Sondland Testified Trump Ukraine Pressure Was Quid Pro Quo, His Lawyer Tells WSJ

Ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland believed the White House meeting sought by Ukraine President Zelensky depended on an agreement to open a Biden probe, according to his attorney.

U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland told House lawmakers last week that President Donald Trump’s pressure on Ukraine to open an investigation into Joe Biden’s son before a White House meeting amounted to a quid pro quo, his lawyer told The Wall Street Journal.

Sondland believed Ukraine’s agreement to investigate Biden, his son and an unfounded conspiracy theory that Democrats manipulated the 2016 election was a condition for a sought-after White House meeting with Trump by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, according to the Journal.

Asked by a House committee lawmaker as part of the ongoing impeachment probe if the arrangement was a quid pro quo, Sondland responded that he wasn’t a lawyer but believed the answer was yes, his attorney Robert Luskin told the newspaper.

Sondland would likely return for further questioning if asked, Luskin told the Journal.

Sondland Testified Trump Ukraine Pressure Was Quid Pro Quo, His Lawyer Tells WSJ

Sondland Told House Panels Trump’s Ukraine Pressure Was Quid Pro Quo - WSJ

More bad news for Trump!

Hey dum-dum, it’s perfectly legal for the President to pressure a foreign power if he wants to. Who cares if he pressured Ukraine to investigate past corruption? Americans don’t have an issue with it, and it isn’t illegal in the slightest.

What we do have a problem with, is a President or Vice President using his power to bribe foreign officials in order to protect his own son from criminal charges.

Yes it is illegal, even if you don't want it to be.
But Jojo's EXTORTION is OK!!!


Learn to pronounce
  1. the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

February 12, 2016 | Press Releases
The letter was also signed by Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Sherrod Brown (D-OH).
. As such, we respectfully ask that you address the serious concerns raised by Minister Abromavi?ius‎. We similarly urge you to press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's office and judiciary. The unanimous adoption by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Basic Principles and Action Plan is a good step.

Portman, Durbin, Shaheen, and Senate Ukraine Caucus Reaffirm Commitment to Help Ukraine Take on Corruption | Senator Rob Portman
Interesting. Taylor and Sondland aside, do you think the House now has first hand testimony?

No idea what you mean. I would guess the House is collecting or will collect "first hand testimony" by those directly present during the Mob Boss phone call with Zelensky as much as possible, which may work, or mostly not, contingent on how intensive the White House pressure not to testify will be. What the House already has I do not know. The salient point, as far as I can see, is that the extortion went far beyond, and begun well ahead of the phone call, with Giuliani at the center of it all. So, my guess would be, the extortion / quid pro quo will be established beyond a reasonable doubt. The remaining question is, how much by way of obstruction the White House will pile atop of that.
Huh? I guess you don't know that his "testimony" has been thoroughly debunked? What was the quid pro quo? At the time of the phone call, Zelensky didn't even know any aid had been withheld, and the withholding of aid was never mentioned during the call. How can you not know these basic facts? Let me guess: You only consult left-wing news sources.

And you know that both Zelensky and his foreign minister have insisted there was no pressure and certainly nothing resembling extortion, right? You know this, right? Or no?
Hey dum-dum, it’s perfectly legal for the President to pressure a foreign power if he wants to.

Not for personal gain it's not


Sondland believed Ukraine’s agreement to investigate Biden, his son and an unfounded conspiracy theory that Democrats manipulated the 2016 election was a condition for a sought-after White House meeting with Trump by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, according to the Journal.

Asked by a House committee lawmaker as part of the ongoing impeachment probe if the arrangement was a quid pro quo, Sondland responded that he wasn’t a lawyer but believed the answer was yes, his attorney Robert Luskin told the newspaper.
At the time of the phone call, Zelensky didn't even know any aid had been withheld,

He knew that aid that had been appropriated months before and would expire in weeks if not delivered...had not the same time that he was being pressured to manufacture political dirt on Trump's opponent and exonerate Russia in the 2016 election interference.

