Some believe if elected OBAMA will radically abuse his powers of excutive orders??

It's certainly a concern. Hopefully if Obama gets elected, Republicans will have a majority in Congress. Obama changes positions quite often, so Congress should be able to influence his decisions greatly (like they did with Clinton).

why is it a concern though? looking historically, what gives anyone the impression that Obama will use this power more than any other President? Does Obama strike anyone (without an agenda) as a deceptive man? does he strike anyone as being control or power hungry? He doesn't to me... and as Del said...NO ONE could abuse the executive order more thoroughly than GWB did.... he basically bi-passed the constitution and acted as if he were above the law and the Republican Congress let him get away with it for 6 years.
do you know what groveling means? look it up...I'm pretty sure you're not using it in the correct context since basically I'm telling you that you're full of shit....

I don't need to read the link you provided to know it's more scare tactic bullshit on the part of the righties saying Obama will abuse the executive order power.

the fear is starting to show guys... the closer we get to election day and the further ahead on the polls Obama gets I suspect next we'll see someone saying that Obama will come rape your wife and daughter if elected... :cuckoo:

“The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.”
Thomas Sowell quote
Some believe if Obama's elected, he would radically abuse his presidential excutive order privileges, by dumbing down and or infringing upon the 2nd Amendment and possibly the first...If Obama's making threats before he's elected, how crazy will it get once he is elected???
Read on and watch the clip...

NewsMax - America's News Page – Obama Wants NRA Ads Banned

Because Bush did it and showed EVERY future president how to abuse their power? Is that why?

Did Clinton? Carter? Kennedy? No, only the GOP abused their power.

This is called projecting or projection. Stop projecting what you do onto us.
why is it a concern though? looking historically, what gives anyone the impression that Obama will use this power more than any other President? Does Obama strike anyone (without an agenda) as a deceptive man? does he strike anyone as being control or power hungry? He doesn't to me... and as Del said...NO ONE could abuse the executive order more thoroughly than GWB did.... he basically bi-passed the constitution and acted as if he were above the law and the Republican Congress let him get away with it for 6 years.

You are very trusting of Obama. I am not. What happens if Obama is elected and has a Democratically controlled Congress to back him up? You saw what Bush did. That should concern anyone.
well in truth you'd have to read every executive order signed by each President to see if they actually abused their power...I don't necessarily think the number of order gives any indication of their content. I mean Bush signed an executive order giving Fed employees the day after Christmas off :lol:

You are very trusting of Obama. I am not. What happens if Obama is elected and has a Democratically controlled Congress to back him up? You saw what Bush did. That should concern anyone.

were you concerned when Bush came into office that he'd abuse his power? even though he had a Republican controlled Congress? or are you basing your concern on the fact that Bush did it so you think the chances of Obama doing it exist?

What about McCain? are you concerned he might abuse his power if elected? What if McCain wins and the Repubs regain control of the House and Senate? will you be concerned?

I honestly do trust Obama. I think he is exactly who he appears to be. I think he wants to make this country better for the middle class and I think he'll work with both parties to make it happen.
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It's certainly a concern. Hopefully if Obama gets elected, Republicans will have a majority in Congress. Obama changes positions quite often, so Congress should be able to influence his decisions greatly (like they did with Clinton).

xsited1 you bet its of the gravest concern, tell everyone you know to check out these links, and let them judge for themselves before this and other links are SILENCED!!!!!!!!!!!
First , I did get a chance to read all the links and will tell you that Obama if he were elected president would find himself in a court very quickly if he issued an Executive Order that infringed on the 2nd Amendment. It's not uncommon for an E.O. to get struck down by a court for stepping on constitutional rights.

During his term, President Clinton also used the power of executive orders to implement gun control policies. On April 6, 1998 Clinton signed an order that permanently banned the importation of more than 50 semiautomatic assault weapons.[16] In 2001 Clinton also used executive orders to ban the importation of assault pistols and tighten licensing rules on gun dealers.[17] Many accused Clinton of overuse of the executive power on gun control issues. In 1999 White House domestic policy chief Bruce D. Reed said, "The country is tired of waiting for Congress to respond to the tragedy in Littleton. The administration is going to do every thing in its power to make progress on guns."

So to just dismiss the possibility that an Obama administration would not use E.O's as a means to enforce gun control is simply wrong. Obama has an extensive record on gun control issues and it follows that this record would follow him into the White House. However, to simply issue an E.O. to outlaw guns would be struck down fairly fast and I'm sure Obama is smart enough to realize what stepping on the rights of gun owners did to the democrats in 1994 not to go completely overboard with this issue.
You are very trusting of Obama. I am not. What happens if Obama is elected and has a Democratically controlled Congress to back him up? You saw what Bush did. That should concern anyone.

Because the Democrats don't have the luxury of being the party people WANT to belong to. Look at how Gore lost in 2000. Look at how bad things had to get and the race is still close. People voted out daddy bush because he was horrible. And Dole sucked so you can't count that year. But Kerry should have won and Gore should have won, but they did not. So they don't have the same margin of error the "conservatives" do. Hell, they doubled the debt and some people are still crying that Obama will be a tax and spend liberal. Why aren't they the tax and spend conservatives?

