Some Karen just called the cops on me because I’m not wearing a mask!

You need to upgrade your bicycle with a machine gun, that will teach her.

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Seriously! I was biking in the Arnold Arboretum, came out to the street went to take a right some lady screamed at me I turned around and she said “ wear your mask” I said fuck you bitch! This is AMERICA! Than she got on the phone and called the cops on me. Wtf!

If you were out in the street, that should be a reasonable distance from the sidewalk. Shouldn't be any serious consequences.
Seriously! I was biking in the Arnold Arboretum, came out to the street went to take a right some lady screamed at me I turned around and she said “ wear your mask” I said fuck you bitch! This is AMERICA! Than she got on the phone and called the cops on me. Wtf!

If you were out in the street, that should be a reasonable distance from the sidewalk. Shouldn't be any serious consequences.
I know she was a Karen.. yea I hit the throttle darted at her but I turned
Seriously! I was biking in the Arnold Arboretum, came out to the street went to take a right some lady screamed at me I turned around and she said “ wear your mask” I said fuck you bitch! This is AMERICA! Than she got on the phone and called the cops on me. Wtf!
If your city has decreed masks when outdoors, wear the mask. If not, wear it where you are supposed to. You didn't actually get a ticket did you?
No I took off,, I’m not waiting to see if I get hauled off.. I have a record. And the mask is a guideline not a law.. she can go to hell

Well i should think so you hauled butt. WU says you gotta wait around for a cop to come around and taze you Bro?
Wearing a mask biking? Oh hell no!
How ya gonna breathe?
All you poor sickly little tRumpkins, can't breath through a layer of fabric.
I bet you can't beat me on a 7-mile run. (on a bike)
I never run more than 100 yds unless absolutely necessary.
I'm much more apt to turn and fight.
If you can't breath through a simple cloth mask anyone could beat you across the room.

You can't have it both ways, Son. Either you are fit and strong or you can't breath through a simple piece of cotton.

Which is it?
Why don’t you democrats have the balls to pass it as a law lol come on chickens
Put on a mask, bitch.

CDC says if everyone wore masks we could have this under control in 4-6 weeks.

Want the schools open?

Put on a mask, bitch.

Want the economy to come roaring back?

Put on a mask, bitch.

And so on.
It’s under control! We are tired of you liars. Take a hike this is America! We take risks!
Under control?

Tell that to Rick desantis.

Then put on your mask, bitch.
Make me bitch
You're already my bitch.
Wearing a mask biking? Oh hell no!
How ya gonna breathe?
All you poor sickly little tRumpkins, can't breath through a layer of fabric.
I bet you can't beat me on a 7-mile run. (on a bike)
I never run more than 100 yds unless absolutely necessary.
I'm much more apt to turn and fight.
If you can't breath through a simple cloth mask anyone could beat you across the room.

You can't have it both ways, Son. Either you are fit and strong or you can't breath through a simple piece of cotton.

Which is it?
Why don’t you democrats have the balls to pass it as a law lol come on chickens
Put on a mask, bitch.

CDC says if everyone wore masks we could have this under control in 4-6 weeks.

Want the schools open?

Put on a mask, bitch.

Want the economy to come roaring back?

Put on a mask, bitch.

And so on.
It’s under control! We are tired of you liars. Take a hike this is America! We take risks!
Under control?

Tell that to Rick desantis.

Then put on your mask, bitch.
Make me bitch
You're already my bitch.
Whatever makes you feel better loser
Wearing a mask biking? Oh hell no!
How ya gonna breathe?
All you poor sickly little tRumpkins, can't breath through a layer of fabric.
I bet you can't beat me on a 7-mile run. (on a bike)
I never run more than 100 yds unless absolutely necessary.
I'm much more apt to turn and fight.
If you can't breath through a simple cloth mask anyone could beat you across the room.

You can't have it both ways, Son. Either you are fit and strong or you can't breath through a simple piece of cotton.

Which is it?
How about instead, you put a plastic bag over your head, just to be certain no tRumplings breath on you.
Best to be safe, I am here to help.
Better of you guys just wear your masks.

You want the economy open? CDC says 4-6 weeks of everyone wearing masks and this is kicked.

Wear your mask

Want schools open?

Wear your mask

It's not rocket surgery here, kid. We know what to do to beat this thing. You just won't do it. You're going to cause shutdowns, unnecessary deaths, economic hardship, and you're also costing your orange idol the election.
Wearing a mask biking? Oh hell no!
How ya gonna breathe?
All you poor sickly little tRumpkins, can't breath through a layer of fabric.
I bet you can't beat me on a 7-mile run. (on a bike)
I never run more than 100 yds unless absolutely necessary.
I'm much more apt to turn and fight.
If you can't breath through a simple cloth mask anyone could beat you across the room.

