Sometimes, a cartoon is more serious than the "serious" stuff


Staticass can make fun of Trump all he wants.

Trump is still leading in the national polls because he's obviously saying something those polled want to hear.

Unlike "What difference does it make?" Hillbat. She's got loads of problems and those problems will be following her sorry ass.

I love it when Righties show their asses, like you just did.

I didn't make that cartoon. I just brought it over here.

All forms of the media, including RIGHT WING media, are seriously talking about this.

As for polls, I need to hand you your ass now: Trump is leading only in Republican nomination polling, in national polls. In GE matchups against either Clinton or Sanders, he is losing, very, very badly. Among women voters, Trump is losing by 30 points. Good luck with that one.

What part of "I really want Trump to be your party's nominee" do you not understand?

I want him to be your party's nominee. Go for it. Nominate him. Please. Do that.

And finally, a question: are you brain-damaged?

Staticass can make fun of Trump all he wants.

Trump is still leading in the national polls because he's obviously saying something those polled want to hear.

Unlike "What difference does it make?" Hillbat. She's got loads of problems and those problems will be following her sorry ass.

That's what we're making fun of...the fact that he's "number one" in GOP National Polls at the moment.

Same place President Bachman and President Cain were...
It's sad we have to see someone else's obsessions put on this board.

now if that was cartoon with a gun being held to Hillary Clintons head. well you know the drill

You do understand an elephant, that represents an organization, is not a human being, right?

Question: are you brain-dead, brain-damaged, or just plain stupid?
Question: are you brain-dead, brain-damaged, or just plain stupid?

Is this a trick question?

You certainly can't go wrong in answering that question, because ANY one of the 3 are correct. :)
You see, here's the problem, and I see it all the time in USMB. Fun.

Righties are so unbelievably butthurt, they don't even take the time to actually READ something. They just wail away and get personal.

This OP doesn't make fun of Trump. It shows that his 3rd party threat is being taken seriously in all corners, ESPECIALLY in Conservative corners.

Is there not even one single Rightie here in USMB who can finally discern some without frothing at the mouth? Just one...???

I doubt it.
And says it all at once:


Cartoon source.​

Says even more than:

Donald Trump threatens third-party run - Business Insider

"You've got to keep him in the tent," former Rep. Tom Davis (R-Virginia) told the newspaper. "He just wreaks havoc, and every vote he takes comes out of our hide."

A poll released earlier in this week may confirm that fear. Testing a hypothetical three-way matchup among Trump, former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida (R), and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, a Washington Post/ABC survey found Clinton (46%) easily ahead of Bush (30%) and Trump (20%).

Trump, speaking to The Hill about a potential third-party bid, singled out the Republican National Committee in particular for being unfair to him.

"The RNC has not been supportive," Trump said. "They were always supportive when I was a contributor. I was their fair-haired boy. The RNC has been, I think, very foolish."

Original source:

Exclusive Trump threatens third-party run TheHill

(video at the link)

The 69-year-old, of course, is no stranger to the media, and on Wednesday he complimented his questioners while also urging them — on more than one occasion — “to be fair.”

He insisted that his remarks about McCain and immigration have not and will not hurt him, and pointed to several recent polls to make his point.

Not surprisingly, Trump is a big fan of polls now.

At one point, he whipped out a survey that he had inside his suit pocket, and later he called on an aide to print out the latest poll numbers showing him leading former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R).

“I’m surprised that I’m this high,” he said.

GOP s nightmare An Independent Donald Trump -

(video at the link)

Ralph Nader, who has run for president multiple times as a third-party candidate and may have cost Democrat Al Gore the 2000 election by running to his left, said Republicans mishandle Trump at their own peril.

"The Republican Party establishment is playing with nitroglycerine when it goes after Donald Trump and tries to minimize him and exclude him," Nader said in an interview Thursday. "Because a jilted Donald Trump as a third-party candidate can blow the presidential race wide open and turn it into a three way race."

Trump Threatens Third-Party Run - Breitbart

Donald Trump says the chances that he will launch a third-party White House run will “absolutely” increase if the Republican National Committee is unfair to him during the 2016 primary season.

Donald Trump Third-Party Run Staffers Look Into It

This may be the most important piece of the story, because this is happening right now and is not just someone saying something:

His advisers are consulting with veterans of Ross Perot’s 1992 and 1996 presidential campaigns and examining state-by-state requirements to get on the ballot. Cost estimates swing wildly, but most conversations end up in the $10 million ballpark—a fraction of what Trump might spend on a bid for the GOP nomination that is hardly certain.

