Using advanced gas chromatography methods, they detected cannabis on eight of the fragments, including four that were confirmed to dome from the garden.

“Literary analyses and chemical science can be mutually beneficial, bringing the arts and the sciences together in an effort to better understand Shakespeare and his contemporaries,” said lead researcher Francis Thackeray.

Other Shakespeare scholars have dismissed the study, saying there is no evidence William Shakespeare used drugs. They say hemp was commonly grown in England in Shakespeare’s day.

Food for thought if you’re planning to see the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s production of Midsummer Night’s Dream.

The study is published in the South African Journal of Science.

View attachment 47061

What is your problem? Just because someone found traces of pot in that pipe doesn't mean what you claim.

For your information medical marijuana is keeping me alive. If I couldn't use it I would be dead from cancer right now.

So if you don't want to smoke pot then don't. But for heaven's sake stop lying about those who do.

Yo, Marijuana does not keep you alive? It`s "Will Power," it will help you cope with life, but your days are numbered!!! Sorry, but I`m not PC!!!

View attachment 47095


I had a very deadly form of breast cancer. The same breast cancer that killed 3 of my relatives. The same cancer that's killed millions of women.

I have to take medication everyday so that the cancer won't kill me. Do you understand proven FDA medication that's developed to keep people alive who have a very deadly form of breast cancer?

That medication makes just about everything I eat not stay in my stomach. I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The only thing that does work to keep food in me is medical marijuana. If I couldn't have medical marijuana to keep food in me I wouldn't be able to take that medication that's keeping me alive.

Do you understand what Carcinoma is? Look it up. That's what I'm fighting.

So when you have to look cancer and your possible death in the face come tell me you won't do anything and everything in your power to stay alive.

Meanwhile you have absolutely no right to tell me what I can or can't put in my body to stay alive. Especially since it's perfectly legal in my state along with many other states.

If you don't want to smoke it fine. No one is making you. You don't have a medical condition that would qualify you for a prescription. I do and so do millions of people just like me.

Stop lying about this subject and about me. If you have to lie, how valid is your point and why should anyone pay any attention to you or anything you say?

Yo, if it really helps the medical ill, then by all means use it? But most just want a high, so I`m not fooled by the push to legalize it! Sorry, but if you beat your cancer fine, but it will not keep you alive, reality!!!

Yo, hold your horses, a Republican President will follow LAW BY THE BOOK, like it should be, but we have a renegade in the White House right now, who by the way, should be locked up for not going by the Constitution, Ted Cruz will!!!

View attachment 47096


The last republican president didn't.

The bush boy didn't do anything to prevent medical marijuana in my state or any other state. So your claim so far is a lie.

Medical marijuana was perfectly legal in my state and many others for the entire 8 years of the bush boy's presidency. He did nothing.

So for you to whine about Obama and not the bush boy is just more hypocrisy and shows that you believe anything is just fine for a republican but the same things aren't just fine for anyone who isn't a republican.

You're nothing but a lying partisan hack.

Yo, keep dreaming, it`s good for you!



  • obama-lying.jpg
    19.6 KB · Views: 53
Yep, keep throwing more people in prison for smoking a leaf..How big government are you,,,Rambo??? lol

Yo, it`s not me? It`s the Democrats who controlled Government for years and didn`t change the Laws? I rest my case!

Rambo is a reactionary right wing progressive statist who wants Big Government to keep imprisoning people for using marijuana.

He is not conservative.
Yo, the extent that the Socialist Democrats will go, to make things the way they see them, sick!!! Hell, I think I`ll apply for a job with the Socialist Democrat Party, as a BIG LIAR!!!

To Smoke Or Not To Smoke: Scientist Says William Shakespeare Used Marijuana

August 10, 2015 2:03 PM
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A South African researcher says traces of cannabis were found in fragments of clay pipes discovered in William Shakespeare’s garden. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Related Tags:
marijuana, Shakespeare, cannabis

LONDON (CBSDC) – The man who wrote Hamlet and MacBeth may have been enjoying some Midsummer Night’s Dreams.

South African researchers examined some 17th-Century clay tobacco pipe fragments found in William Shakespeare’s home town of Stratford-upon-Avon, reports Time Magazine.

They examined 24 fragments, including some had been excavated from the site of the Bard’s personal garden.

Using advanced gas chromatography methods, they detected cannabis on eight of the fragments, including four that were confirmed to dome from the garden.

“Literary analyses and chemical science can be mutually beneficial, bringing the arts and the sciences together in an effort to better understand Shakespeare and his contemporaries,” said lead researcher Francis Thackeray.

Other Shakespeare scholars have dismissed the study, saying there is no evidence William Shakespeare used drugs. They say hemp was commonly grown in England in Shakespeare’s day.

