Some Trump supporters still think this is all a hoax

205,000 + dead..there, said it
That’s a big fat load of BS. The reasons why the count is fraudulent have been explained six ways from Sunday, so either you have been living in a cave, or you are simply dishonest and choose to believe lies of the controlled corporate media. Because you want to try to score political points. But all you’re doing is outing yourself as either an idiot or a dishonest person who is trying to use this for political purposes.
And your lower figures are accurate why? heard it Tucker Carlson or something?
Poor Benny, the virus is's the forced over reaction that isn't. You don't shut a Nation down and ruin it's economy for a "bug" that has a 98.6% survival rate.
I know it's real..tell that to some of your brethren. Your right..we didn't shut down for H1N1 or Ebola...BECAUSE the outbreak was handled correctly, not bungled like this one.
Oooo....Let's hunt down some random nut and try to portray him as the norm!

The standard contrived "man on the street" fake nooz.


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