Some Interesting History To Scare The He11 Out Of Certain Conservatives

And any American with a brain realizes that, given the lies told on all the security clearance forms by President Pussy Grabbers people, that there was collusion with Russia. The bastards are guilty of treason against the American people by letting the Russians influence an American election.
Trumps pussy grabbers forced you to vote for him. Lol. Funny stuff. Yet Hillary can purchase info from Russian intelligence and you say nothing. Clown.

Hillary purchased information from a former British spy, not the Russians. And she didn’t even deal with him directly, hiring Fusion GPS to do it.
And any American with a brain realizes that, given the lies told on all the security clearance forms by President Pussy Grabbers people, that there was collusion with Russia. The bastards are guilty of treason against the American people by letting the Russians influence an American election.

What utter horseshit. There were no lies.

Given the fact that Obama cronies have been caught red handed staging a coup against a lawfully elected president, it takes a lot of nerve for a leftwing douchebag like you to accuse Trump officials of treason simply because they spoke to a Russian.
And any American with a brain realizes that, given the lies told on all the security clearance forms by President Pussy Grabbers people, that there was collusion with Russia. The bastards are guilty of treason against the American people by letting the Russians influence an American election.
Trumps pussy grabbers forced you to vote for him. Lol. Funny stuff. Yet Hillary can purchase info from Russian intelligence and you say nothing. Clown.

Hillary purchased information from a former British spy, not the Russians. And she didn’t even deal with him directly, hiring Fusion GPS to do it.

The British spy purchased it from Russian spies, so Hillary did in fact pay Russian spies for the information.
And any American with a brain realizes that, given the lies told on all the security clearance forms by President Pussy Grabbers people, that there was collusion with Russia. The bastards are guilty of treason against the American people by letting the Russians influence an American election.
Trumps pussy grabbers forced you to vote for him. Lol. Funny stuff. Yet Hillary can purchase info from Russian intelligence and you say nothing. Clown.

Hillary purchased information from a former British spy, not the Russians. And she didn’t even deal with him directly, hiring Fusion GPS to do it.
The dossier that was paid for by Clinton, was based on Russian intelligence reports to a moron that was getting paid to spread Russian propaganda.
And any American with a brain realizes that, given the lies told on all the security clearance forms by President Pussy Grabbers people, that there was collusion with Russia. The bastards are guilty of treason against the American people by letting the Russians influence an American election.
In what specific way did Trump "collude" with Russia to commit what crime?

Where did you first hear the TrumPutin conspiracy theory? And why did you believe it?

Information contained in the following post is readily available through reliable sources on the Internet. It is information and historic facts that will, indeed, scare the he11 out of the idiot Trump, his many cronies, and any number of congressional Republicans involved both directly and indirectly in the acts of collusion with Russia, and the resulting cover-up and obstruction of justice.

Robert Mueller’s current investigation is far from his first experience in bringing major criminals to justice.

His probe into Russia’s collusion with the Trump campaign team, other individuals associated with the Trump administration, and members of congress who acted to, or conspired to obstruct justice is just one of several intensive inquiries he has headed.

Mueller joined the U.S. Department of Justice in 1989 and lead the successful prosecution that convicted Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega.

In the early 1990s, as U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, Robert Mueller was the driving force that ended John Gotti’s reign as head of the Gambino crime family. Mueller’s team put both Gotti and consigliere Frank Locascio away for life with no parole.

In the past, Mueller worked for the Department of Justice during both the George H.W. Bush and the George W. Bush/Richard Cheney administrations.

Mueller fought that Bush/Cheney administration’s corrupt attempt to extend an illegal wiretapping program. So, Mueller has the decades of experience that make him well aware of the illegal activities, and proclivities, of Republican politicians, world dictators, and members of organized crime.

Mueller is the perfect choice to ferret out the truth and evidence necessary to bring those suspected of criminal and treasonous acts to justice, and make them pay dearly for their crimes.

This makes him the best choice to organize and command the probe into the current administration’s criminal acts during the presidential campaign, and provide evidence of a totally corrupt administration and impeachable offenses by the idiot Trump.

