Soros Group Warns More 'Disruptions' To Come...

I wonder if there will be many more Trump rally's.

He is so far ahead of Little Marco in Florida he cancelled an event there.
Maybe at some point Trump just stays home with that gorgeous wife of his
and just pokes his head out a few times every day to just let us know all is well.

It's possible he is starting to get scared.

That is how the establishment ended Ross Perot's run.

If they can't silence the outsider with politics, media, or money, they resort to violence.
I don't recall violence with Perot.

I don't think organized heckling of the Donald is right, and I don't think it'll keep him from winning delegates.
Can't Soros be sued or something if he is instigating such unrest that it shuts down a rally? Or is he NOT actually promoting that, and just being blamed for overzealous Democrats?
the Democrats are losing folks, you can EXPECT much more of this RELEASED on YOU because of THEM. vote for them is a vote for these people intruding and endangering YOUR LIVES

Bernie Sanders Supporters Brag About Disrupting DONALD TRUMP RALLY IN CHICAGO

March 12, 2016


Left wing radicals shut down the Donald Trump rally in Chicago last night. Jim Hoft provided extensive coverage of the event at The Gateway Pundit.

But who was behind the violent protests? Bernie Sanders supporters.

They openly bragged about it on Twitter.

Here’s a screenshot in case they delete their tweet:

all of it:
Bernie Sanders Supporters Brag About Disrupting DONALD TRUMP RALLY IN CHICAGO - Progressives Today
I wonder if there will be many more Trump rally's.

He is so far ahead of Little Marco in Florida he cancelled an event there.
Maybe at some point Trump just stays home with that gorgeous wife of his
and just pokes his head out a few times every day to just let us know all is well.

It's possible he is starting to get scared.

That is how the establishment ended Ross Perot's run.

If they can't silence the outsider with politics, media, or money, they resort to violence.
I don't recall violence with Perot.

I don't think organized heckling of the Donald is right, and I don't think it'll keep him from winning delegates.
Dirty tricks were used by the establishment.

Veracity of death threat against Perot questioned

Perot Charges Plot Forced Him Out; 'Loony,' GOP Says : Campaign: He accuses Bush camp of plan to smear daughter and disrupt her wedding, and says he quit race to protect her. Texan offers no proof for allegations.
You people are obsessed with Soros
The thing is, we should not only be obsessed with Soros, but those Koch fellows too.

That shit that went down in Chi town was Soros doing. Most folks that are paying attention now know this.

Yet, the candidates that are backed by the Koch brothers also got on board and disingenuously blamed Trump for that kerfufle.

Now isn't that something? Both Soros AND the Koch bros. are lying on the same side of a dastardly media formed paradigm to condition the American public? What does that tell you?

What it tells me is that shit is getting REAL.

real scary.

When your enemies/opponents slime you AND your "friends" stab you in the back, you know you are doing something right.

As the wise man said: "if there is a movement to stop "X", bet on "X".
Where do they get these asshole protestors?

These children don't know shit about shit in the real real responsibilities in life and they are lecturing us!! Laughable........1960's mental cases circa 2016 and dollar to a thousand stale donuts most are these born with a silver spoon in their mouths losers living at home with Mom and Dad ftg.
Rush Limbaugh calls them rent-a-mobs. They are semi-professional protesters/rioters that get bused in to a location and paid a nominal fee to create mayhem. That's why they're always protesting with no visible means of support, ie jobs, that would prevent normal people from taking part.
George Soros,, and Liberals offer America / citizens the following:

More 'Disruptions' To Come.


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