Soros: $8 BILLION given to liberal/progressive causes...

Just LOVE the way you like to edit and take things out of context. Include the complete sentence from Wiki:

"Between 1979 and 2011, Soros gave away over $8 billion to causes related to human rights, public health, and education. """"

You're a fucking fraud, MYTHS.

George Soros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama said.."We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"

THIS fraud said 10 million illegals won't be covered by ACA... YET HE COUNTS them as part of the 46 million uninsured!
THIS fraud as the Chief executive RUNS CMS which runs Medicaid!
So how come this fraud COUNTS 14 million people that say they are uninsured YET MEDICAID before ACA would have covered them!
Even the CENSUS says there is a In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).” According to ARC, this “Medicaid undercount” leads to an over-assessment of the uninsured population and needs to be taken into consideration when developing uninsured estimates. "

IDIOT you f..king IDIOT! YOU and Obama selective forget that 14 million people counted as UNINSURED and USED in the 46 million figure are what
the CENSUS says is "underreports of coverage! YET Obama and you idiots still count them as part of the 46 million FRAUD NUMBER!

FINALLY you and the idiot Obama count 18 million people THAT CAN AFFORD (make over $50,000) don't want their employers' health plans as the already have
catastrophic insurance and spend on health less the $1,000 a year! YET YOU and that IDIOT fraudulently COUNT them as part of the 46 million.
SUBTRACT these 42 million from the 46 million and you have 4 million that truly want and need!
BUT YOU and that idiot Obama thought by puffing the numbers up 10 times reality that would work! AND IT DID! Idiots like you voted for ACA because they thought there were 46 million and DIDN"T EVEN question what constituted the "uninsured"!!!

So don't you dare call me a fraud! YOU and that IDIOT IN CHIEF have been pumping that 46 million number AND YOU both know it is PHONY!!!

Exactly, how many times have you posted what I bolded? 100 times? More? Geez Healthmyths, will you please get some new material. Oh and by the way, George W Bush used the same methodology as Obama when he talked about the uninsured.

NEW Material??? What a f...king insult to people dying because idiots like YOU believed that phony 46 million number!
People are dying because of ACA! It was passed by 7 votes because IDIOTS like YOU didn't TAKE THE SIMPLE time to check out the veracity of "46 million"!
GEEZ these "little details" are important because we are destroying OUR country over such gross exaggeration 4 million bloated to 46 million!
AND YOU say "new material"???
NO wonder you people are going to be smashed this fall! Senate will repeal. Impeach the imposter! He'll resign in disgrace and idiots like you will sit
with your thumb in mouth trying to say "oh yea well he was the first black president... !!!

NEW Material??? Tell that to the millions with canceled insurance BECAUSE IDIOTS like YOU can't do simple math!
Toronto Sun corrects Soros-Nazi smear | Research | Media Matters for America

The Toronto Sun issued a correction to a column they recently published claiming that George Soros, as a child, "collaborated with the Nazis." This smear has long been popular among conservatives attacking Soros for his support of progressive causes.

Sun column smears Soros as Nazi "collaborator," paper apologizes

Columnist claimed Soros "collaborated with the Nazis" to survive Holocaust. In a September 5 Toronto Sun column (accessed via Nexis), Ezra Levant wrote of Soros:

When the Nazis took total control of Hungary in 1944, the Holocaust followed. In two months, 440,000 Hungarian Jews were deported to death camps.

To survive, George, then a teenager, collaborated with the Nazis.

First he worked for the Judenrat. That was the Jewish council set up by the Nazis to do their dirty work for them. Instead of the Nazis rounding up Jews every day for the trains, they delegated that murderous task to Jews who were willing to do it to survive another day at the expense of their neighbours.

Theodore hatched a better plan for his son. He bribed a non-Jewish official at the agriculture ministry to let George live with him. George helped the official confiscate property from Jews.

By collaborating with the Nazis, George survived the Holocaust. He turned on other Jews to spare himself.

Levant distorted the conduct of Soros, who was 14 years old at the time. As Media Matters has noted, Soros, who discussed his childhood in Nazi-occupied Hungary in a 1998 interview on CBS' 60 Minutes, was only a young teen during the Holocaust and was under the care of a Hungarian Agriculture Ministry employee, posing as his godson. On 60 Minutes, Soros said that he accompanied his "godfather" as he went to oversee the confiscation of property from Hungarian Jews.