“Why would Mr. Trump not consider all of his options?” one campaign adviser asks TIME

Donald Trump I might run as a third-party candidate in 2016 election - CBS News

"The RNC has not been supportive. They were always supportive when I was a contributor. I was their fair-haired boy," he said. "The RNC has been, I think, very foolish."

Donald Trump threatens GOP with third-party run - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Trump has led several recent national polls among Republican voters, though a recent Quinnipiac University survey this week showed him with severely negative approval ratings in the swing states of Colorado, Iowa and Virginia.

The billionaire business mogul said that “so many want me to” run as a third-party candidate if he does not win the GOP nomination.

Donald Trump Says He May Run As a Third-Party Candidate Mother Jones

"I'm not in the gang. I'm not in the group where the group does whatever it's supposed to do," Trump told The Hill, explaining why he believes he's unpopular with the GOP establishment.

Donald Trump Threatens To Run As A Third Party Candidate

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus reportedly called Trump earlier this month to ask him to "tone it down" after the former purveyor of ties and mattresses made disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants, calling some of them "rapists." Trump denied that he was chastised by Priebus, saying the GOP leader only told him he hit a "nerve."

Trump threatens third party bid Fox News

(not much to quote from FOX, it was just short excerpts)

Donald Trump -- Third-Party Spoiler Again National Review Online

THIS STORY IS INTERESTING, and from an ultra-Conservative website:

Donald Trump claims he isn’t interested in running as a spoiler third-party candidate in 2016 if he fails to win the GOP nomination.

But he said much the same thing in 1999, until he rushed to Ross Perot’s rump Reform party and announced he would run as a third-party candidate. Trump, whose middle name should be “Mercurial,” later dropped out, suddenly becoming a Democrat out of antipathy to George W. Bush. (Trump remained a Democrat until well into Barack Obama’s first year as president in 2009.)...

...Several other attendees also worry that Trump is egging on the GOP establishment to treat him so badly that he will have an excuse to run against it again in 2016. “The base is mad at the GOP leadership in Congress, worried conservative issues are getting ignored in the campaign, and fed up with political correctness,” Floyd Brown, president of the conservative Western Center for Journalism, told me. “If he moved to a third-party candidacy, many of his followers would be there with him.”...

...That, of course, is what happened in 1992. Then another eccentric billionaire, Ross Perot, who like Trump had issues with the Bush family and the GOP establishment, stayed in the race as a self-financed third-party candidate and was included in the presidential debates. Trump is well aware of the parallel. He told Byron York of the Washington Examiner this week, “I think every single vote that went to Ross Perot came from [George H. W.] Bush. Virtually every one of his 19 percentage points came from the Republicans. If Ross Perot didn’t run, you have never heard of Bill Clinton.”

Remember, that is from an ultra-Conservative website. And Trump's statement about where Perot's votes came from in 1992 is a pure falsehood. Theoretical two-way polling on the eve of Election 1992, with just Clinton and Bush 41, showed Clinton 55 / Bush 45. Without Perot in the mix in '92, Clinton would likely have won a major PV landslide and probably went over 400 EV, as Bush 41 did 4 years earlier.

Crisis Averted Trump Rules Out Third Party Run UPDATE Uh Not Really - Matt Vespa

Townhall, also a very Right-Wing outlet, but with good, solid information, also noted this because on the VERY day of Trump's interview with the Hill, he told Dana Loesch on "The Blaze" that he would not run as an Independent, or...

here's the video:

Trump on Running 3rd Party Dana - YouTube

And here's the exact quote:

“I only want to run as a Republican; I want to win. Because that’s the only way we’re going to win. The best way, if I get it, I will win. I’ll get the Hispanic vote. Believe me; I’m going to win, and we’re going to take jobs back from China. We’re going to make the country great. And that’s what I want to do. That being said, I will tell you so many people want me to run as an independent, but my total focus is to run as a Republican and to win".

He said that to Dana Loesch on the same day as but BEFORE the Hill interview.

He spoke out of both sides of his mouth that day.


Also, other links:

Trump Third-Party Run Absolutely On The Table - UPDATED Truth Revolt

Trump takes off on Trump Force One to visit US-Mexico border MSNBC

(video at the link)

Donald Trump Open To Running As Independent The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller is an extreme Right-Wing news outlet, with Tucker Carlson as it's head.

The New York Times is a Left-Wing oriented news outlet.

You know when the Caller and the Times report with almost the same text, that the story has hands and feet.

If Trump isn t GOP candidate will he launch a third-party run Local News - KCCI Home

"As he says himself, he's very rich and he can do whatever he wants as an independent candidate," said KCCI political analyst Dennis Goldford.

"The danger for Republicans is if he decides to be so angry with them that he decides to run as a third party candidate. Trump has the capacity to make mischief for Republicans even if he will not be the ultimate nominee," said Goldford

Trump Threatens Third-party Run Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Donald Trump I ve Been Urged to Run Third Party

And wow:


6.2 million articles....


