Soul and afterlife

no soul .....I have a thread on it somewhere
no afterlife
I believe that dreams and nightmares are glimpses of these realms. Because our souls don't needs to rest. But only get a feeling of relief as a substitute for rest.
But I believe that our souls wanders into different realms while the body is resting.
And hell will be a place where a soul's emotions are amplified to the max, that a soul will not have any control of their emotions. It will be worst than having bipolar. But only having these feelings of negative emotions, twenty four seven. Reaping what they have created here on earth.

key words in your post: you believe
Man was created in GOD's image. Does that mean that GOD looks like man? NO, GOD is a Spirit. HOWEVER, God has over the course of time revealed HIMSELF to be a perfect union of three perfect beings as one essence "GOD"--- also called the GODHEAD. Those three beings are God the FATHER, God the SON and God the HOLY SPIRIT (also know as the COMFORTER).

GOD then designs Man as triune. Man is Body, Soul, and Spirit. Actually, it maybe better to say that man is Soul, Spirit, and Body. Presently, the body is that part that is material/visible. The body now is in the process of decay and dies due to sin. Our Soul is that part that possess our personality and is eternal. Our spirit is our motivation ---- what drives us to do what we do, whether for good or for evil. When sin entered into the world, evil became the motivating force. Satan took charge of Adam and Eve, and they spiritually died immediately ---- separated from GOD. It was only through GOD's promise to crush the serpent's head that GOD was making a promise of redemption to reclaim the soul of man who was now under bondage to his spirit and confined to a dying body.

Unlike fallen man, JESUS had a body, soul and spirit that were entirely without sin and possessed entirely of GOD. It is also interesting to note that JESUS/Messiah/CHRIST is the being of the GODHEAD that apparently appears over and over throughout the Old Testament. It is HE who assumes a "material" form to Adam, Abraham, Jacob, etc., and becomes a baby in a manger in Bethlehem of Judea. And when JESUS want to the cross, HE wasn't killed, HE allowed HIS death to occur. JESUS said, "Father, into Thy hands do I commend My spirit." He GAVE up the ghost and later Jesus reclaimed it and arose from the dead.

When an individual becomes saved/born-again, his spirit come once again under GOD's motivation: however, because sin is still in charge over the earth, a saved individual can drift back and forth between what motivates him to a degree. BUT in fact a save individual's soul is now under the protection of the HOLY SPIRIT, and when the body dies, such an individual's soul goes to be with the LORD. It will remain there until GOD reunites it with a recreated perfect body, and the HOLY SPIRIT totally indwells that individual forever.

There is one little problem though. Crafts of the devil, such as hypnosis and the occult can put the soul back into its broken state, whether that individual wants it or not. How do you protect a saved soul from becoming a constant target for destruction? Schizophrenia, autism, meningitis, and many other physical and mental illnesses manifest this problem.
Crafts of the devil can ruin a saved individual's testimony, if one is a willing participant. Eventually any sin (mine, yours, societies, etc.) will spoil the body and then comes death. However, the devil cannot take salvation away. GOD hates divorce, and this is why. Salvation is like marriage. Divorce is not an option with GOD. One may lose rewards in heaven, fall into hard times, get sick and die because that child of GOD is rebellious. However, one who is really saved cannot lose his salvation. That in no way means that any saved individual who experiences problems is being bad ---- for ALL have sinned and the wages of sin is death. We ALL will die someway, somehow. Old age isn't pleasant for most people --- if anyone. It is inevitable, unless one dies young! What did JESUS say to the one thief on the cross. "Today, you shall be with ME in paradise." What did that thief do? Why he REPENTED and it was revealed to this thief somehow that JESUS had done NOTHING WRONG. He realized that JESUS was GOD at that moment. The other thief would not believe! He insulted JESUS over and over. That thief died in his sins and bore the eternal punishment himself. Both just as guilty and yet one repented and one would not. That is what separated them.

