Some Random Thoughts and Questions About the Vegas Shooting

Some have wondered how he managed to sneak so many weapons into his hotel room, but it was probably easier than people think. If he was as wealthy and as heavy of a gambler as the media reports then the hotel staff was likely familiar with him and didn't give him a second glance. Given that he had been there for a few days and lived only 80 miles away he would have had plenty of time to sneak a good number of weapons into his room.

You can be a totally complete stranger to the staff and they wont search your luggage. Its odd to me that people are wondering how he got the weapons up to his room without anyone seeing them. Obviously they were in the suitcases.
Most long guns do not fit into suitcases. You have to have special cases, which are quite evident what they are by their dimensions.
Typical suitcase:
View attachment 152578
Typical rifle case:
View attachment 152579
Any weapon can be broke down into smaller components and reassembled in minutes.
It does not fit the usual narrative that some loser hating his life decides to go out in a blaze of Allah Akbar when the guy is a wealthy man who owns a lot of property. So what can explain this so that it makes any sense? All that is hitting on all cylinders is that this guys wife converted him to jihadism and then fled the country, but he was supposed to be a lone gunman?

Then why did he bring so much ammo to the room and so many guns? That doesnt make any sense unless he was expecting people to help him. What else does?

How did the two hispanic women who tried to warn people know he was going to start the shooting and who are they? If they saw him, how did they live to tell? If they had inside information, how does that happen with a lone gunman?

This video sounds like here were tow shooters, one with a larger caliber gun and the other with what sounds like a .223

I am getting a feeling that this was not a lone gunman but instead there were multiple shooters in a group of multiple supporters from which the two women trying to warn everyone emerged.

Any *constructive* thoughts on this?

If he's as rich as they let on... And he is a muzzy, or a sympathizer... Given they found lots more guns and explosives at his house... Is this over? Or should we expect more carnage from coconspirators?
Some have wondered how he managed to sneak so many weapons into his hotel room, but it was probably easier than people think. If he was as wealthy and as heavy of a gambler as the media reports then the hotel staff was likely familiar with him and didn't give him a second glance. Given that he had been there for a few days and lived only 80 miles away he would have had plenty of time to sneak a good number of weapons into his room.

You can be a totally complete stranger to the staff and they wont search your luggage. Its odd to me that people are wondering how he got the weapons up to his room without anyone seeing them. Obviously they were in the suitcases.
Most long guns do not fit into suitcases. You have to have special cases, which are quite evident what they are by their dimensions.
Typical suitcase:
View attachment 152578
Typical rifle case:
View attachment 152579

Don't know much about rifles, do you?

I could put 20 rifles like mine in a suitcase that size.
Some have wondered how he managed to sneak so many weapons into his hotel room, but it was probably easier than people think. If he was as wealthy and as heavy of a gambler as the media reports then the hotel staff was likely familiar with him and didn't give him a second glance. Given that he had been there for a few days and lived only 80 miles away he would have had plenty of time to sneak a good number of weapons into his room.

You can be a totally complete stranger to the staff and they wont search your luggage. Its odd to me that people are wondering how he got the weapons up to his room without anyone seeing them. Obviously they were in the suitcases.
Most long guns do not fit into suitcases. You have to have special cases, which are quite evident what they are by their dimensions.
Typical suitcase:
View attachment 152578
Typical rifle case:
View attachment 152579

Dumb really dumb!

I could put 20 rifles in a suitcase that size.

There are now leaked pictures from inside his room (one show feet stretched out dead? hands in black gloves). There is a partial view of an open "regular" suitcase with wheels on it. It looked to me like Gun parts in foam inserts.

The AMMO is very heavy (10000 rounds?). Note: he picked the suite right by a Stairwell. AND he may have had employee access badge. If so.......that Hotel has a lot of explaining to do......IMVHO

Was he ISIS? ANTIFA? Regular Nut? Trump hater? Young person hater? They don't tell us ..... at this time. That is ASSuming he did it all alone and was not a "setup". Gun shots started after 10:08PM? Ended by 10:19PM? No Police in the room until after 11PM.
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Some have wondered how he managed to sneak so many weapons into his hotel room, but it was probably easier than people think. If he was as wealthy and as heavy of a gambler as the media reports then the hotel staff was likely familiar with him and didn't give him a second glance. Given that he had been there for a few days and lived only 80 miles away he would have had plenty of time to sneak a good number of weapons into his room.

You can be a totally complete stranger to the staff and they wont search your luggage. Its odd to me that people are wondering how he got the weapons up to his room without anyone seeing them. Obviously they were in the suitcases.
Most long guns do not fit into suitcases. You have to have special cases, which are quite evident what they are by their dimensions.
Typical suitcase:
View attachment 152578
Typical rifle case:
View attachment 152579

Dumb really dumb!

I could put 20 rifles in a suitcase that size.

There are now leaked pictures from inside his room (one show feet stretched out dead? hands in black gloves). There is a partial view of an open "regular" suitcase with wheels on it. It looked to me like Gun parts in foam inserts.

The AMMO is very heavy (10000 rounds?). Note: he picked the suite right by a Stairwell. AND he may have had employee access badge. If so.......that Hotel has a lot of explaining to do......IMVHO

Was he ISIS? ANTIFA? Regular Nut? Trump hater? Young person hater? They don't tell us ..... at this time. That is ASSuming he did it all alone and was not a "setup". Gun shots started after 10:08PM? Ended by 10:19PM? No Police in the room until after 11PM.
a hotel guest below him notified hotel security of the gun noise above... One security guy or maybe two went to his room and was shot through the door, I believe was said on the news, or maybe it was one policeman and one security guard, the fire alarm went off in the killer's room as well from all the smoke from his guns.... this happened before swat team got there...

the shooting from the room had stopped

then all the guests on that floor and maybe the floor above and below, were evacuated by security and cops....

BEFORE they broke in to the room and found him dead...
Some have wondered how he managed to sneak so many weapons into his hotel room, but it was probably easier than people think. If he was as wealthy and as heavy of a gambler as the media reports then the hotel staff was likely familiar with him and didn't give him a second glance. Given that he had been there for a few days and lived only 80 miles away he would have had plenty of time to sneak a good number of weapons into his room.

You can be a totally complete stranger to the staff and they wont search your luggage. Its odd to me that people are wondering how he got the weapons up to his room without anyone seeing them. Obviously they were in the suitcases.
Most long guns do not fit into suitcases. You have to have special cases, which are quite evident what they are by their dimensions.
Typical suitcase:
View attachment 152578
Typical rifle case:
View attachment 152579
Why do you think he had typical bag and why do you think he couldnt break down the rifles and reassemble them in the room? I break down my rifle to clean it all the time. Cuts the size in half. Dont be such an idiot.

sounded like 1 shooter pretty clearly to me
Well the echo....I mean the other gun means there were obviously 2 shooters. That video with the invisible shooter floating outside the window convinced me..
Another strange thing is that he was shooting from inside the hotel. That makes a lot of sound.

Why did no one stop him? Maybe the hotel management was in on it. Trying to wipe out the competitors business.

(Wow! It really is fun and easy to come up with stupid conspiracy theories.)
Lol, how did this leap into Conspiracy Theory territory, dude?

You know the DOJ does investigate crimes of conspiracy, dont you?

There is a reason for that, lol.

Dude, anyone can dream up questions about any event and then pretend that the lack of answers indicates something suspicious.

Even YOU can do it. It's fucking easy.
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