Sorry Ivanka, open borders is not an "America first" policy.

I said many times prior to the election that Trump was not the candidate his supporters thought he was. In the end it won't surprise me if he changes parties, again. He is a man with no true allegiance save for his allegiance to Trump. And don't for one second underestimate Ivanka's influence on her daddy... I have two words for you... Tomahawks, Syria... It was the baby girl's tears and bleeding heart that launched that strike...

I still think Trump is the right person, and I haven't totally lost faith in him.

What he promised as a candidate got him elected, he touched a nerve with America, it was the right message without any doubt , and the country was ready for him.

But, it seems to me that somewhere along the way, something happened,something very's the people he surrounded himself with.... those people have changed his mind.

This is so disturbing.

I do hope he stops listening to all these people and stars listening more to himself from now on!

The problem is Jared Kushner, remove him, The Donald can get on with the programme.

There's dirt to be found on Jared, his father is a convicted criminal.

Charles Kushner - Wikipedia

Also every picture of Jared Kushner with The Donald, if looks could kill The Donald would be dead, this below is a look of contempt, of hate, it's not a look of fondness.

Jared Kushner has a black soul, you can see it in his face, the eyes are the windows to the soul, Kushner has Dead Eyes, he has Shark Eyes, dead and black.


Again look at how Jared Kushner looks at The Donald....he would think nothing of stabbing The Donald in the back.





His brother also has a vested interest in keeping Obamacare obviously Jared got The Donald to abandon replacing Obamacare because Joshua Kushner's company sells health insurance through Obamacare.

Could Jared Kushner's Relationship With His Brother Save Obamacare?

Though reportedly very close, Trump's top adviser finds himself politically at odds with his sibling, and repealing the Affordable Care Act could conceivably tank Joshua Kushner's $2.7 billion company.

Could Jared Kushner's relationship with his brother save Obamacare?

This Trump-in-law may lose millions if Obamacare is repealed

This Trump-in-law may lose millions if Obamacare is repealed

Trump's In-Law Is Trying to Make Billions Off Obamacare

Oscar Health couldn't have happened without the Affordable Care Act.

Trump's In-Law Is Trying to Make Billions Off Obamacare
Unbelievable! ^^^^^ :mad-61:

talk about swamp, Kushner is the creature of the blue lagoon.
I said many times prior to the election that Trump was not the candidate his supporters thought he was. In the end it won't surprise me if he changes parties, again. He is a man with no true allegiance save for his allegiance to Trump. And don't for one second underestimate Ivanka's influence on her daddy... I have two words for you... Tomahawks, Syria... It was the baby girl's tears and bleeding heart that launched that strike...

I still think Trump is the right person, and I haven't totally lost faith in him.

What he promised as a candidate got him elected, he touched a nerve with America, it was the right message without any doubt , and the country was ready for him.

But, it seems to me that somewhere along the way, something happened,something very's the people he surrounded himself with.... those people have changed his mind.

This is so disturbing.

I do hope he stops listening to all these people and stars listening more to himself from now on!

"But, it seems to me that somewhere along the way, something happened,something very's the people he surrounded himself with.... those people have changed his mind.

This is so disturbing.

I do hope he stops listening to all these people and stars listening more to himself from now on!"

Something happened during the last week of March, from then on it's been one about turn after the other and at rapid pace.

Trump went in wanting to Drain The Swamp....what's happening is that The Swamp is swallowing him, he also isn't helped by having a 99.9% viciously hostile MSM who hate him with an abnormal level of hatred, to the point if he were assassinated they'd On Air have a collective orgasm, that's how sick and twisted those sewer dwellers are.