As biographer Michael Kaufman wrote in Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire (page 37):

This is what actually happened. Shortly after George went to live with Baumbach, the man was assigned to take inventory on the vast estate of Mor Kornfeld, an extremely wealthy aristocrat of Jewish origin. The Kornfeld family had the wealth, wisdom, and connections to be able to leave some of its belongings behind in exchange for permission to make their way to Lisbon. Baumbach was ordered to go to the Kornfeld estate and inventory the artworks, furnishings, and other property. Rather than leave his "godson" behind in Budapest for three days, he took the boy with him. As Baumbach itemized the material, George walked around the grounds and spent time with Kornfeld's staff. It was his first visit to such a mansion, and the first time he rode a horse. He collaborated with no one and he paid attention to what he understood to be his primary responsibility: making sure that no one doubted that he was Sandor Kiss.

Sun issues correction, apologizes to Soros. In a September 18 correction, the Toronto Sun, Sun Media, and Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized:

He sent people to death camps and took their property. Now in his 80's he doesn't regret that at all. You would think a man with a conscience would at least revisi what he did and not be so flippant about it. You sure as hell wouldn't determine that it was the happiest time of your life.

[ame=]George Soros : György Schwartz : "The Happiest Time of My Life" - YouTube[/ame]
While disturbing, this should come as no surprise since Soros' gave more than $52 million to media organizations from 2000-2010.

Two schools were working with FCC on the project, according to Byron York of The Washington Examiner.
The University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Communication and Democracy, were tasked by the FCC with coming up with criteria for what information is "critical" for Americans to have.
The FCC study would have covered newspapers, websites, radio and television, according to The Washington Post.

On top of the 1st Amendment problems with this proposal, the schools involved have strong ties to liberal billionaire George Soros' Open Society Foundations and have gotten more than $1.8 million from since 2000. -

Tracking the $8.5 billion Soros-foundation world is challenging because he funds so much and many of those organizations then partner or even fund one another.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison got a whopping $1,672,397 from Soros between 2000 and 2012. The university also offers OSI-sponsored grants, scholarships and fellowships. Friedland also heads Madison Commons, a liberal journalism group "powered by" the university's School of Journalism. Madison Commons, in turn, is a project of the university but supported in part by American University's J-Lab. AU, including its Cairo campus, has received $588,395 from OSF since 2008.

The University Of Wisconsin School Of Journalism's left-wing tilt has caused controversy before. The school also houses the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism. That center narrowly avoided being banned from the campus when Gov. Scott Walker vetoed legislation that questioned the use of state funds to support a journalism group with a liberal agenda.
The center has been a member of the Investigative News Network since 2011. This liberal network of journalism groups got $150,000 from Soros in 2012.

Universities in FCC Newsroom Probe Have Close Ties to Soros, Got $1.8M in Funding | CNS News

Do you think these schools REALLY KNOW Soros NAZI support background???
Soros is a well-known supporter of progressive-liberal political causes. Between 1979 and 2011, Soros gave away over $8 billion....
Causes currency crisis...

On September 16, 1992, Black Wednesday, Soros' fund sold short more than $10 billion in pounds, profiting from the UK government's reluctance to either raise its interest rates to levels comparable to those of other European Exchange Rate Mechanism countries or to float its currency.
Finally, the UK withdrew from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, devaluing the pound, earning Soros an estimated $1.1 billion. He was dubbed "the man who broke the Bank of England". In 1997, the UK Treasury estimated the cost of Black Wednesday at £3.4 billion.

Economist Paul Krugman is critical of Soros' effect on financial markets.
"[N]obody who has read a business magazine in the last few years can be unaware that these days there really are investors who not only move money in anticipation of a currency crisis, but actually do their best to trigger that crisis for fun and profit. These new actors on the scene do not yet have a standard name; my proposed term is 'Soroi'."

George Soros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But of course this is OK right!!! Everyone knows that Soros is just having fun... at millions' expense!!!

..gathering public support takes precedence over the pursuit of truth. - George Soros

Americans need to become better acquainted with Soros and his radical perspective. They also need to familiarize themselves with the sophisticated mechanism he has built for getting his way...George Soros is one of the most powerful men on Earth....since 1979 his foundation network has dispensed an estimated $5 Billon. Soros claims that his Open Society institute donates up to $425 million annually to various causes. For all his wealth , Soros greatest influence comes not from spending his own money, but inducing other people to spend theirs. The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party states, By his own admission, he helped engineer coups in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia, and Yugoslavia." The Soros strategy for a regime change, begins by creating a shadow government a fully formed government-in-exile, ready to take control when the opportunity arises. The Shadow Party he has built in America greatly resembles those he has created in other countries prior to instigating a coup.

