Soros Funded Takes Credit for Violence In Chicago

So, they are now bragging about being violent. Wow and the left is blaming Trump because he tells supporters to defend themselves from these liberal cretins. The liberal left has been bought and now being sold by none other then Soros.

Of course if i were trying to get Mrs. Tulza Clinton elected I certainly would try anything other then running on her record.


Soros Funded Takes Credit for Violence in Chicago

Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.
Did this guy really link us to infowars as a legitimate news source? lol next thing we know Elvis is alive and planned 9/11! It is all a conspiracy!

For the record, it certainly looks like was a large part of organizing the protests against Trump, the issue is that infowars conflates truth with misdirection, bias and, sometimes, outright lies...using it as a primary news source is a laughable practice at best.
So, they are now bragging about being violent. Wow and the left is blaming Trump because he tells supporters to defend themselves from these liberal cretins. The liberal left has been bought and now being sold by none other then Soros.

Of course if i were trying to get Mrs. Tulza Clinton elected I certainly would try anything other then running on her record.


Soros Funded Takes Credit for Violence in Chicago

Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.
Did this guy really link us to infowars as a legitimate news source? lol next thing we know Elvis is alive and planned 9/11! It is all a conspiracy!

For the record, it certainly looks like was a large part of organizing the protests against Trump, the issue is that infowars conflates truth with misdirection, bias and, sometimes, outright lies...using it as a primary news source is a laughable practice at best.

Blah blah f...king blah. You liberals are like a scratched record.
So, they are now bragging about being violent. Wow and the left is blaming Trump because he tells supporters to defend themselves from these liberal cretins. The liberal left has been bought and now being sold by none other then Soros.

Of course if i were trying to get Mrs. Tulza Clinton elected I certainly would try anything other then running on her record.


Soros Funded Takes Credit for Violence in Chicago

Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.
Did this guy really link us to infowars as a legitimate news source? lol next thing we know Elvis is alive and planned 9/11! It is all a conspiracy!

For the record, it certainly looks like was a large part of organizing the protests against Trump, the issue is that infowars conflates truth with misdirection, bias and, sometimes, outright lies...using it as a primary news source is a laughable practice at best.

Blah blah f...king blah. You liberals are like a scratched record.
my October Surprise Prediction? one of those 15 foot long, man eating lobsters breaks into the Soros estate, takes him out, then eats him,,,but coats him with 50 pounds of butter first.
Maybe Trump can issue an EO after he's sworn in as President to shut down these hate groups.

he should start with the kkk.....

but that would actually violate the first amendment.....

I would think without contradiction that you would hold as much contempt for Bill Ayers and Bernardene Dorhne as you do for Lavon Finnicum.
Perhaps you and the rest of the anti rancher crowd could enlighten us.
Soros Funded Takes Credit for Violence In Chicago

I want a refund. When I donated I was promised at least 100 or more violent acts per 20,000 protesters. What a ripoff. Does no one have any ethics these days...
Maybe Trump can issue an EO after he's sworn in as President to shut down these hate groups.

What about the many hate groups supporting him?

Will he shut those down too?
Maybe Trump can issue an EO after he's sworn in as President to shut down these hate groups.

What about the many hate groups supporting him?

Will he shut those down too?
And Bill ayers and bernardene Dorhne aren't hate groups
Here is more of this nasty Billionaire who has supported and FUNDED the Democrat party and every leftwing Anti-American hate groups in this country like, BLM, OWS, moveon, etc. what sick to watch, is the people supporting that party are helping to cut their OWN THROATS

George Soros Forms Pro “Illegals” Super PAC To Shift Election
CONSTITUTION ^ | March 12, 2016 | Rick Wells

Posted on ‎3‎/‎12‎/‎2016‎ ‎9‎:‎38‎:‎04‎ ‎PM


' Soros Dumping Millions Into Questionable Voter Influence Campaign – Illegals?

Billionaire anti-American financier and globalist agitator George Soros has joined with some of his well-heeled fellow leftists to target Donald Trump and other select Republicans in the fall. Their tools in the onslaught are what the New York Times describes as "Latinos and other immigrants" None of these media types make any distinction between a legal citizen who was at one point an immigrant to the United States and later naturalized and entitled to vote, a green card holder who is legal but cannot vote, and one who is in the country illegally.