Which is why the idiot Trump, his many cronies, and any number of congressional Republicans must be afraid, be very afraid, of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his investigative team.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


Ok, so you think Mueller is some great prosecutor/legal investigator because he got John Gotti and Manuel Noriega. 2 men who virtually ever living person on earth knew were guilty. That is what makes him so formidable? Your delusion is only outweighed by your naivety.

Every living person on the face of the earth can see that Trump is guilty too, if they open their eyes.

And there is the difference, because even the blind knew Gotti and Noriega were guilty.

And yet nobody got them until RM did, strange!
And any American with a brain realizes that, given the lies told on all the security clearance forms by President Pussy Grabbers people, that there was collusion with Russia. The bastards are guilty of treason against the American people by letting the Russians influence an American election.
Trumps pussy grabbers forced you to vote for him. Lol. Funny stuff. Yet Hillary can purchase info from Russian intelligence and you say nothing. Clown.

Hillary purchased information from a former British spy, not the Russians. And she didn’t even deal with him directly, hiring Fusion GPS to do it.

The British spy purchased it from Russian spies, so Hillary did in fact pay Russian spies for the information.

Oh I get it now, that's kinda like Mexico not paying for the wall is like Mexico paying for the wall. Only in Rumpland!

Information contained in the following post is readily available through reliable sources on the Internet. It is information and historic facts that will, indeed, scare the he11 out of the idiot Trump, his many cronies, and any number of congressional Republicans involved both directly and indirectly in the acts of collusion with Russia, and the resulting cover-up and obstruction of justice.

Robert Mueller’s current investigation is far from his first experience in bringing major criminals to justice.

His probe into Russia’s collusion with the Trump campaign team, other individuals associated with the Trump administration, and members of congress who acted to, or conspired to obstruct justice is just one of several intensive inquiries he has headed.

Mueller joined the U.S. Department of Justice in 1989 and lead the successful prosecution that convicted Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega.

In the early 1990s, as U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, Robert Mueller was the driving force that ended John Gotti’s reign as head of the Gambino crime family. Mueller’s team put both Gotti and consigliere Frank Locascio away for life with no parole.

In the past, Mueller worked for the Department of Justice during both the George H.W. Bush and the George W. Bush/Richard Cheney administrations.

Mueller fought that Bush/Cheney administration’s corrupt attempt to extend an illegal wiretapping program. So, Mueller has the decades of experience that make him well aware of the illegal activities, and proclivities, of Republican politicians, world dictators, and members of organized crime.

Mueller is the perfect choice to ferret out the truth and evidence necessary to bring those suspected of criminal and treasonous acts to justice, and make them pay dearly for their crimes.

This makes him the best choice to organize and command the probe into the current administration’s criminal acts during the presidential campaign, and provide evidence of a totally corrupt administration and impeachable offenses by the idiot Trump.

Which is why the idiot Trump, his many cronies, and any number of congressional Republicans must be afraid, be very afraid, of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his investigative team.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


You know your coup has failed, right?

A Republican memo alleging anti-Trump bias at the FBI and the Department of Justice is likely to be released on Thursday, a White House official said on Wednesday.

The FBI said earlier on Wednesday it had "grave concerns" about the accuracy of the top-secret House Intelligence Committee memo, challenging President Donald Trump's pledge to release it.

The document was written by Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and reportedly talks about how the federal government obtained a FISA warrant to spy on members of the Trump campaign in 2016.

Included in the memo, according to lawmakers who have viewed it, is discussion about the infamous dossier that was put together about then candidate Donald Trump by a British spy. Most of the claims in the scandalous dossier have not been verified, but they point to Trump having ties to Russia.}
White House: GOP Memo Likely to Be Released Thursday
There is no evidence of a Trump and Russian collusion.
There is plenty of evidence of a FBI, Obama and Hillary collusion to usurp the 2016 election.
The Democratic Party is rotten to the core corrupt.
Their nefarious activity and abuse of power is a threat to our democracy.
The Democrat Voters are batcrap crazy with hate.
An interesting twist would be if Mr. Mueller agrees with what is
in the soon to be released memo.

Another interesting twist is Nunes admitted to changing the memo after they voted to release it, WTF?

Information contained in the following post is readily available through reliable sources on the Internet. It is information and historic facts that will, indeed, scare the he11 out of the idiot Trump, his many cronies, and any number of congressional Republicans involved both directly and indirectly in the acts of collusion with Russia, and the resulting cover-up and obstruction of justice.

