Sounds Like John "Pedo" Podesta To Me Playing "Dominos On Pizza".....

The sick pedo has a similar lisp and general sounds as the faggot, corrupt Podesta, but that is a tough call. Podesta did think he could screw millions of Americans though. But he got cock blocked by Crooked Hillary.
All partisanship aside Dale, you really should seek some therapy or counseling. There are resources out there that can help you.

Who is your therapist? I am curious as to her Yelp rating. :p And IMO you should post your review of her. It really helps to be honest.
seek help!
Soooo, how many raids have been conducted since Pizzagate has come to light?

Seems to me that they are just plucking the low hanging fruit. How you can close your eyes to the overwhelming evidence of pedophile activity by James Alefantis simply defies the imagination and makes you guilty by association.

Do your own fucking research....look at the pictures of Alefantis's Insta-gram page, the pics inside "Comet Pizza", Podesta's art collection.. This is a problem that is world-wide. The computer analysis of Podesta's voice by an investigator that intentionally irritated him was done to get that voice sample for comparison. Open your fucking eyes.
All partisanship aside Dale, you really should seek some therapy or counseling. There are resources out there that can help you.

I know more than you....have you been paying attention to the pedo-rings that have been busted here of late? They are getting the low hanging fruit right now but bigger arrests are coming.
Dale, Podesta is 67 years old, his 'children' are full grown adults... please stop being so stupid and gullible!
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For all you need to watch this and then go back and look up the Franklin Scandal concerning the use of teenage boys and girls for sex bribery by Larry King, a prominent black Republican that supplied these children to some of the most high ranking politicians in D.C in the late 80's and early 90's. You can watch the documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence", a BBC documentary that was not allowed to be aired on the Discovery Channel and was yanked at the last minute on youtube.

These are our children...the most innocent among us. You cannot turn a blind eye to this.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

For all you need to watch this and then go back and look up the Franklin Scandal concerning the use of teenage boys and girls for sex bribery by Larry King, a prominent black Republican that supplied these children to some of the most high ranking politicians in D.C in the late 80's and early 90's. You can watch the documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence", a BBC documentary that was not allowed to be aired on the Discovery Channel and was yanked at the last minute on youtube.

These are our children...the most innocent among us. You cannot turn a blind eye to this.

I've watched that video, he ran a bank and he had something to do with Boystown. Now with that being said, you come up with this kind of stuff on Podesta with no real evidence and you swear up and down he is guilty and it is true, and then when given evidence of Russia meddling in the U.S. elections you deny it. Do you not see the problems there? You reach sooo far on shit you WANT to be true, and then you totally deny shit that actually has evidence.
Dale, Podesta is 67 years old, his 'children' are full grown adults... please stop being so stupid and gullible!

He is 67 years old and a pedophile pervert....that child he was abusing wasn't his blood was an abuse victim.

I know about the O.T.O (Ordo Templi Orientis), the luciferian cult that the highest ranking freemason ever by the name of Aleister Crowley started using "sex magic" and "spirit cooking" using rituals that inculded the terrorizing and sexual abuse of shildren to "steal" their energy. Have you seen the "Cremation of Care" ritual at Bohemian Grove that was captured on film in 2000? Look it up on youtube and tell me that there isn't anything weird about it. I know al lot about this.....and my knowledge of the occult practices that the rich and powerful is soooo over your head.

What you do need to wake up and realize is that the same pedophile ring that was busted in the U.K when Jimmy Savile died has been the same in this country for decades. They bust the low hanging fruit. When the rank and file members of the FBI or huge city detective units like the NYPD, they are shut down. Ted Gunderson was a 30 year member of the FBI and his investigations were thwarted and his name smeared. John Rothstein was an NYPD detective that started working on this satanic underground pedophile network was assigned to this very task in 1967 and he has given interviews stating as to how they were only to go after them to a certain point. You want to ignore this so that you sleep better at night? Do you think that me and millions of others are going to stay silent? Guess again.....
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

For all you need to watch this and then go back and look up the Franklin Scandal concerning the use of teenage boys and girls for sex bribery by Larry King, a prominent black Republican that supplied these children to some of the most high ranking politicians in D.C in the late 80's and early 90's. You can watch the documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence", a BBC documentary that was not allowed to be aired on the Discovery Channel and was yanked at the last minute on youtube.

These are our children...the most innocent among us. You cannot turn a blind eye to this.

