somali - muslim cop shoots pajama wearing woman dead in Minnesota

Criticizing the Police is strictly forbidden in Police States. This OP better be prepared for Authority-Worshipper wrath. The Police are always right. And if you say otherwise, yer a gosh dang 'America-Hater.'
Holy toledo! Has this come up in the thread yet? That he shot across his partner and hit the woman in the stomach while she was talking to his partner?

Hello? Can anyone explain this?
Holy toledo! Has this come up in the thread yet? That he shot across his partner and hit the woman in the stomach while she was talking to his partner?

Hello? Can anyone explain this?

Police are rarely held accountable for their crimes in Police States. He'll likely receive a medal. :(
I'm stroking out here learning this. His partner must be completely losing it. He opened fire right in the freaking car!

Partner of cop who fatally shot bride-to-be 'was STUNNED when his colleague opened fire from inside their squad car' as autopsy reveals she was killed by one bullet to the stomach after she called 911
  • Bride-to-be Justine Damond, 40, was fatally shot by officer Mohamed Noor
  • His partner Matthew Harrity was 'left stunned' by the shooting, sources say

Read more: Cop who shot dead Justine Damond offers condolences | Daily Mail Online
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  • Harrity was speaking to Damond when Noor opened fire through the patrol car's driver side door, fatally wounding her in the abdomen
Holy toledo! Has this come up in the thread yet? That he shot across his partner and hit the woman in the stomach while she was talking to his partner?

Hello? Can anyone explain this?

Police are rarely held accountable for their crimes in Police States. He'll likely receive a medal. :(

Aye #$F%@^G#%^&^&&**Carumba! Surely he won't walk. I can't think of any reasonable explaination at all.
Criticizing the Police is strictly forbidden in Police States. This OP better be prepared for Authority-Worshipper wrath. The Police are always right. And if you say otherwise, yer a gosh dang 'America-Hater.'
did you know that in the 90's, after the ruby ridge and waco massacres, a prominant member of the NRA referred to the ATF as "jack booted thugs" and he was kicked off the board.
Thats why I prefer GOA and JPFO
Holy toledo! Has this come up in the thread yet? That he shot across his partner and hit the woman in the stomach while she was talking to his partner?

Hello? Can anyone explain this?

Police are rarely held accountable for their crimes in Police States. He'll likely receive a medal. :(

Aye #$F%@^G#%^&^&&**Carumba! Surely he won't walk. I can't think of any reasonable explaination at all.

Oh yeah, the Authority-Worshippers will quickly come to his defense. In the end, he'll skate. Bet on it.
Holy toledo! Has this come up in the thread yet? That he shot across his partner and hit the woman in the stomach while she was talking to his partner?

Hello? Can anyone explain this?

Police are rarely held accountable for their crimes in Police States. He'll likely receive a medal. :(

Aye #$F%@^G#%^&^&&**Carumba! Surely he won't walk. I can't think of any reasonable explaination at all.
It really is bizarre.
I'm stroking out here learning this. His partner must be completely losing it. He opened fire right in the freaking car!

Partner of cop who fatally shot bride-to-be 'was STUNNED when his colleague opened fire from inside their squad car' as autopsy reveals she was killed by one bullet to the stomach after she called 911
  • Bride-to-be Justine Damond, 40, was fatally shot by officer Mohamed Noor
  • His partner Matthew Harrity was 'left stunned' by the shooting, sources say

Read more: Cop who shot dead Justine Damond offers condolences | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  • Harrity was speaking to Damond when Noor opened fire through the patrol car's driver side door, fatally wounding her in the abdomen

So far it sounds like murder. He was probably doing his "good deed" as a Muzzie. Muslims should never be given positions of power, they can go Jihad at any time.
I'm stroking out here learning this. His partner must be completely losing it. He opened fire right in the freaking car!

Partner of cop who fatally shot bride-to-be 'was STUNNED when his colleague opened fire from inside their squad car' as autopsy reveals she was killed by one bullet to the stomach after she called 911
  • Bride-to-be Justine Damond, 40, was fatally shot by officer Mohamed Noor
  • His partner Matthew Harrity was 'left stunned' by the shooting, sources say

Read more: Cop who shot dead Justine Damond offers condolences | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  • Harrity was speaking to Damond when Noor opened fire through the patrol car's driver side door, fatally wounding her in the abdomen

So far it sounds like murder. He was probably doing his "good deed" as a Muzzie. Muslims should never be given positions of power, they can go Jihad at any time.

I couldn't agree more with that ^^^ :clap:
This really is a case of cold blooded murder. I cannot even begin to guess his motive, and because of the politics of our times, he'll get away with it.

Did he shouted Allahu Akbar? I'm serious...

He might have....I mean never can tell second they seem like normal human beings ,and the next second the inner jihadist sociopath might jump out at you.
Sounds bad. Muslim Somali trigger happy rookie cop. Totally sucks for the gal and her family, and almost to be husband.

Most bad cops are lily white.
Most cops are white, race baiter.

I merely stated a fact. MF. Most bad cops are lily white.
Prove it.

Why should I when white cops are doing such a great job of proving it on a near daily basis.
Did he shouted Allahu Akbar? I'm serious...

He might have....I mean never can tell second they seem like normal human beings ,and the next second the inner jihadist sociopath might jump out at you.
I wouldn't be surprised. In another article he said he "felt called" to become a cop. Of course he wouldn't feel called by a loving Christian God, being a Muslim.

Officials: Australian woman shot after cops heard loud sound

Im wondering if the poor woman witnessed a woman being sexually assaulted by another Somali Muslim rapist. He shot her in cold blood, we have to find out WHY!

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