Literally at this point Serial Killers are higher up the social scale than journalists, the latter are the lowest of the low.
Maybe what happened has to do with what he has learned while sitting in the oval office. We don't know. I'm still giving him room, it's just been a little over 100 days. In two years with no change I may agree with you. Remember, we are all PC world savers with a million different opinions all based on one tenth of the information the President has.
Tempest in a teacup.....Ivanka is little more than a SPY for the president to stay on top of office intrigue. Kushner had to come to D.C. for Ivanka to come, and Trump had to hire him... but that isn't anything more than window-dressing. Now to the video was before the election and she never said refugees needed to come here. She said "it needed to be part of the conversation" which doesn't really mean anything. Trump is the LION in the den....he listens to everybody, trusts nobody other than himself, and goes by his instincts...surely not his daughter's husband. The cruise-missile attack answered their chemical attack, not his daughter's heartache. That was another phony scenario invented by the media and Trump used it to seem humanitarian, something he really isn't. It shut up the media. How could those rodents sneer about babies being strangled by poison gas? Trump hasn't broken a single promise, will find the money for the Wall, build the Wall and move on to what's coming in the future. With all the things accomplished already, I'm startled to see this thread. The FAKE NEWS merchants won't stop tapping on your window......don't open the blinds...even an inch. :nono:
I said many times prior to the election that Trump was not the candidate his supporters thought he was. In the end it won't surprise me if he changes parties, again. He is a man with no true allegiance save for his allegiance to Trump. And don't for one second underestimate Ivanka's influence on her daddy... I have two words for you... Tomahawks, Syria... It was the baby girl's tears and bleeding heart that launched that strike...

I still think Trump is the right person, and I haven't totally lost faith in him.

What he promised as a candidate got him elected, he touched a nerve with America, it was the right message without any doubt , and the country was ready for him.

But, it seems to me that somewhere along the way, something happened,something very's the people he surrounded himself with.... those people have changed his mind.

This is so disturbing.

I do hope he stops listening to all these people and stars listening more to himself from now on!

"But, it seems to me that somewhere along the way, something happened,something very's the people he surrounded himself with.... those people have changed his mind.

This is so disturbing.

I do hope he stops listening to all these people and stars listening more to himself from now on!"

Something happened during the last week of March, from then on it's been one about turn after the other and at rapid pace.

Trump went in wanting to Drain The Swamp....what's happening is that The Swamp is swallowing him, he also isn't helped by having a 99.9% viciously hostile MSM who hate him with an abnormal level of hatred, to the point if he were assassinated they'd On Air have a collective orgasm, that's how sick and twisted those sewer dwellers are.

Literally at this point Serial Killers are higher up the social scale than journalists, the latter are the lowest of the low.
Maybe what happened has to do with what he has learned while sitting in the oval office. We don't know. I'm still giving him room, it's just been a little over 100 days. In two years with no change I may agree with you. Remember, we are all PC world savers with a million different opinions all based on one tenth of the information the President has.

I will give him the benefit of the doubt gladly!
I so want him to succeed.

But I wont give him two years, only one. If there is one year without change, that won't be good.
Tempest in a teacup.....Ivanka is little more than a SPY for the president to stay on top of office intrigue. Kushner had to come to D.C. for Ivanka to come, and Trump had to hire him... but that isn't anything more than window-dressing. Now to the video was before the election and she never said refugees needed to come here. She said "it needed to be part of the conversation" which doesn't really mean anything. Trump is the LION in the den....he listens to everybody, trusts nobody other than himself, and goes by his instincts...surely not his daughter's husband. The cruise-missile attack answered their chemical attack, not his daughter's heartache. That was another phony scenario invented by the media and Trump used it to seem humanitarian, something he really isn't. It shut up the media. How could those rodents sneer about babies being strangled by poison gas? Trump hasn't broken a single promise, will find the money for the Wall, build the Wall and move on to what's coming in the future. With all the things accomplished already, I'm startled to see this thread. The FAKE NEWS merchants won't stop tapping on your window......don't open the blinds...even an inch. :nono:
Perfect now you can drop the mike. You nailed it!:udaman:
Unbelievable! ^^^^^ :mad-61:

talk about swamp, Kushner is the creature of the blue lagoon.

Yes he is.

Also it can't be ruled out that The Donald is being either blackmailed and/or threatened in some way, perhaps this is the actual reason why Melania and Barron have not moved into The White House, because The Donald feels they're safer in their own family home with The Donald's own security team.

Can he trust the Secret Service? They have already dropped the ball several times, these are serious breeches of security.