I've watched that video, he ran a bank and he had something to do with Boystown. Now with that being said, you come up with this kind of stuff on Podesta with no real evidence and you swear up and down he is guilty and it is true, and then when given evidence of Russia meddling in the U.S. elections you deny it. Do you not see the problems there? You reach sooo far on shit you WANT to be true, and then you totally deny shit that actually has evidence.

Really? You watched it and all you came away with was that King had something to do with Boystown? You are a never watched it because what you would have learned would be impossible to forget. Julian Assange said that he didn't get his info from Russia. We know that Seth Rich was the suspected leak and he was murdered shortly after the leaks started coming out. We also know that a U.K ambassador came forward and even admitted that he got the thumb drive that had the e-mails on it from Rich that he then gave to Assange.

FURTHERMORE, I have been very upfront that I wouldn't give a shit about which intelligence agency that it was that was revealing corruption. Russia isn't any kind of an enemy....they aren't diddly squat compared to the Chi-Coms that were given a deep sea water port by the Clintons and then given access to the patent office. Since the USSR was taken down when their currency was intentionally taken down (using currency swaps) and the assets that they had were stripped away by the very banking oligarchs that funded their rise to begin with via the the Deep State, Russia has been trying to rebuild itself and is a nationalist country. Putin isn't perfect but he isn't in any position to to fight any war. They lack the manpower because their population has been depleted and they have been weakened financially by the price of oil. Their biggest saving grace is that they kicked out the central bankers. USA.INC is the biggest terrorist threat on this country and has been since their first coup when they took out the duly elected leader in Iran in 1953. You bitch that you believe that some foreign entity that exposed the cheating of the DNC somehow affected the results of the election is an utter joke and especially when you compare it to how many coups USA.INC has financed outright or indirectly by groups they funded and armed in order to fight a proxy war.You have a lot to learn, my have a LOT to learn.

Trump is the best shot this country has had to fight off the international bankers since JFK and he has "white hats" working with him or he would be dead by now...I honestly believe that. You have no fucking clue as to what has been done to the people of this country. You are a debt slave with NO allodial rights to only have what you have because "the state" says you can have it and it goes all the way back to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of March 1933 and "real money" was turned in for Federal Reserve notes under the threat of prison and a huge fine.........I know a lot of things....a LOT of things that you don't. I am trying to share.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

For all you need to watch this and then go back and look up the Franklin Scandal concerning the use of teenage boys and girls for sex bribery by Larry King, a prominent black Republican that supplied these children to some of the most high ranking politicians in D.C in the late 80's and early 90's. You can watch the documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence", a BBC documentary that was not allowed to be aired on the Discovery Channel and was yanked at the last minute on youtube.

These are our children...the most innocent among us. You cannot turn a blind eye to this.

I've watched that video, he ran a bank and he had something to do with Boystown. Now with that being said, you come up with this kind of stuff on Podesta with no real evidence and you swear up and down he is guilty and it is true, and then when given evidence of Russia meddling in the U.S. elections you deny it. Do you not see the problems there? You reach sooo far on shit you WANT to be true, and then you totally deny shit that actually has evidence.

Really? You watched it and all you came away with was that King had something to do with Boystown? You are a never watched it because what you would have learned would be impossible to forget. Julian Assange said that he didn't get his info from Russia. We know that Seth Rich was the suspected leak and he was murdered shortly after the leaks started coming out. We also know that a U.K ambassador came forward and even admitted that he got the thumb drive that had the e-mails on it from Rich that he then gave to Assange.

FURTHERMORE, I have been very upfront that I wouldn't give a shit about which intelligence agency that it was that was revealing corruption. Russia isn't any kind of an enemy....they aren't diddly squat compared to the Chi-Coms that were given a deep sea water port by the Clintons and then given access to the patent office. Since the USSR was taken down when their currency was intentionally taken down (using currency swaps) and the assets that they had were stripped away by the very banking oligarchs that funded their rise to begin with via the the Deep State, Russia has been trying to rebuild itself and is a nationalist country. Putin isn't perfect but he isn't in any position to to fight any war. They lack the manpower because their population has been depleted and they have been weakened financially by the price of oil. Their biggest saving grace is that they kicked out the central bankers. USA.INC is the biggest terrorist threat on this country and has been since their first coup when they took out the duly elected leader in Iran in 1953. You bitch that you believe that some foreign entity that exposed the cheating of the DNC somehow affected the results of the election is an utter joke and especially when you compare it to how many coups USA.INC has financed outright or indirectly by groups they funded and armed in order to fight a proxy war.You have a lot to learn, my have a LOT to learn.

