Soros: $8 BILLION given to liberal/progressive causes...

If you want something in ACA, ADD IT. ACA is only a beginning of fixing our idiotic GOP health system...
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What in Hell is "ACA"?

Oh wait, you mean Obamacare!

Nice try at obscuring the handiwork of Your Failed New Messiah.

But, like He, failed.
If you want something in ACA, ADD IT. ACA is only a beginning of fixing our idiotic GOP health system...

Because even you with your two masters and self proclaimed IQ of 145 don't seem to understand!
YOUR entire premise of "fixing the health system" was based on fixing it for HOW MANY????
As I've proven over and over and over again! The "fixing" was based on the phony number of 46 million "uninsured". THERE NEVER WERE!
So how in the hell is there going to be a fix of 2,000+ pages, now 30,000 pages of regulations.. and now people having their insurance cancelled IF you can't
even get the number right as to how many were being affected..i.e. THERE NEVER were 46 million people affected!
10 million are not citizens..14 million are people that CMS hasn't enrolled but are clearly at poverty level for MEDICAID.. that leaves 22 million of which there are
18 million under 34 that have no need.. and if they did they can afford as they make over $50,000 and don't need their employers' health plan!

BUT if you and your fellow intellectual elites had the miniscule grasp of how insurance worked and how the $850 billion a year that physicians attest the send to the insurance/Medicare claims to be paid that are simply defensive medicine out of fear of lawsuits... then you might see how f..king stupid ACA is!

Honestly franco you told us you had an IQ of 145... how in the hell can that be if you can't even subtract 42 million from 46 million and comprehend there
are only 4 million people not qualified for Medicaid, but can't get insurance which is what should have been addressed.
AND that would have been addressed by taxing the millionaire lawyers you are so intent on defending!
There were 1,245,205 licensed lawyers in 2011,
Their median income $113,530 per year.
from this source: Lawyers : Occupational Outlook Handbook : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Legal services: Legal services generated $240.3 billion in revenue during 2010. Firms in this sector provided a variety of legal services including litigation support, general corporate services, plaintiff and defense work for individuals and companies, patent agent services, paralegal services, and process serving services.
The Professional Services Industry in the United States | SelectUSA

Given inflation rate of 2.6% over the last 3 years and that revenue is now nearly $260 Billion! Of which $26 billion taxed at 10% would pay a $5,000 per each of the 4 million truly uninsured!
THAT simple!
every time libs bitch about the Koch brothers but neglect to condemn soros they confirm the hypocrites they are
Toronto Sun corrects Soros-Nazi smear | Research | Media Matters for America

The Toronto Sun issued a correction to a column they recently published claiming that George Soros, as a child, "collaborated with the Nazis." This smear has long been popular among conservatives attacking Soros for his support of progressive causes.

Sun column smears Soros as Nazi "collaborator," paper apologizes

Columnist claimed Soros "collaborated with the Nazis" to survive Holocaust. In a September 5 Toronto Sun column (accessed via Nexis), Ezra Levant wrote of Soros:

When the Nazis took total control of Hungary in 1944, the Holocaust followed. In two months, 440,000 Hungarian Jews were deported to death camps.

To survive, George, then a teenager, collaborated with the Nazis.

First he worked for the Judenrat. That was the Jewish council set up by the Nazis to do their dirty work for them. Instead of the Nazis rounding up Jews every day for the trains, they delegated that murderous task to Jews who were willing to do it to survive another day at the expense of their neighbours.

Theodore hatched a better plan for his son. He bribed a non-Jewish official at the agriculture ministry to let George live with him. George helped the official confiscate property from Jews.

By collaborating with the Nazis, George survived the Holocaust. He turned on other Jews to spare himself.

Levant distorted the conduct of Soros, who was 14 years old at the time. As Media Matters has noted, Soros, who discussed his childhood in Nazi-occupied Hungary in a 1998 interview on CBS' 60 Minutes, was only a young teen during the Holocaust and was under the care of a Hungarian Agriculture Ministry employee, posing as his godson. On 60 Minutes, Soros said that he accompanied his "godfather" as he went to oversee the confiscation of property from Hungarian Jews.

As biographer Michael Kaufman wrote in Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire (page 37):

This is what actually happened. Shortly after George went to live with Baumbach, the man was assigned to take inventory on the vast estate of Mor Kornfeld, an extremely wealthy aristocrat of Jewish origin. The Kornfeld family had the wealth, wisdom, and connections to be able to leave some of its belongings behind in exchange for permission to make their way to Lisbon. Baumbach was ordered to go to the Kornfeld estate and inventory the artworks, furnishings, and other property. Rather than leave his "godson" behind in Budapest for three days, he took the boy with him. As Baumbach itemized the material, George walked around the grounds and spent time with Kornfeld's staff. It was his first visit to such a mansion, and the first time he rode a horse. He collaborated with no one and he paid attention to what he understood to be his primary responsibility: making sure that no one doubted that he was Sandor Kiss.