White House intruder on grounds 16 minutes before arrest: Secret Service

White House intruder on grounds 16 minutes before arrest: Secret Service

Intruder Arrested at White House After Saying He Has ‘Bomb in the Trunk’

White House intruder told Secret Service 'I'm a friend of the president' after jumping fence while Donald Trump was inside

White House intruder told Secret Service 'I'm a friend of the president' after jumping fence while Donald Trump was inside

Secret Service laptop containing Trump Tower evacuation and floor plans stolen

Secret Service laptop containing Trump Tower evacuation and floor plans stolen -

I said many times prior to the election that Trump was not the candidate his supporters thought he was. In the end it won't surprise me if he changes parties, again. He is a man with no true allegiance save for his allegiance to Trump. And don't for one second underestimate Ivanka's influence on her daddy... I have two words for you... Tomahawks, Syria... It was the baby girl's tears and bleeding heart that launched that strike...

I still think Trump is the right person, and I haven't totally lost faith in him.

What he promised as a candidate got him elected, he touched a nerve with America, it was the right message without any doubt , and the country was ready for him.

But, it seems to me that somewhere along the way, something happened,something very's the people he surrounded himself with.... those people have changed his mind.

This is so disturbing.

I do hope he stops listening to all these people and stars listening more to himself from now on!

"But, it seems to me that somewhere along the way, something happened,something very's the people he surrounded himself with.... those people have changed his mind.

This is so disturbing.

I do hope he stops listening to all these people and stars listening more to himself from now on!"

Something happened during the last week of March, from then on it's been one about turn after the other and at rapid pace.

Trump went in wanting to Drain The Swamp....what's happening is that The Swamp is swallowing him, he also isn't helped by having a 99.9% viciously hostile MSM who hate him with an abnormal level of hatred, to the point if he were assassinated they'd On Air have a collective orgasm, that's how sick and twisted those sewer dwellers are.

Literally at this point Serial Killers are higher up the social scale than journalists, the latter are the lowest of the low.
Maybe what happened has to do with what he has learned while sitting in the oval office. We don't know. I'm still giving him room, it's just been a little over 100 days. In two years with no change I may agree with you. Remember, we are all PC world savers with a million different opinions all based on one tenth of the information the President has.

I morally support The Donald, it's those who have wormed their way into his Inner Circle that are doing the damage.
What's going on here? Ivanka going against his father's agenda?

Her words are confusing and very wrong.

This behavior can not continue for much longer without seriously damaging the Trump Administration.

Paul Joseph Watson's video

Trump made a monumentally stupid mistake installing Jared Kusher and Ivanka in the White House.

Jared Kushner aka the ACTUAL President now he's performed some sort of Behind-The-Scenes coup, Kushner seems to also be American Secretary of State as well.

It's increasingly obvious that Kushner use Ivanka to get The Donald to do very idiotic things, such as campaigning against military involvement in Syria and then suddenly pictures of children with breathing masks on their faces has Ivanka crying like a little baby to The Donald and the next thing is he's launching 60 Tomahawk missiles at something.

What next? The Chinese laugh at Ivanka's um fashion um designs, she starts crying little baby to The Donald and he bombs China?

It's a dangerous situation, Kusher is using Ivanka to emotionally twist her fathers arm to make him go back it seems on EVERY campaign promise he made from not getting involved in any more Middle East wars to building the Wall to cracking down on illegal immigrants....all in all it's pathetic.

People need to start digging deep to get the dirty goods on Jared Kusher, Kusher needs to be destroyed and that's totally destroyed and within the next few months.

Kushner's loyalties are elsewhere and what Kushner aims for will be very, very detrimental to both America and most of The West.

Me thinks kushner loves his wife..It's cute

How many campaign promises has The Donald kept? Now the centre piece of his ENTIRE campaign building a Wall appears not to be happening.

I don't think The Donald is doing all these about turns, he's being squeezed behind the scenes to abandon his ENTIRE campaign platform, only the Kool Aid drinkers and the completely ignorant can think that something ISN'T going on behind the scenes to pressure The Donald into abandoning all these things.

Of course something is going on behind the scenes. A few of the sane people in the administration are explaining to him that all the crap he believed from right wing media is just wrong, and will never work. Nothing changes a RWNJs goals faster than being exposed to reality in a way that can't be ignored.
I need way more than a sound bite.
I just attended a lecture last Sunday night where the lecturer opened up with almost the same phrase and then concluded that allowing Syrian refugees into the US is pointless.
Didn't her father, President Donald Trump, made it clear he sees the migrant wave as a potential 'Trojan Horse' that could bring embedded terrorists to America ?

