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Show me where I said that ...
you are goin to play stupid now?
all your chatter about billions of birds ate by domestic cats was simply bullshit in the wrong thread?
"House cats are estimated to kill birds by the ten's of billions every year ..."

Thank you for the ad hominim argument ... thus admitting my claim is unassailable ... and you have only my person to attack ... [giggle] ...
"House cats are estimated to kill birds by the ten's of billions every year ..."
yes, you are right, house cats kill 10's of billions of birds every year. Yep, every single american has a house cat and that house cat kills over a 100 birds a year. According to you, your comment, trillions of birds have been killed in the last 20 years alone.

Yep, mine as kill all of them in the wild.

Who can argue with your brilliant logic.

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