Sometimes I feel like a "German"


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
The Invisible Empire
A strong bavarian, but of course only seldom.. not always, sometimes im american, french, or hindu and of course what i really am "serbian-gypsy, serbian, gypsy"

Today I did a old picture compilation for you giving off a strong german cultural vibe, the white trachten (german garment) shirt, the beer, the mountains, the beer garden, and what i ate on monday, grammal knödel (pork dumplings) sauerkraut and a culturally popular-beer mix type called Radler

Are you very quantitative in your thinking? Do you insist that things be done the "right way" and no other? Do you tolerate fools? Are you often seen as devoid of "real emotions"?

This is a test.
Are you very quantitative in your thinking? Do you insist that things be done the "right way" and no other? Do you tolerate fools? Are you often seen as devoid of "real emotions"?

This is a test.

Hard to tell about myself but i definitely dont insist "that things are done one - the correct way and no other" im very open minded and open and accepting of differences.
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