Solutions for Universal Healthcare in the US


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018

So I have historically been against Universal Healthcare. To me you can have two of the three when it comes to healthcare:

#1) Quality
#2) Cost Effectiveness
#3) Universality

In Canada, Europe, Australia...they have universality and we an argue if they have quality or cost effectiveness but I would argue the latter as the best quality remains in the US. Here of course we have quality and cost effectiveness to a point but not universality. The issue for me now is that many with poor or no insurance wait until their maladies are critical and then seek care, which is way more expensive than if they saw their doctor immediately so I am wavering on universality. The problem is the cost and the cost it takes for persons to become MDs in America. Tuition is not free, it is super expensive. So my solution would be:

#1) Universal Healthcare by 2027 - Gives the Gov't time to put the program together
#2) MDs pay no federal taxes for their first five years post medical school, and pay 10% federal for the next 15 years. This will help them pay off student loans and incentivize more people to become doctors.
#3) Invest in robotics and such to rely less heavily on humans
#4) Increase tax rates, unfortunately therein lies the beast. But we pay pretty heavily through our employers now so we would have to figure that part out but I would provide incentives for those who are healthy and don't use their UH as much, like auto companies do. Maybe a tax break? People who take care of themselves and are healthy should not have to pay the same as those who eat chips all day and are fat and unhealthy. Slippery slope, I know.
#5) Work with Big Pharma for more affordable drugs, especially critical ones for those with debilitating conditions.
#6) Allow persons to purchase additional insurance to be used if necessary. Yes, that favors the wealthy but such is life in capitalism. Tom Brady will receive better treatment than some insurance salesman named Tom Smith.
#7) Legalize all drugs and tax them heavily, use those monies to help cover the costs of UH. Would reduce the war on drugs cost as well if we privatize it.
#8) Create a scholarship fund to attract more persons to the medical profession - Nurses, doctors, etc.
#9) Allow doctors to also take private monies - like they do for LASIK.
#10) Elective surgeries like cosmetic and gender changing would not be covered and would have to come from private monies.

Those are my thoughts and again, I am not sold on this but seeing how our insurance industry is now I believe we need drastic changes. I know those on the left believe we can just magically do it but those who are moderates like myself and those on the right, what are your thoughts? Am I completely crazy to suggest this?

Thank you

PS - Moonglow, you're a troll and you suck, your opinion here is unwelcome. Get lost, loser troll.
We don't need government to provide us with health care. In a free society, government isn't our "provider". To the extent that it is, society is not free.
The decades I was on private healthcare versus the VA, the VA is better.

The govt. hires private medical practioners to implement any Medicare or Medicaid services. The only problem is they hold back on services and test because of the low pay.
At the VA if I need a test I am scheduled automatically.
I would suggest everyone join the military do yer service and yer healthcare needs can be met.
We don't need government to provide us with health care. In a free society, government isn't our "provider". To the extent that it is, society is not free.
Where is this "free" society that is not free?
We don't need government to provide us with health care. In a free society, government isn't our "provider". To the extent that it is, society is not free.
We don't need government to provide us with health care. In a free society, government isn't our "provider". To the extent that it is, society is not free.
Where is this "free" society that is not free?
Up your ass? I don't know what you mean. More importantly, I don't care.
There is medical and healthcare for that problem you are having. Have you enrolled?
We don't need government to provide us with health care. In a free society, government isn't our "provider". To the extent that it is, society is not free.
How about this. I want to retire when I'm 62 but that's going to be hard because medicare doesn't kick in till 65. How about you allow people who retire at 62 to jump on medicare then? Wouldn't that be fair?

Republicans complain that social security sucks because if you die at 66 you got ripped off. You paid in all your life but only got 1 year out of it. But then in the next breath they want to raise the retirement age?

So I have historically been against Universal Healthcare. To me you can have two of the three when it comes to healthcare:

#1) Quality
#2) Cost Effectiveness
#3) Universality

In Canada, Europe, Australia...they have universality and we an argue if they have quality or cost effectiveness but I would argue the latter as the best quality remains in the US. Here of course we have quality and cost effectiveness to a point but not universality. The issue for me now is that many with poor or no insurance wait until their maladies are critical and then seek care, which is way more expensive than if they saw their doctor immediately so I am wavering on universality. The problem is the cost and the cost it takes for persons to become MDs in America. Tuition is not free, it is super expensive. So my solution would be:

#1) Universal Healthcare by 2027 - Gives the Gov't time to put the program together
#2) MDs pay no federal taxes for their first five years post medical school, and pay 10% federal for the next 15 years. This will help them pay off student loans and incentivize more people to become doctors.
#3) Invest in robotics and such to rely less heavily on humans
#4) Increase tax rates, unfortunately therein lies the beast. But we pay pretty heavily through our employers now so we would have to figure that part out but I would provide incentives for those who are healthy and don't use their UH as much, like auto companies do. Maybe a tax break? People who take care of themselves and are healthy should not have to pay the same as those who eat chips all day and are fat and unhealthy. Slippery slope, I know.
#5) Work with Big Pharma for more affordable drugs, especially critical ones for those with debilitating conditions.
#6) Allow persons to purchase additional insurance to be used if necessary. Yes, that favors the wealthy but such is life in capitalism. Tom Brady will receive better treatment than some insurance salesman named Tom Smith.
#7) Legalize all drugs and tax them heavily, use those monies to help cover the costs of UH. Would reduce the war on drugs cost as well if we privatize it.
#8) Create a scholarship fund to attract more persons to the medical profession - Nurses, doctors, etc.
#9) Allow doctors to also take private monies - like they do for LASIK.
#10) Elective surgeries like cosmetic and gender changing would not be covered and would have to come from private monies.

Those are my thoughts and again, I am not sold on this but seeing how our insurance industry is now I believe we need drastic changes. I know those on the left believe we can just magically do it but those who are moderates like myself and those on the right, what are your thoughts? Am I completely crazy to suggest this?

Thank you

PS - Moonglow, you're a troll and you suck, your opinion here is unwelcome. Get lost, loser troll.

fwiw, maybe not much, I took a loooong break from here and remember you as being a thoughtful and informed poster. This merits thought in response. I have been opposed to UHC for so many reasons but in reality, we're very close at any rate.

Will come back later with a better response.
We don't need government to provide us with health care. In a free society, government isn't our "provider". To the extent that it is, society is not free.
How about this. I want to retire when I'm 62 but that's going to be hard because medicare doesn't kick in till 65. How about you allow people who retire at 62 to jump on medicare then? Wouldn't that be fair?

Fair? Beats me. I don't want government to serve as our caretaker.
We don't need government to provide us with health care. In a free society, government isn't our "provider". To the extent that it is, society is not free.
How about this. I want to retire when I'm 62 but that's going to be hard because medicare doesn't kick in till 65. How about you allow people who retire at 62 to jump on medicare then? Wouldn't that be fair?

Fair? Beats me. I don't want government to serve as our caretaker.
Then you're a dope. The rich would own us if not for a government that protests we the people. You don't appreciate how good your government is. And can we keep it? We almost lost it in January when Trump tried pulling a coup. Who knows how things would have gone if Pence would have went along with Adolf. I mean Trump.
We don't need government to provide us with health care. In a free society, government isn't our "provider". To the extent that it is, society is not free.
How about this. I want to retire when I'm 62 but that's going to be hard because medicare doesn't kick in till 65. How about you allow people who retire at 62 to jump on medicare then? Wouldn't that be fair?

Fair? Beats me. I don't want government to serve as our caretaker.
You should also appreciate your media more. The Republicans have successfully conned you into thinking they and the scientists are the enemy. You're full blown brainwashed dude.
We don't need government to provide us with health care. In a free society, government isn't our "provider". To the extent that it is, society is not free.
How about this. I want to retire when I'm 62 but that's going to be hard because medicare doesn't kick in till 65. How about you allow people who retire at 62 to jump on medicare then? Wouldn't that be fair?

Fair? Beats me. I don't want government to serve as our caretaker.
Then you're a dope. The rich would own us if not for a government that protests we the people.
The government is how they own you.
We don't need government to provide us with health care. In a free society, government isn't our "provider". To the extent that it is, society is not free.
How about this. I want to retire when I'm 62 but that's going to be hard because medicare doesn't kick in till 65. How about you allow people who retire at 62 to jump on medicare then? Wouldn't that be fair?

Fair? Beats me. I don't want government to serve as our caretaker.
You should also appreciate your media more. The Republicans have successfully conned you into thinking they and the scientists are the enemy. You're full blown brainwashed dude.
Nope. Swing and a miss.
We don't need government to provide us with health care. In a free society, government isn't our "provider". To the extent that it is, society is not free.

When we have a "free" society that may be argued. Until then it's nothing but hot air.

As to the OP, I don't have any real issues with anything posted. I'm not tied down to how we make health care affordable and accessible to all, just that we do.

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