In fact Zelensky talked about that pressure all the way back in MAY
Ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland believed the White House meeting sought by Ukraine President Zelensky depended on an agreement to open a Biden probe, according to his attorney.

U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland told House lawmakers last week that President Donald Trump’s pressure on Ukraine to open an investigation into Joe Biden’s son before a White House meeting amounted to a quid pro quo, his lawyer told The Wall Street Journal.

Sondland believed Ukraine’s agreement to investigate Biden, his son and an unfounded conspiracy theory that Democrats manipulated the 2016 election was a condition for a sought-after White House meeting with Trump by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, according to the Journal.

Asked by a House committee lawmaker as part of the ongoing impeachment probe if the arrangement was a quid pro quo, Sondland responded that he wasn’t a lawyer but believed the answer was yes, his attorney Robert Luskin told the newspaper.

Sondland would likely return for further questioning if asked, Luskin told the Journal.

Sondland Testified Trump Ukraine Pressure Was Quid Pro Quo, His Lawyer Tells WSJ

Sondland Told House Panels Trump’s Ukraine Pressure Was Quid Pro Quo - WSJ

More bad news for Trump!

I thought the democrats didn't want witnesses to know what other witnesses were saying, and that's why all the secrecy. If this lawyer isn't shut down immediately and face consequences, the whole thing is a sham designed solely to give Schiff control over what gets leaked to the press.
Trump must feel betrayed by Sondland. How can Republicans continue to support Trump?

Because they know that unchallenged "opening statements" are no more gospel truth than is a tweet from the president. IOW, nothing Schiff leaks is credible.
“Trump will definitely be impeached and likely removed from office” if you watch MSNBC.

“The democrats are scrabbling to hold the impeachment narrative together, and Pelosi can’t find the votes from her own party to impeach. Trump could win a second term with a landslide of electoral votes” If you watch Fox News.

Denizen clearly has Rachel Maddow’s dick in his mouth, and he is also fondling the balls.
If you average EVERYTHING, it becomes 50/50-as I have said all along.
Sondland is a Donald Trump stooge who has been compelled to tell the truth under oath.

The truth is being excavated from the system as mountains of evidence emerge that Donald Trump was using the withholding of foreign aid to Ukraine as pressure to compel Ukraine to open an investigation into Biden and into 2016 election interference by Ukrainians.

Donald Trump is becoming more isolated every day as the Democrats are discovering more information with each subpoenaed witness. In fact, the Democrats are demonstrating how to perm investigations to the Republicans who got their anuses booted three times by Hillary Clinton and others when they held the House and Republican clowns were the interrogators in inquiries.

Impeachment of Donald Trump is becoming more certain every day with each new fact and revelation.

The GOP will be slaughtered in the elections for their incompetence and complicity with Trump's crimes.

WSJ: Sondland told the House that Trump's Ukraine pressure was a quid pro quo

WSJ: Sondland told the House that Trump's Ukraine pressure was a quid pro quo
BY RACHEL FRAZIN - 10/26/19 09:12 PM EDT 2,835

A lawyer for the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland told The Wall Street Journal that Sondland told impeachment committee members that President Trump's dealings with Ukraine amounted to a quid pro quo.

Sondland's lawyer, Robert Luskin, told the news outlet that Sondland revealed to House committees he thought that a meeting between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would only take place if the country agreed to investigate corruption allegations about his political rivals.

Last month, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump's dealings with the Ukraine following a whistleblower complaint about a July 25 call with Zelensky.

When a lawmaker asked Sondland if he believed this arrangement was a quid pro quo, Sondland said he believed so, but warned that he was not a lawyer, Luskin told the newspaper.

The Journal's report follows text messages between Sondland and U.S. diplomat Bill Taylor that came out during the impeachment inquiry.

In the exchange, Taylor said "it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign."
"The president has been crystal clear no quid pro quo's of any kind," Sondland responded.

Taylor's subsequent testimony resulted in scrutiny on Sondland and some lawmakers have called for him to return and answer more questions.