Discuss: how far will Trump go in terms of 3rd party? Please discuss like adults.
You really should see someone about your OCD problem....... :eusa_whistle:
the Guano and Stats is on a all out with their insanity this morning. go look at the one how they are puffed up about Obama mocking teabagges.

whoa whoa yeah... they think that is the highest form for a President to ACT like a complete jackass.

Staticass can make fun of Trump all he wants.

Trump is still leading in the national polls because he's obviously saying something those polled want to hear.

Unlike "What difference does it make?" Hillbat. She's got loads of problems and those problems will be following her sorry ass.

I love it when Righties show their asses, like you just did.

I didn't make that cartoon. I just brought it over here.

All forms of the media, including RIGHT WING media, are seriously talking about this.

As for polls, I need to hand you your ass now: Trump is leading only in Republican nomination polling, in national polls. In GE matchups against either Clinton or Sanders, he is losing, very, very badly. Among women voters, Trump is losing by 30 points. Good luck with that one.

What part of "I really want Trump to be your party's nominee" do you not understand?

I want him to be your party's nominee. Go for it. Nominate him. Please. Do that.

And finally, a question: are you brain-damaged?


First its not my party. I'm not a Rep.

Second if you weren't worried about Trump you'd just ignore him.

The fact that you have so many Trump threads up speaks volumes.

Perhaps if you ignore him enough he'll just go away.

The fact remains Trump is saying something those polled like. If he weren't then he wouldn't be leading in any poll.
the Guano and Stats is on a all out with their insanity this morning. go look at the one how they are puffed up about Obama mocking teabagges.

whoa whoa yeah... they think that is the highest form for a President to ACT like a complete jackass.

Birthers should be mocked daily.
It's sad we have to see someone else's obsessions put on this board.

now if that was cartoon with a gun being held to Hillary Clintons head. well you know the drill

You do understand an elephant, that represents an organization, is not a human being, right?

Question: are you brain-dead, brain-damaged, or just plain stupid?
Coming from the asshole wearing clown makeup.

The comedy scripts they just write on themselves. is a hoot.
And says it all at once:

Says even more than:

Donald Trump threatens third-party run - Business Insider

"You've got to keep him in the tent," former Rep. Tom Davis (R-Virginia) told the newspaper. "He just wreaks havoc, and every vote he takes comes out of our hide."

A poll released earlier in this week may confirm that fear. Testing a hypothetical three-way matchup among Trump, former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida (R), and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, a Washington Post/ABC survey found Clinton (46%) easily ahead of Bush (30%) and Trump (20%).

Trump, speaking to The Hill about a potential third-party bid, singled out the Republican National Committee in particular for being unfair to him.

"The RNC has not been supportive," Trump said. "They were always supportive when I was a contributor. I was their fair-haired boy. The RNC has been, I think, very foolish."

Original source:

Exclusive Trump threatens third-party run TheHill

(video at the link)

The 69-year-old, of course, is no stranger to the media, and on Wednesday he complimented his questioners while also urging them — on more than one occasion — “to be fair.”

He insisted that his remarks about McCain and immigration have not and will not hurt him, and pointed to several recent polls to make his point.

Not surprisingly, Trump is a big fan of polls now.

At one point, he whipped out a survey that he had inside his suit pocket, and later he called on an aide to print out the latest poll numbers showing him leading former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R).

“I’m surprised that I’m this high,” he said.

GOP s nightmare An Independent Donald Trump -

(video at the link)

Ralph Nader, who has run for president multiple times as a third-party candidate and may have cost Democrat Al Gore the 2000 election by running to his left, said Republicans mishandle Trump at their own peril.

"The Republican Party establishment is playing with nitroglycerine when it goes after Donald Trump and tries to minimize him and exclude him," Nader said in an interview Thursday. "Because a jilted Donald Trump as a third-party candidate can blow the presidential race wide open and turn it into a three way race."

Trump Threatens Third-Party Run - Breitbart

Donald Trump says the chances that he will launch a third-party White House run will “absolutely” increase if the Republican National Committee is unfair to him during the 2016 primary season.

Donald Trump Third-Party Run Staffers Look Into It

This may be the most important piece of the story, because this is happening right now and is not just someone saying something:

His advisers are consulting with veterans of Ross Perot’s 1992 and 1996 presidential campaigns and examining state-by-state requirements to get on the ballot. Cost estimates swing wildly, but most conversations end up in the $10 million ballpark—a fraction of what Trump might spend on a bid for the GOP nomination that is hardly certain.