Has Trump changed his mind?

Has he?

The border was much more than Terrorism, it is about the flow of illegal people and drugs into this country.
Tempest in a teacup.....Ivanka is little more than a SPY for the president to stay on top of office intrigue. Kushner had to come to D.C. for Ivanka to come, and Trump had to hire him... but that isn't anything more than window-dressing. Now to the video was before the election and she never said refugees needed to come here. She said "it needed to be part of the conversation" which doesn't really mean anything. Trump is the LION in the den....he listens to everybody, trusts nobody other than himself, and goes by his instincts...surely not his daughter's husband. The cruise-missile attack answered their chemical attack, not his daughter's heartache. That was another phony scenario invented by the media and Trump used it to seem humanitarian, something he really isn't. It shut up the media. How could those rodents sneer about babies being strangled by poison gas? Trump hasn't broken a single promise, will find the money for the Wall, build the Wall and move on to what's coming in the future. With all the things accomplished already, I'm startled to see this thread. The FAKE NEWS merchants won't stop tapping on your window......don't open the blinds...even an inch. :nono:

I do like your analysis, thank you :)

But the proof is in the pudding.

Will these promises become a reality or are these broken promises:

Ditching NATO......Obamacare.....Building the wall......Deportation of illegal immigrants...America not being the policeman of the world........and some others

The proof is in the pudding.
What's going on here? Ivanka going against his father's agenda?

Her words are confusing and very wrong.

This behavior can not continue for much longer without seriously damaging the Trump Administration.

Paul Joseph Watson's video

of all the myriad of things the trump loons do wrong, *that* is what bothers you?
What's going on here? Ivanka going against his father's agenda?

Her words are confusing and very wrong.

This behavior can not continue for much longer without seriously damaging the Trump Administration.

Paul Joseph Watson's video

Trump made a monumentally stupid mistake installing Jared Kusher and Ivanka in the White House.

Jared Kushner aka the ACTUAL President now he's performed some sort of Behind-The-Scenes coup, Kushner seems to also be American Secretary of State as well.

It's increasingly obvious that Kushner use Ivanka to get The Donald to do very idiotic things, such as campaigning against military involvement in Syria and then suddenly pictures of children with breathing masks on their faces has Ivanka crying like a little baby to The Donald and the next thing is he's launching 60 Tomahawk missiles at something.

What next? The Chinese laugh at Ivanka's um fashion um designs, she starts crying little baby to The Donald and he bombs China?

It's a dangerous situation, Kusher is using Ivanka to emotionally twist her fathers arm to make him go back it seems on EVERY campaign promise he made from not getting involved in any more Middle East wars to building the Wall to cracking down on illegal immigrants....all in all it's pathetic.

People need to start digging deep to get the dirty goods on Jared Kusher, Kusher needs to be destroyed and that's totally destroyed and within the next few months.

Kushner's loyalties are elsewhere and what Kushner aims for will be very, very detrimental to both America and most of The West.

Me thinks kushner loves his wife..It's cute

How many campaign promises has The Donald kept? Now the centre piece of his ENTIRE campaign building a Wall appears not to be happening.

I don't think The Donald is doing all these about turns, he's being squeezed behind the scenes to abandon his ENTIRE campaign platform, only the Kool Aid drinkers and the completely ignorant can think that something ISN'T going on behind the scenes to pressure The Donald into abandoning all these things.

Of course something is going on behind the scenes. A few of the sane people in the administration are explaining to him that all the crap he believed from right wing media is just wrong, and will never work. Nothing changes a RWNJs goals faster than being exposed to reality in a way that can't be ignored.

"right wing media is just wrong"

What Right-Wing media?
What's going on here? Ivanka going against his father's agenda?

Her words are confusing and very wrong.

This behavior can not continue for much longer without seriously damaging the Trump Administration.

Paul Joseph Watson's video

Trump made a monumentally stupid mistake installing Jared Kusher and Ivanka in the White House.

Jared Kushner aka the ACTUAL President now he's performed some sort of Behind-The-Scenes coup, Kushner seems to also be American Secretary of State as well.

It's increasingly obvious that Kushner use Ivanka to get The Donald to do very idiotic things, such as campaigning against military involvement in Syria and then suddenly pictures of children with breathing masks on their faces has Ivanka crying like a little baby to The Donald and the next thing is he's launching 60 Tomahawk missiles at something.