In 2006, Soros met with Obama in New York . A few weeks later Obama announced that he was contemplating a run for the Presidency. Within hours of the Obama announcement Soros sent the maximum contribution allowable under campaign-finance laws. The NY Daily News followed with a story that Soros would support Obama rather than Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination.

George Soros Philanthropic Psychopath
Toronto Sun corrects Soros-Nazi smear | Research | Media Matters for America

The Toronto Sun issued a correction to a column they recently published claiming that George Soros, as a child, "collaborated with the Nazis." This smear has long been popular among conservatives attacking Soros for his support of progressive causes.

Sun column smears Soros as Nazi "collaborator," paper apologizes

Columnist claimed Soros "collaborated with the Nazis" to survive Holocaust. In a September 5 Toronto Sun column (accessed via Nexis), Ezra Levant wrote of Soros:

When the Nazis took total control of Hungary in 1944, the Holocaust followed. In two months, 440,000 Hungarian Jews were deported to death camps.

To survive, George, then a teenager, collaborated with the Nazis.

First he worked for the Judenrat. That was the Jewish council set up by the Nazis to do their dirty work for them. Instead of the Nazis rounding up Jews every day for the trains, they delegated that murderous task to Jews who were willing to do it to survive another day at the expense of their neighbours.

Theodore hatched a better plan for his son. He bribed a non-Jewish official at the agriculture ministry to let George live with him. George helped the official confiscate property from Jews.

By collaborating with the Nazis, George survived the Holocaust. He turned on other Jews to spare himself.

Levant distorted the conduct of Soros, who was 14 years old at the time. As Media Matters has noted, Soros, who discussed his childhood in Nazi-occupied Hungary in a 1998 interview on CBS' 60 Minutes, was only a young teen during the Holocaust and was under the care of a Hungarian Agriculture Ministry employee, posing as his godson. On 60 Minutes, Soros said that he accompanied his "godfather" as he went to oversee the confiscation of property from Hungarian Jews.

As biographer Michael Kaufman wrote in Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire (page 37):

This is what actually happened. Shortly after George went to live with Baumbach, the man was assigned to take inventory on the vast estate of Mor Kornfeld, an extremely wealthy aristocrat of Jewish origin. The Kornfeld family had the wealth, wisdom, and connections to be able to leave some of its belongings behind in exchange for permission to make their way to Lisbon. Baumbach was ordered to go to the Kornfeld estate and inventory the artworks, furnishings, and other property. Rather than leave his "godson" behind in Budapest for three days, he took the boy with him. As Baumbach itemized the material, George walked around the grounds and spent time with Kornfeld's staff. It was his first visit to such a mansion, and the first time he rode a horse. He collaborated with no one and he paid attention to what he understood to be his primary responsibility: making sure that no one doubted that he was Sandor Kiss.

Sun issues correction, apologizes to Soros. In a September 18 correction, the Toronto Sun, Sun Media, and Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized:

He sent people to death camps and took their property. Now in his 80's he doesn't regret that at all. You would think a man with a conscience would at least revisi what he did and not be so flippant about it. You sure as hell wouldn't determine that it was the happiest time of your life.

[ame=]George Soros : György Schwartz : "The Happiest Time of My Life" - YouTube[/ame]
Sun issues correction, apologizes to Soros. In a September 18 correction, the Toronto Sun, Sun Media, and Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized:

Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized to Soros. Did you miss that?
Toronto Sun corrects Soros-Nazi smear | Research | Media Matters for America

The Toronto Sun issued a correction to a column they recently published claiming that George Soros, as a child, "collaborated with the Nazis." This smear has long been popular among conservatives attacking Soros for his support of progressive causes.

Sun column smears Soros as Nazi "collaborator," paper apologizes

Columnist claimed Soros "collaborated with the Nazis" to survive Holocaust. In a September 5 Toronto Sun column (accessed via Nexis), Ezra Levant wrote of Soros:

When the Nazis took total control of Hungary in 1944, the Holocaust followed. In two months, 440,000 Hungarian Jews were deported to death camps.

To survive, George, then a teenager, collaborated with the Nazis.

