Sometimes the good guys win one

It's the good guys who want you to eat lead and the bad guys who want to protect you from eating lead. Good. Glad that's cleared up. Once again, Republicans prove their home planet is the Bizarro world.

So you're saying "the filthy ass Obama Administration's" EPA is the good guy for rejecting the groups petition?

Your reading comprehension sucks.

A Federal Court is the one that ruled the filthy ass Obama Administration (through the EPA) could not regulate the ammo.

Libtards are always confused about everything, aren't they?

I bet you were one of these confused Libtards that voted for Obama thinking the corrupt and incompetent SOB was going to somehow be good for America.
Hey, dipshit. The EPA said they were not going to regulate ammo. The hippies didn't like that answer and so they took the EPA to court.

I'm sorry you are too retarded to understand your own link.
Sometimes the good guys win but not often enough.

This issue of lead in bullets was never a real public safety issue. It was always about the filthy ass Obama Administration trying to use the backdoor to restrict the right to keep and bear arms by controlling the ammo.

EPA prohibited from regulating lead bullets court rules TheHill

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cannot regulate lead ammunition used by hunters, a federal appeals court said Tuesday.

A group of environmental organizations was seeking to force the EPA to regulate spent lead bullets and shots under the Toxic Substances Control Act. They argued the lead from bullet fragments is harmful to animals and hunters who eat those animals.

But the EPA rejected the groups’ petition, saying the agency is not allowed to regulate gun cartridges and shells under federal law.
Your version of Good Guys like to kill things that can't defend themselves as a sport and pollute the planet in the process. Yep, those are your kind of folks alright.
Does the day nurse know you're online right now? Or that you palmed your meds again?
Another one who ignores all truths. So be it.
Yeah, an extremist nutjob thinks it knows the truth........ :lmao:
The truth has already been posted little one, and you rejected it of course.
If you're referring to Seas post....... :lmao:
You do know the US military is mandated by the Congress and the White House, right? They have no choice.
As for the so called studies being presented by extremist groups.... Yeah, you keep relying on those as proof...... :lmao:
But hey, don't let me stop your proselytizing. :thup:
From the Slow's own post: "But the EPA rejected the groups’ petition, saying the agency is not allowed to regulate gun cartridges and shells under federal law."
It's the good guys who want you to eat lead and the bad guys who want to protect you from eating lead. Good. Glad that's cleared up. Once again, Republicans prove their home planet is the Bizarro world.
As usual another know nothing propagandist post by our resident far left output device. :thup:
From the Slow's own post: "But the EPA rejected the groups’ petition, saying the agency is not allowed to regulate gun cartridges and shells under federal law."
Which means in this instance the EPA remained within it's Constitutional mandate.
From the Slow's own post: "But the EPA rejected the groups’ petition, saying the agency is not allowed to regulate gun cartridges and shells under federal law."
Which means in this instance the EPA remained within it's Constitutional mandate.
Which means the dipshit's theory that this was some kind of plot for Obama to getcher gunz is hilariously bogus. And the dipshit is too stupid to realize he has hoist himself with his own petard.
From the Slow's own post: "But the EPA rejected the groups’ petition, saying the agency is not allowed to regulate gun cartridges and shells under federal law."
Which means in this instance the EPA remained within it's Constitutional mandate.
Which means the dipshit's theory that this was some kind of plot for Obama to getcher gunz is hilariously bogus. And the dipshit is too stupid to realize he has hoist himself with his own petard.
Of course it's ridiculous but that doesn't mean Obama and others of like mind wouldn't repeal the 2nd Amendment if they thought they could get away with it, he and others have made that perfectly clear in the past. Or has the he changed stripes over the last decade?
From the Slow's own post: "But the EPA rejected the groups’ petition, saying the agency is not allowed to regulate gun cartridges and shells under federal law."
Which means in this instance the EPA remained within it's Constitutional mandate.
Which means the dipshit's theory that this was some kind of plot for Obama to getcher gunz is hilariously bogus. And the dipshit is too stupid to realize he has hoist himself with his own petard.
Of course it's ridiculous but that doesn't mean Obama and others of like mind wouldn't repeal the 2nd Amendment if they thought they could get away with it, he and others have made that perfectly clear in the past. Or has the he changed stripes over the last decade?
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I've often said the silver lining in the economic crash is that Obama did not get to implement all the left wing dreams he had for the country when he became President.

He was too busy with alligators up to his ass to write more checks we could not cash.

But that didn't stop the right wing propagandists from taking advantage of their rubes while the iron was hot. The "OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ!!" bullshit was a great marketing ploy by the guns and ammo industry. I'm sure the profits from rube panic buying have exceeded their wildest expectations.
It's the good guys who want you to eat lead and the bad guys who want to protect you from eating lead. Good. Glad that's cleared up. Once again, Republicans prove their home planet is the Bizarro world.

Hey moron. 97% of the ammo sold in the US is shot on ranges, where it is usually collected and resold as scrap metal. You know, recycled. Don't you environmental wackos jerk off to the idea of recycling?

The remaining 3% that is dispersed to the environment does not pose a significant threat. The stupid Environmental wackos will tell you that the lead leaches out to the environment but credible leachabilty studies don't support that. The lead is pretty well fixed in a non soluble form in a bullet and it would take significant acid to leach it out. Normal pH rain won't do it. We know that by finding lead balls that have been in the ground since the Revolutionary or Civil War and still have their original weight.

This is not about protecting the environment. it is about the Obama administration trying to do away with the right to keep and bear arms. The supreme court said that the government can't ban firearms so the butt pirates in the Obama administration decided to go after ammo. The Federal Court put a stop to it.

The Bizzaro World are these idiots thinking that Obama was going to do a good job as President and voting for him. That stupidity is as bizarre as it gets.
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