But God respects free will. A geriatric condition can reprogram free will. Especially if painful. But many other things can reprogram free will too. All those reprogramming come from the devil. Looks like God gave a win card to the devil, like you let your little brother win sometimes. But we are the merchandise and we suffer as a result of the win that the devil receives. What make one thief different from the othercthief could be also some bargain that the devil started with Christ on the cross, for fun. So I don't understand your point.
no soul .....I have a thread on it somewhere
no afterlife
I believe that dreams and nightmares are glimpses of these realms. Because our souls don't needs to rest. But only get a feeling of relief as a substitute for rest.
But I believe that our souls wanders into different realms while the body is resting.
And hell will be a place where a soul's emotions are amplified to the max, that a soul will not have any control of their emotions. It will be worst than having bipolar. But only having these feelings of negative emotions, twenty four seven. Reaping what they have created here on earth.

The feelings of the soul can be amplified beyond all control even without death. Occult practitioners do this as regular job, as well as hypnotists for medical reasons or for crime. Any time the spirit is separated from the soul, the soul is anyone's whiteboard.
no soul .....I have a thread on it somewhere
no afterlife
I believe that dreams and nightmares are glimpses of these realms. Because our souls don't needs to rest. But only get a feeling of relief as a substitute for rest.
But I believe that our souls wanders into different realms while the body is resting.
And hell will be a place where a soul's emotions are amplified to the max, that a soul will not have any control of their emotions. It will be worst than having bipolar. But only having these feelings of negative emotions, twenty four seven. Reaping what they have created here on earth.

The feelings of the soul can be amplified beyond all control even without death. Occult practitioners do this as regular job, as well as hypnotists for medical reasons or for crime. Any time the spirit is separated from the soul, the soul is anyone's whiteboard.
Like in this video, that this woman explains that each souls goes to a certain realms. Like the realm she had went to was a realm for those who self-destructed. That their emotions had intensified.
I had several dreams in the past. One dream I was crying in the dream that i woke up crying. Once the emotional feeling that I was experiencing in this dream faded away from out of my system. I said to myself, "that this wasn't anything to cry about!" But was wondering why did I cried about something that i didn't care about. And the same experience had happened to me when I've had a nightmare. That I've woken up screaming. But when I've came to my senses. I've said to myself this wasn't anything to be scared of. But why was I scared in this dream?
And if you know what kind of person that I am, that this is totally out of my character.
But I guess that God was showing me at the time, how unsympathetic i was. That if he can't humbled me into having sympathy or empathy for others. That He knows a place that will break me down. But God given us free-will. And in hell there is no free-will. But these, souls will not have any control over their emotions.

Psalm 107:39
Then their numbers decreased, and they were humbled by oppression, calamity and sorrow;

Proverbs 3:34
He mocks proud mockers but shows favor to the humble and oppressed.

Daniel 12:2

Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
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The short and sweet (depends on what side you are): "And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” Matthew 25:46
If you want more -- What Does the Bible Say About Afterlife?

The OP is about the Jewish understanding ... which has nothing to do with the New Testament ... try to pay attention ...

You missed the OT verse.

"For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten. Their love and their hate and their envy have already perished, and forever they have no more share in all that is done under the sun." Ecclesiastes 9:5-6

The OP doesn't really explain.

AFAIK, the soul is the body and spirit united, but some will argue that the body, spirit, and soul are separate parts, i.e. trichotomy.
Man was created in GOD's image. Does that mean that GOD looks like man? NO, GOD is a Spirit. HOWEVER, God has over the course of time revealed HIMSELF to be a perfect union of three perfect beings as one essence "GOD"--- also called the GODHEAD. Those three beings are God the FATHER, God the SON and God the HOLY SPIRIT (also know as the COMFORTER).

GOD then designs Man as triune. Man is Body, Soul, and Spirit. Actually, it maybe better to say that man is Soul, Spirit, and Body. Presently, the body is that part that is material/visible. The body now is in the process of decay and dies due to sin. Our Soul is that part that possess our personality and is eternal. Our spirit is our motivation ---- what drives us to do what we do, whether for good or for evil. When sin entered into the world, evil became the motivating force. Satan took charge of Adam and Eve, and they spiritually died immediately ---- separated from GOD. It was only through GOD's promise to crush the serpent's head that GOD was making a promise of redemption to reclaim the soul of man who was now under bondage to his spirit and confined to a dying body.

