Some Background on Hasbara.

"In Hebrew the name, hasbara, means literally “public explanation” but the expression is generally applied to anyone involved in generating pro-Israeli propaganda. It is also sometimes more politely described as a program of “perception management,” a euphemism made popular by the Donald Rumsfeld Pentagon in 2004.

Israel has long been paying students as part-time bloggers or exploiting diaspora Jews as volunteers to get its message out. In 2009 the Israeli Foreign Ministry wrote to a number of pro-Israel organizations emphasizing the “importance of the internet as the new battleground for Israel’s image.” Haaretzreported in 2013 how Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office collaborated with the National Union of Israeli Students to create “semi-military covert units” at the seven national universities organized to work in situation rooms. Students use different names and IP addresses, which enable them to make multiple posts, and are paid as much as $2,000 monthly to work the online targets.

The hasbara program includes recruitment, training, Foreign Ministry-prepared information sheets, and internet alerts to potential targets. It is essentially an internet-focused “information war.” It is supported by a desktop tool called Megaphone that provided daily updates on articles appearing on the internet that are singled out for confrontation or attack. The hasbara commenters flood websites where commentary critical of Israel is observed in the belief that if something is repeated often enough in many different places it will gain credibility and create doubts regarding contrary points of view. They also can hound critics and even destroy careers in journalism. Veteran CNN reporter Jim Clancy was forced to resign last week after an exchange of tweets with hasbara over the Paris terror attacks."

Finding the Foreign Agents The American Conservative

LMAO! Monte, you are so funny. Pleas don't ever leave us here without you for laughs.

When you do the "laughs" thing, we know you lost the plot. Keep it up. LOL

No when he does the laughs thing it usually means you just made yourself look like a shmuck once again, and he's laughing at your pathetic ass.

It's a nervous laugh when presented with facts. As far as schmuck, the way you write gives you away.
"In Hebrew the name, hasbara, means literally “public explanation” but the expression is generally applied to anyone involved in generating pro-Israeli propaganda. It is also sometimes more politely described as a program of “perception management,” a euphemism made popular by the Donald Rumsfeld Pentagon in 2004.

Israel has long been paying students as part-time bloggers or exploiting diaspora Jews as volunteers to get its message out. In 2009 the Israeli Foreign Ministry wrote to a number of pro-Israel organizations emphasizing the “importance of the internet as the new battleground for Israel’s image.” Haaretzreported in 2013 how Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office collaborated with the National Union of Israeli Students to create “semi-military covert units” at the seven national universities organized to work in situation rooms. Students use different names and IP addresses, which enable them to make multiple posts, and are paid as much as $2,000 monthly to work the online targets.

The hasbara program includes recruitment, training, Foreign Ministry-prepared information sheets, and internet alerts to potential targets. It is essentially an internet-focused “information war.” It is supported by a desktop tool called Megaphone that provided daily updates on articles appearing on the internet that are singled out for confrontation or attack. The hasbara commenters flood websites where commentary critical of Israel is observed in the belief that if something is repeated often enough in many different places it will gain credibility and create doubts regarding contrary points of view. They also can hound critics and even destroy careers in journalism. Veteran CNN reporter Jim Clancy was forced to resign last week after an exchange of tweets with hasbara over the Paris terror attacks."

Finding the Foreign Agents The American Conservative

LMAO! Monte, you are so funny. Pleas don't ever leave us here without you for laughs.

I came here to post the same thing lol !

An expert propagandist accusing others of posting propaganda ! Now that's hilarious !

This is an article by Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer. A great American. Do you think he is a propagandist?

By the way, when you weirdos do the "laughs" thing, it demonstrates that you haven't a response. Keep it up.

No, I think you are a propagandist. Actually, I don't think, I know.

I am convinced you do not know the definition of propaganda. To you, any confirmed fact that does not conform to the Zionist propaganda you have been fed, is propaganda.

Any time someone posts something you don't like , you call it propaganda. I've told you many times that it is you who doesn't know the definition of propaganda.
"In Hebrew the name, hasbara, means literally “public explanation” but the expression is generally applied to anyone involved in generating pro-Israeli propaganda. It is also sometimes more politely described as a program of “perception management,” a euphemism made popular by the Donald Rumsfeld Pentagon in 2004.

