Something That The Democrats Just Don't Seem to Get

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
The fact that when it comes right down to it that I would much rather get along in peace and harmony with you guys. You having your own political beliefs and me having mine. Us having civil political debates that doesn't turn into a flame war on the playground but it seems that democrats very rarely know how to do this.

So far I know about two of you on this whole entire message board. John Edgar Slow Horses and Slade3200 thank you guys for being civil even though you don't disagree with me. So far you're the only two worthy to have the title of lefties (although Slade I think that you said that you're center but tend to lean towards the center) that I actually like.

Oh and Slade3200, your debating skills are fantastic and have actually even managed to prove me wrong from time to time and not deflect, constantly change the subject, and resort to insults unless the other person insulted you first. You're a good guy and I do wish that other people would realize this and judge you by your personality and not your party.

Sadly, that's how America is today and the government only wants to keep us fighting with each other. Such a shame as Slade is one of my best friends on here so I'm not going to lie and put on a show for my fellow conservatives and say that he isn't.

Oh yeah and why do conservatives always call liberals sheep when often times they can't think for themselves either? Just my two cents worth. If I get slammed and lose respect from other conservatives on here for speaking the truth no biggie as it's happened before, but you do realize that you're acting just like the liberals that you (we actually) insult when you do this right?

Oh yeah and White 6 is pretty cool too. 😎
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The fact that when it comes right down to it that I would much rather get along in peace and harmony with you guys. You having your own political beliefs and me having mine. Us having civil political debates that doesn't turn into a flame war on the playground but it seems that democrats very rarely know how to do this.

So far I know about two of you on this whole entire message board. John Edgar Slow Horses and Slade3200 thank you guys for being civil even though you don't disagree with me. So far you're the only two worthy to have the title of lefties (although Slade I think that you said that you're center but tend to lean towards the center) that I actually like.

Oh and Slade3200, your debating skills are fantastic and have actually even managed to prove me wrong from time to time and not deflect, constantly change the subject, and resort to insults unless the other person insulted you first. You're a good guy and I do wish that other people would realize this and judge you by your personality and not your party.

Sadly, that's how America is today and the government only wants to keep us fighting with each other. Such a shame as Slade is one of my best friends on here so I'm not going to lie and put on a show for my fellow conservatives and say that he isn't.

Oh yeah and why do conservatives always call liberals sheep when often times they can't think for themselves either? Just my two cents worth. If I get slammed and lose respect from other conservatives on here for speaking the truth no biggie as it's happened before, but you do realize that you're acting just like the liberals that you (we actually) insult when you do this right?
I promise this is the last post I'll write to you, but this is seriously funny.

The "look how open-minded I am" virtue signaling when running from an OP where you simply refuse to engage minutes early because you can't defend your position, is next-level dishonest. The naming people, you feel "stand up to your high moral standard of civil discourse" is a particularly nice touch.

As I said. I want to meaningfully engage people. We don't need to agree. What I can't stand is the evasions and in this particular case. Brazen dishonesty.

On the other hand, you ignored most of mine. Didn't bother... evade if you will. You accuse me of missing your point. While I'm quoting myself making that same point in the previous post. And quoting you saying the opposite in the one before that.
For those who are interested in our civil discourse advocate. Minutes earlier. Very interesting and enlightening conversation.

Next time, you might want to wait a few hours before starting an OP so clearly designed to clear your own conscience.
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The fact that when it comes right down to it that I would much rather get along in peace and harmony with you guys. You having your own political beliefs and me having mine. Us having civil political debates that doesn't turn into a flame war on the playground but it seems that democrats very rarely know how to do this.

So far I know about two of you on this whole entire message board. John Edgar Slow Horses and Slade3200 thank you guys for being civil even though you don't disagree with me. So far you're the only two worthy to have the title of lefties (although Slade I think that you said that you're center but tend to lean towards the center) that I actually like.

Oh and Slade3200, your debating skills are fantastic and have actually even managed to prove me wrong from time to time and not deflect, constantly change the subject, and resort to insults unless the other person insulted you first. You're a good guy and I do wish that other people would realize this and judge you by your personality and not your party.

Sadly, that's how America is today and the government only wants to keep us fighting with each other. Such a shame as Slade is one of my best friends on here so I'm not going to lie and put on a show for my fellow conservatives and say that he isn't.

Oh yeah and why do conservatives always call liberals sheep when often times they can't think for themselves either? Just my two cents worth. If I get slammed and lose respect from other conservatives on here for speaking the truth no biggie as it's happened before, but you do realize that you're acting just like the liberals that you (we actually) insult when you do this right?

