somali - muslim cop shoots pajama wearing woman dead in Minnesota

An unarmed, innocent woman was shot dead at close range. "Sketchy" is a pretty generous term.
The post is about a Police shooting and the link is about a sick Brit kid. Maybe lefties are in such a perpetual state of incoherent anger that they can't keep their stories straight.

Not to mention there is already a thread or two on it anyway
the Minneapolis police have been no strangers to high profile police shootings . They also have a rep for being corrupt .

This time they've really done it . They shot and killed a white lady, who happens to be Australian. Meaning this will get lots of media attention .

She called the cops because she heard a rukus in the street of her upper class neighborhood. Cops show up, she ends up dead with a bullet to the gut. Oh, and the body and dash cams were not on.

And the public relations geniuses at the MPD have been tight lipped . No details . That's really trustworthy . Australian news has swooped into the city.

Questions over why Minnesota cops had body cameras off during shooting of Australian woman

Turns out it was one of your muslim buddies.
Somali-American Mohamed Noor.
the Minneapolis police have been no strangers to high profile police shootings . They also have a rep for being corrupt .

This time they've really done it . They shot and killed a white lady, who happens to be Australian. Meaning this will get lots of media attention .

She called the cops because she heard a rukus in the street of her upper class neighborhood. Cops show up, she ends up dead with a bullet to the gut. Oh, and the body and dash cams were not on.

And the public relations geniuses at the MPD have been tight lipped . No details . That's really trustworthy . Australian news has swooped into the city.

Questions over why Minnesota cops had body cameras off during shooting of Australian woman

Turns out it was one of your muslim buddies.
Somali-American Mohamed Noor.

The subject is the police . Ya know they are all blue .
the Minneapolis police have been no strangers to high profile police shootings . They also have a rep for being corrupt .

This time they've really done it . They shot and killed a white lady, who happens to be Australian. Meaning this will get lots of media attention .

She called the cops because she heard a rukus in the street of her upper class neighborhood. Cops show up, she ends up dead with a bullet to the gut. Oh, and the body and dash cams were not on.

And the public relations geniuses at the MPD have been tight lipped . No details . That's really trustworthy . Australian news has swooped into the city.

Questions over why Minnesota cops had body cameras off during shooting of Australian woman

Turns out it was one of your muslim buddies.
Somali-American Mohamed Noor.

The subject is the police . Ya know they are all blue .

It's a muslim problem.
I have read somewhere the reason their body cams werent on is because they were in the car when the shooting happened.
--------------------------------------maybe , course the body cams shoild always be on or what good are they ?? Also heard that the cars camara was off .

Dash cams show in front of the car. Body cams show in front of the officer. I am speculating but even if they were on, what would they show? Probably nothing!
They would show something, what the person did, how they acted, maybe not everything depending where they were pointed or if they were covered by something.
the cams should be running all the time

that was the idea behind them

Most of them do not have the battery life or storage capability to do that without being so expensive that they are not affordable. Several local police and sheriffs departments jumped on the body cam bandwagon and quietly discontinued their use shortly afterwards because they became more of a a problem than a solution.

Most of them do not have the battery life or storage capability to do that without being so expensive that they are not affordable.

simply not true

Police Body Cameras

The Big Picture: How Do Police Body Cameras Work?

public transparency is never a problem and always the solution
Youre trying way to hard and failing yugely.......
I don't think so. Some crazy woman rushes a cop car without her hands being visible? What would you do, if you were a cop?
And where in any article does it state she did that.....try some honesty eh........or stfu
Honesty? What? Are standards for police murdering unarmed people suddenly different now that the black guy is out of the White House?
Actually the lack of outrage from BLM is what I have pointed out. Only matters if victim is black.
So far no real protests or freeways blocked over this incident.
Liberal outrage disappears when the cop is black and a Somali.

Why should BLM protest? You people don't give a shit when a black man gets killed by the cops. In fact , white conservatives villianize the victim. You defend these white officers even when there's video evidence the victim was unarmed.

I don't even support BLM because I think they're extreme with some things, but I wouldn't be protesting in the streets if I were them either.

BLM has called out the way police use force and all white conservatives have done is defend these trigger happy cops. They defend them as long as its black men and women getting killed.