Israel has long been paying students as part-time bloggers or exploiting diaspora Jews as volunteers to get its message out. In 2009 the Israeli Foreign Ministry wrote to a number of pro-Israel organizations emphasizing the “importance of the internet as the new battleground for Israel’s image.” Haaretzreported in 2013 how Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office collaborated with the National Union of Israeli Students to create “semi-military covert units” at the seven national universities organized to work in situation rooms. Students use different names and IP addresses, which enable them to make multiple posts, and are paid as much as $2,000 monthly to work the online targets.

The hasbara program includes recruitment, training, Foreign Ministry-prepared information sheets, and internet alerts to potential targets. It is essentially an internet-focused “information war.” It is supported by a desktop tool called Megaphone that provided daily updates on articles appearing on the internet that are singled out for confrontation or attack. The hasbara commenters flood websites where commentary critical of Israel is observed in the belief that if something is repeated often enough in many different places it will gain credibility and create doubts regarding contrary points of view. They also can hound critics and even destroy careers in journalism. Veteran CNN reporter Jim Clancy was forced to resign last week after an exchange of tweets with hasbara over the Paris terror attacks."

Finding the Foreign Agents The American Conservative

LMAO! Monte, you are so funny. Pleas don't ever leave us here without you for laughs.

When you do the "laughs" thing, we know you lost the plot. Keep it up. LOL

No when he does the laughs thing it usually means you just made yourself look like a shmuck once again, and he's laughing at your pathetic ass.

It's a nervous laugh when presented with facts. As far as schmuck, the way you write gives you away.

What are you blaberring now? This is MJ's style, he laughs at pathetic propagandist liars like you. You have once again proven that you are an ignorant Jew hater by creating a thread that repeats a bullshit antisemitic canard about "Hasbara" that is usually found on racist or nutjob conspiracy sites.

You're a good for nothing racist bum who's on the internet spreading Jew hate and false propaganda 24/7. Even at spreading lies and hatred, you are a total failure, as your handlers are considering firing you. And you wonder why people laugh at you?

MJ's style when he has absolutely nothing to say that can change the facts presented.

I just post facts. You post Zionist nonsense from Zionist propaganda sites. I link to UN or academic archives to back up my claims.

I see you are threatening violence again. You do it from behind a computer though. Interesting.

By the way, I hate no one, I just know the facts and am able to contribute to the discussion with the facts and the source material that backs them up.
LMAO! Monte, you are so funny. Pleas don't ever leave us here without you for laughs.

I came here to post the same thing lol !

An expert propagandist accusing others of posting propaganda ! Now that's hilarious !

This is an article by Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer. A great American. Do you think he is a propagandist?

By the way, when you weirdos do the "laughs" thing, it demonstrates that you haven't a response. Keep it up.

No, I think you are a propagandist. Actually, I don't think, I know.

I am convinced you do not know the definition of propaganda. To you, any confirmed fact that does not conform to the Zionist propaganda you have been fed, is propaganda.

Any time someone posts something you don't like , you call it propaganda. I've told you many times that it is you who doesn't know the definition of propaganda.

All you people post is nonsense from known Zionist propaganda sites. If the source documents contradict the material generated by the Hasbara folks, it is, by definition, propaganda.
MJ's style when he has absolutely nothing to say that can change the facts presented.

I just post facts. You post Zionist nonsense from Zionist propaganda sites. I link to UN or academic archives to back up my claims.

I see you are threatening violence again. You do it from behind a computer though. Interesting.

By the way, I hate no one, I just know the facts and am able to contribute to the discussion with the facts and the source material that backs them up.

Saying that you post facts doesn't make it so. You are a joke. Almost everybody on this board knows you as a dedicated Jew hating false propagandist and a liar.

Hasbara claim is a common antisemtic canard that one will usually find on Neo Nazi or IslamoNazi sites like David Duke or Stormfront. Only piece of shit Jew hating scumbags like you would create a thread about the Hasbara. White supremacists also think they don't hate blacks. No difference between the two of you.