First he worked for the Judenrat. That was the Jewish council set up by the Nazis to do their dirty work for them. Instead of the Nazis rounding up Jews every day for the trains, they delegated that murderous task to Jews who were willing to do it to survive another day at the expense of their neighbours.

Theodore hatched a better plan for his son. He bribed a non-Jewish official at the agriculture ministry to let George live with him. George helped the official confiscate property from Jews.

By collaborating with the Nazis, George survived the Holocaust. He turned on other Jews to spare himself.

Levant distorted the conduct of Soros, who was 14 years old at the time. As Media Matters has noted, Soros, who discussed his childhood in Nazi-occupied Hungary in a 1998 interview on CBS' 60 Minutes, was only a young teen during the Holocaust and was under the care of a Hungarian Agriculture Ministry employee, posing as his godson. On 60 Minutes, Soros said that he accompanied his "godfather" as he went to oversee the confiscation of property from Hungarian Jews.

As biographer Michael Kaufman wrote in Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire (page 37):

This is what actually happened. Shortly after George went to live with Baumbach, the man was assigned to take inventory on the vast estate of Mor Kornfeld, an extremely wealthy aristocrat of Jewish origin. The Kornfeld family had the wealth, wisdom, and connections to be able to leave some of its belongings behind in exchange for permission to make their way to Lisbon. Baumbach was ordered to go to the Kornfeld estate and inventory the artworks, furnishings, and other property. Rather than leave his "godson" behind in Budapest for three days, he took the boy with him. As Baumbach itemized the material, George walked around the grounds and spent time with Kornfeld's staff. It was his first visit to such a mansion, and the first time he rode a horse. He collaborated with no one and he paid attention to what he understood to be his primary responsibility: making sure that no one doubted that he was Sandor Kiss.

Sun issues correction, apologizes to Soros. In a September 18 correction, the Toronto Sun, Sun Media, and Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized:

He sent people to death camps and took their property. Now in his 80's he doesn't regret that at all. You would think a man with a conscience would at least revisi what he did and not be so flippant about it. You sure as hell wouldn't determine that it was the happiest time of your life.

[ame=]George Soros : György Schwartz : "The Happiest Time of My Life" - YouTube[/ame]
Sun issues correction, apologizes to Soros. In a September 18 correction, the Toronto Sun, Sun Media, and Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized:

Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized to Soros. Did you miss that?

The truth is that George Soros was a Jewish Nazi sympathizer and even said so in a 1998 60 Minutes interview with Steve Kroft..

KROFT: (Voiceover) These are pictures from 1944 of what happened to George Soros' friends and neighbors.
(Vintage footage of women and men with bags over their shoulders walking; crowd by a train)

KROFT: (Voiceover) You're a Hungarian Jew

Mr. SOROS: (Voiceover) Mm-hmm.

KROFT: (Voiceover) who escaped the Holocaust

Mr. SOROS: (Voiceover) Mm-hmm.
KROFT: (Voiceover) by - by posing as a Christian.

Mr. SOROS: (Voiceover) Right.

KROFT: (Voiceover) And you watched lots of people get shipped off to the death camps.
Mr. SOROS: Right. I was 14 years old. And I would say that that's when my character was made.
KROFT: In what way?
Mr. SOROS: That one should think ahead. One should understand and - and anticipate events and when - when one is threatened. It was a tremendous threat of evil. I mean, it was a - a very personal experience of evil.

KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
Mr. SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
Mr. SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.

KROFT: I mean, that's - that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?
Mr. SOROS: Not - not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don't - you don't see the connection. But it was - it created no - no problem at all.
KROFT: No feeling of guilt?
Mr. SOROS: No.

KROFT: For example that, 'I'm Jewish and here I am, watching these people go. I could just as easily be there. I should be there.' None of that?
Mr. SOROS: Well, of course I c - I could be on the other side or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away.
But there was no sense that I shouldn't be there, because that was - well, actually,
in a funny way, it's just like in markets - that if I weren't there - of course, I wasn't doing it, but somebody else would - would - would be taking it away anyhow. And it was the - whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator, the property was being taken away.
So the - I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt.

George Soros - A Jewish Nazi Sympathizer?

SO tell me how this NAZI sympathizer i.e. he went out with his protector and confiscated property from the Jews for the NAZIs is not a sympathizer??
I mean really??? YOU ignore HIS OWN admission that he saw and did nothing while his own people's property was seized?
THAT's not a sympathizer????