Trump is the best shot this country has had to fight off the international bankers since JFK and he has "white hats" working with him or he would be dead by now...I honestly believe that. You have no fucking clue as to what has been done to the people of this country. You are a debt slave with NO allodial rights to only have what you have because "the state" says you can have it and it goes all the way back to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of March 1933 and "real money" was turned in for Federal Reserve notes under the threat of prison and a huge fine.........I know a lot of things....a LOT of things that you don't. I am trying to share.

Yes I did watch it... and he ran a bank and he used that bank as a way to get his claws into Boystown by offering them loans. He then would recruit boys there to sell their services to Politicians.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

For all you need to watch this and then go back and look up the Franklin Scandal concerning the use of teenage boys and girls for sex bribery by Larry King, a prominent black Republican that supplied these children to some of the most high ranking politicians in D.C in the late 80's and early 90's. You can watch the documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence", a BBC documentary that was not allowed to be aired on the Discovery Channel and was yanked at the last minute on youtube.

These are our children...the most innocent among us. You cannot turn a blind eye to this.

I've watched that video, he ran a bank and he had something to do with Boystown. Now with that being said, you come up with this kind of stuff on Podesta with no real evidence and you swear up and down he is guilty and it is true, and then when given evidence of Russia meddling in the U.S. elections you deny it. Do you not see the problems there? You reach sooo far on shit you WANT to be true, and then you totally deny shit that actually has evidence.
And he likes chicken pizza....
Dale, Podesta is 67 years old, his 'children' are full grown adults... please stop being so stupid and gullible!

He is 67 years old and a pedophile pervert....that child he was abusing wasn't his blood was an abuse victim.

I know about the O.T.O (Ordo Templi Orientis), the luciferian cult that the highest ranking freemason ever by the name of Aleister Crowley started using "sex magic" and "spirit cooking" using rituals that inculded the terrorizing and sexual abuse of shildren to "steal" their energy. Have you seen the "Cremation of Care" ritual at Bohemian Grove that was captured on film in 2000? Look it up on youtube and tell me that there isn't anything weird about it. I know al lot about this.....and my knowledge of the occult practices that the rich and powerful is soooo over your head.

What you do need to wake up and realize is that the same pedophile ring that was busted in the U.K when Jimmy Savile died has been the same in this country for decades. They bust the low hanging fruit. When the rank and file members of the FBI or huge city detective units like the NYPD, they are shut down. Ted Gunderson was a 30 year member of the FBI and his investigations were thwarted and his name smeared. John Rothstein was an NYPD detective that started working on this satanic underground pedophile network was assigned to this very task in 1967 and he has given interviews stating as to how they were only to go after them to a certain point. You want to ignore this so that you sleep better at night? Do you think that me and millions of others are going to stay silent? Guess again.....

You're delusional and you need help.
Dale, Podesta is 67 years old, his 'children' are full grown adults... please stop being so stupid and gullible!

He is 67 years old and a pedophile pervert....that child he was abusing wasn't his blood was an abuse victim.

I know about the O.T.O (Ordo Templi Orientis), the luciferian cult that the highest ranking freemason ever by the name of Aleister Crowley started using "sex magic" and "spirit cooking" using rituals that inculded the terrorizing and sexual abuse of shildren to "steal" their energy. Have you seen the "Cremation of Care" ritual at Bohemian Grove that was captured on film in 2000? Look it up on youtube and tell me that there isn't anything weird about it. I know al lot about this.....and my knowledge of the occult practices that the rich and powerful is soooo over your head.

What you do need to wake up and realize is that the same pedophile ring that was busted in the U.K when Jimmy Savile died has been the same in this country for decades. They bust the low hanging fruit. When the rank and file members of the FBI or huge city detective units like the NYPD, they are shut down. Ted Gunderson was a 30 year member of the FBI and his investigations were thwarted and his name smeared. John Rothstein was an NYPD detective that started working on this satanic underground pedophile network was assigned to this very task in 1967 and he has given interviews stating as to how they were only to go after them to a certain point. You want to ignore this so that you sleep better at night? Do you think that me and millions of others are going to stay silent? Guess again.....

You're delusional and you need help.
Call domino's......
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For all you need to watch this and then go back and look up the Franklin Scandal concerning the use of teenage boys and girls for sex bribery by Larry King, a prominent black Republican that supplied these children to some of the most high ranking politicians in D.C in the late 80's and early 90's. You can watch the documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence", a BBC documentary that was not allowed to be aired on the Discovery Channel and was yanked at the last minute on youtube.