Oh yeah and White 6 is pretty cool too. 😎
And in 2 days or so, you’ll be pointing out the next group of people you have chosen unilaterally to hate.
Already getting hate for my OP it appears. Come on people we don't behave the way we do on here towards people in real life right? Well at least I don't so why should my online life be any different? Whenever it can be helped that is.
Already getting hate for my OP it appears. Come on people we don't behave the way we do on here towards people in real life right? Well at least I don't so why should my online life be any different? Whenever it can be helped that is.

You need to read your own threads
Your behavior does not warrant tolerance
The fact that when it comes right down to it that I would much rather get along in peace and harmony with you guys. You having your own political beliefs and me having mine. Us having civil political debates that doesn't turn into a flame war on the playground but it seems that democrats very rarely know how to do this.

So far I know about two of you on this whole entire message board. John Edgar Slow Horses and Slade3200 thank you guys for being civil even though you don't disagree with me. So far you're the only two worthy to have the title of lefties (although Slade I think that you said that you're center but tend to lean towards the center) that I actually like.

Oh and Slade3200, your debating skills are fantastic and have actually even managed to prove me wrong from time to time and not deflect, constantly change the subject, and resort to insults unless the other person insulted you first. You're a good guy and I do wish that other people would realize this and judge you by your personality and not your party.

Sadly, that's how America is today and the government only wants to keep us fighting with each other. Such a shame as Slade is one of my best friends on here so I'm not going to lie and put on a show for my fellow conservatives and say that he isn't.

Oh yeah and why do conservatives always call liberals sheep when often times they can't think for themselves either? Just my two cents worth. If I get slammed and lose respect from other conservatives on here for speaking the truth no biggie as it's happened before, but you do realize that you're acting just like the liberals that you (we actually) insult when you do this right?

Oh yeah and White 6 is pretty cool too. 😎
You got a good heart wifey… even when you’re a little spicy. 🌶️ thanks for the kind words and continued efforts to engage and build relationships. Not simply troll and fight
You got a good heart wifey… even when you’re a little spicy. 🌶️ thanks for the kind words and continued efforts to engage and build relationships. Not simply troll and fight

Thanks but I just tell it how I see it is all. I realize that I'm a bit harsh sometimes but if people can't handle the truth not my problem. I see that I'm already receiving hate from conservatives because I'm telling it like it is and they don't like it.

So how is it alright to tell off the liberals when they put their fingers in their ears and go "LA, LA, LA I'M NOT LISTENING!!!" When they can't handle the truth and me just speaking my mind but it isn't okay if members in my own party are doing it towards me because I base my friendships based on character and not politics? Hypocritical much?

These are the exact same people who are with me in not being able to stand the democrats having WAY too much power and taking control over the whole entire freaking country but now suddenly if I see good in a person who disagrees with me politically I can't be friends with them or I'm not in their club anymore.

I'm sick and tired of this crap so that's why I decided to take a stand against it. I just see things differently from how you do from time to time but I believe that even you're smart enough to realize that we have problems in this country no matter how you think or feel about Trump we still got problems.

I especially love that although you're for equality you seem to agree with me that boys/men should be off girl's/women's sports teams and I do believe out of their restrooms and locker rooms. If they want to have teams/restrooms/locker rooms specifically designed for them that's okay but you don't have the perverted mind in the sense where you can't stand the thought of kids being in danger or raped or women as you seem to have a whole lot of respect for women too.

So in other words you and I both stick out from the crowd. We don't have to have to have the exact same political beliefs to be exactly the same where it counts. It still makes me think of this song to this day. :)

My money is on you Democrat scum.

Already hate her and have her on ignore since she's a typical Democrat and full of shit. I only say typical democrat because the ones that I actually like go by the golden rule like Slade does. He respects me so I respect him. I actually would like to meet him someday in public as I think that we could actually could be good friends for real.

We agree to disagree and still care about one another in spite of this. That sounds like true friendship to me. Even though you probably won't agree unfortunately.
The fact that when it comes right down to it that I would much rather get along in peace and harmony with you guys. You having your own political beliefs and me having mine. Us having civil political debates that doesn't turn into a flame war on the playground but it seems that democrats very rarely know how to do this.

So far I know about two of you on this whole entire message board. John Edgar Slow Horses and Slade3200 thank you guys for being civil even though you don't disagree with me. So far you're the only two worthy to have the title of lefties (although Slade I think that you said that you're center but tend to lean towards the center) that I actually like.

Oh and Slade3200, your debating skills are fantastic and have actually even managed to prove me wrong from time to time and not deflect, constantly change the subject, and resort to insults unless the other person insulted you first. You're a good guy and I do wish that other people would realize this and judge you by your personality and not your party.

Sadly, that's how America is today and the government only wants to keep us fighting with each other. Such a shame as Slade is one of my best friends on here so I'm not going to lie and put on a show for my fellow conservatives and say that he isn't.