Now that a white woman has gotten killed you people are outraged and want change.
As if this is only white person killed by a cop or immigrant for that matter. If BLM was truly concerned with excessive police force the group would have been at the precinct protesting right now.
They are not there as this doesn't fit the narrative of a white police force out of control keeping minorities down.
The leftist city council of MPLS wants this one to dissipate as it makes them look foolish after propping up this officer as someone special.
In the days when my dad was a cop, they were trained that protection of citizens came first and protecting themselves, second. That the cop had his gun out at all requires explanation, shooting, even more.
cops bodycams had been turned off and cars camera wasn't functioning , --- Police officer who shot Justine Damond identified | Daily Mail Online --- happened a day or 2 ago .

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Minneapolis: Muslim cop who shot woman in cold blood had three complaints against him

“The cop with only two years experience who shot pyjama-wearing Australian woman, 40, dead through the DOOR of his squad car while his bodycam was off after she called 911 over ‘home intruder,'” by Hannah Moore and Josh Hanrahan, Daily Mail Australia, July 17, 2017:
--------------------------------------maybe , course the body cams shoild always be on or what good are they ?? Also heard that the cars camara was off .

Dash cams show in front of the car. Body cams show in front of the officer. I am speculating but even if they were on, what would they show? Probably nothing!
They would show something, what the person did, how they acted, maybe not everything depending where they were pointed or if they were covered by something.
the cams should be running all the time

that was the idea behind them

Most of them do not have the battery life or storage capability to do that without being so expensive that they are not affordable. Several local police and sheriffs departments jumped on the body cam bandwagon and quietly discontinued their use shortly afterwards because they became more of a a problem than a solution.

Most of them do not have the battery life or storage capability to do that without being so expensive that they are not affordable.

simply not true

Police Body Cameras

The Big Picture: How Do Police Body Cameras Work?

public transparency is never a problem and always the solution

How much do those cameras cost?

All I know is what the police departments here have stated. The cameras they bought proved to be more problems than they were worth. That is why they stopped using them.

Most police departments cannot afford the expenditure of funds to replace the crappy ones they already bought that did not meet up with the manufacturers hype.
Dash cams show in front of the car. Body cams show in front of the officer. I am speculating but even if they were on, what would they show? Probably nothing!
They would show something, what the person did, how they acted, maybe not everything depending where they were pointed or if they were covered by something.
the cams should be running all the time

that was the idea behind them

Most of them do not have the battery life or storage capability to do that without being so expensive that they are not affordable. Several local police and sheriffs departments jumped on the body cam bandwagon and quietly discontinued their use shortly afterwards because they became more of a a problem than a solution.

Most of them do not have the battery life or storage capability to do that without being so expensive that they are not affordable.

simply not true

Police Body Cameras

The Big Picture: How Do Police Body Cameras Work?

public transparency is never a problem and always the solution

How much do those cameras cost?

All I know is what the police departments here have stated. The cameras they bought proved to be more problems than they were worth. That is why they stopped using them.

Most police departments cannot afford the expenditure of funds to replace the crappy ones they already bought that did not meet up with the manufacturers hype.
-------------------------------------------------- yeah well , thats what the police say Admiral .
They would show something, what the person did, how they acted, maybe not everything depending where they were pointed or if they were covered by something.
the cams should be running all the time

that was the idea behind them

Most of them do not have the battery life or storage capability to do that without being so expensive that they are not affordable. Several local police and sheriffs departments jumped on the body cam bandwagon and quietly discontinued their use shortly afterwards because they became more of a a problem than a solution.

Most of them do not have the battery life or storage capability to do that without being so expensive that they are not affordable.

simply not true

Police Body Cameras

The Big Picture: How Do Police Body Cameras Work?

public transparency is never a problem and always the solution

How much do those cameras cost?

All I know is what the police departments here have stated. The cameras they bought proved to be more problems than they were worth. That is why they stopped using them.

Most police departments cannot afford the expenditure of funds to replace the crappy ones they already bought that did not meet up with the manufacturers hype.
-------------------------------------------------- yeah well , thats what the police say Admiral .

Well there sure are a lot of them in the area that are saying it and no longer using them.

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