Food for thought if you’re planning to see the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s production of Midsummer Night’s Dream.

The study is published in the South African Journal of Science.

View attachment 47061

What is your problem? Just because someone found traces of pot in that pipe doesn't mean what you claim.

For your information medical marijuana is keeping me alive. If I couldn't use it I would be dead from cancer right now.

So if you don't want to smoke pot then don't. But for heaven's sake stop lying about those who do.

Yo, Marijuana does not keep you alive? It`s "Will Power," it will help you cope with life, but your days are numbered!!! Sorry, but I`m not PC!!!

View attachment 47095


I had a very deadly form of breast cancer. The same breast cancer that killed 3 of my relatives. The same cancer that's killed millions of women.

I have to take medication everyday so that the cancer won't kill me. Do you understand proven FDA medication that's developed to keep people alive who have a very deadly form of breast cancer?

That medication makes just about everything I eat not stay in my stomach. I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The only thing that does work to keep food in me is medical marijuana. If I couldn't have medical marijuana to keep food in me I wouldn't be able to take that medication that's keeping me alive.

Do you understand what Carcinoma is? Look it up. That's what I'm fighting.

So when you have to look cancer and your possible death in the face come tell me you won't do anything and everything in your power to stay alive.

Meanwhile you have absolutely no right to tell me what I can or can't put in my body to stay alive. Especially since it's perfectly legal in my state along with many other states.

If you don't want to smoke it fine. No one is making you. You don't have a medical condition that would qualify you for a prescription. I do and so do millions of people just like me.

Stop lying about this subject and about me. If you have to lie, how valid is your point and why should anyone pay any attention to you or anything you say?

Yo, if it really helps the medical ill, then by all means use it? But most just want a high, so I`m not fooled by the push to legalize it! Sorry, but if you beat your cancer fine, but it will not keep you alive, reality!!!

View attachment 47126

I have to fight carcinoma for the rest of my life. My body hormones are it's food to grow. The medication that I take blocks hormones so that the cancer can't grow and kill me. I have to face the threat of it killing me for the rest of my life. It's not like most types of cancer where you beat it and that's that. It won't come back. What I have is a fight for the rest of my life. So far I'm winning. Only because of tamoxifen and medical marijuana. Without either one off them, I die.

If I couldn't take that medication I would be dead now. If I can't have marijuana that keeps food in me I can't take the medication. Do you understand that if I throw up everything I eat I die? Humans die if they can't eat or have food in their body.

So yes, medical marijuana is keeping me alive. It's making possible for me to take the drugs I have to take to stay alive.

I have a legal written prescription from my doctor to use medical marijuana. I believe that a trained doctor knows much more about this than you do. It was my doctor who told me to use it to keep the food in my stomach.

If you bothered to learn about medical marijuana you would know that there's a lot of different types of medical marijuana. There's a few strains out there that have just the CBCs which don't get anyone high and not the THC that does get people high. A person can take CBC pills too.

Just because a person uses medical marijuana doesn't mean they're doing it to get high or that they're actually getting high from it.

I buy the marijuana that doesn't have the THC and only the CBC so I don't get high. I do get the benefit of being able to eat food without throwing up.

Do you know how scary it is to be woken up at night because you've thrown up while sleeping and are now choking on it? I do. I can tell you it's not fun. It's scary. I can't breathe. The medical marijuana prevents that. Do you know what it's like to be driving down the road and all of a sudden you're throwing up all over yourself and your seat? I do. It's not fun and it's nearly impossible to get the smell out. I've had to replace my seat in my car because of it. It's not cheap.

Stop posting garbage about marijuana. Whether people are using it to get high or for a medical condition, it's none of your business. Making it illegal isn't going to stop it as we all have seen. If it did stop it then there would be no marijuana and no one using it.
Yo, hold your horses, a Republican President will follow LAW BY THE BOOK, like it should be, but we have a renegade in the White House right now, who by the way, should be locked up for not going by the Constitution, Ted Cruz will!!!

View attachment 47096


The last republican president didn't.

The bush boy didn't do anything to prevent medical marijuana in my state or any other state. So your claim so far is a lie.

Medical marijuana was perfectly legal in my state and many others for the entire 8 years of the bush boy's presidency. He did nothing.

So for you to whine about Obama and not the bush boy is just more hypocrisy and shows that you believe anything is just fine for a republican but the same things aren't just fine for anyone who isn't a republican.

You're nothing but a lying partisan hack.

Yo, keep dreaming, it`s good for you!


But you ignore the truths I posted.

You're nothing but a coward.
More and more I have come to believe there should be no restriction on any personal use of any substance.

Merely a restriction on treatment of anyone overdosing.

Turns a social disaster into a self-resolving inconvenience.

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