These are our children...the most innocent among us. You cannot turn a blind eye to this.

I've watched that video, he ran a bank and he had something to do with Boystown. Now with that being said, you come up with this kind of stuff on Podesta with no real evidence and you swear up and down he is guilty and it is true, and then when given evidence of Russia meddling in the U.S. elections you deny it. Do you not see the problems there? You reach sooo far on shit you WANT to be true, and then you totally deny shit that actually has evidence.

Really? You watched it and all you came away with was that King had something to do with Boystown? You are a never watched it because what you would have learned would be impossible to forget. Julian Assange said that he didn't get his info from Russia. We know that Seth Rich was the suspected leak and he was murdered shortly after the leaks started coming out. We also know that a U.K ambassador came forward and even admitted that he got the thumb drive that had the e-mails on it from Rich that he then gave to Assange.

FURTHERMORE, I have been very upfront that I wouldn't give a shit about which intelligence agency that it was that was revealing corruption. Russia isn't any kind of an enemy....they aren't diddly squat compared to the Chi-Coms that were given a deep sea water port by the Clintons and then given access to the patent office. Since the USSR was taken down when their currency was intentionally taken down (using currency swaps) and the assets that they had were stripped away by the very banking oligarchs that funded their rise to begin with via the the Deep State, Russia has been trying to rebuild itself and is a nationalist country. Putin isn't perfect but he isn't in any position to to fight any war. They lack the manpower because their population has been depleted and they have been weakened financially by the price of oil. Their biggest saving grace is that they kicked out the central bankers. USA.INC is the biggest terrorist threat on this country and has been since their first coup when they took out the duly elected leader in Iran in 1953. You bitch that you believe that some foreign entity that exposed the cheating of the DNC somehow affected the results of the election is an utter joke and especially when you compare it to how many coups USA.INC has financed outright or indirectly by groups they funded and armed in order to fight a proxy war.You have a lot to learn, my have a LOT to learn.

Trump is the best shot this country has had to fight off the international bankers since JFK and he has "white hats" working with him or he would be dead by now...I honestly believe that. You have no fucking clue as to what has been done to the people of this country. You are a debt slave with NO allodial rights to only have what you have because "the state" says you can have it and it goes all the way back to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of March 1933 and "real money" was turned in for Federal Reserve notes under the threat of prison and a huge fine.........I know a lot of things....a LOT of things that you don't. I am trying to share.

Yes I did watch it... and he ran a bank and he used that bank as a way to get his claws into Boystown by offering them loans. He then would recruit boys there to sell their services to Politicians.

Holy fuck, didn't watch it at all...and you were too fucking lazy to even do a "Google"
Dale, Podesta is 67 years old, his 'children' are full grown adults... please stop being so stupid and gullible!

He is 67 years old and a pedophile pervert....that child he was abusing wasn't his blood was an abuse victim.

I know about the O.T.O (Ordo Templi Orientis), the luciferian cult that the highest ranking freemason ever by the name of Aleister Crowley started using "sex magic" and "spirit cooking" using rituals that inculded the terrorizing and sexual abuse of shildren to "steal" their energy. Have you seen the "Cremation of Care" ritual at Bohemian Grove that was captured on film in 2000? Look it up on youtube and tell me that there isn't anything weird about it. I know al lot about this.....and my knowledge of the occult practices that the rich and powerful is soooo over your head.

What you do need to wake up and realize is that the same pedophile ring that was busted in the U.K when Jimmy Savile died has been the same in this country for decades. They bust the low hanging fruit. When the rank and file members of the FBI or huge city detective units like the NYPD, they are shut down. Ted Gunderson was a 30 year member of the FBI and his investigations were thwarted and his name smeared. John Rothstein was an NYPD detective that started working on this satanic underground pedophile network was assigned to this very task in 1967 and he has given interviews stating as to how they were only to go after them to a certain point. You want to ignore this so that you sleep better at night? Do you think that me and millions of others are going to stay silent? Guess again.....

You're delusional and you need help.

Eat shit, you enabling klunt.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

For all you need to watch this and then go back and look up the Franklin Scandal concerning the use of teenage boys and girls for sex bribery by Larry King, a prominent black Republican that supplied these children to some of the most high ranking politicians in D.C in the late 80's and early 90's. You can watch the documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence", a BBC documentary that was not allowed to be aired on the Discovery Channel and was yanked at the last minute on youtube.

