Society's hand in the Sikh shooting


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
so it turns out, Wade Page was fired from his job at a trucking company, because he was busted for intoxicated driving in his private vehicle.

he was fired from his job for something that had absolutely freaking NOTHING to do with his job performance.
and he can't go to another company.
DMV hold a record for about 3 to 7 years

then he lost his house.
(it's strange thing, when you get cut off from working, it's hard to pay the bills)

...and these days, when you lose your house you can pretty much count on your wife or girlfriend leaving, which is what happened to him.

his band also broke up.

the guy never owned a gun until this happened.
our society gave him plenty of time to sit around and think of plans.

our politicians love it when things like this happen because gun control has been on their agenda for a very long time.
our society walks away from responsibility by simplifying an issue, such as saying the gun caused the problem.

was this incident REALLY about racism or to a lesser extent guns?

it seems to me the root cause of this incident is irresponsible law, and a person who found his life over before his time.
our society have become experts on telling people "we have something on you, so go die"

Um....down here, when you get caught drunk driving you lose your license for a period of time between 6 months and infinity and that is for all kinds of driving...
"Society" bears ZERO responsibility for this creep and his murders. He is a sick fuck. He needs to be given a lethal injection (after he is found guilty, of course) to save "society" the cost of keeping his sorry ass alive......
No the problem here is as a society we have become a nation of excuse makers no one is ever responsible for their actions anymore it's always society's fault or the fault of someone else. I would say Homer Simpson best represents what we have become as a nation.
Society has no responsibility for what this jerk did.
Society has no responsibility for what this jerk did.

Agreed. A person who makes thier livelyhood driving should especially not drive drunk.
A CDL carries additional responsibilties you agree to when you get one.
so it turns out, Wade Page was fired from his job at a trucking company, because he was busted for intoxicated driving in his private vehicle.

he was fired from his job for something that had absolutely freaking NOTHING to do with his job performance.
and he can't go to another company.
DMV hold a record for about 3 to 7 years

then he lost his house.
(it's strange thing, when you get cut off from working, it's hard to pay the bills)

...and these days, when you lose your house you can pretty much count on your wife or girlfriend leaving, which is what happened to him.

his band also broke up.

the guy never owned a gun until this happened.
our society gave him plenty of time to sit around and think of plans.

our politicians love it when things like this happen because gun control has been on their agenda for a very long time.
our society walks away from responsibility by simplifying an issue, such as saying the gun caused the problem.

was this incident REALLY about racism or to a lesser extent guns?

it seems to me the root cause of this incident is irresponsible law, and a person who found his life over before his time.
our society have become experts on telling people "we have something on you, so go die"


Sad story but the current lgun laws should have prevented him from purchasing a weapon.
Um....down here, when you get caught drunk driving you lose your license for a period of time between 6 months and infinity and that is for all kinds of driving...

Yeah...which kind of makes it hard to be a TRUCKER.
a long time ago , some church people looked at our society, they saw public drunkenness, and they saw families being destroyed by it.
they worked for many years to have alcohol outlawed.

our politicians didn't agree with the idea, they accepted bribes, they allowed smugglers to run wild, they acted like they couldn't find places that sold alcohol to the public, and they eventually got the law over-turned.

the way they have it set up now, alcohol is legal, but if you get caught with it you owe the government money, and you have to hire one of their lawyer buddies to defend you.

how do we go from thinking prohibition is the stupidest law in the world, to wanting to kill someone because they took a drink?
we're so used to this idea, no one realizes how stupid and corrupt it is.

they SELL the poison to you , then fine you and keep a record when you take it.


Sad story but the current lgun laws should have prevented him from purchasing a weapon.[/QUOTE]

he had no priors
so it turns out, Wade Page was fired from his job at a trucking company, because he was busted for intoxicated driving in his private vehicle.

he was fired from his job for something that had absolutely freaking NOTHING to do with his job performance.
and he can't go to another company.
DMV hold a record for about 3 to 7 years

then he lost his house.
(it's strange thing, when you get cut off from working, it's hard to pay the bills)

...and these days, when you lose your house you can pretty much count on your wife or girlfriend leaving, which is what happened to him.

his band also broke up.

the guy never owned a gun until this happened.
our society gave him plenty of time to sit around and think of plans.

our politicians love it when things like this happen because gun control has been on their agenda for a very long time.
our society walks away from responsibility by simplifying an issue, such as saying the gun caused the problem.

was this incident REALLY about racism or to a lesser extent guns?

it seems to me the root cause of this incident is irresponsible law, and a person who found his life over before his time.
our society have become experts on telling people "we have something on you, so go die"


well that was as clear as muddy water.
so it turns out, Wade Page was fired from his job at a trucking company, because he was busted for intoxicated driving in his private vehicle.

he was fired from his job for something that had absolutely freaking NOTHING to do with his job performance.