Oh yeah and why do conservatives always call liberals sheep when often times they can't think for themselves either? Just my two cents worth. If I get slammed and lose respect from other conservatives on here for speaking the truth no biggie as it's happened before, but you do realize that you're acting just like the liberals that you (we actually) insult when you do this right?

Oh yeah and White 6 is pretty cool too. 😎
Yep. 95+ percent of the libs on this board have a screw loose. The two you called out, good job.
Thanks but I just tell it how I see it is all. I realize that I'm a bit harsh sometimes but if people can't handle the truth not my problem. I see that I'm already receiving hate from conservatives because I'm telling it like it is and they don't like it.

So how is it alright to tell off the liberals when they put their fingers in their ears and go "LA, LA, LA I'M NOT LISTENING!!!" When they can't handle the truth and me just speaking my mind but it isn't okay if members in my own party are doing it towards me because I base my friendships based on character and not politics? Hypocritical much?

These are the exact same people who are with me in not being able to stand the democrats having WAY too much power and taking control over the whole entire freaking country but now suddenly if I see good in a person who disagrees with me politically I can't be friends with them or I'm not in their club anymore.

I'm sick and tired of this crap so that's why I decided to take a stand against it. I just see things differently from how you do from time to time but I believe that even you're smart enough to realize that we have problems in this country no matter how you think or feel about Trump we still got problems.

I especially love that although you're for equality you seem to agree with me that boys/men should be off girl's/women's sports teams and I do believe out of their restrooms and locker rooms. If they want to have teams/restrooms/locker rooms specifically designed for them that's okay but you don't have the perverted mind in the sense where you can't stand the thought of kids being in danger or raped or women as you seem to have a whole lot of respect for women too.

So in other words you and I both stick out from the crowd. We don't have to have to have the exact same political beliefs to be exactly the same where it counts. It still makes me think of this song to this day. :)

Already hate her and have her on ignore since she's a typical Democrat and full of shit. I only say typical democrat because the ones that I actually like go by the golden rule like Slade does. He respects me so I respect him. I actually would like to meet him someday in public as I think that we could actually could be good friends for real.

We agree to disagree and still care about one another in spite of this. That sounds like true friendship to me. Even though you probably won't agree unfortunately.

Prolly not
The fact that when it comes right down to it that I would much rather get along in peace and harmony with you guys. You having your own political beliefs and me having mine. Us having civil political debates that doesn't turn into a flame war on the playground but it seems that democrats very rarely know how to do this.

So far I know about two of you on this whole entire message board. John Edgar Slow Horses and Slade3200 thank you guys for being civil even though you don't disagree with me. So far you're the only two worthy to have the title of lefties (although Slade I think that you said that you're center but tend to lean towards the center) that I actually like.

Oh and Slade3200, your debating skills are fantastic and have actually even managed to prove me wrong from time to time and not deflect, constantly change the subject, and resort to insults unless the other person insulted you first. You're a good guy and I do wish that other people would realize this and judge you by your personality and not your party.

Sadly, that's how America is today and the government only wants to keep us fighting with each other. Such a shame as Slade is one of my best friends on here so I'm not going to lie and put on a show for my fellow conservatives and say that he isn't.

Oh yeah and why do conservatives always call liberals sheep when often times they can't think for themselves either? Just my two cents worth. If I get slammed and lose respect from other conservatives on here for speaking the truth no biggie as it's happened before, but you do realize that you're acting just like the liberals that you (we actually) insult when you do this right?

Oh yeah and White 6 is pretty cool too. 😎

soros suck it up buttercup.png

Bub, you will never get along with a filthy commie dem...unless you are a filthy commie dem.
The fact that when it comes right down to it that I would much rather get along in peace and harmony with you guys. You having your own political beliefs and me having mine. Us having civil political debates that doesn't turn into a flame war on the playground but it seems that democrats very rarely know how to do this.

So far I know about two of you on this whole entire message board. John Edgar Slow Horses and Slade3200 thank you guys for being civil even though you don't disagree with me. So far you're the only two worthy to have the title of lefties (although Slade I think that you said that you're center but tend to lean towards the center) that I actually like.

Oh and Slade3200, your debating skills are fantastic and have actually even managed to prove me wrong from time to time and not deflect, constantly change the subject, and resort to insults unless the other person insulted you first. You're a good guy and I do wish that other people would realize this and judge you by your personality and not your party.

Sadly, that's how America is today and the government only wants to keep us fighting with each other. Such a shame as Slade is one of my best friends on here so I'm not going to lie and put on a show for my fellow conservatives and say that he isn't.

Oh yeah and why do conservatives always call liberals sheep when often times they can't think for themselves either? Just my two cents worth. If I get slammed and lose respect from other conservatives on here for speaking the truth no biggie as it's happened before, but you do realize that you're acting just like the liberals that you (we actually) insult when you do this right?

Oh yeah and White 6 is pretty cool too. 😎
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