Taylor testimony was similar. He told the House investigators that a meeting between Trump and Zelensky as well as security assistance for Ukraine was conditioned on the country's pursuit of investigations into whether Kiev interfered in the 2016 election and into unfounded corruption allegations against the Bidens.

Taylor also relayed that Sondland told a Ukrainian representative "the security assistance money would not come until President Zelensky committed to pursue the Burisma investigation.”

Luskin told The Journal that Sondland would probably return if he were asked to do so.
Trump has denied that there was a quid pro quo and blasted the impeachment inquiry as a "witch hunt."
However, a rough transcript of the July call released by the White House reveals that the president did ask Zelensky to look into the former vice president. Trump has also publicly asked Ukraine and China to investigate the democratic presidential candidate. ...
So the elections are already over. When will the new senators arrive?

The spaces formerly occupied by repugnant GOP senators are still being sanitized with industrial strength bio-hazard cleansers.

The GOP stench may take longer to clear.
You are not biased against Republicans, are you? After the tax break you got?
“Trump will definitely be impeached and likely removed from office” if you watch MSNBC.

“The democrats are scrabbling to hold the impeachment narrative together, and Pelosi can’t find the votes from her own party to impeach. Trump could win a second term with a landslide of electoral votes” If you watch Fox News.

Denizen clearly has Rachel Maddow’s dick in his mouth, and he is also fondling the balls.
If you average EVERYTHING, it becomes 50/50-as I have said all along.

Ewww, that is weak. Averaging is the lazy mans way to analyze and doesn’t give any helpful results. If your head is is the oven and your feet in the freezer, then on average your just right.
At the time of the phone call, Zelensky didn't even know any aid had been withheld,

He knew that aid that had been appropriated months before and would expire in weeks if not delivered...had not the same time that he was being pressured to manufacture political dirt on Trump's opponent and exonerate Russia in the 2016 election interference.

In fact Zelensky talked about that pressure all the way back in MAY

Trump congratulated Zelensky back in April for his election. Also at that time, Giuliani's mission ramped up, crawling around advisors and other folks close to Zelensky. I think you can bet your last dime Zelensky already knew what would happen when he was notified of yet another incoming congratulatory phone call from Trump. Since the underlings couldn't make it happen, the Mob Boss himself got on the phone reinforcing the message, while Zelensky wisely tried to keep as far away from the partisan wrangling in the U.S. as possible.

What's most important now, I think, as the the facts are being more firmly established, that the interrogatory dynamics change, and the next ones to testify know that it's getting harder and harder to get away with obstruction and obfuscation, which should solidify the ground even more. Schiff will have a field day with the next Trump sycophants appearing before his committee.
“Trump will definitely be impeached and likely removed from office” if you watch MSNBC.

“The democrats are scrabbling to hold the impeachment narrative together, and Pelosi can’t find the votes from her own party to impeach. Trump could win a second term with a landslide of electoral votes” If you watch Fox News.

Denizen clearly has Rachel Maddow’s dick in his mouth, and he is also fondling the balls.
If you average EVERYTHING, it becomes 50/50-as I have said all along.

Ewww, that is weak. Averaging is the lazy mans way to analyze and doesn’t give any helpful results. If your head is is the oven and your feet in the freezer, then on average your just right.
Rather than name call or kill opposing viewpoints, I consider all sides. Things in nature tend to balance and become 50/50 at some point-elections included-look at 2016, the predictions were most lopsided of all but not the result. People dislike my moderation and want me to choose sides, or more correctly, join theirs. Sorry, but both parties have some good ideas and bad ideas. 50/50
How many Senate Republicans will vote to convict Trump? It could be enough...
“Trump will definitely be impeached and likely removed from office” if you watch MSNBC.

“The democrats are scrabbling to hold the impeachment narrative together, and Pelosi can’t find the votes from her own party to impeach. Trump could win a second term with a landslide of electoral votes” If you watch Fox News.

Denizen clearly has Rachel Maddow’s dick in his mouth, and he is also fondling the balls.
If you average EVERYTHING, it becomes 50/50-as I have said all along.