Evil sick donor of $8 billion to Democrats, counts Obama as a friend.. sick!!
Last edited:
Soros is a well-known supporter of progressive-liberal political causes. Between 1979 and 2011, Soros gave away over $8 billion....
Causes currency crisis...

On September 16, 1992, Black Wednesday, Soros' fund sold short more than $10 billion in pounds, profiting from the UK government's reluctance to either raise its interest rates to levels comparable to those of other European Exchange Rate Mechanism countries or to float its currency.
Finally, the UK withdrew from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, devaluing the pound, earning Soros an estimated $1.1 billion. He was dubbed "the man who broke the Bank of England". In 1997, the UK Treasury estimated the cost of Black Wednesday at £3.4 billion.

Economist Paul Krugman is critical of Soros' effect on financial markets.
"[N]obody who has read a business magazine in the last few years can be unaware that these days there really are investors who not only move money in anticipation of a currency crisis, but actually do their best to trigger that crisis for fun and profit. These new actors on the scene do not yet have a standard name; my proposed term is 'Soroi'."

George Soros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But of course this is OK right!!! Everyone knows that Soros is just having fun... at millions' expense!!!

Isn't Paul Krugman a (gasp) "liberal"?
He sent people to death camps and took their property. Now in his 80's he doesn't regret that at all. You would think a man with a conscience would at least revisi what he did and not be so flippant about it. You sure as hell wouldn't determine that it was the happiest time of your life.

George Soros : György Schwartz : "The Happiest Time of My Life" - YouTube
Sun issues correction, apologizes to Soros. In a September 18 correction, the Toronto Sun, Sun Media, and Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized:

Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized to Soros. Did you miss that?

The truth is that George Soros was a Jewish Nazi sympathizer and even said so in a 1998 60 Minutes interview with Steve Kroft..

KROFT: (Voiceover) These are pictures from 1944 of what happened to George Soros' friends and neighbors.
(Vintage footage of women and men with bags over their shoulders walking; crowd by a train)

KROFT: (Voiceover) You're a Hungarian Jew

Mr. SOROS: (Voiceover) Mm-hmm.

KROFT: (Voiceover) who escaped the Holocaust

Mr. SOROS: (Voiceover) Mm-hmm.
KROFT: (Voiceover) by - by posing as a Christian.

Mr. SOROS: (Voiceover) Right.

KROFT: (Voiceover) And you watched lots of people get shipped off to the death camps.
Mr. SOROS: Right. I was 14 years old. And I would say that that's when my character was made.
KROFT: In what way?
Mr. SOROS: That one should think ahead. One should understand and - and anticipate events and when - when one is threatened. It was a tremendous threat of evil. I mean, it was a - a very personal experience of evil.

KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
Mr. SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
Mr. SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.

KROFT: I mean, that's - that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?
Mr. SOROS: Not - not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don't - you don't see the connection. But it was - it created no - no problem at all.
KROFT: No feeling of guilt?
Mr. SOROS: No.

KROFT: For example that, 'I'm Jewish and here I am, watching these people go. I could just as easily be there. I should be there.' None of that?
Mr. SOROS: Well, of course I c - I could be on the other side or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away.
But there was no sense that I shouldn't be there, because that was - well, actually,
in a funny way, it's just like in markets - that if I weren't there - of course, I wasn't doing it, but somebody else would - would - would be taking it away anyhow. And it was the - whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator, the property was being taken away.
So the - I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt.

George Soros - A Jewish Nazi Sympathizer?

SO tell me how this NAZI sympathizer i.e. he went out with his protector and confiscated property from the Jews for the NAZIs is not a sympathizer??
I mean really??? YOU ignore HIS OWN admission that he saw and did nothing while his own people's property was seized?
THAT's not a sympathizer????

Evil sick donor of $8 billion to Democrats, counts Obama as a friend.. sick!!
You expected a 14 yo Jewish boy to turn himself in to the Nazis? How sick.
So the biographer is to believed more then Soros' own words!

GEEZ you guys are really really scrapping the bottom!!!
Soros is a well-known supporter of progressive-liberal political causes. Between 1979 and 2011, Soros gave away over $8 billion....
Causes currency crisis...

