Soros Funded Agitators disrupt Republican Townhalls Across the Country

You elected a far worse person in Trump. I never voted for Soros. You voted for Trump.

You voted for felon George Soros when you voted for Clinton and petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama

I never voted for Bill Clinton. I voted for Obama. It had nothing to do with George Soros.

You did vote for Trump. Trump was a wealthy business cheat.
Bill Clinton? what decade do you think you're living in, dufus. Soros funded Hillary Clinton. Even how she got nominated was totally rigged and crooked.
How was it rigged?
Either you're acting dumb and ignorant or you are.

DNC chairwoman will resign in aftermath of committee email controversy

Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida was forced aside by the release of thousands of embarrassing emails among party officials that appeared to show coordinated efforts to help Clinton at the expense of her rivals in the Democratic primaries. That contradicted claims by the party and the Clinton campaign that the process was open and fair for her leading challenger, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

Donna Brazile fired as CNN contributor after tipping off Clinton campaign

CNN announced Monday that it had severed ties with acting Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile in the wake of leaked emails showing that she shared questions for CNN-sponsored candidate events with friends on Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor,” said Lauren Pratapas, a network spokeswoman.

E-mails mean nothing. Actions do.

You have to remember that the Democrat Party obviously preferred Clinton as she had been a supporting member for decades. Bernie was a Democrat for a year - switched only to run.

That debate question (rather obvious) was when Clinton was leading by over 300 delegates and was well on the road to victory. Any political party urges others to drop out when the winner has an insurmountable lead. Republicans did it with Santorum.
turning around to return to the Bush recession, housing collapse, near financial meltdown, quagmire wars, losing 800,000 jobs a month & a shrinking economy?
How was that Bush's fault?

Slashing revenue at a time of war. Unfunded tax cuts, unfunded expansion to Medicare. Going to an unfunded war with Iraq based on lies. Allowing the banking industry to put our country at risk for their gain.
Bush didn't slash revenue, there was a small break in tax relief. We got to keep a little more of our money, which we spent. That's weak. Lefties have no problem with Obama running up the debt 10 TRILLION dollars and blame a small tax cut for the recession. And Fannie and Freddie was right in the middle of the housing crash, that wasn't Bush's baby.
What happens when you cut taxers & increase spending? We were going to war in Afghanistan & Bush got his tax cut which heavily favored the wealthy. You can't name anything Obama got that added more to the debt than what was in place when he took office. He tool office with a projected trillion dollar deficit before he spent anything new.

The fact is that you whiners can't admit your party nearly killed America under Bush. You dumbasses took us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years. Great job!

Now you asshats want to cut regulations so they can do it again.
^^^ fake statement. ^^^^. Democrats caused the housing crises. We've got video.
Wrong, a 14 year old is fully capable of determining whether the property he is stealing from someone is theft, or not. Fourteen year olds are tried as adults for their crimes all the time. You defend him being a nazi collaborator you mean? The fact is HE WAS a collaborator. And he admits to having LOVED the experience.

Color me unsurprised that you defend his actions. You no doubt have dreams of being a camp guard.
To ideologues guilt and innosense are meaningless.

All that matters is whether you are useful to the ideology or not.

Apparently Soros is still useful to the hard core left, therefore he is defended.
You voted for felon George Soros when you voted for Clinton and petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama

I never voted for Bill Clinton. I voted for Obama. It had nothing to do with George Soros.

You did vote for Trump. Trump was a wealthy business cheat.
Bill Clinton? what decade do you think you're living in, dufus. Soros funded Hillary Clinton. Even how she got nominated was totally rigged and crooked.
How was it rigged?
Either you're acting dumb and ignorant or you are.

DNC chairwoman will resign in aftermath of committee email controversy

Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida was forced aside by the release of thousands of embarrassing emails among party officials that appeared to show coordinated efforts to help Clinton at the expense of her rivals in the Democratic primaries. That contradicted claims by the party and the Clinton campaign that the process was open and fair for her leading challenger, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

Donna Brazile fired as CNN contributor after tipping off Clinton campaign

CNN announced Monday that it had severed ties with acting Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile in the wake of leaked emails showing that she shared questions for CNN-sponsored candidate events with friends on Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor,” said Lauren Pratapas, a network spokeswoman.

E-mails mean nothing. Actions do.

You have to remember that the Democrat Party obviously preferred Clinton as she had been a supporting member for decades. Bernie was a Democrat for a year - switched only to run.

That debate question (rather obvious) was when Clinton was leading by over 300 delegates and was well on the road to victory. Any political party urges others to drop out when the winner has an insurmountable lead. Republicans did it with Santorum.
yeah yeah yeah. Wake up, the Democratic Party leader resigned, and Hillary was caught cheating with a CNN rep. Who gave her the debate questions.
Where are the Republican troops to counter these idiots? Where are the bouncers to eject these retards and restore order in the meetings?

Never mind, the GOP Reps dont have the balls to do what they have to do.


Anger erupts at Republican town halls -
I am in favor of using any necessary force, up to and including lethal force against the actual anarchists and communists that are rioting. The peaceful protesters that stand on a sidewalk with their signs are acceptable. As for those who deliberately try to shout down and interfere with speakers in town halls or on campuses, they need to be forcibly removed so that the speakers can continue. I am also in favor of law enforcement, either local or federal, arresting those violent protesters calling for the end of the nation and its Constitution and charging them with serious crimes such as:
Sedition: Conduct inciting people to rebel against the government.
Treason: Betraying one's country by attempting to overthrow it.
Or, conspiracy to commit sedition of treason. Find who is funding the rioters and charge that individual with the crime(s). That person might be George Soros.
What is the deal with the use of Soros name attached to any & all things liberal ? is this guy like superman?
No the Nazi sympathizer is just a billionaire determined to destroy America.
Literally behind every anarchist you'll find Soros paying the anarchist somehow.
The good news is the fucking bastard can't live forever.
Overheard in a Sushi bar on Hollywood Boulevard: "I still don't know why Hillary lost. Everyone I know voted for her".
Ronald Reagan, who defied campus rioters threatening him with violence thusly: "If it takes a bloodbath, let's get it over with."
Check it out. The Soros-haters are still in a state of full-blown snowflake meltdown. Why? Because their masters told them to melt down.

It's a two-way love affair. Their Stalinist masters love the Soros-haters for being such reliable Useful Idiots, and the Soros-haters love their masters because they give them the okay to let their Stalinist freak flags fly. Without exception, every Soros-hater is a proud Stalinist, demanding that government violently silence anyone who dares contradict the sacred teachings of TheParty.
Check it out. The Soros-haters are still in a state of full-blown snowflake meltdown. Why? Because their masters told them to melt down.

It's a two-way love affair. Their Stalinist masters love the Soros-haters for being such reliable Useful Idiots, and the Soros-haters love their masters because they give them the okay to let their Stalinist freak flags fly. Without exception, every Soros-hater is a proud Stalinist, demanding that government violently silence anyone who dares contradict the sacred teachings of TheParty.
So I guess that makes you a Soros ass kisser? LOL

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