Unlike fallen man, JESUS had a body, soul and spirit that were entirely without sin and possessed entirely of GOD. It is also interesting to note that JESUS/Messiah/CHRIST is the being of the GODHEAD that apparently appears over and over throughout the Old Testament. It is HE who assumes a "material" form to Adam, Abraham, Jacob, etc., and becomes a baby in a manger in Bethlehem of Judea. And when JESUS want to the cross, HE wasn't killed, HE allowed HIS death to occur. JESUS said, "Father, into Thy hands do I commend My spirit." He GAVE up the ghost and later Jesus reclaimed it and arose from the dead.

When an individual becomes saved/born-again, his spirit come once again under GOD's motivation: however, because sin is still in charge over the earth, a saved individual can drift back and forth between what motivates him to a degree. BUT in fact a save individual's soul is now under the protection of the HOLY SPIRIT, and when the body dies, such an individual's soul goes to be with the LORD. It will remain there until GOD reunites it with a recreated perfect body, and the HOLY SPIRIT totally indwells that individual forever.

There is one little problem though. Crafts of the devil, such as hypnosis and the occult can put the soul back into its broken state, whether that individual wants it or not. How do you protect a saved soul from becoming a constant target for destruction? Schizophrenia, autism, meningitis, and many other physical and mental illnesses manifest this problem.
Crafts of the devil can ruin a saved individual's testimony, if one is a willing participant. Eventually any sin (mine, yours, societies, etc.) will spoil the body and then comes death. However, the devil cannot take salvation away. GOD hates divorce, and this is why. Salvation is like marriage. Divorce is not an option with GOD. One may lose rewards in heaven, fall into hard times, get sick and die because that child of GOD is rebellious. However, one who is really saved cannot lose his salvation. That in no way means that any saved individual who experiences problems is being bad ---- for ALL have sinned and the wages of sin is death. We ALL will die someway, somehow. Old age isn't pleasant for most people --- if anyone. It is inevitable, unless one dies young! What did JESUS say to the one thief on the cross. "Today, you shall be with ME in paradise." What did that thief do? Why he REPENTED and it was revealed to this thief somehow that JESUS had done NOTHING WRONG. He realized that JESUS was GOD at that moment. The other thief would not believe! He insulted JESUS over and over. That thief died in his sins and bore the eternal punishment himself. Both just as guilty and yet one repented and one would not. That is what separated them.

But God respects free will. A geriatric condition can reprogram free will. Especially if painful. But many other things can reprogram free will too. All those reprogramming come from the devil. Looks like God gave a win card to the devil, like you let your little brother win sometimes. But we are the merchandise and we suffer as a result of the win that the devil receives. What make one thief different from the othercthief could be also some bargain that the devil started with Christ on the cross, for fun. So I don't understand your point.
Jesus made no deals with the devil. Jesus HIMSELF said to the adversary on an occasion, "Thou shall not tempt the LORD thy GOD." Satan is presently the Cherub over the earth. It was the original position GOD gave to Satan before his fall. Satan will keep this position until the Millennial Kingdom. At that time Satan will be bond in chains for 1000 years. This occurs AFTER the 7 year Tribulation, also known as the Time of Jacob's Trouble. Yes, we do have free will. However, certain choices are permanent and irrevocable.
no soul .....I have a thread on it somewhere
no afterlife
I believe that dreams and nightmares are glimpses of these realms. Because our souls don't needs to rest. But only get a feeling of relief as a substitute for rest.
But I believe that our souls wanders into different realms while the body is resting.
And hell will be a place where a soul's emotions are amplified to the max, that a soul will not have any control of their emotions. It will be worst than having bipolar. But only having these feelings of negative emotions, twenty four seven. Reaping what they have created here on earth.

The feelings of the soul can be amplified beyond all control even without death. Occult practitioners do this as regular job, as well as hypnotists for medical reasons or for crime. Any time the spirit is separated from the soul, the soul is anyone's whiteboard.
Like in this video, that this woman explains that each souls goes to a certain realms. Like the realm she had went to was a realm for those who self-destructed. That their emotions had intensified.
I had several dreams in the past. One dream I was crying in the dream that i woke up crying. Once the emotional feeling that I was experiencing in this dream faded away from out of my system. I said to myself, "that this wasn't anything to cry about!" But was wondering why did I cried about something that i didn't care about. And the same experience had happened to me when I've had a nightmare. That I've woken up screaming. But when I've came to my senses. I've said to myself this wasn't anything to be scared of. But why was I scared in this dream?
And if you know what kind of person that I am, that this is totally out of my character.
But I guess that God was showing me at the time, how unsympathetic i was. That if he can't humbled me into having sympathy or empathy for others. That He knows a place that will break me down. But God given us free-will. And in hell there is no free-will. But these, souls will not have any control over their emotions.