“Why would Mr. Trump not consider all of his options?” one campaign adviser asks TIME

Donald Trump I might run as a third-party candidate in 2016 election - CBS News

"The RNC has not been supportive. They were always supportive when I was a contributor. I was their fair-haired boy," he said. "The RNC has been, I think, very foolish."

Donald Trump threatens GOP with third-party run - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Trump has led several recent national polls among Republican voters, though a recent Quinnipiac University survey this week showed him with severely negative approval ratings in the swing states of Colorado, Iowa and Virginia.

The billionaire business mogul said that “so many want me to” run as a third-party candidate if he does not win the GOP nomination.

Donald Trump Says He May Run As a Third-Party Candidate Mother Jones

"I'm not in the gang. I'm not in the group where the group does whatever it's supposed to do," Trump told The Hill, explaining why he believes he's unpopular with the GOP establishment.

Donald Trump Threatens To Run As A Third Party Candidate

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus reportedly called Trump earlier this month to ask him to "tone it down" after the former purveyor of ties and mattresses made disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants, calling some of them "rapists." Trump denied that he was chastised by Priebus, saying the GOP leader only told him he hit a "nerve."

Trump threatens third party bid Fox News

(not much to quote from FOX, it was just short excerpts)

Donald Trump -- Third-Party Spoiler Again National Review Online

THIS STORY IS INTERESTING, and from an ultra-Conservative website:

Donald Trump claims he isn’t interested in running as a spoiler third-party candidate in 2016 if he fails to win the GOP nomination.

But he said much the same thing in 1999, until he rushed to Ross Perot’s rump Reform party and announced he would run as a third-party candidate. Trump, whose middle name should be “Mercurial,” later dropped out, suddenly becoming a Democrat out of antipathy to George W. Bush. (Trump remained a Democrat until well into Barack Obama’s first year as president in 2009.)...

...Several other attendees also worry that Trump is egging on the GOP establishment to treat him so badly that he will have an excuse to run against it again in 2016. “The base is mad at the GOP leadership in Congress, worried conservative issues are getting ignored in the campaign, and fed up with political correctness,” Floyd Brown, president of the conservative Western Center for Journalism, told me. “If he moved to a third-party candidacy, many of his followers would be there with him.”...

...That, of course, is what happened in 1992. Then another eccentric billionaire, Ross Perot, who like Trump had issues with the Bush family and the GOP establishment, stayed in the race as a self-financed third-party candidate and was included in the presidential debates. Trump is well aware of the parallel. He told Byron York of the Washington Examiner this week, “I think every single vote that went to Ross Perot came from [George H. W.] Bush. Virtually every one of his 19 percentage points came from the Republicans. If Ross Perot didn’t run, you have never heard of Bill Clinton.”

Remember, that is from an ultra-Conservative website. And Trump's statement about where Perot's votes came from in 1992 is a pure falsehood. Theoretical two-way polling on the eve of Election 1992, with just Clinton and Bush 41, showed Clinton 55 / Bush 45. Without Perot in the mix in '92, Clinton would likely have won a major PV landslide and probably went over 400 EV, as Bush 41 did 4 years earlier.

Crisis Averted Trump Rules Out Third Party Run UPDATE Uh Not Really - Matt Vespa

Townhall, also a very Right-Wing outlet, but with good, solid information, also noted this because on the VERY day of Trump's interview with the Hill, he told Dana Loesch on "The Blaze" that he would not run as an Independent, or...

here's the video:

Trump on Running 3rd Party Dana - YouTube

And here's the exact quote:

“I only want to run as a Republican; I want to win. Because that’s the only way we’re going to win. The best way, if I get it, I will win. I’ll get the Hispanic vote. Believe me; I’m going to win, and we’re going to take jobs back from China. We’re going to make the country great. And that’s what I want to do. That being said, I will tell you so many people want me to run as an independent, but my total focus is to run as a Republican and to win".

He said that to Dana Loesch on the same day as but BEFORE the Hill interview.

He spoke out of both sides of his mouth that day.


Also, other links:

Trump Third-Party Run Absolutely On The Table - UPDATED Truth Revolt

Trump takes off on Trump Force One to visit US-Mexico border MSNBC

(video at the link)

Donald Trump Open To Running As Independent The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller is an extreme Right-Wing news outlet, with Tucker Carlson as it's head.

The New York Times is a Left-Wing oriented news outlet.

You know when the Caller and the Times report with almost the same text, that the story has hands and feet.

If Trump isn t GOP candidate will he launch a third-party run Local News - KCCI Home

"As he says himself, he's very rich and he can do whatever he wants as an independent candidate," said KCCI political analyst Dennis Goldford.

