Sometimes theres just bad cops. Example of one right here.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2014
its pretty clear the Cop has some sort of power trip. The position of power does attract a few bad apples, but I have to wonder. If this was a black girl, would the cop simply be called a racist? He couldnt be a racist here.... but he definately could be an asshole and a poorly trained officer.

its pretty clear the Cop has some sort of power trip. The position of power does attract a few bad apples, but I have to wonder. If this was a black girl, would the cop simply be called a racist? He couldnt be a racist here.... but he definately could be an asshole and a poorly trained officer.

i agree, yard dog. this guy is an equal opportunity bully.

a poorly trained officer on a power trip is enough to put him into the set of "asswholes. " that subset and that of "racists" do intersect.
Race is not the issue. He used excessive force and she was on the ground. Yeah the girl should have done what he said but his action was overboard. He could have handled it better. Just handcuff her. She said no and he went ballistic. Maybe if he explained it to her in a calm manner, the outcome would have been different.

He could have handled it better. Start a dialog instead of using force. Now he probably lost his job and pity the next person that pisses him off.
Race is not the issue. He used excessive force and she was on the ground. Yeah the girl should have done what he said but his action was overboard. He could have handled it better. Just handcuff her. She said no and he went ballistic. Maybe if he explained it to her in a calm manner, the outcome would have been different.

He could have handled it better. Start a dialog instead of using force. Now he probably lost his job and pity the next person that pisses him off.

He could have given her a few minutes to find her I.D. it was around her neck but she was nervous having never been pulled over before.

I dont believe the Cop becaus ehe lied to the other officer saying she rolled the window down only an inch. The video shows she rolled it all the way down immediately as instructed.
He could have given her a few minutes to find her I.D. it was around her neck but she was nervous having never been pulled over before.

I dont believe the Cop becaus ehe lied to the other officer saying she rolled the window down only an inch. The video shows she rolled it all the way down immediately as instructed.
Yeah I agree that he made mistakes

She could garner support as she is just a young girl

But I hope she learned her lesson and just do as they say.

Sometimes cops will let you go if you cooperative. and especially if its a minor infraction.

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