What's your next claim going to be? Jews control the banks, economy and cause all the wars? Check with david Duke and get back to us. We can always use a few good laughs, mr "fact" poster. Ha ha ha.
I came here to post the same thing lol !

An expert propagandist accusing others of posting propaganda ! Now that's hilarious !

This is an article by Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer. A great American. Do you think he is a propagandist?

By the way, when you weirdos do the "laughs" thing, it demonstrates that you haven't a response. Keep it up.

No, I think you are a propagandist. Actually, I don't think, I know.

I am convinced you do not know the definition of propaganda. To you, any confirmed fact that does not conform to the Zionist propaganda you have been fed, is propaganda.

Any time someone posts something you don't like , you call it propaganda. I've told you many times that it is you who doesn't know the definition of propaganda.

All you people post is nonsense from known Zionist propaganda sites. If the source documents contradict the material generated by the Hasbara folks, it is, by definition, propaganda.

That's what you do, your posts are filled with nonsense and lies.
Just facts Ruddy, backed by links to source documents. That's what irks you.
You don't irk me, don't give yourself so much credit. Your whole existence is posting hatred and lies on the Internet, with the end result of being laughed at by those that you live to hate. That's what you accomplished in this thread. It must suck to be such a useless hateful bum.
I came here to post the same thing lol !

An expert propagandist accusing others of posting propaganda ! Now that's hilarious !

This is an article by Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer. A great American. Do you think he is a propagandist?

By the way, when you weirdos do the "laughs" thing, it demonstrates that you haven't a response. Keep it up.

No, I think you are a propagandist. Actually, I don't think, I know.

I am convinced you do not know the definition of propaganda. To you, any confirmed fact that does not conform to the Zionist propaganda you have been fed, is propaganda.

Any time someone posts something you don't like , you call it propaganda. I've told you many times that it is you who doesn't know the definition of propaganda.

All you people post is nonsense from known Zionist propaganda sites. If the source documents contradict the material generated by the Hasbara folks, it is, by definition, propaganda.

Listen Monti, we've been through this already. You cannot spew lies and propaganda on a daily basis, and then falsely accuse other of doing so. Just because you cannot handle the simple truth, doesn't mean everyone who you disagree with is a propagandist.

Now, give me a lost of these alleged Zionist propaganda sites that I use.
Just facts Ruddy, backed by links to source documents. That's what irks you.

There you go again, accusing others of what you are guilty of. Such pathetic hypocrisy.

Tell us, what do you get out of constantly lying. Does it give you some sort of satisfaction ? OR are you being paid for it? I mean, lying once here and there is one thing, but you do it compulsively.
I only post fact Toast, that's what bothers you. You cannot point to one "lie" because anything I claim is backed by official source documentation or material from Jewish and neutral websites.
LMAO! Monte, you are so funny. Pleas don't ever leave us here without you for laughs.

I came here to post the same thing lol !

An expert propagandist accusing others of posting propaganda ! Now that's hilarious !

This is an article by Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer. A great American. Do you think he is a propagandist?

By the way, when you weirdos do the "laughs" thing, it demonstrates that you haven't a response. Keep it up.

No, I think you are a propagandist. Actually, I don't think, I know.

I am convinced you do not know the definition of propaganda. To you, any confirmed fact that does not conform to the Zionist propaganda you have been fed, is propaganda.

Any time someone posts something you don't like , you call it propaganda. I've told you many times that it is you who doesn't know the definition of propaganda.

Toastman, anyone who is on forums dissing Israel and the Jews from morning to night is a propagandist. I am just wondering if Haniyah is one of many sitting in a boiler room with other propagandists doing the same thing on other message boards all over the Internet. This Hasbara "shtick" is getting so old so why don't we discuss Arab propaganda? Since Mein Kampf is such a best seller in the Arab world, no doubt many of Hitler's ideas were picked up and used in Arab propaganda.

Modern Arab Propaganda has incorporated Nazi Propaganda

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