Solution To Illegal Immigration

I still haven't seen proof that they cost more than they contribute. Until you can prove it, I'm all for letting them become citizens so they can pay their way. Actually, either way, it just makes good sense.

Read this

Report Uncovers Hidden Cost of Immigration - HUMAN EVENTS

They cost us in the billions, so I'm with Sho, no citizenship for those here illegally. Go back to your own country and wait in line. Or, better yet, fix your own country and leave ours alone.
Sorry, "newspaper" articles based on "reports" by a group considered white supremist isn't convincing.
Why? If someone can afford to stimulate the economy, why does the government tell them they don't have the right to do it?

Because the law says it's illegal to hire illegal aliens? Duh ...

What right does "someone" have to "stimulate the economy" at ThEIR end, while simultaneously destroying it at the social infrastructure level?

The simplest, easiest and most effective deterrent to illegal immigration is hammering employers of illegals, and hammering them HARD. Take away the incentive to hire illegals and the market for illegals dries up.
What if you're paying them the going rate?

Their presence on US soil is in and of itself criminal. How much they are paid is irrelevant.

However, anyone paying an illegal alien the going rate needs to have their heads examined. That kind of kills the risk for profit strategy, don't you think?
Their economy sucks.

I think citizenship is a significant issue. Give it to them.

How about NO? They can get in line and apply for it like everyone else.

Are you REALLY so shortsighted that you cannot see you're screwing us -- yourself -- in the end? They are killing our social infrastructure at the base level, and taking services for free from those who pay, or causing the cost to increase for those who pay.

Goa newsflash for you too ... OUR economy sucks. Their economy is THEIR problem, and does not entitle them to just violate our laws because the grass looks greener.
Why are so many Americans against capitalism?

Why are quasi-socialists like you all of a sudden so willing to embrace capitalism if it suits your bleeding heart cause?

Since when was capitalism okay when it exploits others?

Try a different tact. This one's intellectually dishonest.
I still haven't seen proof that they cost more than they contribute. Until you can prove it, I'm all for letting them become citizens so they can pay their way. Actually, either way, it just makes good sense.

More intellectual dishonesty. It's basic fact that if they are taking jobs and being paid and using social services they cannot be denied, yet not paying taxes, they cost more than they contribute.

Simple math. You're just doing that not seeing what's there because it suits you not to thing again.
Thanks, Jose. The fact is, it would cost waaaaay more to enforce our immigration policy than not. And as far as I can tell, keeping people from being offended by hearing spanish isn't worth it.

The fact is, that's bullshit. Obviously, you are completely ignorant on this topic and just believing some liberal, do-gooder soundbyte because it suits your agenda.
Sorry, "newspaper" articles based on "reports" by a group considered white supremist isn't convincing.

Y'know, Swamp Fox and I live in the Southwest, not South Florida. I'll give our opinions the nod over yours every time; especially, since you have displayed nothing in this thread but complete ignorance to the reality of the topic.
Y'know, Swamp Fox and I live in the Southwest, not South Florida. I'll give our opinions the nod over yours every time; especially, since you have displayed nothing in this thread but complete ignorance to the reality of the topic.

Well, good morning to you, you quasi-fascist. What has living in the southwest got to do with it?

The immigrants do pay for services...they pay sales tax, they pay property tax, some of them pay income tax. They all spend money on goods in services in the USA, just like everyone else. If you want them to pay more then you've got to let them work legally.

You didn't answer the may be illegal to employ undocumented workers, but why is it? It isn't like gringo maids and yard workers are a dime a dozen.

And really, until someone can make an unbiased report on the cost of enforcing immigration policy vs. the cost of allowing them to work this discussion is just a stupid wedge issue designed to stir up the nuts.
well maybe if there weren't so many illegals here, than the price of a maid will go up. and maybe even some of our lazy ass kids will get up off their ass and do some of it......
Nothing is stopping them from taking the jobs now.

Affirmative action for teens, interesting concept.
I still haven't seen proof that they cost more than they contribute. Until you can prove it, I'm all for letting them become citizens so they can pay their way. Actually, either way, it just makes good sense.

