Sometimes You Are Known By The Character Of The People You Run With

Roger Stone, recently pardoned by President trump, after being found guilty of multiple felony counts by a jury, appeared at a church in Mt Juliet, TN Sunday and appeared with The Manhatton Madam (known for the prostitution ring she ran in New York) to tell people the election was a choice between the "godly and the ungodly". For once, he is not lying.
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I'd be interested to know which candidate you believe is godly. I looked at all four people (Biden, Trump, Harris, Pence) and I can't seem to tell the difference, they all have been bought off by someone.
T is the only one who actually cares about America and his policies prove it
Roger Stone, recently pardoned by President trump, after being found guilty of multiple felony counts by a jury, appeared at a church in Mt Juliet, TN Sunday and appeared with The Manhatton Madam (known for the prostitution ring she ran in New York) to tell people the election was a choice between the "godly and the ungodly". For once, he is not lying.
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Were you ever concerned that Obama's close friends and family were nearly all anti-Americans and/or straight up Communists?
Not particularly. It is not like they stood up on the world stage supporting Putin, or testified repeatedly to falling in love with a Communist dictator, or consulted with Vlad and rolled over to let an army invade to kill our allies. But whatever the case, Obama is not on the ticket and the one that did these things and may or may not be a communist himself (as he support people who openly are or have been Communists is at the head of your ticket. I got to vote against that. I will go with Joe in 2020.

And joe biden used Air Force one to fly his son, Hunter, to China to make a 1.5 billion dollar deal with the communist government.....

You are known by the company you keep.....
Roger Stone, recently pardoned by President trump, after being found guilty of multiple felony counts by a jury, appeared at a church in Mt Juliet, TN Sunday and appeared with The Manhatton Madam (known for the prostitution ring she ran in New York) to tell people the election was a choice between the "godly and the ungodly". For once, he is not lying.
No. He's certainly not.
I am very concerned about the only presidential candidate left standing who is not
only not wary and fearful of China but he actually thinks the authoritarians in Bejing are good for

Maybe he meant good for himself and his family.
I guess trump should not have praised China 15 times this year and then Joe would not be the only candidate left standing who did not. Don't take it so hard. Donnie has shown poor judgement ever since coming to office. Joe would never be blatantly pro-Communist, like comrade don.

Making nice in public for diplomatic purposes is equal to joe biden and his son taking 1.5 billion dollars from the communist government of China, using Air Force 2 to make that
You have me perplexed. Are you saying a man who puts his hands on the breasts of 11 year old girls is Godly in your opinion?

I know you are a very mindless partisan, but that just seems downright weird.
No. Nothing credible says anyone has. How "godly" is the p@ssy Grabber?
You said you agreed with him that the election is between the godly and ungodly.

The candidate you have said you support gropes the breasts of 11 year old girls, so, yes, you DID indicate that was Godly.

Don't say stupid things if you don't want to be called on it, dumb shit.
No. Actually the sick crooked Fk, stone said it was between the between the godly ungodly. I figure god has sat the last election and will this one as well. Though a believer, know God intentionally gave free choice, so do not shake my fist at the creator and hold responsible for the outcomes of people making choices. We get along much better this way. It's a real hassle when we do not get along, as I invariably, I have to go along, to get any peace of mind.
The laying on of hands to 11 yr old girls is trump crazed bull$hit, you troll-farm moron. Tell your handlers people aren't buying it.
You can see it with your own eyes, you psychotic piece of excrement.

It takes a remarkable amount of stupidity coupled with dishonesty to deny his hands started at her shoulder and then moved steadily until they were over her breast.

Are you getting paid for this?
I guess trump should not have praised China 15 times this year and then Joe would not be the only candidate left standing who did not. Don't take it so hard. Donnie has shown poor judgement ever since coming to office. Joe would never be blatantly pro-Communist, like comrade don.

With "praise" like this who needs friends?

And on the other hand? Analyst: Biden's comments on China 'inexplicable, absolutely incorrect'
Joe Biden doesn't see China as a threat. I think he meant to his family's financial well being.

Is Trump "blatantly pro Communist"? Well we'll just chalk that up to desperation and ignorance.

He has made comments
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I guess trump should not have praised China 15 times this year and then Joe would not be the only candidate left standing who did not. Don't take it so hard. Donnie has shown poor judgement ever since coming to office. Joe would never be blatantly pro-Communist, like comrade don.

With "praise" like this who needs friends?

And on the other hand? Analyst: Biden's comments on China 'inexplicable, absolutely incorrect'
Joe Biden doesn't see China as a threat. I think he meant to his family's financial well being.

Is Trump "blatantly pro Communist"? Well we'll just chalk that up to desperation and ignorance.

He has made comments
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Yes....diplomacy.....trying to make peace and to get what he wants in trade deals...

Meanwhile...the joe biden and his son got a 1.5 billion dollar deal with the Chinese government and flew over on Air Force 2......that is the big problem, not Trump saying nice things about a foreign leader he is going to have to deal with...

What part of those things do you not understand?
I guess trump should not have praised China 15 times this year and then Joe would not be the only candidate left standing who did not. Don't take it so hard. Donnie has shown poor judgement ever since coming to office. Joe would never be blatantly pro-Communist, like comrade don.

With "praise" like this who needs friends?

And on the other hand? Analyst: Biden's comments on China 'inexplicable, absolutely incorrect'
Joe Biden doesn't see China as a threat. I think he meant to his family's financial well being.

Is Trump "blatantly pro Communist"? Well we'll just chalk that up to desperation and ignorance.

He has made comments
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Yes....diplomacy.....trying to make peace and to get what he wants in trade deals...

Meanwhile...the joe biden and his son got a 1.5 billion dollar deal with the Chinese government and flew over on Air Force 2......that is the big problem, not Trump saying nice things about a foreign leader he is going to have to deal with...

What part of those things do you not understand?

Understand what you are saying. It just does not negate what I said or what donnie has said.
So, do you remember how old you were when you first starting defending pedophilia and terrorism?
So, when did you first realise the IMPOTUS grabbed Ivanka's arse? I suppose we should be grateful he didn't just start kissing.
Roger Stone, recently pardoned by President trump, after being found guilty of multiple felony counts by a jury, appeared at a church in Mt Juliet, TN Sunday and appeared with The Manhatton Madam (known for the prostitution ring she ran in New York) to tell people the election was a choice between the "godly and the ungodly". For once, he is not lying.
View attachment 382457
your title of this thread. One word. Duh.

Birds of a feather flock together. I don't hang out with thugs, thieves, rapists, murderers, evil people. Do you?
Roger Stone, recently pardoned by President trump, after being found guilty of multiple felony counts by a jury, appeared at a church in Mt Juliet, TN Sunday and appeared with The Manhatton Madam (known for the prostitution ring she ran in New York) to tell people the election was a choice between the "godly and the ungodly". For once, he is not lying.
View attachment 382457
your title of this thread. One word. Duh.

Birds of a feather flock together. I don't hang out with thugs, thieves, rapists, murderers, evil people. Do you?
Lowlife identify with lowlifes.
So, do you remember how old you were when you first starting defending pedophilia and terrorism?
So, when did you first realise the IMPOTUS grabbed Ivanka's arse? I suppose we should be grateful he didn't just start kissing.
I sure miss the days when the left was liberal, and so protected children from sexual exploitation instead of supporting it.
Understand what you are saying. It just does not negate what I said or what donnie has said.
I think you are conflating Trump diplomatic state craft praise with Trump expressing real admiration and love for people like Putin and Xi, which the left has consistently insisted on despite no proof at all.

Whatever makes you people happy.

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