"The danger for Republicans is if he decides to be so angry with them that he decides to run as a third party candidate. Trump has the capacity to make mischief for Republicans even if he will not be the ultimate nominee," said Goldford

Trump Threatens Third-party Run Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Donald Trump I ve Been Urged to Run Third Party

And wow:


6.2 million articles....


Discuss: how far will Trump go in terms of 3rd party? Please discuss like adults.
Your entire source of information and views comes from cartoons and clever internet memes. That makes you:
And says it all at once:

Says even more than:

Donald Trump threatens third-party run - Business Insider

"You've got to keep him in the tent," former Rep. Tom Davis (R-Virginia) told the newspaper. "He just wreaks havoc, and every vote he takes comes out of our hide."

A poll released earlier in this week may confirm that fear. Testing a hypothetical three-way matchup among Trump, former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida (R), and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, a Washington Post/ABC survey found Clinton (46%) easily ahead of Bush (30%) and Trump (20%).

Trump, speaking to The Hill about a potential third-party bid, singled out the Republican National Committee in particular for being unfair to him.

"The RNC has not been supportive," Trump said. "They were always supportive when I was a contributor. I was their fair-haired boy. The RNC has been, I think, very foolish."

Original source:

Exclusive Trump threatens third-party run TheHill

(video at the link)

The 69-year-old, of course, is no stranger to the media, and on Wednesday he complimented his questioners while also urging them — on more than one occasion — “to be fair.”

He insisted that his remarks about McCain and immigration have not and will not hurt him, and pointed to several recent polls to make his point.

Not surprisingly, Trump is a big fan of polls now.

At one point, he whipped out a survey that he had inside his suit pocket, and later he called on an aide to print out the latest poll numbers showing him leading former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R).

“I’m surprised that I’m this high,” he said.

GOP s nightmare An Independent Donald Trump -

(video at the link)

Ralph Nader, who has run for president multiple times as a third-party candidate and may have cost Democrat Al Gore the 2000 election by running to his left, said Republicans mishandle Trump at their own peril.

"The Republican Party establishment is playing with nitroglycerine when it goes after Donald Trump and tries to minimize him and exclude him," Nader said in an interview Thursday. "Because a jilted Donald Trump as a third-party candidate can blow the presidential race wide open and turn it into a three way race."

Trump Threatens Third-Party Run - Breitbart

Donald Trump says the chances that he will launch a third-party White House run will “absolutely” increase if the Republican National Committee is unfair to him during the 2016 primary season.

Donald Trump Third-Party Run Staffers Look Into It

This may be the most important piece of the story, because this is happening right now and is not just someone saying something:

His advisers are consulting with veterans of Ross Perot’s 1992 and 1996 presidential campaigns and examining state-by-state requirements to get on the ballot. Cost estimates swing wildly, but most conversations end up in the $10 million ballpark—a fraction of what Trump might spend on a bid for the GOP nomination that is hardly certain.

“Why would Mr. Trump not consider all of his options?” one campaign adviser asks TIME

Donald Trump I might run as a third-party candidate in 2016 election - CBS News

"The RNC has not been supportive. They were always supportive when I was a contributor. I was their fair-haired boy," he said. "The RNC has been, I think, very foolish."

Donald Trump threatens GOP with third-party run - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Trump has led several recent national polls among Republican voters, though a recent Quinnipiac University survey this week showed him with severely negative approval ratings in the swing states of Colorado, Iowa and Virginia.

The billionaire business mogul said that “so many want me to” run as a third-party candidate if he does not win the GOP nomination.

Donald Trump Says He May Run As a Third-Party Candidate Mother Jones

"I'm not in the gang. I'm not in the group where the group does whatever it's supposed to do," Trump told The Hill, explaining why he believes he's unpopular with the GOP establishment.

Donald Trump Threatens To Run As A Third Party Candidate

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus reportedly called Trump earlier this month to ask him to "tone it down" after the former purveyor of ties and mattresses made disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants, calling some of them "rapists." Trump denied that he was chastised by Priebus, saying the GOP leader only told him he hit a "nerve."

Trump threatens third party bid Fox News

(not much to quote from FOX, it was just short excerpts)

Donald Trump -- Third-Party Spoiler Again National Review Online

THIS STORY IS INTERESTING, and from an ultra-Conservative website:

Donald Trump claims he isn’t interested in running as a spoiler third-party candidate in 2016 if he fails to win the GOP nomination.

But he said much the same thing in 1999, until he rushed to Ross Perot’s rump Reform party and announced he would run as a third-party candidate. Trump, whose middle name should be “Mercurial,” later dropped out, suddenly becoming a Democrat out of antipathy to George W. Bush. (Trump remained a Democrat until well into Barack Obama’s first year as president in 2009.)...