Robert Mueller’s current investigation is far from his first experience in bringing major criminals to justice.

His probe into Russia’s collusion with the Trump campaign team, other individuals associated with the Trump administration, and members of congress who acted to, or conspired to obstruct justice is just one of several intensive inquiries he has headed.

Mueller joined the U.S. Department of Justice in 1989 and lead the successful prosecution that convicted Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega.

In the early 1990s, as U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, Robert Mueller was the driving force that ended John Gotti’s reign as head of the Gambino crime family. Mueller’s team put both Gotti and consigliere Frank Locascio away for life with no parole.

In the past, Mueller worked for the Department of Justice during both the George H.W. Bush and the George W. Bush/Richard Cheney administrations.

Mueller fought that Bush/Cheney administration’s corrupt attempt to extend an illegal wiretapping program. So, Mueller has the decades of experience that make him well aware of the illegal activities, and proclivities, of Republican politicians, world dictators, and members of organized crime.

Mueller is the perfect choice to ferret out the truth and evidence necessary to bring those suspected of criminal and treasonous acts to justice, and make them pay dearly for their crimes.

This makes him the best choice to organize and command the probe into the current administration’s criminal acts during the presidential campaign, and provide evidence of a totally corrupt administration and impeachable offenses by the idiot Trump.

Which is why the idiot Trump, his many cronies, and any number of congressional Republicans must be afraid, be very afraid, of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his investigative team.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


Ok, so you think Mueller is some great prosecutor/legal investigator because he got John Gotti and Manuel Noriega. 2 men who virtually ever living person on earth knew were guilty. That is what makes him so formidable? Your delusion is only outweighed by your naivety.

Every living person on the face of the earth can see that Trump is guilty too, if they open their eyes.

Want more Trump? That's how you get more Trump. That smarmy self-certain "I am right, fuh fuh fuh" dipshit attitude.
Yes, because that's how much trumpanzees have sold their souls.

Information contained in the following post is readily available through reliable sources on the Internet. It is information and historic facts that will, indeed, scare the he11 out of the idiot Trump, his many cronies, and any number of congressional Republicans involved both directly and indirectly in the acts of collusion with Russia, and the resulting cover-up and obstruction of justice.

Robert Mueller’s current investigation is far from his first experience in bringing major criminals to justice.

His probe into Russia’s collusion with the Trump campaign team, other individuals associated with the Trump administration, and members of congress who acted to, or conspired to obstruct justice is just one of several intensive inquiries he has headed.

Mueller joined the U.S. Department of Justice in 1989 and lead the successful prosecution that convicted Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega.

In the early 1990s, as U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, Robert Mueller was the driving force that ended John Gotti’s reign as head of the Gambino crime family. Mueller’s team put both Gotti and consigliere Frank Locascio away for life with no parole.

In the past, Mueller worked for the Department of Justice during both the George H.W. Bush and the George W. Bush/Richard Cheney administrations.

Mueller fought that Bush/Cheney administration’s corrupt attempt to extend an illegal wiretapping program. So, Mueller has the decades of experience that make him well aware of the illegal activities, and proclivities, of Republican politicians, world dictators, and members of organized crime.

Mueller is the perfect choice to ferret out the truth and evidence necessary to bring those suspected of criminal and treasonous acts to justice, and make them pay dearly for their crimes.

This makes him the best choice to organize and command the probe into the current administration’s criminal acts during the presidential campaign, and provide evidence of a totally corrupt administration and impeachable offenses by the idiot Trump.

Which is why the idiot Trump, his many cronies, and any number of congressional Republicans must be afraid, be very afraid, of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his investigative team.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


Ok, so you think Mueller is some great prosecutor/legal investigator because he got John Gotti and Manuel Noriega. 2 men who virtually ever living person on earth knew were guilty. That is what makes him so formidable? Your delusion is only outweighed by your naivety.

Every living person on the face of the earth can see that Trump is guilty too, if they open their eyes.

Want more Trump? That's how you get more Trump. That smarmy self-certain "I am right, fuh fuh fuh" dipshit attitude.
Yes, because that's how much trumpanzees have sold their souls.

It's amazing that you have to compare Trump to the Devil.