What next? The Chinese laugh at Ivanka's um fashion um designs, she starts crying little baby to The Donald and he bombs China?

It's a dangerous situation, Kusher is using Ivanka to emotionally twist her fathers arm to make him go back it seems on EVERY campaign promise he made from not getting involved in any more Middle East wars to building the Wall to cracking down on illegal immigrants....all in all it's pathetic.

People need to start digging deep to get the dirty goods on Jared Kusher, Kusher needs to be destroyed and that's totally destroyed and within the next few months.

Kushner's loyalties are elsewhere and what Kushner aims for will be very, very detrimental to both America and most of The West.

Me thinks kushner loves his wife..It's cute

How many campaign promises has The Donald kept? Now the centre piece of his ENTIRE campaign building a Wall appears not to be happening.

I don't think The Donald is doing all these about turns, he's being squeezed behind the scenes to abandon his ENTIRE campaign platform, only the Kool Aid drinkers and the completely ignorant can think that something ISN'T going on behind the scenes to pressure The Donald into abandoning all these things.

Of course something is going on behind the scenes. A few of the sane people in the administration are explaining to him that all the crap he believed from right wing media is just wrong, and will never work. Nothing changes a RWNJs goals faster than being exposed to reality in a way that can't be ignored.

"right wing media is just wrong"

What Right-Wing media?

Why should I bother to list them. You know them better than I do.
Trump made a monumentally stupid mistake installing Jared Kusher and Ivanka in the White House.

Jared Kushner aka the ACTUAL President now he's performed some sort of Behind-The-Scenes coup, Kushner seems to also be American Secretary of State as well.

It's increasingly obvious that Kushner use Ivanka to get The Donald to do very idiotic things, such as campaigning against military involvement in Syria and then suddenly pictures of children with breathing masks on their faces has Ivanka crying like a little baby to The Donald and the next thing is he's launching 60 Tomahawk missiles at something.

What next? The Chinese laugh at Ivanka's um fashion um designs, she starts crying little baby to The Donald and he bombs China?

It's a dangerous situation, Kusher is using Ivanka to emotionally twist her fathers arm to make him go back it seems on EVERY campaign promise he made from not getting involved in any more Middle East wars to building the Wall to cracking down on illegal immigrants....all in all it's pathetic.

People need to start digging deep to get the dirty goods on Jared Kusher, Kusher needs to be destroyed and that's totally destroyed and within the next few months.

Kushner's loyalties are elsewhere and what Kushner aims for will be very, very detrimental to both America and most of The West.
Me thinks kushner loves his wife..It's cute

How many campaign promises has The Donald kept? Now the centre piece of his ENTIRE campaign building a Wall appears not to be happening.

I don't think The Donald is doing all these about turns, he's being squeezed behind the scenes to abandon his ENTIRE campaign platform, only the Kool Aid drinkers and the completely ignorant can think that something ISN'T going on behind the scenes to pressure The Donald into abandoning all these things.

Of course something is going on behind the scenes. A few of the sane people in the administration are explaining to him that all the crap he believed from right wing media is just wrong, and will never work. Nothing changes a RWNJs goals faster than being exposed to reality in a way that can't be ignored.

"right wing media is just wrong"

What Right-Wing media?

Why should I bother to list them. You know them better than I do.

Your listen to me..
Are you not?
Trump made a monumentally stupid mistake installing Jared Kusher and Ivanka in the White House.

Jared Kushner aka the ACTUAL President now he's performed some sort of Behind-The-Scenes coup, Kushner seems to also be American Secretary of State as well.

It's increasingly obvious that Kushner use Ivanka to get The Donald to do very idiotic things, such as campaigning against military involvement in Syria and then suddenly pictures of children with breathing masks on their faces has Ivanka crying like a little baby to The Donald and the next thing is he's launching 60 Tomahawk missiles at something.

What next? The Chinese laugh at Ivanka's um fashion um designs, she starts crying little baby to The Donald and he bombs China?

It's a dangerous situation, Kusher is using Ivanka to emotionally twist her fathers arm to make him go back it seems on EVERY campaign promise he made from not getting involved in any more Middle East wars to building the Wall to cracking down on illegal immigrants....all in all it's pathetic.