On September 16, 1992, Black Wednesday, Soros' fund sold short more than $10 billion in pounds, profiting from the UK government's reluctance to either raise its interest rates to levels comparable to those of other European Exchange Rate Mechanism countries or to float its currency.
Finally, the UK withdrew from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, devaluing the pound, earning Soros an estimated $1.1 billion. He was dubbed "the man who broke the Bank of England". In 1997, the UK Treasury estimated the cost of Black Wednesday at £3.4 billion.

Economist Paul Krugman is critical of Soros' effect on financial markets.
"[N]obody who has read a business magazine in the last few years can be unaware that these days there really are investors who not only move money in anticipation of a currency crisis, but actually do their best to trigger that crisis for fun and profit. These new actors on the scene do not yet have a standard name; my proposed term is 'Soroi'."

George Soros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But of course this is OK right!!! Everyone knows that Soros is just having fun... at millions' expense!!!

Isn't Paul Krugman a (gasp) "liberal"?

Jewish first. Honest obviously second. Liberal third!
Come folks that complain about THE KOCH brothers... (there are 2 brothers!!!) compared to this terrible example of GREEDY GREEDY man!

He caused deaths by people who lost money due to his shorting the pound!
He caused deaths all over the world with his advocacy of socialist agenda!

I was just going to mention that fact. While the Koch Brothers rate 59th on the list, Soros rates in the singles digits along with the unions. But hey, Soros is for the Marxist Progressives along with the unions, so we're not supposed to mention them, only shine the light of smears on the Koch Brothers.
Obama said.."We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"

THIS fraud said 10 million illegals won't be covered by ACA... YET HE COUNTS them as part of the 46 million uninsured!
THIS fraud as the Chief executive RUNS CMS which runs Medicaid!
So how come this fraud COUNTS 14 million people that say they are uninsured YET MEDICAID before ACA would have covered them!
Even the CENSUS says there is a In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey &#8220;&#8230;underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).&#8221; According to ARC, this &#8220;Medicaid undercount&#8221; leads to an over-assessment of the uninsured population and needs to be taken into consideration when developing uninsured estimates. "

IDIOT you f..king IDIOT! YOU and Obama selective forget that 14 million people counted as UNINSURED and USED in the 46 million figure are what
the CENSUS says is "underreports of coverage! YET Obama and you idiots still count them as part of the 46 million FRAUD NUMBER!

FINALLY you and the idiot Obama count 18 million people THAT CAN AFFORD (make over $50,000) don't want their employers' health plans as the already have
catastrophic insurance and spend on health less the $1,000 a year! YET YOU and that IDIOT fraudulently COUNT them as part of the 46 million.
SUBTRACT these 42 million from the 46 million and you have 4 million that truly want and need!
BUT YOU and that idiot Obama thought by puffing the numbers up 10 times reality that would work! AND IT DID! Idiots like you voted for ACA because they thought there were 46 million and DIDN"T EVEN question what constituted the "uninsured"!!!

So don't you dare call me a fraud! YOU and that IDIOT IN CHIEF have been pumping that 46 million number AND YOU both know it is PHONY!!!

Exactly, how many times have you posted what I bolded? 100 times? More? Geez Healthmyths, will you please get some new material. Oh and by the way, George W Bush used the same methodology as Obama when he talked about the uninsured.

NEW Material??? What a f...king insult to people dying because idiots like YOU believed that phony 46 million number!
People are dying because of ACA! It was passed by 7 votes because IDIOTS like YOU didn't TAKE THE SIMPLE time to check out the veracity of "46 million"!
GEEZ these "little details" are important because we are destroying OUR country over such gross exaggeration 4 million bloated to 46 million!
AND YOU say "new material"???
NO wonder you people are going to be smashed this fall! Senate will repeal. Impeach the imposter! He'll resign in disgrace and idiots like you will sit
with your thumb in mouth trying to say "oh yea well he was the first black president... !!!

NEW Material??? Tell that to the millions with canceled insurance BECAUSE IDIOTS like YOU can't do simple math!

Healthmyths, you have repeated the same thing over and over and over again. I'd say you have posted this crap almost word for word over a 100 times. George W Bush used the same methods for measuring the uninsured as Obama. Amazingly, you don't bring that up.
Secondly, I think you claimed to be on Medicare or Social Security once, yet you post like a twelve year old. I mean, what's up with words being capitalized?
When I close my eyes, I imagine you typing away, with your eyes bugging out and the veins in your neck bulging as you're capitalizing "IDIOT"! :laugh:
I can see you now.


