Solar Powered Tanks

With all the bitching in this thread, Biden may have said something stupid but what he did not say is anything remotely close to 'electric tank.'

What he said was dumb on its own, adding bullshit spin just give detractors something to cling to.
We need to make sure to power our long-range missles with batteries as well. We wouldn’t want them to pollute the environment while en route to kill 100’s or 1000’s of people.

These people have many screws loose.
We need to make sure to power our long-range missles with batteries as well. We wouldn’t want them to pollute the environment while en route to kill 100’s or 1000’s of people.

These people have many screws loose.
Bombs are already green. Problem solved.
Unlike Trumpist Luddites, our President is once again ahead of the curve. He is right. The US military needs to prepare for the future and the future is one where alternative energy and alternative fuels will rule. While our enemies will have to rely on fossil fuel supplies, the U.S. military will be prepared to be independent of such a supply chain.

Hey, Weatherman will have a fine career in the Russian military. They have need of his big brain.

A climate friendly approach to killing people and blowing things up.
I can't imagine what it would take to run a tank equivalent to say an A1 Abraham's. That thing is like 50+ tons without fuel or ammunition or personal. The batteries would have to be massive and hell it takes like 10 hours to charge a Tesla.

This claim seems ridiculously out of touch with reality. Sounds more like some off the cuff comment made by someone who has no idea what they are talking about because he thinks it will make him look good in the moment.
With all the bitching in this thread, Biden may have said something stupid but what he did not say is anything remotely close to 'electric tank.'

What he said was dumb on its own, adding bullshit spin just give detractors something to cling to.
He said ALL military vehicles would be climate friendly. So do you think M1 Abrams tanks are not military vehicles?
""We're going to start the process for every vehicle in the United States military, every vehicle is going to be climate-friendly," Biden said. "Every vehicle. I mean it. We're spending billions of dollars to do it." (Source: Washington Examiner)

No, he didn't provide any details on how that will happen--just that he's spending billions of tax payer dollars to do it. But what are the options for fuel? Wind, solar, electric, nuclear or carbon based. Which of these do you think is most practical for a tank?
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He said ALL military vehicles would be climate friendly. So do you think M1 Abrams tanks are not military vehicles?
""We're going to start the process for every vehicle in the United States military, every vehicle is going to be climate-friendly," Biden said. "Every vehicle. I mean it. We're spending billions of dollars to do it." (Source: Washington Examiner)

No, he didn't provide any details on how that will happen--just that he's spending billions of tax payer dollars to do it. But what are the options for fuel? Wind, solar, electric, nuclear or carbon based. Which of these do you think is most practical for a tank?
Yes he said all. He STILL did not say solar tanks. That is just a fact.

It was a platitude no different than almost anything that ever fell out of Trump's mouth. BTW, climate friendly does not mean electric either. 'Friendly' is one of those politician words that can essentially mean anything.

Biden can barely find his own ass with a map, do you really think that such a statement is really commenting on making electric tanks? Of course not, no one actually thinks that is what he meant which is why I said what I did. You give others an easy out to the stupid by going straight to a nonsensical example.
Coming soon to a war near you.
China, please hold your launching any weapons at me, I have to recharge my Abrams tank…oh, and my F-35….i have to land and recharge it too…(its a ‘vehicle’….)

The stupid it burns….

Not unless we can completely rewrite the laws of physics. I don't see that happening in the near future.

The technology doesn't even exist to produce an electric or hybrid main battle tank because of the energy requirements to move that much mass over rough terrain.
I can agree with this, but it'll take years and years to develop.

We need some German Panzer designers up in here...
The German tank designs actually got worse rather than better as the war went on.

They got a lot bigger and looked a whole lot cooler but they were over engineered to the point where their reliability levels were atrocious.

They looked real cool though sitting on the side of the road broken down while their soldiers were marching in the opposite direction.
The German tank designs actually got worse rather than better as the war went on.

They got a lot bigger and looked a whole lot cooler but they were over engineered to the point where their reliability levels were atrocious.

They looked real cool though sitting on the side of the road broken down while their soldiers were marching in the opposite direction.

I know... But yeah they looked cool.

Unfortunately tanks are going to be really hard to make "eco friendly". To move that much weight, you need a powerful engine. POWERFUL. Our current MBT, The M1 Abrams, weighs between 60 to 70 tons, depending on the model. The engines may become cleaner, but they won't be electric or solar, at least not for a long time.

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