Ravi, you wouldn't believe it anyway even if the ghost of economics present bitchslapped you with hard data and testimony from thousands of schools and hospitals.

and, i dont have to prove their burden. I CAN prove their illegal status. And, your citizenship pipe dream is just that; a pipe dream. Im for mass deportation back to mexico where they can work to make THEIR country a better place rather than using our for social toilet paper.
You are talking economics, Shogun hasn't got a clue, you'll have to wait until he googles the answer.:D

poor guy.. I bet you wouldn't be this bitter if you had a nice, winning smile full of strait teeth like I have.


Ravi, you wouldn't believe it anyway even if the ghost of economics present bitchslapped you with hard data and testimony from thousands of schools and hospitals.

and, i dont have to prove their burden. I CAN prove their illegal status. And, your citizenship pipe dream is just that; a pipe dream. Im for mass deportation back to mexico where they can work to make THEIR country a better place rather than using our for social toilet paper.

That's fine. Until I have solid information that it costs more to keep them than to keep them out I'm just going to go on my merry way believing you are a xenophobic wus.
José;698482 said:
I came to the conclusion you are responsible for Shogun’s anger.
He gets angry when he sees Americans like you who don’t see a big difference between waves of legal and illegal immigrants.
He gets even more disillusioned by the fact that the American government TACITLY agrees with you, since it doesn’t do anything to enforce its own legislation.
He gets frustrated by the fact you don’t support the mass deportation of illegal immigrants.
Then he takes out his accumulated frustrations on a country/people that can’t do anything to prevent the US from enforcing its own immigrations laws, EVEN IF THEY WANTED.

you might wanna tread lightly with words like that Jose.. A LOT of actual legal Americans feel the exact same way. It's not a matter of being powerless so much as it is the reprocussion of a dual party system hoping to trade in their concern for America for the sake of the latino vote.

But, feel free to tell me all about frustration while you still don't have drivers licenses or the legal status to work here.

Indeed, Reagan's amnesty is the one issue that he parts ways with his usual puppylovers. Either party, trying to do the same, will be eating crow for a long time..

or, in your case, a dog burrito.
you might wanna tread lightly with words like that Jose.. A LOT of actual legal Americans feel the exact same way. It's not a matter of being powerless so much as it is the reprocussion of a dual party system hoping to trade in their concern for America for the sake of the latino vote.

But, feel free to tell me all about frustration while you still don't have drivers licenses or the legal status to work here.

Indeed, Reagan's amnesty is the one issue that he parts ways with his usual puppylovers. Either party, trying to do the same, will be eating crow for a long time..

or, in your case, a dog burrito.

Jose, the point is. If millions of Americans were streaming across the border into Mexico illegally and taking jobs from Mexicans and bucking the system. And the Mexican government started changing everything to English would that make you mad? I feel that Mexicans would be pissed also. Any country would feel this way, that's why other countries have more strict immigration laws and actually enforce them.
Their economy sucks.

I think citizenship is a significant issue. Give it to them.

I agree completely - make citizenship easier - grant amnesty and encourage assimilation - this weird obsession with protectionism does the country (and particularly the economy) no favors whatsoever - not to mention that it's completely antithetical to the free-market ideology conservatives are so busy trumpeting the rest of the time (when it serves their purposes) - and the ridiculous notion that it's in any way worth the effort, the money, or the resources required to ferret out and deport every one of the millions of illegals currently in the US is about as knee-jerk and myopic as cheap, emotional, populist-pandering gets (which is saying a lot).
I agree completely - make citizenship easier - grant amnesty and encourage assimilation - this weird obsession with protectionism does the country (and particularly the economy) no favors whatsoever - not to mention that it's completely antithetical to the free-market ideology conservatives are so busy trumpeting the rest of the time (when it serves their purposes) - and the ridiculous notion that it's in any way worth the effort, the money, or the resources required to ferret out and deport every one of the millions of illegals currently in the US is about as knee-jerk and myopic as cheap, emotional, populist-pandering gets (which is saying a lot).

It makes people feel better when they have some group to blame their problems on. And politicians will always take advantage of that fact.

yea, 'cause millions on illegal aliens are GOOD for our hospitals and schools!

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