Sometimes You Are Known By The Character Of The People You Run With

Roger Stone, recently pardoned by President trump, after being found guilty of multiple felony counts by a jury, appeared at a church in Mt Juliet, TN Sunday and appeared with The Manhatton Madam (known for the prostitution ring she ran in New York) to tell people the election was a choice between the "godly and the ungodly". For once, he is not lying.
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your title of this thread. One word. Duh.

Birds of a feather flock together. I don't hang out with thugs, thieves, rapists, murderers, evil people. Do you?
No, usually not, though known some interesting people over the years. I don't actually pay much attention to Stone. We all have his number. Very poor character. Cannot be trusted. If they are died in the wool trump supporters, you cannot even trust them when they are dead. Did you see this one?
Understand what you are saying. It just does not negate what I said or what donnie has said.
I think you are conflating Trump diplomatic state craft praise with Trump expressing real admiration and love for people like Putin and Xi, which the left has consistently insisted on despite no proof at all.

Whatever makes you people happy.
Thanks. I am happy. Words have meaning or at least they used to, to American Presidents. Not very diplomatic to go out of you way to lie publicly and the hope nobody believes or holds you responsible on the premise you are known as a chronic liar, to begin with. To me, if you say it. You are stuck with it.
State craft. Diplomat speak. The art of conducting relations between nations and leaders.

You must believe all diplomacy is a "lie". Or is it more likely when it comes to Trump you are willing to believe
whatever you need to make him seem worse than he is. Or as awful as you want to make him.

Relax. You only have four more years to go.
State craft. Diplomat speak. The art of conducting relations between nations and leaders.

You must believe all diplomacy is a "lie". Or is it more likely when it comes to Trump you are willing to believe
whatever you need to make him seem worse than he is. Or as awful as you want to make him.

Relax. You only have four more years to go.
As and Armor Officer back in the day, I always like Ronald Reagan's diplomatic communications.
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And Reagan took a lot of heat and displeasure for his joke.
This is why presidents usually stick to bland diplomat-speak.
And Reagan took a lot of heat and displeasure for his joke.
This is why presidents usually stick to bland diplomat-speak.
This one is only diplomatic with Communists. Presidents are usually diplomatic with the electorate, including the opposite side. He is a man of false diplomacy and has been from the start, just a bully with a bully pulpit. Not very diplomatic saying he would make Mexico pay for the wall, was he? President of Mexico in statesman like fashion confronted him, saying Mexico was not paying for his "f#cking wall" and Mexico didn't. Trump diplomacy = False Diplomacy False to the world, false to his enemies on the world stage and false to the American people.
So if we are judge by who we hang with, BLM and the Democratic Party are rioters who want violence and chaos and blame others for it.
This one is only diplomatic with Communists. Presidents are usually diplomatic with the electorate, including the opposite side. He is a man of false diplomacy and has been from the start, just a bully with a bully pulpit. Not very diplomatic saying he would make Mexico pay for the wall, was he? President of Mexico in statesman like fashion confronted him, saying Mexico was not paying for his "f#cking wall" and Mexico didn't. Trump diplomacy = False Diplomacy False to the world, false to his enemies on the world stage and false to the American people.
Not diplomatic of Mexico to sponsor a slow motion invasion of the US and become a staging ground for
drug cartels either.
Four more years, whiner. Keep on bitchin'.

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