Soros Schlongs Hillary with "Weiner"


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Apparently, short of shivving her in the woman's room, Soros is all-in in his effort to destroy St Hillary the Inevitable's candidacy.

Guess who backed "Weiner"?


Yup! Soros is behind the Weiner

Hillary, schlonged again in 2016

SPOILER: New Anthony Weiner Documentary Backed By George Soros - Breitbart
can you just imagine if Humas name was something like " Donna Hummer"? then when u went to the wedding reception, you would see that sign directing you to the "Hummer Weener" party?
Soros is not schlonging Clinton with this film. Quite the opposite, as his financial support of her should be a giant clue.
Soros helps pro-Clinton Super PACs to $24 million haul

A trio of pro-Hillary Clinton groups raised more than $24 million in the first half of the year, including $2 million each from billionaires George Soros and Haim Saban, POLITICO has learned.
Well looky g5000 is ok with soros spending millions for hildabeast but the Koch brothers are the debil....libtards are such hypocrites
You will have a really hard time ever finding me criticizing the Koch brothers donations to anyone, dumbass.

Goddam, you just let those voices in your head take over and run away with you, eh?

The reason I posted the donations by Soros was to give a GIANT CLUE to the retard who started this topic with the mistaken belief that Soros is out to screw over Clinton.


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