People need to start digging deep to get the dirty goods on Jared Kusher, Kusher needs to be destroyed and that's totally destroyed and within the next few months.

Kushner's loyalties are elsewhere and what Kushner aims for will be very, very detrimental to both America and most of The West.
Me thinks kushner loves his wife..It's cute

How many campaign promises has The Donald kept? Now the centre piece of his ENTIRE campaign building a Wall appears not to be happening.

I don't think The Donald is doing all these about turns, he's being squeezed behind the scenes to abandon his ENTIRE campaign platform, only the Kool Aid drinkers and the completely ignorant can think that something ISN'T going on behind the scenes to pressure The Donald into abandoning all these things.

Of course something is going on behind the scenes. A few of the sane people in the administration are explaining to him that all the crap he believed from right wing media is just wrong, and will never work. Nothing changes a RWNJs goals faster than being exposed to reality in a way that can't be ignored.

"right wing media is just wrong"

What Right-Wing media?

Why should I bother to list them. You know them better than I do.

The thing about this, it illustrates a great difference between Left and Right, we on the Right can criticise, you on the Left are unable to criticise, even if you deep down feel things are going off the rails and/or against what you were hoping for, you still will not openly criticise Leftist politicians.
Me thinks kushner loves his wife..It's cute

How many campaign promises has The Donald kept? Now the centre piece of his ENTIRE campaign building a Wall appears not to be happening.

I don't think The Donald is doing all these about turns, he's being squeezed behind the scenes to abandon his ENTIRE campaign platform, only the Kool Aid drinkers and the completely ignorant can think that something ISN'T going on behind the scenes to pressure The Donald into abandoning all these things.

Of course something is going on behind the scenes. A few of the sane people in the administration are explaining to him that all the crap he believed from right wing media is just wrong, and will never work. Nothing changes a RWNJs goals faster than being exposed to reality in a way that can't be ignored.

"right wing media is just wrong"

What Right-Wing media?

Why should I bother to list them. You know them better than I do.

The thing about this, it illustrates a great difference between Left and Right, we on the Right can criticise, you on the Left are unable to criticise, even if you deep down feel things are going off the rails and/or against what you were hoping for, you still will not openly criticise Leftist politicians.

Trump made a monumentally stupid mistake installing Jared Kusher and Ivanka in the White House.

Jared Kushner aka the ACTUAL President now he's performed some sort of Behind-The-Scenes coup, Kushner seems to also be American Secretary of State as well.

It's increasingly obvious that Kushner use Ivanka to get The Donald to do very idiotic things, such as campaigning against military involvement in Syria and then suddenly pictures of children with breathing masks on their faces has Ivanka crying like a little baby to The Donald and the next thing is he's launching 60 Tomahawk missiles at something.

What next? The Chinese laugh at Ivanka's um fashion um designs, she starts crying little baby to The Donald and he bombs China?

It's a dangerous situation, Kusher is using Ivanka to emotionally twist her fathers arm to make him go back it seems on EVERY campaign promise he made from not getting involved in any more Middle East wars to building the Wall to cracking down on illegal immigrants....all in all it's pathetic.

People need to start digging deep to get the dirty goods on Jared Kusher, Kusher needs to be destroyed and that's totally destroyed and within the next few months.

Kushner's loyalties are elsewhere and what Kushner aims for will be very, very detrimental to both America and most of The West.
Me thinks kushner loves his wife..It's cute

How many campaign promises has The Donald kept? Now the centre piece of his ENTIRE campaign building a Wall appears not to be happening.

I don't think The Donald is doing all these about turns, he's being squeezed behind the scenes to abandon his ENTIRE campaign platform, only the Kool Aid drinkers and the completely ignorant can think that something ISN'T going on behind the scenes to pressure The Donald into abandoning all these things.

Of course something is going on behind the scenes. A few of the sane people in the administration are explaining to him that all the crap he believed from right wing media is just wrong, and will never work. Nothing changes a RWNJs goals faster than being exposed to reality in a way that can't be ignored.

"right wing media is just wrong"

What Right-Wing media?

Why should I bother to list them. You know them better than I do.

98% of the worldwide MSM are either Leftist or Left leaning, so what Right-Wing media it is that you refer is bewildering.

Forum List