These are our children...the most innocent among us. You cannot turn a blind eye to this.

I've watched that video, he ran a bank and he had something to do with Boystown. Now with that being said, you come up with this kind of stuff on Podesta with no real evidence and you swear up and down he is guilty and it is true, and then when given evidence of Russia meddling in the U.S. elections you deny it. Do you not see the problems there? You reach sooo far on shit you WANT to be true, and then you totally deny shit that actually has evidence.

Really? You watched it and all you came away with was that King had something to do with Boystown? You are a never watched it because what you would have learned would be impossible to forget. Julian Assange said that he didn't get his info from Russia. We know that Seth Rich was the suspected leak and he was murdered shortly after the leaks started coming out. We also know that a U.K ambassador came forward and even admitted that he got the thumb drive that had the e-mails on it from Rich that he then gave to Assange.

FURTHERMORE, I have been very upfront that I wouldn't give a shit about which intelligence agency that it was that was revealing corruption. Russia isn't any kind of an enemy....they aren't diddly squat compared to the Chi-Coms that were given a deep sea water port by the Clintons and then given access to the patent office. Since the USSR was taken down when their currency was intentionally taken down (using currency swaps) and the assets that they had were stripped away by the very banking oligarchs that funded their rise to begin with via the the Deep State, Russia has been trying to rebuild itself and is a nationalist country. Putin isn't perfect but he isn't in any position to to fight any war. They lack the manpower because their population has been depleted and they have been weakened financially by the price of oil. Their biggest saving grace is that they kicked out the central bankers. USA.INC is the biggest terrorist threat on this country and has been since their first coup when they took out the duly elected leader in Iran in 1953. You bitch that you believe that some foreign entity that exposed the cheating of the DNC somehow affected the results of the election is an utter joke and especially when you compare it to how many coups USA.INC has financed outright or indirectly by groups they funded and armed in order to fight a proxy war.You have a lot to learn, my have a LOT to learn.

Trump is the best shot this country has had to fight off the international bankers since JFK and he has "white hats" working with him or he would be dead by now...I honestly believe that. You have no fucking clue as to what has been done to the people of this country. You are a debt slave with NO allodial rights to only have what you have because "the state" says you can have it and it goes all the way back to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of March 1933 and "real money" was turned in for Federal Reserve notes under the threat of prison and a huge fine.........I know a lot of things....a LOT of things that you don't. I am trying to share.

Yes I did watch it... and he ran a bank and he used that bank as a way to get his claws into Boystown by offering them loans. He then would recruit boys there to sell their services to Politicians.

Holy fuck, didn't watch it at all...and you were too fucking lazy to even do a "Google"
Dale, Podesta is 67 years old, his 'children' are full grown adults... please stop being so stupid and gullible!

He is 67 years old and a pedophile pervert....that child he was abusing wasn't his blood was an abuse victim.

I know about the O.T.O (Ordo Templi Orientis), the luciferian cult that the highest ranking freemason ever by the name of Aleister Crowley started using "sex magic" and "spirit cooking" using rituals that inculded the terrorizing and sexual abuse of shildren to "steal" their energy. Have you seen the "Cremation of Care" ritual at Bohemian Grove that was captured on film in 2000? Look it up on youtube and tell me that there isn't anything weird about it. I know al lot about this.....and my knowledge of the occult practices that the rich and powerful is soooo over your head.

What you do need to wake up and realize is that the same pedophile ring that was busted in the U.K when Jimmy Savile died has been the same in this country for decades. They bust the low hanging fruit. When the rank and file members of the FBI or huge city detective units like the NYPD, they are shut down. Ted Gunderson was a 30 year member of the FBI and his investigations were thwarted and his name smeared. John Rothstein was an NYPD detective that started working on this satanic underground pedophile network was assigned to this very task in 1967 and he has given interviews stating as to how they were only to go after them to a certain point. You want to ignore this so that you sleep better at night? Do you think that me and millions of others are going to stay silent? Guess again.....

You're delusional and you need help.

Eat shit, you enabling klunt.

I did watch the fucking video. What have I said that was wrong??? Part of why he got busted was one of the boys he used to recruit other boys turned on him and reported what was going on.
Dale, Podesta is 67 years old, his 'children' are full grown adults... please stop being so stupid and gullible!
He's into BDSM with underage kids. That what his black and white handkerchief signified.

White = underaged
Map = Sex stain.

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