Psalm 107:39
Then their numbers decreased, and they were humbled by oppression, calamity and sorrow;

Proverbs 3:34
He mocks proud mockers but shows favor to the humble and oppressed.

Daniel 12:2

Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.

Unfortunately demonic oppression, demonic posession, hypnosis, and various occult and medical practices can amplify emotions in very irrational ways. Also post traumatic stress disorder can. It is good luck that it was God that did this to you.

In contrast, when Christ receives the man who was born blind, He must announce that no, it is not always a sin that causes this, but that it can be the devil directly. And then He says that "God's work needs displaying in that man".

In this way, religions are put on the stand to answer for damages that are caused when our spirit is bypassed, or with other words, our conscious minds are bypassed.

Would be good to know what to do in that situation. It seems that God dealt with yours as you woke up. God dealt with that of that blind man too when Jesus healed him. But how do we use this to heal all others?
Man was created in GOD's image. Does that mean that GOD looks like man? NO, GOD is a Spirit. HOWEVER, God has over the course of time revealed HIMSELF to be a perfect union of three perfect beings as one essence "GOD"--- also called the GODHEAD. Those three beings are God the FATHER, God the SON and God the HOLY SPIRIT (also know as the COMFORTER).

GOD then designs Man as triune. Man is Body, Soul, and Spirit. Actually, it maybe better to say that man is Soul, Spirit, and Body. Presently, the body is that part that is material/visible. The body now is in the process of decay and dies due to sin. Our Soul is that part that possess our personality and is eternal. Our spirit is our motivation ---- what drives us to do what we do, whether for good or for evil. When sin entered into the world, evil became the motivating force. Satan took charge of Adam and Eve, and they spiritually died immediately ---- separated from GOD. It was only through GOD's promise to crush the serpent's head that GOD was making a promise of redemption to reclaim the soul of man who was now under bondage to his spirit and confined to a dying body.

Unlike fallen man, JESUS had a body, soul and spirit that were entirely without sin and possessed entirely of GOD. It is also interesting to note that JESUS/Messiah/CHRIST is the being of the GODHEAD that apparently appears over and over throughout the Old Testament. It is HE who assumes a "material" form to Adam, Abraham, Jacob, etc., and becomes a baby in a manger in Bethlehem of Judea. And when JESUS want to the cross, HE wasn't killed, HE allowed HIS death to occur. JESUS said, "Father, into Thy hands do I commend My spirit." He GAVE up the ghost and later Jesus reclaimed it and arose from the dead.

When an individual becomes saved/born-again, his spirit come once again under GOD's motivation: however, because sin is still in charge over the earth, a saved individual can drift back and forth between what motivates him to a degree. BUT in fact a save individual's soul is now under the protection of the HOLY SPIRIT, and when the body dies, such an individual's soul goes to be with the LORD. It will remain there until GOD reunites it with a recreated perfect body, and the HOLY SPIRIT totally indwells that individual forever.

There is one little problem though. Crafts of the devil, such as hypnosis and the occult can put the soul back into its broken state, whether that individual wants it or not. How do you protect a saved soul from becoming a constant target for destruction? Schizophrenia, autism, meningitis, and many other physical and mental illnesses manifest this problem.
Crafts of the devil can ruin a saved individual's testimony, if one is a willing participant. Eventually any sin (mine, yours, societies, etc.) will spoil the body and then comes death. However, the devil cannot take salvation away. GOD hates divorce, and this is why. Salvation is like marriage. Divorce is not an option with GOD. One may lose rewards in heaven, fall into hard times, get sick and die because that child of GOD is rebellious. However, one who is really saved cannot lose his salvation. That in no way means that any saved individual who experiences problems is being bad ---- for ALL have sinned and the wages of sin is death. We ALL will die someway, somehow. Old age isn't pleasant for most people --- if anyone. It is inevitable, unless one dies young! What did JESUS say to the one thief on the cross. "Today, you shall be with ME in paradise." What did that thief do? Why he REPENTED and it was revealed to this thief somehow that JESUS had done NOTHING WRONG. He realized that JESUS was GOD at that moment. The other thief would not believe! He insulted JESUS over and over. That thief died in his sins and bore the eternal punishment himself. Both just as guilty and yet one repented and one would not. That is what separated them.