Ewww, that is weak. Averaging is the lazy mans way to analyze and doesn’t give any helpful results. If your head is is the oven and your feet in the freezer, then on average your just right.
Rather than name call or kill opposing viewpoints, I consider all sides. Things in nature tend to balance and become 50/50 at some point-elections included-look at 2016, the predictions were most lopsided of all but not the result. People dislike my moderation and want me to choose sides, or more correctly, join theirs. Sorry, but both parties have some good ideas and bad ideas. 50/50

I couldn’t care less about your “moderation”, or if you choose a side. I have no idea what your analogy with nature becoming 50/50 means. I haven’t read many of your post, but you seem timid and afraid to take a stand or state what your political views are, which I think is weak.
Another selected democrat leak? Republicans can't get into the secret hearings but the "journal" gets access? Democrats have established a Banana Republic and their diminishing angry incoherent core seems to love it even though most Americans are tired of the charade.
Sondland is a Donald Trump stooge who has been compelled to tell the truth under oath.

The truth is being excavated from the system as mountains of evidence emerge that Donald Trump was using the withholding of foreign aid to Ukraine as pressure to compel Ukraine to open an investigation into Biden and into 2016 election interference by Ukrainians.

Donald Trump is becoming more isolated every day as the Democrats are discovering more information with each subpoenaed witness. In fact, the Democrats are demonstrating how to perm investigations to the Republicans who got their anuses booted three times by Hillary Clinton and others when they held the House and Republican clowns were the interrogators in inquiries.

Impeachment of Donald Trump is becoming more certain every day with each new fact and revelation.

The GOP will be slaughtered in the elections for their incompetence and complicity with Trump's crimes.

WSJ: Sondland told the House that Trump's Ukraine pressure was a quid pro quo

WSJ: Sondland told the House that Trump's Ukraine pressure was a quid pro quo
BY RACHEL FRAZIN - 10/26/19 09:12 PM EDT 2,835

A lawyer for the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland told The Wall Street Journal that Sondland told impeachment committee members that President Trump's dealings with Ukraine amounted to a quid pro quo.

Sondland's lawyer, Robert Luskin, told the news outlet that Sondland revealed to House committees he thought that a meeting between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would only take place if the country agreed to investigate corruption allegations about his political rivals.

Last month, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump's dealings with the Ukraine following a whistleblower complaint about a July 25 call with Zelensky.

When a lawmaker asked Sondland if he believed this arrangement was a quid pro quo, Sondland said he believed so, but warned that he was not a lawyer, Luskin told the newspaper.

The Journal's report follows text messages between Sondland and U.S. diplomat Bill Taylor that came out during the impeachment inquiry.

In the exchange, Taylor said "it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign."
"The president has been crystal clear no quid pro quo's of any kind," Sondland responded.

Taylor's subsequent testimony resulted in scrutiny on Sondland and some lawmakers have called for him to return and answer more questions.

Taylor testimony was similar. He told the House investigators that a meeting between Trump and Zelensky as well as security assistance for Ukraine was conditioned on the country's pursuit of investigations into whether Kiev interfered in the 2016 election and into unfounded corruption allegations against the Bidens.

Taylor also relayed that Sondland told a Ukrainian representative "the security assistance money would not come until President Zelensky committed to pursue the Burisma investigation.”

Luskin told The Journal that Sondland would probably return if he were asked to do so.
Trump has denied that there was a quid pro quo and blasted the impeachment inquiry as a "witch hunt."
However, a rough transcript of the July call released by the White House reveals that the president did ask Zelensky to look into the former vice president. Trump has also publicly asked Ukraine and China to investigate the democratic presidential candidate. ...
So the elections are already over. When will the new senators arrive?

The spaces formerly occupied by repugnant GOP senators are still being sanitized with industrial strength bio-hazard cleansers.

The GOP stench may take longer to clear.

You are not biased against Republicans, are you? After the tax break you got?

A tax cut financed by increased Federal debt is an illusion.

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