Some women pivoting away from male centric religion

Are you saying they aren't seeking truth?
I was addressing the point, "either a religion works for you, or it doesnt."

Most people aren't interested in finding the true God, because it would mean, once you do, you're obligated to OBEY. People want what they want.

"Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be".

The answer is no. Most people aren't interested in Truth. Religion, to them, is a suit of clothes they put on to feel right with God without making the real sacrifices God requires of His true followers
I was addressing the point, "either a religion works for you, or it doesnt."

Most people aren't interested in finding the true God, because it would mean, once you do, you're obligated to OBEY. People want what they want.

"Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be".

The answer is no. Most people aren't interested in Truth. Religion, to them, is a suit of clothes they put on to feel right with God without making the real sacrifices God requires of His true followers
OK. It's obligated to obey your God. That's what you are saying. I just needed to understand you weren't talking about truth. You meant that your God is the truth.
Only if you're not a seeker of Truth

If you figure out GOD exists, a rational person follows Him. If He doesn't exist, what's the point in creating a religion/ god in your own head?
I know that GOD exists, we are all part of that entity whether we realize it or not. The sad part is that most people on Earth do not realize what GOD is; the rise of religions in this world has only served to confuse the issue.
Only if you're not a seeker of Truth

If you figure out GOD exists, a rational person follows Him. If He doesn't exist, what's the point in creating a religion/ god in your own head?

- and then there are those that find their god in a book that never will.
I was addressing the point, "either a religion works for you, or it doesnt."

Most people aren't interested in finding the true God, because it would mean, once you do, you're obligated to OBEY. People want what they want.

"Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be".

The answer is no. Most people aren't interested in Truth. Religion, to them, is a suit of clothes they put on to feel right with God without making the real sacrifices God requires of His true followers
You believe that a true God wants you to obey him ? For what purpose ? What is it worth to the god ?
- and then there are those that find their god in a book that never will.
Ask him if there are many paths to GOD. The answer in every tribal religion, in every cult is there is only one path to God and of course it's their path. They don't understand GOD can be and is anything and everything, anyone and everyone can fathom.
Let's see. You or Yeshua.

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me
So it is in your belief system. This world is bigger than just one belief system , thank GOD ; your's is just one. And being one of the more chosen ones doesn't mean it negates the others at all.
RE: Some women pivoting away from male centric religion
SUBTOPIC: The Gender Question
※→ et al,

When speaking about the: "First Cause," the "Creator," the "Ultimate Intelligent Power of the Universe," or the "Supreme Being," the question of Gender is immaterial. This is generally different from the faith-based systems like the Abrahamic Religions.

As a general rule the believer (
of a rigid construct like the Abrahamic Religions) has no true idea of the ultimate form GOD ("First Cause," the "Creator," the "Ultimate Intelligent Power of the Universe," or the "Supreme Being,") may take. All humanity can know about the nature, consistency, and/or the material form (if any). Humanity does not know what constitutes a "spirit" (or the human soul) or any other supernatural entity. With rarity can a believer define the exchange of information between a deity and the human.

As a rule, the believers and worshippers think, convey, and agree with the idea that their deity is capable of exercising the three God Powers: Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence. These are the most common characteristics reasoned out by the believers.

Just my thought,

Most Respectfully,
So it is in your belief system. This world is bigger than just one belief system , thank GOD ; your's is just one. And being one of the more chosen ones doesn't mean it negates the others at all.
No, in Jesus' crystal clear words. You reject Him. I don't.
RE: Some women pivoting away from male centric religion
※→ CarlinAnnArbor, et al,

To understand the Faith-Based beliefs one must state the source. and origin of the depiction.

No, in Jesus' crystal clear words. You reject Him. I don't.
Jesus must be your god , why on earth would you reject him. Don't be ridiculous. I do not give any credence to that legend.

The Apostolic Church is (
for all practical purposes) the principal source of the New Testament. And in that regard, the character Jesus is the Son of the (their) GOD "I am" (not further stated to Moses). This is related to the Pentateuch (anything that comes after that is a cosmetic interpretation). Prior to the time of Moses, The GOD was the GOD with no name.

Since the New Testament is the product of the Apostolic Church, it can be expected to reflect the concerns of the Church at that time. In Trinitarian Theology, GOD the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit
(some undefined supernatural component) form the basic dogma concerning the "Holy Trinity." Until the "Joseph is told by the angel of the Lord to name the child born of Mary’s virginal conception ‘‘Yahweh" [(meaning salvation) • (many translations later) Jesus] for he shall save his people from their sins.’’
SOURCE: Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament 3:284–94. [L. F. HARTMAN] also found in the The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Second Edition, © 2003 by The Catholic University of America Published by Gale.

Two Cents,

Most Respectfully,
RE: Some women pivoting away from male centric religion
※→ CarlinAnnArbor, et al,

To understand the Faith-Based beliefs one must state the source. and origin of the depiction.


The Apostolic Church is (
for all practical purposes) the principal source of the New Testament. And in that regard, the character Jesus is the Son of the (their) GOD "I am" (not further stated to Moses). This is related to the Pentateuch (anything that comes after that is a cosmetic interpretation). Prior to the time of Moses, The GOD was the GOD with no name.

Since the New Testament is the product of the Apostolic Church, it can be expected to reflect the concerns of the Church at that time. In Trinitarian Theology, GOD the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit
(some undefined supernatural component) form the basic dogma concerning the "Holy Trinity." Until the "Joseph is told by the angel of the Lord to name the child born of Mary’s virginal conception ‘‘Yahweh" [(meaning salvation) • (many translations later) Jesus] for he shall save his people from their sins.’’
SOURCE: Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament 3:284–94. [L. F. HARTMAN] also found in the The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Second Edition, © 2003 by The Catholic University of America Published by Gale.

Two Cents,

Most Respectfully,
You quoted religious dogma as your source. Again , that only matters IF you believe it to be so. I do not.
RE: Some women pivoting away from male-centric religion
SUBTOPIC: Belief As a Mosaic
※→ Stann, et al,

Every human endeavor requires the ability to think (and that involves some form of reasoning).

I am an "Agnostic." As such I hold open to the possibility of a Deity or of anything beyond material reality. In saying this, religious dogma is but one of many possible concepts of what is real and what rests in the idea of existence (beyond examination by scientific methodology).

You quoted religious dogma as your source. Again , that only matters IF you believe it to be so. I do not.

Belief systems that are totally dependent on a definite point (in a physical reality) in space and a definite instant of time (an appearance point) is from physical reality. But the supernatural may make an appearance in time by not be real. Imagination, Inspiration, Hallucinations, and Out of Body experience are a few examples.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Some women pivoting away from male-centric religion
SUBTOPIC: Belief As a Mosaic
※→ Stann, et al,

Every human endeavor requires the ability to think (and that involves some form of reasoning).

I am an "Agnostic." As such I hold open to the possibility of a Deity or of anything beyond material reality. In saying this, religious dogma is but one of many possible concepts of what is real and what rests in the idea of existence (beyond examination by scientific methodology).


Belief systems that are totally dependent on a definite point (in a physical reality) in space and a definite instant of time (an appearance point) is from physical reality. But the supernatural may make an appearance in time by not be real. Imagination, Inspiration, Hallucinations, and Out of Body experience are a few examples.


Most Respectfully,
If you ever have a near-death experience, 1. Do not go into it with any preconceived ideas of what the experience will be, and 2
Ask a lot of questions,you will get the correct answers

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