...Several other attendees also worry that Trump is egging on the GOP establishment to treat him so badly that he will have an excuse to run against it again in 2016. “The base is mad at the GOP leadership in Congress, worried conservative issues are getting ignored in the campaign, and fed up with political correctness,” Floyd Brown, president of the conservative Western Center for Journalism, told me. “If he moved to a third-party candidacy, many of his followers would be there with him.”...

...That, of course, is what happened in 1992. Then another eccentric billionaire, Ross Perot, who like Trump had issues with the Bush family and the GOP establishment, stayed in the race as a self-financed third-party candidate and was included in the presidential debates. Trump is well aware of the parallel. He told Byron York of the Washington Examiner this week, “I think every single vote that went to Ross Perot came from [George H. W.] Bush. Virtually every one of his 19 percentage points came from the Republicans. If Ross Perot didn’t run, you have never heard of Bill Clinton.”

Remember, that is from an ultra-Conservative website. And Trump's statement about where Perot's votes came from in 1992 is a pure falsehood. Theoretical two-way polling on the eve of Election 1992, with just Clinton and Bush 41, showed Clinton 55 / Bush 45. Without Perot in the mix in '92, Clinton would likely have won a major PV landslide and probably went over 400 EV, as Bush 41 did 4 years earlier.

Crisis Averted Trump Rules Out Third Party Run UPDATE Uh Not Really - Matt Vespa

Townhall, also a very Right-Wing outlet, but with good, solid information, also noted this because on the VERY day of Trump's interview with the Hill, he told Dana Loesch on "The Blaze" that he would not run as an Independent, or...

here's the video:

Trump on Running 3rd Party Dana - YouTube

And here's the exact quote:

“I only want to run as a Republican; I want to win. Because that’s the only way we’re going to win. The best way, if I get it, I will win. I’ll get the Hispanic vote. Believe me; I’m going to win, and we’re going to take jobs back from China. We’re going to make the country great. And that’s what I want to do. That being said, I will tell you so many people want me to run as an independent, but my total focus is to run as a Republican and to win".

He said that to Dana Loesch on the same day as but BEFORE the Hill interview.

He spoke out of both sides of his mouth that day.


Also, other links:

Trump Third-Party Run Absolutely On The Table - UPDATED Truth Revolt

Trump takes off on Trump Force One to visit US-Mexico border MSNBC

(video at the link)

Donald Trump Open To Running As Independent The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller is an extreme Right-Wing news outlet, with Tucker Carlson as it's head.

The New York Times is a Left-Wing oriented news outlet.

You know when the Caller and the Times report with almost the same text, that the story has hands and feet.

If Trump isn t GOP candidate will he launch a third-party run Local News - KCCI Home

"As he says himself, he's very rich and he can do whatever he wants as an independent candidate," said KCCI political analyst Dennis Goldford.

"The danger for Republicans is if he decides to be so angry with them that he decides to run as a third party candidate. Trump has the capacity to make mischief for Republicans even if he will not be the ultimate nominee," said Goldford

Trump Threatens Third-party Run Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Donald Trump I ve Been Urged to Run Third Party

And wow:


6.2 million articles....


Discuss: how far will Trump go in terms of 3rd party? Please discuss like adults.
Your entire source of information and views comes from cartoons and clever internet memes. That makes you:

Staticass can make fun of Trump all he wants.

Trump is still leading in the national polls because he's obviously saying something those polled want to hear.

Unlike "What difference does it make?" Hillbat. She's got loads of problems and those problems will be following her sorry ass.

I love it when Righties show their asses, like you just did.

I didn't make that cartoon. I just brought it over here.

All forms of the media, including RIGHT WING media, are seriously talking about this.

As for polls, I need to hand you your ass now: Trump is leading only in Republican nomination polling, in national polls. In GE matchups against either Clinton or Sanders, he is losing, very, very badly. Among women voters, Trump is losing by 30 points. Good luck with that one.

What part of "I really want Trump to be your party's nominee" do you not understand?

I want him to be your party's nominee. Go for it. Nominate him. Please. Do that.

And finally, a question: are you brain-damaged?


First its not my party. I'm not a Rep.

Second if you weren't worried about Trump you'd just ignore him.

The fact that you have so many Trump threads up speaks volumes.

Perhaps if you ignore him enough he'll just go away.

The fact remains Trump is saying something those polled like. If he weren't then he wouldn't be leading in any poll.

Quoting something about Don Trump does not mean that I am worried about him.

Be adult enough to realize this. Thanks.
And says it all at once:

Says even more than:

Donald Trump threatens third-party run - Business Insider

"You've got to keep him in the tent," former Rep. Tom Davis (R-Virginia) told the newspaper. "He just wreaks havoc, and every vote he takes comes out of our hide."

