Some college OWS are getting credit for their college credits

Typical liberal education system.
They are giving away bullshit degrees as well.
One dumb ass got a degree in puppetry.
Then he's miffed that he can't get a job afterwards.
Typical liberal education system.
They are giving away bullshit degrees as well.
One dumb ass got a degree in puppetry.
Then he's miffed that he can't get a job afterwards.

What's your degree in?
I could understand this if the student were there documenting events, observing, and working on some type of thesis. But as a participant? Nah.

BS Business/Marketing
Class of '77

Isn't worthless degrees part of the reason they're unemployed in the first place? :eusa_eh:
So now lighting shit on fire, and defacing public places, as well as Unlawfully occupying public places, is learning eh?
Isn't worthless degrees part of the reason they're unemployed in the first place? :eusa_eh:

Exactly, I am so sick of hearing of the plight of college Grads and their Student loans. If more than half of Students were not spending 100k plus for worthless degees in things like Liberal Arts, instead of things in demand like Engineering, Maybe they could actually get a job that pays the bills.
Isn't worthless degrees part of the reason they're unemployed in the first place? :eusa_eh:

Exactly, I am so sick of hearing of the plight of college Grads and their Student loans. If more than half of Students were not spending 100k plus for worthless degees in things like Liberal Arts, instead of things in demand like Engineering, Maybe they could actually get a job that pays the bills.

I actually completely agree with that. The student loan system has put so many people deep in debt and the degree they got for the loan is worth far less than the time and money spent on it.

It's what is causing a lot of the problems now. Everyone should get a degree in physics. :D
What do right wingers care about what colleges do? They don't believe in education unless it's something "real". Like Bible Study.
Isn't worthless degrees part of the reason they're unemployed in the first place? :eusa_eh:

Exactly, I am so sick of hearing of the plight of college Grads and their Student loans. If more than half of Students were not spending 100k plus for worthless degees in things like Liberal Arts, instead of things in demand like Engineering, Maybe they could actually get a job that pays the bills.

I actually completely agree with that. The student loan system has put so many people deep in debt and the degree they got for the loan is worth far less than the time and money spent on it.

It's what is causing a lot of the problems now. Everyone should get a degree in physics. :D

The Availability of loans should be tied to demand in the Field you want to major in. It does us no good to help Millions get educated, if the education they choose to get is not really practical as a way to support yourself.
What do right wingers care about what colleges do? They don't believe in education unless it's something "real". Like Bible Study.

When are you going to wake up and realize that a very large % of Republicans and Conservatives are NOT overtly Religious, and do not hold the ridicules beliefs you claim they do.
What do right wingers care about what colleges do? They don't believe in education unless it's something "real". Like Bible Study.

Uh, because that's where the radical Left wing faculty politically indoctrinate our youth! (Of which, giving out college credit for protesting is one more execrable example!).
Exactly, I am so sick of hearing of the plight of college Grads and their Student loans. If more than half of Students were not spending 100k plus for worthless degees in things like Liberal Arts, instead of things in demand like Engineering, Maybe they could actually get a job that pays the bills.

I actually completely agree with that. The student loan system has put so many people deep in debt and the degree they got for the loan is worth far less than the time and money spent on it.

It's what is causing a lot of the problems now. Everyone should get a degree in physics. :D

The Availability of loans should be tied to demand in the Field you want to major in. It does us no good to help Millions get educated, if the education they choose to get is not really practical as a way to support yourself.

I disagree. No micromanaging government program should be involved. If the subsidized loan is for education, then loan it out. But don't let those who made poor choices off the hook.
87% of OWS in NYC are employed, rest mainly students and seniors. ( on Steph Miller)

Protestors are working with unions and other 99% on all kinds of work for reform...change the channel
What do right wingers care about what colleges do? They don't believe in education unless it's something "real". Like Bible Study.

When are you going to wake up and realize that a very large % of Republicans and Conservatives are NOT overtly Religious, and do not hold the ridicules beliefs you claim they do.

I'll take "When Hell Freezes Over" for $500, Charles.
What do right wingers care about what colleges do? They don't believe in education unless it's something "real". Like Bible Study.

When are you going to wake up and realize that a very large % of Republicans and Conservatives are NOT overtly Religious, and do not hold the ridicules beliefs you claim they do.

You see Rtard is like TM in that they have no meaningful education nor are they productive, that is why they attack Republicans on the education issue by hiding behind others.

My GF has a PharmD, I don't have shit for a college degree yet we agree on pretty much everything... Then again we are libertarians, registered Republicans but whatever =D.

Oh yeah, neither of us are religious~
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I would like to note something very interesting to all willing to listen.

If you declare a technical degree in a science or engineering field, your education is almost completely free.
I actually completely agree with that. The student loan system has put so many people deep in debt and the degree they got for the loan is worth far less than the time and money spent on it.

It's what is causing a lot of the problems now. Everyone should get a degree in physics. :D

The Availability of loans should be tied to demand in the Field you want to major in. It does us no good to help Millions get educated, if the education they choose to get is not really practical as a way to support yourself.

I disagree. No micromanaging government program should be involved. If the subsidized loan is for education, then loan it out. But don't let those who made poor choices off the hook.

Now that the Government is taking over the Student Loan Business, what is going to make sure they are loaning money to people that will get a degree with which they have a chance of actually paying it back? In a Free Market the Banks could decide you know what, were not going to loan you money for a liberal Arts Degree, because guess what, There is no work for someone with a liberal Arts Degree and we want you to get a job that can pay your bills, including your Loan Payments.

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