Solar Powered Tanks

Unlike Trumpist Luddites, our President is once again ahead of the curve. He is right. The US military needs to prepare for the future and the future is one where alternative energy and alternative fuels will rule. While our enemies will have to rely on fossil fuel supplies, the U.S. military will be prepared to be independent of such a supply chain.

Hey, Weatherman will have a fine career in the Russian military. They have need of his big brain.

Get back to me when Airforce One is solar powered.

EVs are dirtier than most internal combustion engine cars.
EVs produce their pollution at the electric power generating plant, and are about equivalent of a car getting about 29 mpg.
But not only do a lot of internal combustion cars get more like 40mpg, but if they use bio fuel, then can actually make air cleaner and produce no net emissions at all.

Bio fuel is still carbon based.

Unlike Trumpist Luddites, our President is once again ahead of the curve. He is right. The US military needs to prepare for the future and the future is one where alternative energy and alternative fuels will rule. While our enemies will have to rely on fossil fuel supplies, the U.S. military will be prepared to be independent of such a supply chain.

Hey, Weatherman will have a fine career in the Russian military. They have need of his big brain.
No. He’s a schmuck.
But of course we'll need a fleet of charging trucks powered by diesel generators to retard....I mean recharge on the battle field

Unlike Trumpist Luddites, our President is once again ahead of the curve. He is right. The US military needs to prepare for the future and the future is one where alternative energy and alternative fuels will rule. While our enemies will have to rely on fossil fuel supplies, the U.S. military will be prepared to be independent of such a supply chain.

Hey, Weatherman will have a fine career in the Russian military. They have need of his big brain.

An Abrams tank weights 68 metric tons with a range of 93-265 miles, depending on conditions and speed. The engine produces more kilowatts per hour than the average home uses in a month. What fucking electric engine will power something like that ? You loons are unrealistically retarded.
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Along with making the military all 'green' (as well as 'woke'), I saw reports this week that Biden is working with auto manufacturers to ensure that 50% of all new cars will be electric by 2030. That is eight years from now!!!!!

Not only will that be a nightmare for those who have to drive a lot for whatever reason, but it will be a problem for those using gasoline and diesel too as gas stations become more unprofitable and a lot of the smaller ones will close. I can see the cost of charging an electric car battery going through the roof. Meanwhile there is little or no effort to increase public transportation as private transportation becomes less and less user friendly.

I wonder if anybody in charge ever really takes the time to think these things out?
"Blitzkrieg," a German word meaning "Lightning War," will be a thing of the past with EVs if they have to stop and charge their EVs every coupklke of hours for a couple of hours
Biden and people that support him ate complete idiots
I’ve got 14 charging stations - meaning 14 cars - within a 50 mile radius of me.


Joey Xi's line between reality and the bizarro world has gone the way of Biden’s southern border.…

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