Sun issues correction, apologizes to Soros. In a September 18 correction, the Toronto Sun, Sun Media, and Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized:

He sent people to death camps and took their property. Now in his 80's he doesn't regret that at all. You would think a man with a conscience would at least revisi what he did and not be so flippant about it. You sure as hell wouldn't determine that it was the happiest time of your life.

[ame=]George Soros : György Schwartz : "The Happiest Time of My Life" - YouTube[/ame]
Sun issues correction, apologizes to Soros. In a September 18 correction, the Toronto Sun, Sun Media, and Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized:

Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized to Soros. Did you miss that?

Soros owns Canada, of course their media apologized, editor didn't want his knees broken!
SO again... Soros makes donations' HEADLINES!!!
Soros group triples its lobbying spending
Well, not the billionaire himself, but the Open Society Policy Center, the Washington-based advocacy affiliate of his Open Society Foundations.

Soros and his generous support of liberal causes, through his philanthropy and his personal political spending, have long been the subject of conservative ire. But, until now, he hasn&#8217;t done much on the formal lobbying front, and the group&#8217;s huge increase in reported spending &#8212;
it hit $11 million in 2013, more than triple the $3.25 million it spent the previous year &#8212; has drawn remarkably little notice.

The Open Society Foundations reported last summer that it had spent more than $100 million on immigrant rights in the United States since 1997.
But private foundations like Soros&#8217;s are prohibited by the tax code from lobbying, and the grants they make generally include similar restrictions. Instead, through its advocacy affiliate &#8212; donations to which are not tax deductible &#8212; they can lobby and support others.

Soros group triples its lobbying spending - The Washington Post
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Somehow that Wiki article omits mention of David Koch donating so much to the ultra-liberal PBS! Maybe that's because honest liberals (OK, oxymoron alert justified) would immediately tune out PBS and start trying to shut it down if they but knew. Of course it's in the credits for the various shows funded with Koch money but liberals, through their inability to wade through Obamacare, have demonstrated their inability - or at least unwillingness - to read at all.
This is definitely wrong. He needs to give that money to me. Period! :eusa_angel:

SO again... Soros makes donations' HEADLINES!!!
Soros group triples its lobbying spending
Well, not the billionaire himself, but the Open Society Policy Center, the Washington-based advocacy affiliate of his Open Society Foundations.

Soros and his generous support of liberal causes, through his philanthropy and his personal political spending, have long been the subject of conservative ire. But, until now, he hasn’t done much on the formal lobbying front, and the group’s huge increase in reported spending —
it hit $11 million in 2013, more than triple the $3.25 million it spent the previous year — has drawn remarkably little notice.

The Open Society Foundations reported last summer that it had spent more than $100 million on immigrant rights in the United States since 1997.
But private foundations like Soros’s are prohibited by the tax code from lobbying, and the grants they make generally include similar restrictions. Instead, through its advocacy affiliate — donations to which are not tax deductible — they can lobby and support others.

Soros group triples its lobbying spending - The Washington Post
every time libs bitch about the Koch brothers but neglect to condemn soros they confirm the hypocrites they are

Every time a modern liberal opens their mouth about their positions on everything they show what hypocrites they are. It's cases like this one that show that these liberals are SHAMELESS hypocrites.
come people, we should know Soros and Union money given to a political party FOR FAVORS and to take out opponents with any dirt (like EX AIDES Emails) they can dig up, is different
Somehow that Wiki article omits mention of David Koch donating so much to the ultra-liberal PBS! Maybe that's because honest liberals (OK, oxymoron alert justified) would immediately tune out PBS and start trying to shut it down if they but knew. Of course it's in the credits for the various shows funded with Koch money but liberals, through their inability to wade through Obamacare, have demonstrated their inability - or at least unwillingness - to read at all.

PBS (and NPR) are not ultra liberal, in fact they are both fair and balanced. Anyone who watches/listens carefully and is not a partisan hack who parrots ^^^ right wing propaganda knows this to be true.
come people, we should know Soros and Union money given to a political party FOR FAVORS and to take out opponents with any dirt (like EX AIDES Emails) they can dig up, is different

And the GOP does the same...
Somehow that Wiki article omits mention of David Koch donating so much to the ultra-liberal PBS! Maybe that's because honest liberals (OK, oxymoron alert justified) would immediately tune out PBS and start trying to shut it down if they but knew. Of course it's in the credits for the various shows funded with Koch money but liberals, through their inability to wade through Obamacare, have demonstrated their inability - or at least unwillingness - to read at all.

PBS (and NPR) are not ultra liberal, in fact they are both fair and balanced. Anyone who watches/listens carefully and is not a partisan hack who parrots ^^^ right wing propaganda knows this to be true.

Keep on believing. You'll lose your parking space at DNC HQ if your faith wavers!
Come folks that complain about THE KOCH brothers... (there are 2 brothers!!!) compared to this terrible example of GREEDY GREEDY man!

He caused deaths by people who lost money due to his shorting the pound!
He caused deaths all over the world with his advocacy of socialist agenda!

I don't blame either the Koch brothers or Soros for using their money to influence government to their own benefit. I blame us for letting them do it to our own detriment.

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