If the Democrats screw up, they'll lose both houses in 2 years and Obama will be out in 4.

That's why I'm not concerned.

Bush is buddies with the oil men who doubled the prices when he got into office. Who are Obama's buddies? He got to where he is with $15 donations. He'll represent us. That's the whole point of voters contributing to the person they like. If he can do it with our donations, he doesn't have to make the deal with the devil like McCain.

McCain gets all his money from the rich and from Corporations. Who do you think he serves? Think he gives a fuck about the middle class?
Truth Squads

threatening to pull FCC licenses

emailing his zealots to mob radio stations to silence critics

Obama has already proven he cannot be trusted with what little power he already possesses.
First , I did get a chance to read all the links and will tell you that Obama if he were elected president would find himself in a court very quickly if he issued an Executive Order that infringed on the 2nd Amendment. It's not uncommon for an E.O. to get struck down by a court for stepping on constitutional rights.

During his term, President Clinton also used the power of executive orders to implement gun control policies. On April 6, 1998 Clinton signed an order that permanently banned the importation of more than 50 semiautomatic assault weapons.[16] In 2001 Clinton also used executive orders to ban the importation of assault pistols and tighten licensing rules on gun dealers.[17] Many accused Clinton of overuse of the executive power on gun control issues. In 1999 White House domestic policy chief Bruce D. Reed said, "The country is tired of waiting for Congress to respond to the tragedy in Littleton. The administration is going to do every thing in its power to make progress on guns."

So to just dismiss the possibility that an Obama administration would not use E.O's as a means to enforce gun control is simply wrong. Obama has an extensive record on gun control issues and it follows that this record would follow him into the White House. However, to simply issue an E.O. to outlaw guns would be struck down fairly fast and I'm sure Obama is smart enough to realize what stepping on the rights of gun owners did to the democrats in 1994 not to go completely overboard with this issue.

Thats a very fair post reply Navy, lets just hope Obama doesnt get a chance to appoint socialist activist to the bench in Supreme court....if elected
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Some believe if Obama's elected, he would radically abuse his presidential excutive order privileges, by dumbing down and or infringing upon the 2nd Amendment and possibly the first...If Obama's making threats before he's elected, how crazy will it get once he is elected???

Anyone who can even state this proposition after what Bush has done to our nation, is drinking the koolaid by the gallon.

Do you have any idea of how many signing statements Bush has made?

WASHINGTON -- President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution.

That is abuse of executive power.

Bush challenges hundreds of laws - The Boston Globe
emailing his zealots to mob radio stations to silence critics

Almost as bad as those Republican staffers beating on the doors of the elections office in the 2000 campaign and pretending they were from Miami.

I know this happened. I saw it.

Keep up the swiftboating. Only your side will believe, but what the hell.:eek:
Thats a very fair post reply Navy, lets just hope Obama doesnt get a chance to appoint socialist activist to the bench in Supreme court....if elected

Wow, that would be terrible. Almost as bad as appointing conservative activists to the Supreme Court. What a bunch of bull.


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were you concerned when Bush came into office that he'd abuse his power? even though he had a Republican controlled Congress?

Yes. His father was a globalist and so is he. I feared the worst.

What about McCain? are you concerned he might abuse his power if elected? What if McCain wins and the Repubs regain control of the House and Senate? will you be concerned?

Not so much if the Democrats are in control of Congress. McCain has been on the left-side of the aisle many times, so he's used to compromise. Obama's voting record shows that he doesn't compromise.

I honestly do trust Obama. I think he is exactly who he appears to be. I think he wants to make this country better for the middle class and I think he'll work with both parties to make it happen

How do you get faith like that? I can fathom that. Obama has been disingenuous on so many things, I just can't imagine how anyone can trust him.
Obama's voting record shows that he doesn't compromise.

I disagree. Rove started the idea that he was never bipartisan. Rove is a liar by nature.

His legislation is often proposed with Republican co-sponsorship, which brings me to another point: he is bipartisan in a good way. According to me, bad bipartisanship is the kind practiced by Joe Lieberman. Bad bipartisans are so eager to establish credentials for moderation and reasonableness that they go out of their way to criticize their (supposed) ideological allies and praise their (supposed) opponents. They also compromise on principle, and when their opponents don't reciprocate, they compromise some more, until over time their positions become indistinguishable from those on the other side.

This isn't what Obama does. Obama tries to find people, both Democrats and Republicans, who actually care about a particular issue enough to try to get the policy right, and then he works with them. This does not involve compromising on principle. It does, however, involve preferring getting legislation passed to having a spectacular battle. (This is especially true when one is in the minority party, especially in this Senate: the chances that Obama's bills will actually become law increase dramatically when he has Republican co-sponsors.)

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Because the Democrats don't have the luxury of being the party people WANT to belong to.

But Kerry should have won and Gore should have won, but they did not.

The Democrats failed by nominating John Kerry for President.

Why aren't they the tax and spend conservatives?

Let's not confuse conservatives with neoconservatives. To get an idea of just how bad neoconservatives are, just look at GWB or LBJ.

Who are Obama's buddies?

Radicals and the UN. He's planning on giving nearly $850 billion to fight global poverty.
And after all the lies that McCain has told and continues to tell, how can you trust him?

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