Naturalized citizens will likely not be the fertile soil of discontent that Soros and his comrades are planning to cultivate. They would have a respect and appreciation for the United States and their accomplishment of attaining US citizenship, providing no avenue of exploitation for the Marxists. Those who are here illegally, who plan to take advantage of the mechanisms for abuse that the Democrats have installed into our electoral process, are not so encumbered. Although they are not entitled to vote legally, they aren't legally allowed to be in the United States either. That doesn’t seem to matter much.

All they need to be told is that their illegal vote will enhance their prospects for remaining in the country or told an inflammatory story and the motivation is there. They need only be given the access that has been being manufactured over the years.

Soros' contribution to the PAC will be $5 million, according to the New York Times, with his comrades coughing up the other $10 million.

In asserting his supposed reason for embarking on this project, which will fund existing organizations rather than creating new ones, Soros distorted the language used by Donald Trump. Soros complained about the tone of the race, saying, "The intense anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric that has been fueled by the Republican primary is deeply offensive. It is harmful to our democracy and to our national interests."

What is harmful to our "Republic" is Soros's dishonesty and his Marxist agitation. His so-called immigrants have no right to be in this country illegally and America’s Muslim concerns are directly related to the mass murder that often follows wherever they go as well as their inflated numbers and unwillingness to assimilate. He claims our actions are offensive but it is his intrusion into our American internal affairs which is truly offensive.

He's got an unexplained affinity with the Muslims who are invading the Western world, and responsibility for much of what is taking place. His involvement with the overrunning of European nations by hordes of invading Islamists is evidence of the disingenuous nature of his comments. He has no concern for the wellbeing of either those European nations or of ours.

all of it here:
George Soros Forms Pro "Illegals" Super PAC To Shift Election | RickWells.US
So, they are now bragging about being violent. Wow and the left is blaming Trump because he tells supporters to defend themselves from these liberal cretins. The liberal left has been bought and now being sold by none other then Soros.

Of course if i were trying to get Mrs. Tulza Clinton elected I certainly would try anything other then running on her record.


Soros Funded Takes Credit for Violence in Chicago

Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.
Did this guy really link us to infowars as a legitimate news source? lol next thing we know Elvis is alive and planned 9/11! It is all a conspiracy!

For the record, it certainly looks like was a large part of organizing the protests against Trump, the issue is that infowars conflates truth with misdirection, bias and, sometimes, outright lies...using it as a primary news source is a laughable practice at best.

I agree with you, inforwars has their spin.

But they are tellling the truth about what is going on. The globalists are manipulating the masses and the nation's perception of what is going on.
So, they are now bragging about being violent. Wow and the left is blaming Trump because he tells supporters to defend themselves from these liberal cretins. The liberal left has been bought and now being sold by none other then Soros.

Of course if i were trying to get Mrs. Tulza Clinton elected I certainly would try anything other then running on her record.


Soros Funded Takes Credit for Violence in Chicago

Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.

You got a quote from him where he takes credit for violence, or threatens more, or did you just make it up. Nothing in the link shows either.

You didn't read the story, did you, moron?
Here is more of this nasty Billionaire who has supported and FUNDED the Democrat party and every leftwing Anti-American hate groups in this country like, BLM, OWS, moveon, etc. what sick to watch, is the people supporting that party are helping to cut their OWN THROATS

George Soros Forms Pro “Illegals” Super PAC To Shift Election
CONSTITUTION ^ | March 12, 2016 | Rick Wells

Posted on ‎3‎/‎12‎/‎2016‎ ‎9‎:‎38‎:‎04‎ ‎PM


' Soros Dumping Millions Into Questionable Voter Influence Campaign – Illegals?

Billionaire anti-American financier and globalist agitator George Soros has joined with some of his well-heeled fellow leftists to target Donald Trump and other select Republicans in the fall. Their tools in the onslaught are what the New York Times describes as "Latinos and other immigrants" None of these media types make any distinction between a legal citizen who was at one point an immigrant to the United States and later naturalized and entitled to vote, a green card holder who is legal but cannot vote, and one who is in the country illegally.

