Something To Consider From The Swiss

Not likely to happen in the USA. We are entirely too politically correct, thanks to leftism.
Not likely to happen in the USA. We are entirely too politically correct, thanks to leftism.

We'll get past that.
Maybe, but only after thousands more Americans die. The Left refuses to see radical Islam as a problem, so it is a crap shoot as to how many must die before action is taken. Plus, terrorism is a wonderful thing for making government bigger and more controlling, so government working to eliminate terror isn't likely.

You know....kinda like this: Never let a serious crisis go to waste.
The most fundamental belief of the Left is that "No [religion/philosophy/lifestyle] is better than any other one." This belief transcends all facts and logic. Thus, you could point out all manner of violence, terroristic acts, inflammatory rhetoric, and threats from the Islamic world, and you could develop a virtually iron-clad "profile" of the sorts of people you would absolutely NOT want emigrating into your country, and the Left simply will not hear it.

Because to acknowledge those facts and that profile would be tantamount to acknowledging that Islam is somehow less worthy than other religions or political philosophies, and this is not possible for the Left Brain (assuming there is such a thing). Nothing is better or worse than any other.

Apparently, the Swiss have not been infected with this Leftist brain virus. Yet.

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