Again, that's how you get MOAR TRUMP.
Release the memo and all source documents. We know the FBI has been compromised. Let's see how much.

Without the source documents the memo is a worthless piece of paper.

Please go right ahead and explain this:

"FBI Texts Reveal "Insurance Policy" To Prevent Trump Presidency"
FBI Texts Reveal "Insurance Policy" To Prevent Trump Presidency

What would you like me to explain? clearly their insurance was faulty as it failed to do what it was supposed to do.

I am not sure what this has to do with the topic of the GOP memo. Why are you against the underlying evidence behind the memo being released as well so we can all see it and not take the word fo the GOP that they were fair in their summary?

Why are you so blindly loyal to a political party?
Release the memo and all source documents. We know the FBI has been compromised. Let's see how much.

Without the source documents the memo is a worthless piece of paper.

Please go right ahead and explain this:

"FBI Texts Reveal "Insurance Policy" To Prevent Trump Presidency"
FBI Texts Reveal "Insurance Policy" To Prevent Trump Presidency

What would you like me to explain? clearly their insurance was faulty as it failed to do what it was supposed to do.

I am not sure what this has to do with the topic of the GOP memo. Why are you against the underlying evidence behind the memo being released as well so we can all see it and not take the word fo the GOP that they were fair in their summary?

Why are you so blindly loyal to a political party?

I am loyal to truth.

Clearly, that is not a priority for you.

The agent was speaking of a plan to overturn the election.

You're obfuscation suggests that you lean toward fascism rather than democracy.

I am loyal to truth.

Clearly, that is not a priority for you.

The agent was speaking of a plan to overturn the election.

You're obfuscation suggests that you lean toward fascism rather than democracy.


You claim to be loyal to truth yet you blindly accept what the GOP feeds you. If you gave a rat's ass about truth you would be demanding the release of the evidence behind the memo and not blindly trust your party masters to tell you the truth.

Information contained in the following post is readily available through reliable sources on the Internet. It is information and historic facts that will, indeed, scare the he11 out of the idiot Trump, his many cronies, and any number of congressional Republicans involved both directly and indirectly in the acts of collusion with Russia, and the resulting cover-up and obstruction of justice.

Robert Mueller’s current investigation is far from his first experience in bringing major criminals to justice.

His probe into Russia’s collusion with the Trump campaign team, other individuals associated with the Trump administration, and members of congress who acted to, or conspired to obstruct justice is just one of several intensive inquiries he has headed.

Mueller joined the U.S. Department of Justice in 1989 and lead the successful prosecution that convicted Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega.

In the early 1990s, as U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, Robert Mueller was the driving force that ended John Gotti’s reign as head of the Gambino crime family. Mueller’s team put both Gotti and consigliere Frank Locascio away for life with no parole.

In the past, Mueller worked for the Department of Justice during both the George H.W. Bush and the George W. Bush/Richard Cheney administrations.

Mueller fought that Bush/Cheney administration’s corrupt attempt to extend an illegal wiretapping program. So, Mueller has the decades of experience that make him well aware of the illegal activities, and proclivities, of Republican politicians, world dictators, and members of organized crime.

Mueller is the perfect choice to ferret out the truth and evidence necessary to bring those suspected of criminal and treasonous acts to justice, and make them pay dearly for their crimes.

This makes him the best choice to organize and command the probe into the current administration’s criminal acts during the presidential campaign, and provide evidence of a totally corrupt administration and impeachable offenses by the idiot Trump.

Which is why the idiot Trump, his many cronies, and any number of congressional Republicans must be afraid, be very afraid, of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his investigative team.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


Ok, so you think Mueller is some great prosecutor/legal investigator because he got John Gotti and Manuel Noriega. 2 men who virtually ever living person on earth knew were guilty. That is what makes him so formidable? Your delusion is only outweighed by your naivety.

Every living person on the face of the earth can see that Trump is guilty too, if they open their eyes.

And there is the difference, because even the blind knew Gotti and Noriega were guilty.

And yet nobody got them until RM did, strange!

I’m not saying he isn’t a good prosecutor. I’m saying that those 2 cases should not be the measure of a good prosecutor. With Gotti, he got his Gravano dropped in his lap which sealed the deal. Noriega was a foreigner and likely his defense was less than ardent.

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