Naturalized citizens will likely not be the fertile soil of discontent that Soros and his comrades are planning to cultivate. They would have a respect and appreciation for the United States and their accomplishment of attaining US citizenship, providing no avenue of exploitation for the Marxists. Those who are here illegally, who plan to take advantage of the mechanisms for abuse that the Democrats have installed into our electoral process, are not so encumbered. Although they are not entitled to vote legally, they aren't legally allowed to be in the United States either. That doesn’t seem to matter much.

All they need to be told is that their illegal vote will enhance their prospects for remaining in the country or told an inflammatory story and the motivation is there. They need only be given the access that has been being manufactured over the years.

Soros' contribution to the PAC will be $5 million, according to the New York Times, with his comrades coughing up the other $10 million.

In asserting his supposed reason for embarking on this project, which will fund existing organizations rather than creating new ones, Soros distorted the language used by Donald Trump. Soros complained about the tone of the race, saying, "The intense anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric that has been fueled by the Republican primary is deeply offensive. It is harmful to our democracy and to our national interests."

What is harmful to our "Republic" is Soros's dishonesty and his Marxist agitation. His so-called immigrants have no right to be in this country illegally and America’s Muslim concerns are directly related to the mass murder that often follows wherever they go as well as their inflated numbers and unwillingness to assimilate. He claims our actions are offensive but it is his intrusion into our American internal affairs which is truly offensive.

He's got an unexplained affinity with the Muslims who are invading the Western world, and responsibility for much of what is taking place. His involvement with the overrunning of European nations by hordes of invading Islamists is evidence of the disingenuous nature of his comments. He has no concern for the wellbeing of either those European nations or of ours.

all of it here:
George Soros Forms Pro "Illegals" Super PAC To Shift Election | RickWells.US

Are you sure that guy is still breathing? He looks like he's been decomposing for at least a week.
So, they are now bragging about being violent. Wow and the left is blaming Trump because he tells supporters to defend themselves from these liberal cretins. The liberal left has been bought and now being sold by none other then Soros.

Of course if i were trying to get Mrs. Tulza Clinton elected I certainly would try anything other then running on her record.


Soros Funded Takes Credit for Violence in Chicago

Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.

You got a quote from him where he takes credit for violence, or threatens more, or did you just make it up. Nothing in the link shows either.

You didn't read the story, did you, moron?

Yes I did. It didn't say he took credit for any violence. You're just imagining that he did.
So, they are now bragging about being violent. Wow and the left is blaming Trump because he tells supporters to defend themselves from these liberal cretins. The liberal left has been bought and now being sold by none other then Soros.

Of course if i were trying to get Mrs. Tulza Clinton elected I certainly would try anything other then running on her record.


Soros Funded Takes Credit for Violence in Chicago

Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.

You got a quote from him where he takes credit for violence, or threatens more, or did you just make it up. Nothing in the link shows either.

You didn't read the story, did you, moron?

Yes I did. It didn't say he took credit for any violence. You're just imagining that he did.

Of course he didn't admit to committing a crime on a public tweet.

Libs are such pathetic douche bags.
Here is more of this nasty Billionaire who has supported and FUNDED the Democrat party and every leftwing Anti-American hate groups in this country like, BLM, OWS, moveon, etc. what sick to watch, is the people supporting that party are helping to cut their OWN THROATS

George Soros Forms Pro “Illegals” Super PAC To Shift Election
CONSTITUTION ^ | March 12, 2016 | Rick Wells

Posted on ‎3‎/‎12‎/‎2016‎ ‎9‎:‎38‎:‎04‎ ‎PM


' Soros Dumping Millions Into Questionable Voter Influence Campaign – Illegals?