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Exactly, how many times have you posted what I bolded? 100 times? More? Geez Healthmyths, will you please get some new material. Oh and by the way, George W Bush used the same methodology as Obama when he talked about the uninsured.

NEW Material??? What a f...king insult to people dying because idiots like YOU believed that phony 46 million number!
People are dying because of ACA! It was passed by 7 votes because IDIOTS like YOU didn't TAKE THE SIMPLE time to check out the veracity of "46 million"!
GEEZ these "little details" are important because we are destroying OUR country over such gross exaggeration 4 million bloated to 46 million!
AND YOU say "new material"???
NO wonder you people are going to be smashed this fall! Senate will repeal. Impeach the imposter! He'll resign in disgrace and idiots like you will sit
with your thumb in mouth trying to say "oh yea well he was the first black president... !!!

NEW Material??? Tell that to the millions with canceled insurance BECAUSE IDIOTS like YOU can't do simple math!

Healthmyths, you have repeated the same thing over and over and over again. I'd say you have posted this crap almost word for word over a 100 times. George W Bush used the same methods for measuring the uninsured as Obama. Amazingly, you don't bring that up.
Secondly, I think you claimed to be on Medicare or Social Security once, yet you post like a twelve year old. I mean, what's up with words being capitalized?
When I close my eyes, I imagine you typing away, with your eyes bugging out and the veins in your neck bulging as you're capitalizing "IDIOT"! :laugh:
I can see you now.

AND IF BUSH counted 46 million HE WAS F..king WRONG also!
YOU can't change the facts be you Dem or GOP!

And yes even uninformed conservatives use that number AND they are wrong!

What is so hard about understanding that OBAMA said 10 million illegals will not be covered by ACA... YET HE counts them as part of the 46 million uninsured!
What is so hard in understanding BUSH/OBAMA's FAILURE to register 14 million people eligible for Medicaid.. YET they counted them as part of the 46 million!
What is so hard in understanding you subtract 24 million from 46 million leaves 22 million. Is that not correct? 46 - 22 equals 24 million!
NOW here comes really hard part obviously for people like you...
18 million people don't need health insurance! They are "the invincibles" They also can afford their employers' health plans. But they CHOOSE not to spend the money!

That leaves 4 million. NOT 46 million.

NOW if people so dumb as you still don't understand there NEVER were 46 million truly "uninsured" then YOU and they are drooling idiots including Bush and conservatives!
NEW Material??? What a f...king insult to people dying because idiots like YOU believed that phony 46 million number!
People are dying because of ACA! It was passed by 7 votes because IDIOTS like YOU didn't TAKE THE SIMPLE time to check out the veracity of "46 million"!
GEEZ these "little details" are important because we are destroying OUR country over such gross exaggeration 4 million bloated to 46 million!
AND YOU say "new material"???
NO wonder you people are going to be smashed this fall! Senate will repeal. Impeach the imposter! He'll resign in disgrace and idiots like you will sit
with your thumb in mouth trying to say "oh yea well he was the first black president... !!!

NEW Material??? Tell that to the millions with canceled insurance BECAUSE IDIOTS like YOU can't do simple math!

Healthmyths, you have repeated the same thing over and over and over again. I'd say you have posted this crap almost word for word over a 100 times. George W Bush used the same methods for measuring the uninsured as Obama. Amazingly, you don't bring that up.
Secondly, I think you claimed to be on Medicare or Social Security once, yet you post like a twelve year old. I mean, what's up with words being capitalized?
When I close my eyes, I imagine you typing away, with your eyes bugging out and the veins in your neck bulging as you're capitalizing "IDIOT"! :laugh:
I can see you now.

AND IF BUSH counted 46 million HE WAS F..king WRONG also!
YOU can't change the facts be you Dem or GOP!

And yes even uninformed conservatives use that number AND they are wrong!

What is so hard about understanding that OBAMA said 10 million illegals will not be covered by ACA... YET HE counts them as part of the 46 million uninsured!
What is so hard in understanding BUSH/OBAMA's FAILURE to register 14 million people eligible for Medicaid.. YET they counted them as part of the 46 million!
What is so hard in understanding you subtract 24 million from 46 million leaves 22 million. Is that not correct? 46 - 22 equals 24 million!
NOW here comes really hard part obviously for people like you...
18 million people don't need health insurance! They are "the invincibles" They also can afford their employers' health plans. But they CHOOSE not to spend the money!

