Sometimes you just have to root for the underdog


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
No matter which side of the Ukraine war you support, bravery exists on both sides of the war. And this was pretty damned brave. In the video, one lone Russian T-90M tank stood against two Ukrainian tanks and six infantry fighting vehicles.

No matter which side of the Ukraine war you support, bravery exists on both sides of the war. And this was pretty damned brave. In the video, one lone Russian T-90M tank stood against two Ukrainian tanks and six infantry fighting vehicles.

Like a scene from "Fury"!
Yes, it's natural to root for the underdog (unless it is a crazy bastard).

OTOH, I am suspicious of people who "root for" those athletes and teams that are perennially superior to their competitors (Tiger Woods, the '60's Boston Celtics, the various Yankee dynasties). What's up with them?
Yes, it's natural to root for the underdog (unless it is a crazy bastard).

OTOH, I am suspicious of people who "root for" those athletes and teams that are perennially superior to their competitors (Tiger Woods, the '60's Boston Celtics, the various Yankee dynasties). What's up with them?

Sometimes "underdogs" are that way for a good reason
In the movie Fury the 76mm high velocity weapon could of penetrated the frontal armor of the tiger tank. The people who research this shit should get the facts before they start trying to put drama into the movie.
That scene in the film where a lone crippled Sherman takes down a whole SS battalion is too ridiculous for words, one German soldier with one Panzerfaust would have ended it there and then, there are not many war films i like because they never do justice to the men who took part, as for the battlefield in Ukraine this is what is happening to Nato weapons and your tax Dollars, reality check people.
No matter which side of the Ukraine war you support, bravery exists on both sides of the war. And this was pretty damned brave. In the video, one lone Russian T-90M tank stood against two Ukrainian tanks and six infantry fighting vehicles.

Those morons are tired of living.
No matter which side of the Ukraine war you support, bravery exists on both sides of the war. And this was pretty damned brave. In the video, one lone Russian T-90M tank stood against two Ukrainian tanks and six infantry fighting vehicles.

Dude you're rooting for ge bad guys
Stop it.
No matter which side of the Ukraine war you support, bravery exists on both sides of the war. And this was pretty damned brave. In the video, one lone Russian T-90M tank stood against two Ukrainian tanks and six infantry fighting vehicles.

Amazing! thank you for posting!:thup:
No the good guys, i am on the right side of history, those who support the Kiev Regime are on the wrong side of it, but i do feel some sorrow for those Ukrainian soldiers who are sent into a suicide attack, they should start shooting their own officers.
You're fucked. Reagan spits on you from the grave.
No the good guys, i am on the right side of history, those who support the Kiev Regime are on the wrong side of it, but i do feel some sorrow for those Ukrainian soldiers who are sent into a suicide attack, they should start shooting their own officers.
Are you daft. Think of the Ukraine soldiers like the US CSA soldiers, fighting for their homeland.
You have to wonder if the GRU puts them up to it. Claiming that Ukraine was run by Nazi's.
Russia attacked Ukraine and stole Crimea. Then they attacked again. Thats why they need to be stopped. Its that simple.
Russia attacked Ukraine and stole Crimea. Then they attacked again. Thats why they need to be stopped. Its that simple.
if we cant come together and stop children from being molested in our own country what makes you think we can stop russia from doing something on the other side of the planet,??
It depends on which propaganda source you like. Americans were taught by the media at the time that the (WW2) Battle of the Bulge was a victory when it was an example of the worst intelligence failure in history.

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