Sorry All You Weak-Minded Christians, "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" Was A Liar.

I was pretty upset when I heard that. I struggle wondering if there's a hereafter.
Interesting, so what is it that disturbs those that do not believe in God so much that they label those that believe as weak minded fools. What are they afraid of? Is not the choice to believe or not an individual mater?
As for the young man by his own admission he craved attention, thus lied, so big deal how many unbelievers or for that mater believers lie each day?



I was visited by god many times. I later recanted because I wanted a better life on Earth, eff an after life. I lied when?
How do we know he's not lying now?

Believe what you want to believe.

"Believe what you want to believe."

This is pretty much the crux of it.

Those who want and need to believe in heaven will likely see this story differently than those who do not.
I was pretty upset when I heard that. I struggle wondering if there's a hereafter.

There are true accounts of Near Death Experiences. (Some hypothesize that this is just lack of oxygen, or chemicals going haywire in the brain.)

I feel compassion for this boy. He had to get his accounts from somewhere.

Being a teacher, I look at it like this. Some students cheat. They copy their correct answers from someone else. This does not mean the answer was wrong, it means someone cheated in how they obtained the answer.
I have no problem with those that talk to god. When they claim that god talks back to them, I know flat out that they are opportunistic frauds. As for a kid who dies and goes to heaven and back, I am reminded of Miss Cleo used to be on television doing psychic readings with a Jamaican accent, while actually living in los Angeles, cleaning up with a whole room full of psychic readers on the phone charging $5..99 per minute.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

English Standard Version (ESV)
You do realize that this boy lying doesnt disprove Christianity in the slightest, right?
Alex Malarkey The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven Admits He Made It All Up

When Alex Malarkey was 6-Years Old he was involved in a traffic accident, as a result of that accident Alex went into a Coma. When he finally woke up from that Coma he told his parents that he had been to Heaven and told them how beautiful it was.

Guess What All You Bible Thumping, God Lovin' Narrow Minded So-Called Christians...IT WAS AND IS ALL A LIE!!!!!!!

"I did not die. I did not go to Heaven", said Alex, now age 16.

Malarkey now admits he made up the story to get attention.

Alex's Dad, Kevin Malarkey a "Christian Therapist", co-authored a book, "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven", based on what is now a lie.

A movie staring actor Greg Kinear, "Heaven Is Real" was based upon the book. Weak-Minded, Brain-Washed So-Called "Christians" flocked to movie claiming it was proof of the love of a god that is not real.

Beth Malarkey, Mother of Alex who has since divorced her lying husband says she was very concerned about the book and the attention it gave to her son. Beth is the caregiver to Alex was left a quadriplegic from the accident.

God so loved Alex he allowed him to see heaven, but left him bedridden and without the use of his limbs.

Yep, living proof of love of a non-existent god.
The only thing more pathetic than this little boy is posting his story in the politics forum as a method to bash christians

Yeah, because nothing non-politics-related is ever posted in the Politics forum.

Fuck off loser

I take it, Grampa is a Christian. :p
Nope. I think religion is one of the biggest farces played on the human race. Next to liberalism of course
Interesting, so what is it that disturbs those that do not believe in God so much that they label those that believe as weak minded fools. What are they afraid of? Is not the choice to believe or not an individual mater?
As for the young man by his own admission he craved attention, thus lied, so big deal how many unbelievers or for that mater believers lie each day?

And he was only 6 years old, undoubted terrified in the aftermath of that accident.

What is the excuse for the adults who pull religious scams every day?

Where's the "christian" compassion for the boy?

Who's not showing compassion for this child?
Seems to me as if the only people attacking this child are the atheists and Christian haters.
Hmm I don't hate them. He lied.
Interesting, so what is it that disturbs those that do not believe in God so much that they label those that believe as weak minded fools. What are they afraid of? Is not the choice to believe or not an individual mater?
As for the young man by his own admission he craved attention, thus lied, so big deal how many unbelievers or for that mater believers lie each day?



I was visited by god many times. I later recanted because I wanted a better life on Earth, eff an after life. I lied when?
I love your sig pic.
Interesting, so what is it that disturbs those that do not believe in God so much that they label those that believe as weak minded fools. What are they afraid of? Is not the choice to believe or not an individual mater?
As for the young man by his own admission he craved attention, thus lied, so big deal how many unbelievers or for that mater believers lie each day?

And he was only 6 years old, undoubted terrified in the aftermath of that accident.

What is the excuse for the adults who pull religious scams every day?

Where's the "christian" compassion for the boy?

Who's not showing compassion for this child?
Seems to me as if the only people attacking this child are the atheists and Christian haters.
Hmm I don't hate them. He lied.
So did Obama, do you hold him to the same standards as a 6 year old?
Interesting, so what is it that disturbs those that do not believe in God so much that they label those that believe as weak minded fools. What are they afraid of? Is not the choice to believe or not an individual mater?
As for the young man by his own admission he craved attention, thus lied, so big deal how many unbelievers or for that mater believers lie each day?

And he was only 6 years old, undoubted terrified in the aftermath of that accident.

What is the excuse for the adults who pull religious scams every day?

Where's the "christian" compassion for the boy?

Who's not showing compassion for this child?
Seems to me as if the only people attacking this child are the atheists and Christian haters.
Hmm I don't hate them. He lied.
So did Obama, do you hold him to the same standards as a 6 year old?

valid point considering they many of those who are being critical of the boy will excuse everything Obama does

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