A poll released earlier in this week may confirm that fear. Testing a hypothetical three-way matchup among Trump, former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida (R), and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, a Washington Post/ABC survey found Clinton (46%) easily ahead of Bush (30%) and Trump (20%).

Trump, speaking to The Hill about a potential third-party bid, singled out the Republican National Committee in particular for being unfair to him.

"The RNC has not been supportive," Trump said. "They were always supportive when I was a contributor. I was their fair-haired boy. The RNC has been, I think, very foolish."

Original source:

Exclusive Trump threatens third-party run TheHill

(video at the link)

The 69-year-old, of course, is no stranger to the media, and on Wednesday he complimented his questioners while also urging them — on more than one occasion — “to be fair.”

He insisted that his remarks about McCain and immigration have not and will not hurt him, and pointed to several recent polls to make his point.

Not surprisingly, Trump is a big fan of polls now.

At one point, he whipped out a survey that he had inside his suit pocket, and later he called on an aide to print out the latest poll numbers showing him leading former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R).

“I’m surprised that I’m this high,” he said.

GOP s nightmare An Independent Donald Trump -

(video at the link)

Ralph Nader, who has run for president multiple times as a third-party candidate and may have cost Democrat Al Gore the 2000 election by running to his left, said Republicans mishandle Trump at their own peril.

"The Republican Party establishment is playing with nitroglycerine when it goes after Donald Trump and tries to minimize him and exclude him," Nader said in an interview Thursday. "Because a jilted Donald Trump as a third-party candidate can blow the presidential race wide open and turn it into a three way race."

Trump Threatens Third-Party Run - Breitbart

Donald Trump says the chances that he will launch a third-party White House run will “absolutely” increase if the Republican National Committee is unfair to him during the 2016 primary season.

Donald Trump Third-Party Run Staffers Look Into It

This may be the most important piece of the story, because this is happening right now and is not just someone saying something:

His advisers are consulting with veterans of Ross Perot’s 1992 and 1996 presidential campaigns and examining state-by-state requirements to get on the ballot. Cost estimates swing wildly, but most conversations end up in the $10 million ballpark—a fraction of what Trump might spend on a bid for the GOP nomination that is hardly certain.

“Why would Mr. Trump not consider all of his options?” one campaign adviser asks TIME

Donald Trump I might run as a third-party candidate in 2016 election - CBS News

"The RNC has not been supportive. They were always supportive when I was a contributor. I was their fair-haired boy," he said. "The RNC has been, I think, very foolish."

Donald Trump threatens GOP with third-party run - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Trump has led several recent national polls among Republican voters, though a recent Quinnipiac University survey this week showed him with severely negative approval ratings in the swing states of Colorado, Iowa and Virginia.

The billionaire business mogul said that “so many want me to” run as a third-party candidate if he does not win the GOP nomination.

Donald Trump Says He May Run As a Third-Party Candidate Mother Jones

"I'm not in the gang. I'm not in the group where the group does whatever it's supposed to do," Trump told The Hill, explaining why he believes he's unpopular with the GOP establishment.

Donald Trump Threatens To Run As A Third Party Candidate

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus reportedly called Trump earlier this month to ask him to "tone it down" after the former purveyor of ties and mattresses made disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants, calling some of them "rapists." Trump denied that he was chastised by Priebus, saying the GOP leader only told him he hit a "nerve."

Trump threatens third party bid Fox News

(not much to quote from FOX, it was just short excerpts)

Donald Trump -- Third-Party Spoiler Again National Review Online

THIS STORY IS INTERESTING, and from an ultra-Conservative website:

Donald Trump claims he isn’t interested in running as a spoiler third-party candidate in 2016 if he fails to win the GOP nomination.

But he said much the same thing in 1999, until he rushed to Ross Perot’s rump Reform party and announced he would run as a third-party candidate. Trump, whose middle name should be “Mercurial,” later dropped out, suddenly becoming a Democrat out of antipathy to George W. Bush. (Trump remained a Democrat until well into Barack Obama’s first year as president in 2009.)...

...Several other attendees also worry that Trump is egging on the GOP establishment to treat him so badly that he will have an excuse to run against it again in 2016. “The base is mad at the GOP leadership in Congress, worried conservative issues are getting ignored in the campaign, and fed up with political correctness,” Floyd Brown, president of the conservative Western Center for Journalism, told me. “If he moved to a third-party candidacy, many of his followers would be there with him.”...

