Zone1 What Does This Bible Verse Mean To You?

BreezeWood is a troll.
nutz is a lying christian ... their commandments - christianity uses to persecute and victimize the innocent.

This is the religion forum, not the political forum.

correct, remove the false commandments claimed by the liar moses and end the persecution and victimization of the innocent used by christians, the desert religions since the 4th century to this day once and for all times ...

is the religious message of the day and for all eternity.
think again ...

judaism paid judas in silver to have him arrested by the romans through kissing him as the request made by the jewish priests for the apprehension.

the 1st century events are the repudiation of judaism, their false commandments and hereditary idolatry.

the jews chose a murderer to be saved over jesus when given the choice.
"Judaism paid Judas......... ???? who is Judaism?
Did Judas arrest Jesus? Did Judas pay a Roman to
arrest Jesus or FORCE the Roman to arrest Jesus? If
I kiss you, will a Roman arrest you? Did the Easter bunny bring you peeps instead of a big chocolate
bunny? Reminds me of those sundays I spent in
"sunday school"
"Judaism paid Judas......... ????

yes, who else do you claim gave judas the silver for them to kiss jesus ...

The chief priests sent an armed crowd to arrest Jesus ... According to the Gospels, the Sanhedrin, an elite council of priestly and lay elders, arrested Jesus during the Jewish festival of Passover, deeply threatened by his teachings. They dragged him before Pilate to be tried for blasphemy—for claiming, they said, to be King of the Jews.

whistle dixie all they want ... history and 91 are like a hammer chasing a 4 legged nail.

- the repudiation of judaism, their false commandments and hereditary idolatry ... the 1st century heavenly exemplars.

liars, jesus was never a jew.
correct, remove the false commandments claimed by the liar moses and end the persecution and victimization of the innocent used by christians, the desert religions since the 4th century to this day once and for all times ...

is the religious message of the day and for all eternity.
Your final message, I hope. ;)
yes, who else do you claim gave judas the silver for them to kiss jesus ...

whistle dixie all they want ... history and 91 are like a hammer chasing a 4 legged nail.

- the repudiation of judaism, their false commandments and hereditary idolatry ... the 1st century heavenly exemplars.

liars, jesus was never a jew.
try again----the "high priests" like the "King" (herod) were Roman appointees. They were part of the ROMAN RULING ---despised occupiers. Your sunday school lady forgot to tell you that part. Jesus was a fine jew----in fact, a PHARISEE like his cousin John the mikveh man-----and like Josephus Flavius.
It is also showing not only does Gods word give loving true light, it as well has words of condemnation.
so true because God is a God of justice

God destroyed Jerusalem due to disobedience
God killed the first born sons due to disobedience
God set fire to Sodom and Gomorrah killing all those homosexuals and their abomination due to disobedience.
God had Lot's wife freeze as a pillar of salt due to disobedience.

Yes, the Word of God is sharp... Many say God is like Santa Clause and they say that in ignorance.
try again----the "high priests" like the "King" (herod) were Roman appointees. They were part of the ROMAN RULING ---despised occupiers. Your sunday school lady forgot to tell you that part. Jesus was a fine jew----in fact, a PHARISEE like his cousin John the mikveh man-----and like Josephus Flavius.
Except that both Jesus and John were at odds with the Pharisees.
Your sunday school lady forgot to tell you that part. Jesus was a fine jew---

who was barabus ... a dairy queen.

the Jews replied, “His blood is on us and on our children!”

liest not - moses the liar, false commandments, abraham's hereditary idolatry - let the truth get in your way ... the heavenly events of the 1st century - to this day.
Except that both Jesus and John were at odds with the Pharisees.
no they weren't---Constantine was at odds with the
Pharisees. Constantine had them crucified by the thousands. His people crucified Jesus and killed John. His people were Pilate and Herod and Caiaphas . The
Pharisees hated Pilate and Herod and Caiaphas---<<< that's history. The Pharisees also hated the money changers<<also history
who was barabus ... a dairy queen.

liest not - moses the liar, false commandments, abraham's hereditary idolatry - let the truth get in your way ... the heavenly events of the 1st century - to this day.
I do not have the history of Barabas---but he was most likely a Pharisee who, like Jesus committed and act of sedition against Rome
no they weren't---Constantine was at odds with the
Pharisees. Constantine had them crucified by the thousands. His people crucified Jesus and killed John. His people were Pilate and Herod and Caiaphas . The
Pharisees hated Pilate and Herod and Caiaphas---<<< that's history. The Pharisees also hated the money changers<<also history
I trust the Biblical account in this regard.
I do not have the history of Barabas---but he was most likely a Pharisee who, like Jesus committed and act of sedition against Rome
whistle dixie all they want ... history to 91 is like a hammer chasing a 4 legged nail.

really, you live in a cave ...


a prisoner who was chosen over Jesus by the crowd in Jerusalem to be pardoned and released by Roman governor Pontius Pilate at the Passover feast.

who 91 truly believes is the good little jew ...

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