Sorry - I'm confused...

Big Black Dog

Platinum Member
May 20, 2009
Sorry - I'm confused. There is a huge shit storm right now about the possibility of the Koran being burned on 911 by a religious fanatic down in Florida because we will be getting the Muslims all upset and up in arms. The President of the United States has even weighed in on the event. But on the other hand, very little is made of the protest Christians make when the Christmas nativity scenes are required to be removed from public places, Crosses can't be displayed, the 10 Commandments can't be displayed in court houses and prayer in school is largely forbiden. What gives? Isn't what's good for the goose good for the gander? Where are all the atheists now and how come they are not beating their chests like the apes they are demanding that this nonsense of burning the Koran be allowed to happen because it might be destroying the word of God? Aparently it is ok to be Muslim according to the Atheists or either they are all on vacation. Am I to think if you are Muslim you are "cool" but if you are something other than that, then you shouldn't be talking about religion in public or trying to push your views into the minds of Americans. What's happening here?
I have to disagree with the burning or desecration of anyone's religious book or symbols. I don't ever talk shit about any man's religion. That is all between them and their God, whatever or whomever they perceive him or her to be.
I have to disagree with the burning or desecration of anyone's religious book or symbols. I don't ever talk shit about any man's religion. That is all between them and their God, whatever or whomever they perceive him or her to be.

That's pretty good advice I would say...
Sorry - I'm confused. There is a huge shit storm right now about the possibility of the Koran being burned on 911 by a religious fanatic down in Florida because we will be getting the Muslims all upset and up in arms. The President of the United States has even weighed in on the event. But on the other hand, very little is made of the protest Christians make when the Christmas nativity scenes are required to be removed from public places, Crosses can't be displayed, the 10 Commandments can't be displayed in court houses and prayer in school is largely forbiden. What gives? Isn't what's good for the goose good for the gander? Where are all the atheists now and how come they are not beating their chests like the apes they are demanding that this nonsense of burning the Koran be allowed to happen because it might be destroying the word of God? Aparently it is ok to be Muslim according to the Atheists or either they are all on vacation. Am I to think if you are Muslim you are "cool" but if you are something other than that, then you shouldn't be talking about religion in public or trying to push your views into the minds of Americans. What's happening here?

Yes, you are confused. I think it's healthy you've finally admitted it. Your condition has been apparent for a long time.
First, think about the factors which cause us to compare things. An obvious comparison would be an Imam staging a bible burning event. Nope, I didn't hear of one.
Next, consider the signifigance of the act, what if an Imam did burn bibles? How would the Christian community react? Likely some sects would pray, some would protest and others might even burn Mosques.
Any Christians churches burned (Ah...better not ponder this or the burning of crosses. Such an investigtation might lead to truths American Christians might not like).

Now, for what reason would an ordained(?) Christain minister burn the holy book of another religion. What reason(s) - assuming you're not too confused - might you be able to pose?
I can think of several, and none of which would be on any list of traditional American values.
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The whole thing is stupid.

The guy who is a fucking nobody wacko nut job priest is fucking stupid and the overly sensitive wacko Muslims are stupid for being offended to the point of committing murder over what the former fucking idiot is doing.

You do all realize that this priest or whatever he calls himself has only about 50 members in his so called church don't you?

But now we have to put up with the fucking Muslims whining and blaming all Americans for one fucking idiot's grandstanding. The fucking Muslims will kill Americans because of this one fucking idiot while at the same time cry that we judge all Muslims for the acts of a few terrorists.

There is plenty of idiocy on the part of both parties.

Everyone should just fucking grow up.
Sorry - I'm confused. There is a huge shit storm right now about the possibility of the Koran being burned on 911 by a religious fanatic down in Florida because we will be getting the Muslims all upset and up in arms. The President of the United States has even weighed in on the event. But on the other hand, very little is made of the protest Christians make when the Christmas nativity scenes are required to be removed from public places, Crosses can't be displayed, the 10 Commandments can't be displayed in court houses and prayer in school is largely forbiden. What gives? Isn't what's good for the goose good for the gander? Where are all the atheists now and how come they are not beating their chests like the apes they are demanding that this nonsense of burning the Koran be allowed to happen because it might be destroying the word of God? Aparently it is ok to be Muslim according to the Atheists or either they are all on vacation. Am I to think if you are Muslim you are "cool" but if you are something other than that, then you shouldn't be talking about religion in public or trying to push your views into the minds of Americans. What's happening here?

Its about peaceful religions. The christians you see don't go around having riots saying they will kill if they don't get their way.
The whole thing is stupid.

The guy who is a fucking nobody wacko nut job priest is fucking stupid and the overly sensitive wacko Muslims are stupid for being offended to the point of committing murder over what the former fucking idiot is doing.

You do all realize that this priest or whatever he calls himself has only about 50 members in his so called church don't you?

But now we have to put up with the fucking Muslims whining and blaming all Americans for one fucking idiot's grandstanding. The fucking Muslims will kill Americans because of this one fucking idiot while at the same time cry that we judge all Muslims for the acts of a few terrorists.

There is plenty of idiocy on the part of both parties.

Everyone should just fucking grow up.

Skull, did you know that you're paying extra taxes to fund all those mooslum children who multiply like rats and their mothers who are on welfare?

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