But God respects free will. A geriatric condition can reprogram free will. Especially if painful. But many other things can reprogram free will too. All those reprogramming come from the devil. Looks like God gave a win card to the devil, like you let your little brother win sometimes. But we are the merchandise and we suffer as a result of the win that the devil receives. What make one thief different from the othercthief could be also some bargain that the devil started with Christ on the cross, for fun. So I don't understand your point.
Jesus made no deals with the devil. Jesus HIMSELF said to the adversary on an occasion, "Thou shall not tempt the LORD thy GOD." Satan is presently the Cherub over the earth. It was the original position GOD gave to Satan before his fall. Satan will keep this position until the Millennial Kingdom. At that time Satan will be bond in chains for 1000 years. This occurs AFTER the 7 year Tribulation, also known as the Time of Jacob's Trouble. Yes, we do have free will. However, certain choices are permanent and irrevocable.

And those permanent and irrevocable choices are the currency of the devil. That is why children are taught under authority that God is the devil and that the devil is God, that is why unborn children under certain authorities are attacked by Satanists to cause them to be born fully possessed by demons, and that is why a wide range of addictions and compulsive instincts get programmed into people.
When the soul is reunited with a body in eternity, it will be a perfect and eternal body.
What age will the body be? The age at death? 5 years old? 20 years old? What about dead fetuses?
But I thought that you didn't accept such a premise? I cannot tell you honestly what I do not know; however, I can speculate where there is no Biblical contradiction. I would say that everyone who dies will likely inherit a body that would appear the same age as Adam and Eve appeared to be when created, and or possibly appear the age that Christ was when HE went to HIS cross. That would likely appear approximately 30 years old. As for unborn babies and infants, perhaps they arrive in heaven totally mature, or perhaps are allowed to reach a maturity once they arrive in heaven. All the saved will of course be perfectly healthy and without disease or deformity. Again, this is honestly speculative and a mystery not revealed in the Bible.

Oddly on the Mount of Transfiguration, Peter, James and John witnessed Jesus transfigured into His glorified body for a time. This fulfilled what Jesus said regarding that some would not die before they saw HIM in all HIS glory. But at that time Elijah and Moses appeared with Jesus so transfigured. The point is that Elijah and Moses seem to have been recognized by Peter, James, and John ------ even though they had never seen them before. Regardless, it would seem that there are various character traits and appearances that will be retained in the afterlife. We will not all appear the same or act the same. There will be variety in the afterlife.
When the soul is reunited with a body in eternity, it will be a perfect and eternal body.
What age will the body be? The age at death? 5 years old? 20 years old? What about dead fetuses?
But I thought that you didn't accept such a premise? I cannot tell you honestly what I do not know; however, I can speculate where there is no Biblical contradiction. I would say that everyone who dies will likely inherit a body that would appear the same age as Adam and Eve appeared to be when created, and or possibly appear the age that Christ was when HE went to HIS cross. That would likely appear approximately 30 years old. As for unborn babies and infants, perhaps they arrive in heaven totally mature, or perhaps are allowed to reach a maturity once they arrive in heaven. All the saved will of course be perfectly healthy and without disease or deformity. Again, this is honestly speculative and a mystery not revealed in the Bible.

Oddly on the Mount of Transfiguration, Peter, James and John witnessed Jesus transfigured into His glorified body for a time. This fulfilled what Jesus said regarding that some would not die before they saw HIM in all HIS glory. But at that time Elijah and Moses appeared with Jesus so transfigured. The point is that Elijah and Moses seem to have been recognized by Peter, James, and John ------ even though they had never seen them before. Regardless, it would seem that there are various character traits and appearances that will be retained in the afterlife. We will not all appear the same or act the same. There will be variety in the afterlife.
i don't accept the premise. A rational person would ask these questions and demand a answer that makes sense before accepting such an extraordinary claim as you have made. This is the stuff that should happen BEFORE you accept auch an extraorodinary premise.

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