You are a fucking Idiot dude, when you have a CDL license every offense on your Driving Record has something to do with your Job Performance. Every single Trucking Company on Earth will shit can you in 10 Seconds if you get a DUI in your Private vehicle. You can not hold a CDL if you have a Drunk Driving Record, You Fool.
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No the problem here is as a society we have become a nation of excuse makers no one is ever responsible for their actions anymore it's always society's fault or the fault of someone else. I would say Homer Simpson best represents what we have become as a nation.

Don't have a cow, man!
a long time ago , some church people looked at our society, they saw public drunkenness, and they saw families being destroyed by it.
they worked for many years to have alcohol outlawed.

our politicians didn't agree with the idea, they accepted bribes, they allowed smugglers to run wild, they acted like they couldn't find places that sold alcohol to the public, and they eventually got the law over-turned.

the way they have it set up now, alcohol is legal, but if you get caught with it you owe the government money, and you have to hire one of their lawyer buddies to defend you.

how do we go from thinking prohibition is the stupidest law in the world, to wanting to kill someone because they took a drink?
we're so used to this idea, no one realizes how stupid and corrupt it is.

they SELL the poison to you , then fine you and keep a record when you take it.


Who wants to kill anyone for taking a drink? I think drinking is the dumbest thing thats ever graced this earth, but i dont want people who drink dead. That's just ridiculous.
You are a fucking Idiot dude, when you have a CDL license every offense on your Driving Record has something to do with your Job Performance. Every single Trucking Company on Earth will shit can you in 10 Seconds if you get a DUI in your Private vehicle. You can not hold a CDL if you have a Drunk Driving Record, You Fool.

and everyone who has a CDL knows that. So who is responsible if you get drunk and drive, you or the society that made the law?
so it turns out, Wade Page was fired from his job at a trucking company, because he was busted for intoxicated driving in his private vehicle.

he was fired from his job for something that had absolutely freaking NOTHING to do with his job performance.
and he can't go to another company.
DMV hold a record for about 3 to 7 years

He drove for a living. A DWI has everything to do with his job performance. Everything. It also says something about his judgement. I am certain, absolutely certain, that the trucking company has a policy with regard to DWI offenses and I am certain he knew the consequences.

then he lost his house.
(it's strange thing, when you get cut off from working, it's hard to pay the bills)

Yeah, well, I guess he should have called a cab.

...and these days, when you lose your house you can pretty much count on your wife or girlfriend leaving, which is what happened to him.

There was something more there than losing his job and the house that caused her to leave. Guaranteed.

I could lose my job and house and I know my wife wouldn't leave...

his band also broke up.

So did the Beatles, they didn't kill anyone...

the guy never owned a gun until this happened.

But he was in the military so it's not like he was unfamiliar with guns..

our society gave him plenty of time to sit around and think of plans.

He gave himself plenty of time to "sit around and think of plans." He could have worked to better his lot in life. He chose not to and instead sat around and allowed twisted thoughts and plans to fester in his racist little mind.

our politicians love it when things like this happen because gun control has been on their agenda for a very long time.

No one "loves it" when things like this happen. It's a tragedy. A tragedy perpetrated by an individual who harbored sick ideas and hate.

our society walks away from responsibility by simplifying an issue, such as saying the gun caused the problem.

was this incident REALLY about racism or to a lesser extent guns?

It was about racism and ignorance, it was about a person so filled with hate that he lashed out for reasons others deal with daily. It was, in my opinion, about a person who wanted to die but was too cowardly to pull the trigger himself.

it seems to me the root cause of this incident is irresponsible law, and a person who found his life over before his time.

Bullshit. There are more than enough laws, and they are plenty "responsible." The root cause was the shooter and some fucked up ideas.

our society have become experts on telling people "we have something on you, so go die"...

I'm pretty sure this doesn't make sense...

You strike a funny tone in your post. At one point you seemingly criticize politicians about gun control, then you claim the gun laws are "irresponsible." In one breath you suggest you support our current laws and gun ownership, in the other you come across as an advocate for stronger gun control laws...

It's as though you are trying not to offend anyone.

My guess? You favor stronger gun control laws...

"Society" bears ZERO responsibility for this creep and his murders. He is a sick fuck. He needs to be given a lethal injection (after he is found guilty, of course) to save "society" the cost of keeping his sorry ass alive......

Dude... He was killed by the cops...
According to OBama...he didnt shoot them, we all did, people had to sell him the gun, make the gun, fire him from his job, make the roads and cars he used,someone had to make him racist, someone had to....give him the food so he wouldnt die before he carried this plan out......and so many many more people.....woooohoooo, crimes without blame.....liberal paradise!
Sorry bout that,

1. Every day some fucking drunk crashes his fucking car into a load of people and everyone dies, except, the fucking drunk bastard.
2. Because they are all loosey goose or something, and when they hit the steering wheel, they just get some teeth knocked out.
3. Everyone else has to die.
4. Thats why people caught driving drunk need to have their license suspended.
5. The lesson learned here, is don't drink.

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