You can't have it both ways, Son. Either you are fit and strong or you can't breath through a simple piece of cotton.

Which is it?
How about instead, you put a plastic bag over your head, just to be certain no tRumplings breath on you.
Best to be safe, I am here to help.
Better of you guys just wear your masks.

You want the economy open? CDC says 4-6 weeks of everyone wearing masks and this is kicked.

Wear your mask

Want schools open?

Wear your mask

It's not rocket surgery here, kid. We know what to do to beat this thing. You just won't do it. You're going to cause shutdowns, unnecessary deaths, economic hardship, and you're also costing your orange idol the election.
they lied to you but youre to stupid to know it,,,
If they are really a pain in the a$$, keep a bag of turnip seed for night seeding of her lawn. Those damn things will grow anywhere. Fastidious karen ladies often have nice lawns until the turnip crop starts growing.

I used crabgrass seed for that. The farm supply store had it in bulk, for use in hayfields. It makes it less obvious that it was vandalism, and crabgrass is harder to get rid of than broadleaved plants.
Interesting. Did not know you could buy crab grass seed commercially. Had know idea there was a use for it.
Who would buy crab grass seed? :wtf:This is new..
It is a real irritant to people who have nice lawns. I did turnip seeds, not crabgrass seeds on new lawns of people that intentionally pissed me off ,mostly single home builders doing their own house who welch on a deal and cost me or my company money. Very fine seeds. Will grow any anywhere and not necessarily all at once, especially on newly seeded bare ground job-sites. Drive by at night and sew the newly planted lawn. After grass and turnip start coming up, they know they've been had and have to treat and deal with it, but still the occasional turnip sprout keeps coming up in their yard. A minor thing thing, but amusing to some of the subcontractors who notice. Very funny to come buy the next spring and still see the occasional sprout in their otherwise pristine lawn. Got the idea from another contractor salesman. Thought he was joking, then he opened his trunk and handed me a bag of seed, saying "yep he's an asshole and you can't get your money back, but there is some satisfaction in it as you see his yard sprout". If you get contacted for estimates or special orders by somebody with turnip coming up in their front yard, make them sign contracts and put up money as a handshake probably means nothing to them.
It’s under control! We are tired of you liars. Take a hike this is America! We take risks!

Nobody gives a flying fuck about you taking risks. In fact, I think you should take every stupid risk that pops into your head.

Just don't breath your filth on the rest of us.
It’s under control! We are tired of you liars. Take a hike this is America! We take risks!

Nobody gives a flying fuck about you taking risks. In fact, I think you should take every stupid risk that pops into your head.

Just don't breath your filth on the rest of us.
Stay the fuck away from me then.
You won't be missed.
Seriously! I was biking in the Arnold Arboretum, came out to the street went to take a right some lady screamed at me I turned around and she said “ wear your mask” I said fuck you bitch! This is AMERICA! Than she got on the phone and called the cops on me. Wtf!
If your city has decreed masks when outdoors, wear the mask. If not, wear it where you are supposed to. You didn't actually get a ticket did you?
What the fuck is the purpose of wearing a mask while riding a bike? That makes even less sense than having to wear a mask outdoors.
It’s under control! We are tired of you liars. Take a hike this is America! We take risks!

Nobody gives a flying fuck about you taking risks. In fact, I think you should take every stupid risk that pops into your head.

Just don't breath your filth on the rest of us.
Stay the fuck away from me then.
You won't be missed.

Likewise. Please post a journal of your itinerary so we can avoid your pollution.
It’s under control! We are tired of you liars. Take a hike this is America! We take risks!

Nobody gives a flying fuck about you taking risks. In fact, I think you should take every stupid risk that pops into your head.

Just don't breath your filth on the rest of us.
Stay the fuck away from me then.
You won't be missed.

Likewise. Please post a journal of your itinerary so we can avoid your pollution.
All of Texas.

Keep your ass out.
It’s under control! We are tired of you liars. Take a hike this is America! We take risks!

Nobody gives a flying fuck about you taking risks. In fact, I think you should take every stupid risk that pops into your head.

Just don't breath your filth on the rest of us.
Stay the fuck away from me then.
You won't be missed.

Likewise. Please post a journal of your itinerary so we can avoid your pollution.
All of Texas.

Keep your ass out.

Easily done. Thanks!

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