That leaves 4 million. NOT 46 million.

NOW if people so dumb as you still don't understand there NEVER were 46 million truly "uninsured" then YOU and they are drooling idiots including Bush and conservatives!

you seem a tad overheated; try decaf
Healthmyths, you have repeated the same thing over and over and over again. I'd say you have posted this crap almost word for word over a 100 times. George W Bush used the same methods for measuring the uninsured as Obama. Amazingly, you don't bring that up.
Secondly, I think you claimed to be on Medicare or Social Security once, yet you post like a twelve year old. I mean, what's up with words being capitalized?
When I close my eyes, I imagine you typing away, with your eyes bugging out and the veins in your neck bulging as you're capitalizing "IDIOT"! :laugh:
I can see you now.

AND IF BUSH counted 46 million HE WAS F..king WRONG also!
YOU can't change the facts be you Dem or GOP!

And yes even uninformed conservatives use that number AND they are wrong!

What is so hard about understanding that OBAMA said 10 million illegals will not be covered by ACA... YET HE counts them as part of the 46 million uninsured!
What is so hard in understanding BUSH/OBAMA's FAILURE to register 14 million people eligible for Medicaid.. YET they counted them as part of the 46 million!
What is so hard in understanding you subtract 24 million from 46 million leaves 22 million. Is that not correct? 46 - 22 equals 24 million!
NOW here comes really hard part obviously for people like you...
18 million people don't need health insurance! They are "the invincibles" They also can afford their employers' health plans. But they CHOOSE not to spend the money!

That leaves 4 million. NOT 46 million.

NOW if people so dumb as you still don't understand there NEVER were 46 million truly "uninsured" then YOU and they are drooling idiots including Bush and conservatives!

you seem a tad overheated; try decaf

Obviously ignorance is bliss in your case!
How people like you can be so absolutely stupid in simple arithmetic!
10 million people counted by Obama as "uninsured" are NOT citizens.
14 million people counted by Obama as "uninsured" ARE IN FACT already eligible.. if they weren't so uninformed or lazy as I know 2 of these 14 million they'd be covered by Medicaid!
18 million don't want or NEED health insurance.
So when idiots keep repeating "46 million" uninsured... I have to shout to get your f...king attention..THERE NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured!

So why in the f..k was ACA needed then?
YOU and the masses as well as the politicians keep ignoring the gigantic gorilla in the room... $850 Billion a year insurance/medicare pay in claims for services that
doctors say are totally unnecessary! But they continue to bill at the rate of $850 billion a year. And it is this gross totally gross misperception of the mass of idiots like you
that protect this totally unnecessary charges! All because you are f...king dumb!
90% of doctors surveyed say they HAVE to do duplicate tests,refer to specialists NOT because they get a referral fee as MOST of you ignorant people think (which by the way
is ILLEGAL ..called the Stark Law!!) but they fear being sued!
And as a result they do duplicate tests. Insurance/medicare pay the claims. It is in their minds cheaper then having to go to court!
HENCE the $850 billion a year THAT is NOT necessary! Cut that figure by 20% and watch how quickly premiums would HAVE to by LAW go down!
Again idiots like you have NO f...king idea how insurance works, how state regulators work and how simply reducing that $850 billion would mean lower premiums!

But these are more complicated then anyone like you that can't do simple subtraction of 42 million from 46 bogus million uninsured!

Last edited:


ACA HAS NO TORT reform! Because 47% of congress are lawyers AS is our dip shit president! Lawyers!
Why didn't for simple solution TAX lawyers 10% as tanning salons are taxed in ACA?
$27 billion of their $270 billion a year in income would then be used to pay the premiums for the 4 million that are truly uninsured and can't get it.
Then when the "uninsured" goes to the hospital, the hospital means tests the patient to see if they qualify for: A Medicaid! B) the uninsured health insurance!
So instead of the hospitals sometimes overcharging insurance/medicare 6,000% for services to recover the uninsured costs..
the claims are sent to the uninsured health ins. co. that bid on managing the 4 million uninsured!
The $27 billion in tax revenue would then be used to pay the premium.

THAT simple.
The 10% tax on lawyers would decline in ratio to the decline in the $850 billion a year in wasted unnecessary tests!

BUT there is nothing like that in ACA... the closest is this directly from the ACA Bill you can download and read as I have!!!
Do a search on the document!
You will not find one word about TORT reform!

Tort reform in the health care law? No

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