Someone explain the Petraeus thing and why we're supposed to be angry?


Fair and Balanced
Sep 23, 2012
Coming home today and listening to the radio. Heard the most sensationalized bullshit commercial ever promoting some fucking thing on NBC about Petraeus and how big of a scandal it is. Let me get this straight... this guy just fucked some chick outside of marriage right? Why is this blowing up into such an epic clusterfuck in the media when it seems like such a ridiculous non-issue? The guy was a pretty effective general and bottom line he's given his life in service to his country, why is this guy getting shellacked now?
Well for one it's a violation of the military rules something I would bet he busted other's for when he was in the military second if you are found out as he was any group or other country wants a way to get information now know that is a weakness that can be exploited they could also use the woman he was having the affair with to try and get information. When you are the head of the top intelligence agency in the Country putting yourself in the position he did is never wise and always' dangerous Petraeus knew that which is why he stepped down.
Coming home today and listening to the radio. Heard the most sensationalized bullshit commercial ever promoting some fucking thing on NBC about Petraeus and how big of a scandal it is. Let me get this straight... this guy just fucked some chick outside of marriage right? Why is this blowing up into such an epic clusterfuck in the media when it seems like such a ridiculous non-issue? The guy was a pretty effective general and bottom line he's given his life in service to his country, why is this guy getting shellacked now?

Don't you know by now that the main stream media in this country is only interested in affairs. They've turned into major competition for the tabloid magazines.

BUT--certainly you know that this involves much more than an affair by now--try looking up Bengazi--it's all over this board.
Well duh, it depends on what the the meaning of the word is is....
Coming home today and listening to the radio. Heard the most sensationalized bullshit commercial ever promoting some fucking thing on NBC about Petraeus and how big of a scandal it is. Let me get this straight... this guy just fucked some chick outside of marriage right? Why is this blowing up into such an epic clusterfuck in the media when it seems like such a ridiculous non-issue? The guy was a pretty effective general and bottom line he's given his life in service to his country, why is this guy getting shellacked now?

It might have something to do with the fact that classified material was found in her apartment.
Coming home today and listening to the radio. Heard the most sensationalized bullshit commercial ever promoting some fucking thing on NBC about Petraeus and how big of a scandal it is. Let me get this straight... this guy just fucked some chick outside of marriage right? Why is this blowing up into such an epic clusterfuck in the media when it seems like such a ridiculous non-issue? The guy was a pretty effective general and bottom line he's given his life in service to his country, why is this guy getting shellacked now?

Have you ever applied for a secret clearance and had the FBI show up and ask you questions? They don't care if you've done drugs or if you're gay. They just want to know if you're a liar and can be compromised in any way. It's all about trust. Certainly Petraeus fits this category now.

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