

Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
A decade into the bloody civil war, which began in 1991 (the second phase of which involved U.S. ground forces as depicted in Mark Bowden's Black Hawk Down), a group called the Islamic Courts Union seized power in southern Somalia and promptly declared Sharia Law (sound familiar?). A Transition Federal Government regrouped and pushed back, unseating the ICU, which promptly splintered into a handful of nastier militant Islamic sects. Al-Shabaab, an Al Qaeda connected faction with ideas that make the Taliban seem Jeffersonian, waged a brutal and effective war against the TFG and international forces. Last year, the TFG relented and formed a coalition with "moderate" elements of the ICU (sound familiar?) and promptly reimposed Sharia law.
Somalia's Spreading Cancer - Politics - The Atlantic
Somalia is one of my pet peeves, because no one in the world seems to care one iota :eusa_pray::(

If we should be helping anyone in the world it should be these people
Some of us do.

Some of us say we can't help out people who are being slaughtered because it's not our fight.

Some of us say everybody is right and we don't understand what's going on, so should stay out of it.

But I think we have a duty as the strongest nation, a free nation, to protect anyone who needs to be protected.

What a shame so many seem to think freedom is all about battening down the hatches and living in our own skins.
I don't know when it is that it became acceptable to Americans to embark on an endeavor and not finish it, and not commit to finishing well.
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Alli, much of the world doesn't want out 'help'.

And they've good reason to not trust us to 'help' them. Why do you think so much of the world hates us? Ask the former banana republics and other places where we put new dictators in place so American businesses could make a few bucks.
Isn't Somalia the most dangerous country in the world when you factor in the number of murders by handguns and all the pirating that has gone on?
Some of us do.

Some of us say we can't help out people who are being slaughtered because it's not our fight.

Some of us say everybody is right and we don't understand what's going on, so should stay out of it.

But I think we have a duty as the strongest nation, a free nation, to protect anyone who needs to be protected.

What a shame so many seem to think freedom is all about battening down the hatches and living in our own skins.

"But I think we have a duty as the strongest nation, a free nation, to protect anyone who needs to be protected."


and I will gladly donate some of my earnings (even in taxation) to support this
I've been to Somalia. It's the biggest shit hole on the face of the Earth. The whole place needs to be bulldozed down and sprinkled with barn lime.

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