Billionaire anti-American financier and globalist agitator George Soros has joined with some of his well-heeled fellow leftists to target Donald Trump and other select Republicans in the fall. Their tools in the onslaught are what the New York Times describes as "Latinos and other immigrants" None of these media types make any distinction between a legal citizen who was at one point an immigrant to the United States and later naturalized and entitled to vote, a green card holder who is legal but cannot vote, and one who is in the country illegally.

Naturalized citizens will likely not be the fertile soil of discontent that Soros and his comrades are planning to cultivate. They would have a respect and appreciation for the United States and their accomplishment of attaining US citizenship, providing no avenue of exploitation for the Marxists. Those who are here illegally, who plan to take advantage of the mechanisms for abuse that the Democrats have installed into our electoral process, are not so encumbered. Although they are not entitled to vote legally, they aren't legally allowed to be in the United States either. That doesn’t seem to matter much.

All they need to be told is that their illegal vote will enhance their prospects for remaining in the country or told an inflammatory story and the motivation is there. They need only be given the access that has been being manufactured over the years.

Soros' contribution to the PAC will be $5 million, according to the New York Times, with his comrades coughing up the other $10 million.

In asserting his supposed reason for embarking on this project, which will fund existing organizations rather than creating new ones, Soros distorted the language used by Donald Trump. Soros complained about the tone of the race, saying, "The intense anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric that has been fueled by the Republican primary is deeply offensive. It is harmful to our democracy and to our national interests."

What is harmful to our "Republic" is Soros's dishonesty and his Marxist agitation. His so-called immigrants have no right to be in this country illegally and America’s Muslim concerns are directly related to the mass murder that often follows wherever they go as well as their inflated numbers and unwillingness to assimilate. He claims our actions are offensive but it is his intrusion into our American internal affairs which is truly offensive.

He's got an unexplained affinity with the Muslims who are invading the Western world, and responsibility for much of what is taking place. His involvement with the overrunning of European nations by hordes of invading Islamists is evidence of the disingenuous nature of his comments. He has no concern for the wellbeing of either those European nations or of ours.

all of it here:
George Soros Forms Pro "Illegals" Super PAC To Shift Election | RickWells.US

Are you sure that guy is still breathing? He looks like he's been decomposing for at least a week.
unfortunately for us he's still breathing. But where we can stop him and his meddling in our politics: is by kicking out these Progressives/Democrats from of our government in this election. and never put them in charge of our country ever again.
Here is more of this nasty Billionaire who has supported and FUNDED the Democrat party and every leftwing Anti-American hate groups in this country like, BLM, OWS, moveon, etc. what sick to watch, is the people supporting that party are helping to cut their OWN THROATS

George Soros Forms Pro “Illegals” Super PAC To Shift Election
CONSTITUTION ^ | March 12, 2016 | Rick Wells

Posted on ‎3‎/‎12‎/‎2016‎ ‎9‎:‎38‎:‎04‎ ‎PM


' Soros Dumping Millions Into Questionable Voter Influence Campaign – Illegals?

Billionaire anti-American financier and globalist agitator George Soros has joined with some of his well-heeled fellow leftists to target Donald Trump and other select Republicans in the fall. Their tools in the onslaught are what the New York Times describes as "Latinos and other immigrants" None of these media types make any distinction between a legal citizen who was at one point an immigrant to the United States and later naturalized and entitled to vote, a green card holder who is legal but cannot vote, and one who is in the country illegally.

Naturalized citizens will likely not be the fertile soil of discontent that Soros and his comrades are planning to cultivate. They would have a respect and appreciation for the United States and their accomplishment of attaining US citizenship, providing no avenue of exploitation for the Marxists. Those who are here illegally, who plan to take advantage of the mechanisms for abuse that the Democrats have installed into our electoral process, are not so encumbered. Although they are not entitled to vote legally, they aren't legally allowed to be in the United States either. That doesn’t seem to matter much.

All they need to be told is that their illegal vote will enhance their prospects for remaining in the country or told an inflammatory story and the motivation is there. They need only be given the access that has been being manufactured over the years.

Soros' contribution to the PAC will be $5 million, according to the New York Times, with his comrades coughing up the other $10 million.

