Some Trump supporters still think this is all a hoax

Poor Benny, the virus is's the forced over reaction that isn't. You don't shut a Nation down and ruin it's economy for a "bug" that has a 98.6% survival rate.
I know it's real..tell that to some of your brethren. Your right..we didn't shut down for H1N1 or Ebola...BECAUSE the outbreak was handled correctly, not bungled like this one.
Poor Benny, the virus is's the forced over reaction that isn't. You don't shut a Nation down and ruin it's economy for a "bug" that has a 98.6% survival rate.
I know it's real..tell that to some of your brethren. Your right..we didn't shut down for H1N1 or Ebola...BECAUSE the outbreak was handled correctly, not bungled like this one.

Poor Benny, the virus is's the forced over reaction that isn't. You don't shut a Nation down and ruin it's economy for a "bug" that has a 98.6% survival rate.
I know it's real..tell that to some of your brethren. Your right..we didn't shut down for H1N1 or Ebola...BECAUSE the outbreak was handled correctly, not bungled like this one.
Say 99% recovery rate.. Say it
Poor Benny, the virus is's the forced over reaction that isn't. You don't shut a Nation down and ruin it's economy for a "bug" that has a 98.6% survival rate.
I know it's real..tell that to some of your brethren. Your right..we didn't shut down for H1N1 or Ebola...BECAUSE the outbreak was handled correctly, not bungled like this one.
Say 99% recovery rate.. Say it
205,000 + dead..there, said it
Poor Benny, the virus is's the forced over reaction that isn't. You don't shut a Nation down and ruin it's economy for a "bug" that has a 98.6% survival rate.
I know it's real..tell that to some of your brethren. Your right..we didn't shut down for H1N1 or Ebola...BECAUSE the outbreak was handled correctly, not bungled like this one.
Say 99% recovery rate.. Say it
205,000 + dead..there, said it
Say 99% recovery rate.. say it
I imagine the crazy angry left could find (or invent) "Trump supporters" who claim he was abducted by aliens. The post is ludicrous.
I know it's real..tell that to some of your brethren. Your right..we didn't shut down for H1N1 or Ebola...BECAUSE the outbreak was handled correctly, not bungled like this one.
An 86% reduction in the mortality rate over 4 months isn't "bungled". What IS bungled is your post.
205,000 + dead..there, said it
Yeah, and 13,000 of them (if that many) actually dying of Covid. The other 94% died of other causes, while having a slight Covid infection.

Hell, they're even pulling dead bodies out of car accidents, and calling it Covid, if the autopsy reveals a slight Covid infection. Liberal dupes fall for anything.
I imagine the crazy angry left could find (or invent) "Trump supporters" who claim he was abducted by aliens. The post is ludicrous.
The idiot should know that mindreading is a magician's trick. It has no scientific basis.
205,000 + dead..there, said it
Yeah, and 13,000 of them (if that many) actually dying of Covid. The other 94% died of other causes, while having a slight Covid infection.

Hell, they're even pulling dead bodies out of car accidents, and calling it Covid, if the autopsy reveals a slight Covid infection. Liberal dupes fall for anything.
Pulling dead bodies out of cars and blaming COVID..seriously, you tin foil hats actually believe that??
Poor Benny, the virus is's the forced over reaction that isn't. You don't shut a Nation down and ruin it's economy for a "bug" that has a 98.6% survival rate.
I know it's real..tell that to some of your brethren. Your right..we didn't shut down for H1N1 or Ebola...BECAUSE the outbreak was handled correctly, not bungled like this one.
Say 99% recovery rate.. Say it
205,000 + dead..there, said it

You do know that viruses and disease are an inescapable fact of human existence, right?

You do know that when people get sick (especially old people) they die, right?

You do know that short of a full on quarantine of the infected and an authoritative lockdown (where you shot, or thru in a gulag everyone seen not wearing a mask) people were always going to catch the virus?

Just because you don't like Trump doesn't change the reality of a pandemic outbreak, and how such things are very much out of the control of any one man or government..
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Let's be clear. The Narrative that Covid 19 is so deadly that the entire public portion of American daily activity must be either shut down or dramatically altered in order to save ourselves is a lie. It is a hoax. It is provably false. It flies in the face of the data.

Covid 19 is a terribly deadly disease IF YOU HAPPEN TO BE AMONG THE FEW MOST VULNERABLE PEOPLE. If you have a badly compromised immune citizen, or you are old and feeble and decrepit. AND FOR THOSE PEOPLE, the Narrative is absolutely true and correct. They should be hunkered down to the greatest extent possible. Not going out in public unless it is absolutely necessary, limiting contact with outsiders, and so forth. It is extremely noteworthy that MOST of the deaths are old bastards in nursing homes (or comparable).

For everyone else, the Narrative is a lie.

How many healthy children and adults have succumbed to this disease? Essentially/statistically, none. It is only when you look at the overall results from 300 million people that the numbers are even noticeable, let alone alarming. For illustration, in my own county of two million souls, there has not been a single fatality of anyone under thirty years old. Not one.

And our schools are basically either shut down entirely, or going through a ridiculous Chinese Fire Drill a couple times a week "to protect the CHILDREN." Our colleges are going through similar machinations, going bat-shit-crazy when there is a "spike" in "new cases," and yet it is considered vulgar to mention that none of the college students (who number in the tens of thousands locally) has even gotten sick, let alone died.

If it were possible to do so, this is the picture that would show up in the dictionary beside the word, "Hoax."

Sorry, but it's true.
I know it's real..tell that to some of your brethren. Your right..we didn't shut down for H1N1 or Ebola...BECAUSE the outbreak was handled correctly, not bungled like this one.
I do not remember the call for face masks. I never heard of flight bans from any country. I got H1N1 in a New York City library, and have not had a fever since then.
How did the better administrators handle H1N1 and Ebola correctly, and would their procedures apply to better combat the virus from China? Or is there some other way that the former administration is hiding from us, because they only care about themselves?
205,000 + dead..there, said it
That’s a big fat load of BS. The reasons why the count is fraudulent have been explained six ways from Sunday, so either you have been living in a cave, or you are simply dishonest and choose to believe lies of the controlled corporate media. Because you want to try to score political points. But all you’re doing is outing yourself as either an idiot or a dishonest person who is trying to use this for political purposes.
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I know it's real..tell that to some of your brethren. Your right..we didn't shut down for H1N1 or Ebola...BECAUSE the outbreak was handled correctly, not bungled like this one.
. . . And, let's not forget that Bill Gates gave a TedTalk in 2015, during the administration of the Greatest President in the history of the United States, claiming that the United States was not ready for UFO's or something.


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