...That, of course, is what happened in 1992. Then another eccentric billionaire, Ross Perot, who like Trump had issues with the Bush family and the GOP establishment, stayed in the race as a self-financed third-party candidate and was included in the presidential debates. Trump is well aware of the parallel. He told Byron York of the Washington Examiner this week, “I think every single vote that went to Ross Perot came from [George H. W.] Bush. Virtually every one of his 19 percentage points came from the Republicans. If Ross Perot didn’t run, you have never heard of Bill Clinton.”

Remember, that is from an ultra-Conservative website. And Trump's statement about where Perot's votes came from in 1992 is a pure falsehood. Theoretical two-way polling on the eve of Election 1992, with just Clinton and Bush 41, showed Clinton 55 / Bush 45. Without Perot in the mix in '92, Clinton would likely have won a major PV landslide and probably went over 400 EV, as Bush 41 did 4 years earlier.

Crisis Averted Trump Rules Out Third Party Run UPDATE Uh Not Really - Matt Vespa

Townhall, also a very Right-Wing outlet, but with good, solid information, also noted this because on the VERY day of Trump's interview with the Hill, he told Dana Loesch on "The Blaze" that he would not run as an Independent, or...

here's the video:

Trump on Running 3rd Party Dana - YouTube

And here's the exact quote:

“I only want to run as a Republican; I want to win. Because that’s the only way we’re going to win. The best way, if I get it, I will win. I’ll get the Hispanic vote. Believe me; I’m going to win, and we’re going to take jobs back from China. We’re going to make the country great. And that’s what I want to do. That being said, I will tell you so many people want me to run as an independent, but my total focus is to run as a Republican and to win".

He said that to Dana Loesch on the same day as but BEFORE the Hill interview.

He spoke out of both sides of his mouth that day.


Also, other links:

Trump Third-Party Run Absolutely On The Table - UPDATED Truth Revolt

Trump takes off on Trump Force One to visit US-Mexico border MSNBC

(video at the link)

Donald Trump Open To Running As Independent The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller is an extreme Right-Wing news outlet, with Tucker Carlson as it's head.

The New York Times is a Left-Wing oriented news outlet.

You know when the Caller and the Times report with almost the same text, that the story has hands and feet.

If Trump isn t GOP candidate will he launch a third-party run Local News - KCCI Home

"As he says himself, he's very rich and he can do whatever he wants as an independent candidate," said KCCI political analyst Dennis Goldford.

"The danger for Republicans is if he decides to be so angry with them that he decides to run as a third party candidate. Trump has the capacity to make mischief for Republicans even if he will not be the ultimate nominee," said Goldford

Trump Threatens Third-party Run Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Donald Trump I ve Been Urged to Run Third Party

And wow:


6.2 million articles....


Discuss: how far will Trump go in terms of 3rd party? Please discuss like adults.
Your entire source of information and views comes from cartoons and clever internet memes. That makes you:

Fox News, the Blaze, Townhall and Breitbart are "clever internet memes"? Really?
Cuz you see, there were links to those outlets in the OP...

Are you that brain-damaged?


Leftists are terrified! Hence all these threads.

When Trump gets crushed in the primaries, or in the General (unlikely he makes it that far), there will be lots of threads, too. And we will be laughing then as well.

But on this thread, I'm not terrified nor am I laughing.

What a shame that Righties can't be adults even for one second.

Well, ok, you wanna act like a kid? Ok, I can treat you like a kid.
Either the RNC establishment agrees with the people or they try to hang onto their own power and lose.

Staticass can make fun of Trump all he wants.

Trump is still leading in the national polls because he's obviously saying something those polled want to hear.

Unlike "What difference does it make?" Hillbat. She's got loads of problems and those problems will be following her sorry ass.

I love it when Righties show their asses, like you just did.

I didn't make that cartoon. I just brought it over here.

All forms of the media, including RIGHT WING media, are seriously talking about this.

As for polls, I need to hand you your ass now: Trump is leading only in Republican nomination polling, in national polls. In GE matchups against either Clinton or Sanders, he is losing, very, very badly. Among women voters, Trump is losing by 30 points. Good luck with that one.

What part of "I really want Trump to be your party's nominee" do you not understand?

I want him to be your party's nominee. Go for it. Nominate him. Please. Do that.

And finally, a question: are you brain-damaged?


First its not my party. I'm not a Rep.

Second if you weren't worried about Trump you'd just ignore him.

The fact that you have so many Trump threads up speaks volumes.

Perhaps if you ignore him enough he'll just go away.

The fact remains Trump is saying something those polled like. If he weren't then he wouldn't be leading in any poll.

Quoting something about Don Trump does not mean that I am worried about him.

Be adult enough to realize this. Thanks.

May by you should be adult enough to realize you obviously have a need to put up all these Trump threads.

If you weren't worried about him you wouldn't give a shit what he said or what he's doing and you sure wouldn't be wasting your time putting up all these threads. LOL


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