Soros: US is in a cold war with China that threatens to turn into hot one, China an enemy of freedom

that's exactly what they thought and said about the Cold War with Russia that went on for 50 years
"China’s official economic data is sparse on details, opaque in methodology, and remarkably smooth—all of which feed suspicions that it’s tweaked for political purposes. In the final quarter of 2018 it was also something else: about right.
According to China’s National Bureau of Statistics, in the last three months of 2018 the economy expanded 6.4% from a year earlier. That’s down from 6.5% in the previous quarter and the slowest pace since the nadir of the great financial crisis. But it’s not a disaster: With growth for the year as a whole at 6.6 percent, Beijing can still claim success in hitting its 6.5% target."

all of the Trump crowd are CONSTANTLY telling everyone here that Soros is the Devil so, no one is gonna believe that article.

They will just say, Soros = bad.

In other words the Trump crowd here will say China is a our best friend :21: just like the Russians are. :26:
Nope, China is a serious threat, if only for the cyber crimes and theft of intellectual property.

Hey, by the way, you never responded in ther other thread after i showed you that blacks commit over half of all murders. Thats because you are a coward with zero integrity.

All of the Trumpsters here are all Soros haters & Soros = bad.

You should have posted a link in the other thread to back up your 'opinion' instead of shitting on this thread with your SPAM.
I most definitely posted the link, but you never responded. Thats because you have no integrity.

As for Soros, yes, hes awful.

Yes he is. Soros is a New World Order, Globalist freak. Hell he almost brought Great Britain down.

The world would be a much better place if he dropped the fuck dead.
Chuck and Nancy are controlled by Globalists. It is the Evil Globalists against the rest of us. They own K Street. Trump is their nemesis because he is not owned by anyone and reports to us.

The ruthless Globalists have no regard for humanity and favor China’s brand of Communism since it keeps people under control and integrates well with Multi-national Corps. They are using Islam and migration in the West as their weapon to wipe out Christian culture. After that, they will install Chinese
style Communism.

Trump IS OWNED; he is owned by Satan.
Got to love crazy. Soros best buddy ever, but some will say he is bad. Trump BAD!!! The so called logic there is so convoluted as to be beyond belief.
The pressure that Trump's putting on China is very positive. he's putting that pressure, my friends. this will lead to the end of China. CHINA WILL CRUMBLE!
"China tested the world's most powerful naval gun earlier this month and it's expected to enter China's arsenal by 2025, sources say. The warship-mounted electromagnetic railgun was first seen in 2011 and underwent testing in 2014.

Railguns use electromagnetic energy instead of gunpowder to propel rounds, and China’s is capable of striking a target 124 miles away at speeds of up to 1.6 miles per second. For perspective, a shot fired from Washington could reach Philadelphia in under 90 seconds.

Railguns are considered cost-effective weapons that give navies the might of a cannon with the range of a precision-guided missile. But they are pretty pricey."

all of the Trump crowd are CONSTANTLY telling everyone here that Soros is the Devil so, no one is gonna believe that article.

They will just say, Soros = bad.

In other words the Trump crowd here will say China is a our best friend :21: just like the Russians are. :26:

Soros IS a piece of shit, there is no disputing that.
He is right about China though. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
The Institute for International Strategic Studies estimates that, since 2014, the People’s Liberation Navy has “launched more submarines, warships, principal amphibious vessels and auxiliaries than the total number of ships currently serving in the navies of Germany, India, Spain, Taiwan and the United Kingdom.” Its shipbuilding program is outpacing that of the U.S. China is also spending vast sums on breakthrough technologies like artificial intelligence, hypersonics, and robotics, which could tilt the nature of warfare to its advantage.

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