In asserting his supposed reason for embarking on this project, which will fund existing organizations rather than creating new ones, Soros distorted the language used by Donald Trump. Soros complained about the tone of the race, saying, "The intense anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric that has been fueled by the Republican primary is deeply offensive. It is harmful to our democracy and to our national interests."

What is harmful to our "Republic" is Soros's dishonesty and his Marxist agitation. His so-called immigrants have no right to be in this country illegally and America’s Muslim concerns are directly related to the mass murder that often follows wherever they go as well as their inflated numbers and unwillingness to assimilate. He claims our actions are offensive but it is his intrusion into our American internal affairs which is truly offensive.

He's got an unexplained affinity with the Muslims who are invading the Western world, and responsibility for much of what is taking place. His involvement with the overrunning of European nations by hordes of invading Islamists is evidence of the disingenuous nature of his comments. He has no concern for the wellbeing of either those European nations or of ours.

all of it here:
George Soros Forms Pro "Illegals" Super PAC To Shift Election | RickWells.US

Are you sure that guy is still breathing? He looks like he's been decomposing for at least a week.
unfortunately for us he's still breathing. But where we can stop him and his meddling in our politics: is by kicking out these Progressives/Democrats from of our government in this election. and never put them in charge of our country ever again.

Good luck with that. The ticks on the ass of society outnumber the productive members.
Here is more of this nasty Billionaire who has supported and FUNDED the Democrat party and every leftwing Anti-American hate groups in this country like, BLM, OWS, moveon, etc. what sick to watch, is the people supporting that party are helping to cut their OWN THROATS

George Soros Forms Pro “Illegals” Super PAC To Shift Election
CONSTITUTION ^ | March 12, 2016 | Rick Wells

Posted on ‎3‎/‎12‎/‎2016‎ ‎9‎:‎38‎:‎04‎ ‎PM


' Soros Dumping Millions Into Questionable Voter Influence Campaign – Illegals?

Billionaire anti-American financier and globalist agitator George Soros has joined with some of his well-heeled fellow leftists to target Donald Trump and other select Republicans in the fall. Their tools in the onslaught are what the New York Times describes as "Latinos and other immigrants" None of these media types make any distinction between a legal citizen who was at one point an immigrant to the United States and later naturalized and entitled to vote, a green card holder who is legal but cannot vote, and one who is in the country illegally.

Naturalized citizens will likely not be the fertile soil of discontent that Soros and his comrades are planning to cultivate. They would have a respect and appreciation for the United States and their accomplishment of attaining US citizenship, providing no avenue of exploitation for the Marxists. Those who are here illegally, who plan to take advantage of the mechanisms for abuse that the Democrats have installed into our electoral process, are not so encumbered. Although they are not entitled to vote legally, they aren't legally allowed to be in the United States either. That doesn’t seem to matter much.

All they need to be told is that their illegal vote will enhance their prospects for remaining in the country or told an inflammatory story and the motivation is there. They need only be given the access that has been being manufactured over the years.

Soros' contribution to the PAC will be $5 million, according to the New York Times, with his comrades coughing up the other $10 million.

In asserting his supposed reason for embarking on this project, which will fund existing organizations rather than creating new ones, Soros distorted the language used by Donald Trump. Soros complained about the tone of the race, saying, "The intense anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric that has been fueled by the Republican primary is deeply offensive. It is harmful to our democracy and to our national interests."

What is harmful to our "Republic" is Soros's dishonesty and his Marxist agitation. His so-called immigrants have no right to be in this country illegally and America’s Muslim concerns are directly related to the mass murder that often follows wherever they go as well as their inflated numbers and unwillingness to assimilate. He claims our actions are offensive but it is his intrusion into our American internal affairs which is truly offensive.

He's got an unexplained affinity with the Muslims who are invading the Western world, and responsibility for much of what is taking place. His involvement with the overrunning of European nations by hordes of invading Islamists is evidence of the disingenuous nature of his comments. He has no concern for the wellbeing of either those European nations or of ours.

all of it here:
George Soros Forms Pro "Illegals" Super PAC To Shift Election | RickWells.US
are u guys sure he isnt dead? he looks like he died two months ago in the pic.

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