Sometimes I REALLY Hate White People... Seriously, he's a HUMAN, not a Photo-op!

Well I see someone who looks like he's unconscious or in pain..and a bunch of buffoons posing for something sort of like a holiday pic.

But who knows...

A ONE WEEK Holiday... Paid for by others...

Now they come Home and say they Saved Stinky, Sandy Haiti... And they have a Pic to Prove it!

That's (2) Doctors and (2) Nurses... I am Certain it's Standard Beside Procedure to Cram in Next to the Patient ALL at once and Lay Hands while Smiling Wide for the Camera!

I'm Sorry, maybe it was the Hangover Talking, but when I Opened my Westminster Window to that Pic, I only viewed Self-Involved Crackers...



Oh, good grief.

So, ALL white people are evil because you took offense at some stupid pic? Seriously?
Well I see someone who looks like he's unconscious or in pain..and a bunch of buffoons posing for something sort of like a holiday pic.

But who knows...

A ONE WEEK Holiday... Paid for by others...

Now they come Home and say they Saved Stinky, Sandy Haiti... And they have a Pic to Prove it!

That's (2) Doctors and (2) Nurses... I am Certain it's Standard Beside Procedure to Cram in Next to the Patient ALL at once and Lay Hands while Smiling Wide for the Camera!

I'm Sorry, maybe it was the Hangover Talking, but when I Opened my Westminster Window to that Pic, I only viewed Self-Involved Crackers...



Oh, good grief.

So, ALL white people are evil because you took offense at some stupid pic? Seriously?

NOT at all what I Said...

But the Responses are Interesting... And Continue to NOT Disappoint.

It's just a Pic, and my Gut Reaction to it on a Saturday Morning...

When I First Viewed it... Don't want Ravi Checking the Posting Date of this Thread and Screaming "LIAR"! :lol:


We get saw a picture and made a big deal out of race. Another day, another stupid thread by mal.

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So, you are disturbed by a photo of white people who are happy to have saved the life of a black man for no reason beyond humanitarian charity.

that seems somewhat counterintuitive.
So, you are disturbed by a photo of white people who are happy to have saved the life of a black man for no reason beyond humanitarian charity.

that seems somewhat counterintuitive.

Question of the Day: Should white people be disturbed by evidence of white people helping black people? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Don't be a Fucking Stooge, Bodey...

Those Crackers Using him as a Photo Op is the Basis of this Thread...

USING the Man to Show People back Home just how Great they are!...

I just don't Picture Black People doing this kind of Shit.

I can't Imagine a Black Doctor over there Concerning himself with a Photo Op to Bring back Home after a Week of Volunteering over there.

This is a Trait that I Beleive is Reserved for Privildged White People... Specifically those with Misplaced White Guilt.

Oh yeah, and go Fuck yourself, you Dishonest Bulldog.


nraforlife said:
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go back to Afrika kaffir


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^The FUNNIEST Rep I have EVER Received...

He Thinks I'm Black!


One of the MANY Reasons I Posted this Thread.


Well I see someone who looks like he's unconscious or in pain..and a bunch of buffoons posing for something sort of like a holiday pic.

But who knows...

A ONE WEEK Holiday... Paid for by others...

Now they come Home and say they Saved Stinky, Sandy Haiti... And they have a Pic to Prove it!

That's (2) Doctors and (2) Nurses... I am Certain it's Standard Beside Procedure to Cram in Next to the Patient ALL at once and Lay Hands while Smiling Wide for the Camera!

I'm Sorry, maybe it was the Hangover Talking, but when I Opened my Westminster Window to that Pic, I only viewed Self-Involved Crackers...



So tell me Mal. How did you spend YOUR one week vacation?

And if you decided to spend it helping folks rebuild in New Orleans or helping the folks in Baja dig possessions out of the rubble or relieving pain and suffering in Haiti, should we despise you for that? And does it matter what color your skin is?
Well I see someone who looks like he's unconscious or in pain..and a bunch of buffoons posing for something sort of like a holiday pic.

But who knows...

A ONE WEEK Holiday... Paid for by others...

Now they come Home and say they Saved Stinky, Sandy Haiti... And they have a Pic to Prove it!

That's (2) Doctors and (2) Nurses... I am Certain it's Standard Beside Procedure to Cram in Next to the Patient ALL at once and Lay Hands while Smiling Wide for the Camera!

I'm Sorry, maybe it was the Hangover Talking, but when I Opened my Westminster Window to that Pic, I only viewed Self-Involved Crackers...



So tell me Mal. How did you spend YOUR one week vacation?

And if you decided to spend it helping folks rebuild in New Orleans or helping the folks in Baja dig possessions out of the rubble or relieving pain and suffering in Haiti, should we despise you for that? And does it matter what color your skin is?


Thank you for Completing this Exercise!

As for the Color of the Skin... It's only Relevant in Regard to those who would Think of a Photo-Op in a Short Week in that Situation...

A little Secret for ya... The Originization that Sends these People over there WANTS them to do this...

They also want them to Journal...

They Post this Information on their Website in the Hopes of getting More Donations.

And they are doing Great Work...

This Thread is a Reflection of my Gut Reaction to that Pic on the Front of the Westminster Window and the Article I Read on Saturday...

No More... No Less.

"Smug, Self-involved Douchebags" was Probably my Gut...

That and Team America's Song that is Reflected in my Avie.

This Thread was a Goof...

Lighten the Fuck up, People. :lol:


So, you are disturbed by a photo of white people who are happy to have saved the life of a black man for no reason beyond humanitarian charity.

that seems somewhat counterintuitive.

If what you were Saying was Accurate... And it's Not. :clap2:
So do you believe they are smiling because they are unhappy?
Or do you believe they went to Haiti because they expected to save a lot of white people?
Is it possible they are smiling because they believe the publicity will help the Haitian victims?
Or are you just attributing the worst possible interpretation you can imagine because it fits with your racist prejudices?
So, you are disturbed by a photo of white people who are happy to have saved the life of a black man for no reason beyond humanitarian charity.

that seems somewhat counterintuitive.

If what you were Saying was Accurate... And it's Not. :clap2:
So do you believe they are smiling because they are unhappy?
Or do you believe they went to Haiti because they expected to save a lot of white people?
Is it possible they are smiling because they believe the publicity will help the Haitian victims?
Or are you just attributing the worst possible interpretation you can imagine because it fits with your racist prejudices?

I'll take the fourth choice, Alex.
I think the moral of this story is that if you do a good deed, don't allow your picture to be taken as a memento for your scrapbook.

And if you do, be sure not to smile.
If what you were Saying was Accurate... And it's Not. :clap2:
So do you believe they are smiling because they are unhappy?
Or do you believe they went to Haiti because they expected to save a lot of white people?
Is it possible they are smiling because they believe the publicity will help the Haitian victims?
Or are you just attributing the worst possible interpretation you can imagine because it fits with your racist prejudices?

I'll take the fourth choice, Alex.

You'll Take whatever you can get, Dumptruck!... :lol:

My Shadow was Missing me... That's Sweet!


I think the moral of this story is that if you do a good deed, don't allow your picture to be taken as a memento for your scrapbook.

And if you do, be sure not to smile.

The Moral is NOT to Take EVERY SINGLE THING I Post that Literally or Seriously...

It was my Gut Reaction on Saturday Morning to Picture... I Thought it would be Interesting to see the Reaction to my it and to my Reaction...

It's been BEYOND Entertaining. :clap2:



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