Sorry All You Weak-Minded Christians, "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" Was A Liar.


Dec 5, 2011
Alex Malarkey The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven Admits He Made It All Up

When Alex Malarkey was 6-Years Old he was involved in a traffic accident, as a result of that accident Alex went into a Coma. When he finally woke up from that Coma he told his parents that he had been to Heaven and told them how beautiful it was.

Guess What All You Bible Thumping, God Lovin' Narrow Minded So-Called Christians...IT WAS AND IS ALL A LIE!!!!!!!

"I did not die. I did not go to Heaven", said Alex, now age 16.

Malarkey now admits he made up the story to get attention.

Alex's Dad, Kevin Malarkey a "Christian Therapist", co-authored a book, "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven", based on what is now a lie.

A movie staring actor Greg Kinear, "Heaven Is Real" was based upon the book. Weak-Minded, Brain-Washed So-Called "Christians" flocked to movie claiming it was proof of the love of a god that is not real.

Beth Malarkey, Mother of Alex who has since divorced her lying husband says she was very concerned about the book and the attention it gave to her son. Beth is the caregiver to Alex was left a quadriplegic from the accident.

God so loved Alex he allowed him to see heaven, but left him bedridden and without the use of his limbs.

Yep, living proof of love of a non-existent god.
Alex was and is goddamn liar. He admits he is a goddamn liar.

I totally understand your need to have someone do your thinking for you though.

I mean if you thought for yourself, you see the whole god thing for the outright, down right lie that it is.
Alex was and is goddamn liar. He admits he is a goddamn liar.

I totally understand your need to have someone do your thinking for you though.

I mean if you thought for yourself, you see the whole god thing for the outright, down right lie that it is.

Sad that this child was pressured by his money-motivated, thumper father to lie and that he was getting such shoddy care from his parents that he felt this was the only way to get his needs met. But, good for him for recanting.

Interesting that Alex has not profited from the book/movie.

Needless to say, only the most gullible fools would believe the outrageous story but they're the ones who literally BUY into the whole heaven/rapture fairy tale.

What does it say about this particular "god" that people believe he would do this to a little 6 year old boy?

The kid admits he's a liar so who knows what happened.? Maybe he told the truth before and was then paid by some anti-christian group to recant his story now.

The Great Liberal Anti-Christian Conspiracy, huh?

You're really a very stupid person. I don't think you should worry about going to heaven because you're already living in a hell of your own making.
Alex Malarkey The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven Admits He Made It All Up

When Alex Malarkey was 6-Years Old he was involved in a traffic accident, as a result of that accident Alex went into a Coma. When he finally woke up from that Coma he told his parents that he had been to Heaven and told them how beautiful it was.

Guess What All You Bible Thumping, God Lovin' Narrow Minded So-Called Christians...IT WAS AND IS ALL A LIE!!!!!!!

"I did not die. I did not go to Heaven", said Alex, now age 16.

Malarkey now admits he made up the story to get attention.

Alex's Dad, Kevin Malarkey a "Christian Therapist", co-authored a book, "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven", based on what is now a lie.

A movie staring actor Greg Kinear, "Heaven Is Real" was based upon the book. Weak-Minded, Brain-Washed So-Called "Christians" flocked to movie claiming it was proof of the love of a god that is not real.

Beth Malarkey, Mother of Alex who has since divorced her lying husband says she was very concerned about the book and the attention it gave to her son. Beth is the caregiver to Alex was left a quadriplegic from the accident.

God so loved Alex he allowed him to see heaven, but left him bedridden and without the use of his limbs.

Yep, living proof of love of a non-existent god.
Surprise Surprise (in my best Gomer Pyle voice)
Interesting, so what is it that disturbs those that do not believe in God so much that they label those that believe as weak minded fools. What are they afraid of? Is not the choice to believe or not an individual mater?
As for the young man by his own admission he craved attention, thus lied, so big deal how many unbelievers or for that mater believers lie each day?
I wonder how much money has been made off this scam and by whom?

Actually, I wonder the same thing about religion in general.

There's big bucks to be made off the fearful and gullible.
But Christianity will prevail because the ones getting the most out of it get to wear fun clothes, jewelry and have housekeepers, pool boys and lawn service.

Did you notice your post count at that point was -- 6666.....??

I'd start wearing a Crucifix if I were you. As long as it doesn't burn a hole in your chest.


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